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Linear Temporal Logic and Propositional Schemata, Back and Forth


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Linear Temporal Logic and Propositional Schemata,

Back and Forth

Vincent Aravantinos, Ricardo Caferra, Nicolas Peltier

To cite this version:

Vincent Aravantinos, Ricardo Caferra, Nicolas Peltier. Linear Temporal Logic and Propositional

Schemata, Back and Forth. TIME 2011 - International Symposium on Temporal Representation and

Reasoning, Sep 2011, Lubeck, Germany. pp.80-87, �10.1109/TIME.2011.11�. �hal-00931690�


Linear Temporal Logic and Propositional Schemata, Back and Forth

Vincent Aravantinos, Ricardo Caferra, Nicolas Peltier

Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble (CNRS, Grenoble INP)

Bâtiment IMAG C - 220 rue de la Chimie 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères



This paper relates the well-known Linear Temporal Logic [22] with the logic of propositional schemata intro-duced in [1]. We prove that LTL is equivalent to a class of schemata in the sense that polynomial-time reductions ex-ist from one logic to the other. Some consequences about complexity are given. We report about first experiments and the consequences about possible improvements in existing implementations are analyzed.

1. Introduction

Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is a very well-known logic introduced in [22] for verifying computer programs. It is widely used to reason on finite state transition systems. On the other hand, propositional schemata have been intro-duced in [1]. They extend the language of propositional logic with indexed propositions (such as pn, p1or pi+1) and

iterated connectives of the form Wn

i=0φ or


i=0φ. Note

that n denotes a parameter, interpreted as a natural num-ber. If arbitrary expressions for indices and iterations are al-lowed in the schema, then the satisfiability problem is unde-cidable, but we have identified in [1, 2, 4] some subclasses for which this problem is decidable. The simplest of these classes is called regular: it is defined by restricting both the indices of the propositions, that must be of the form k or n + k where k ∈ Z and n is a variable, and iterations, that must be non-nested and of the form Vn+l

i=kφ where n is a

variable and k, l ∈ Z. Decision procedures are designed in [1, 2] and an implementation is available [3].

LTL and propositional schemata share many common features and trying to compare them precisely is a rather natural and, hopefully, fruitful idea. In both logics, inter-pretations can be viewed as arrays of propositional func-tions and the formulae relate the values of these funcfunc-tions at different states. The indices of the propositions in the

This work has been partly funded by the project ASAP of the French

Agence Nationale de la Recherche(ANR-09-BLAN-04-07-01)

schematic case may be viewed as the time in LTL. Thus comparing the expressing powers and complexities of those two logics, and, if possible, defining translations from one logic to the other is a natural and potentially rewarding is-sue. Notice that there already exist several results relating LTL to other formalisms like monadic second order logic via Büchi automata [29], monadic first order logic over nat-ural numbers [16] or star-free regular languages [27]. How-ever, there is a fundamental difference between these lan-guages and the logic of schemata: they deal with infinite ob-jects (infinite interpretations in the case of LTL or first order logic over natural numbers, infinite words in the case of star-free regular languages), whereas schemata deal with intrin-sically finite (but unbounded) interpretations. This subtle but important difference introduces difficulties in the defini-tion of such transladefini-tions. This topic bears some similarities with the approach of [10] where problems on Bücchi au-tomata are reduced to problems on finite auau-tomata by using the ultimately periodic property of ω-regular languages.

Note that finite interpretation is sometimes a desired fea-ture: restricting LTL to finite traces has been considered in [14], and has applications in, e.g., planning or runtime ver-ification [5, 6, 8]. It can be argued that the use of LTL in such contexts is a bit overkilling. Indeed, often, rather than considering finite traces per se, the preferred approach is to turn them into infinite traces by infinitely repeating the last state. It seems to us that it would be more natural to use schemata for such applications. In the present work, it is shown that doing so entails no loss in expressive power.

In the present paper, we show that LTL is equivalent to a particular subclass of regular schemata, referred to as sequential. More precisely, we define algorithms translat-ing formulae from one logic into the other and preservtranslat-ing satisfiability. We believe that these results are interesting from a theoretical perspective since they provide useful in-formation about the expressive power of the respective for-malisms. Furthermore they allow to import the complex-ity results of LTL into schemata. From a practical point of view, the existence of a polynomial reduction from a class of propositional schemata into LTL allows one to


ben-efit from the many existing efficient decision procedures for this logic (tableaux methods, e.g. [28, 24], resolution-based methods, e.g. [15], or reductions to model checking, e.g. [23, 13]), implementations [7, 20, 11, 13] and experimenta-tion tools [17]. Conversely, the reverse reducexperimenta-tion might give further ideas for the design of new techniques to decide LTL satisfiability. In particular, since a DPLL-based procedure exists for schemata [2], it might help to design such a pro-cedure for LTL. On another hand, this reduction is very rem-iniscent of the translation from LTL to propositional logic encountered in bounded model checking (BMC) [9]. Con-trarily to BMC however, our reduction is complete, it might thus give new ideas to achieve completeness in BMC.

The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we de-fine LTL and the logic of propositional schemata. In Sec-tion 3 we show how to relate the interpretaSec-tions of both for-malisms. A polynomial algorithm transforming any sequen-tial schema into an equivalent LTL formula is presented in Section 4, and Section 5 tackles the reverse translation, i.e. from LTL formulae to schemata. Section 6 presents the results about first experiments with those translations and sketches the possible improvements inspired by those ex-periments. Finally, Section 7 briefly concludes our work.

The extended version of the present paper (http://membres-liglab.imag.fr/aravantinos/ Site/Publications_files/LTLextended/doc.pdf) contains additional figures, examples and all proofs that are omitted here due to space restrictions.

2. Definitions and notations

In the following, φ, φ1, φ2 denote LTL formulae,

s, s1, s2 denote schemata, σ denotes an LTL or

proposi-tional interpretation, I, M denote schema interpretations, e, f, g denote (Presburger) arithmetic expressions, n, i de-note arithmetic variables (n will be used for a free arithmetic variable and i for a bound one). Note that n, i are written in sans serif in order to distinguish them from meta variables denoting natural numbers, that will be written n, i.

Both LTL and schemata have propositional logic as a common basis. Furthermore, in both languages, proposi-tional variables are accompanied with a natural number (an instant in the case of LTL, an index for schemata). So stead of defining, as in classical propositional logic, an in-terpretation as a function mapping each propositional vari-able to a truth value, we rather define interpretations as functions mapping pairs of propositional variables and nat-ural numbersto truth values. Formally:a propositional in-terpretation over a set of propositional variables P is a function from P × N to {T, F}. An interpretation σ is rep-resented by the set of all pairs (variable, natural number) that are true in σ. Most of the time we do not need to make that set explicit. For instance, when interpreting a given

for-mula φ, it will be implicitly assumed that we consider only interpretations over sets that contain the variables of φ.

2.1. LTL

The syntax of LTL formulae over the set of propositional variables P is given by the following grammar:

φ ::= > | P | ¬φ | φ ∧ φ | Xφ | φUφ

Xφ means that φ holds at the next instant (“X” for neXt). φUψ means that φ holds until ψ holds (“U” for Until). We will also use the following abbreviations: Fφ = >Uφ anddef Gφ = ¬F¬φ, meaning respectively “φ eventually holds”def and “φ always holds”. The abbreviations ∨, ⇒ and ⇔ are defined as usual (the naive elimination of ⇔ is exponential but it can be made linear by using renaming of subformulae as usual, which preserves satisfiability). See [22] for details. LTL formulae are usually interpreted over infinite paths in a transition system, together with a labelling that maps every state to a set of propositional variables. Such se-quences are often called computations or behaviours. We will simply call them LTL interpretations. For uniformity, we define formally an LTL interpretation as a propositional interpretation in the sense given above (we do not make ex-plicit the notions of states, transition systems and labelling). Then σ(t) denotes the set of variables p that are true at time t, i.e. such that (p, t) ∈ σ. The satisfaction relation of an LTL formula φ under such an interpretation σ is de-fined w.r.t. an instant t, written σ, t |= φ. This means that the formula φ holds at time t. Formally: let φ be an LTL formula, σ be a propositional interpretation and t ∈ N. The relation σ, t |= φ is inductively defined as follows: σ, t |= >, σ, t |= p iff (p, t) ∈ σ, σ, t |= ¬φ iff σ, t 6|= φ, σ, t |= φ1 ∧ φ2 iff σ, t |= φ1 and σ, t |= φ2, σ, t |=

Xφ iff σ, t + 1 |= φ and σ, t |= φ1Uφ2iff ∃k ∈ N s.t. ∀i ∈

N, i < k ⇒ σ, t + i |= φ1and σ, t + k |= φ2. The notation

σ |= φ means that φ is true in σ at time 0.

A fundamental property of LTL is the “ultimately peri-odic model property” [26]. Namely, if an LTL formula is satisfiable, then it is satisfiable on some ultimately periodic interpretation. An ultimately periodic (“UP”) interpreta-tionis an LTL interpretation σ s.t. there exist k, l ∈ N s.t. l > 0 and for all m ≥ k, σ(m) = σ(m + l). The sequence σ(0) . . . σ(k − 1) is the prefix of σ and σ(k) . . . σ(k + l − 1) its loop, k is the prefix index and l is the period. The UP model property allows to focus on finite sets of instants only, since a UP model is uniquely characterized by the natural numbers k, l and the truth value of propositional variables between time 0 and k + l.


2.2. Schemata

We now present the syntax and semantics of schemata. Since the present paper focusses only on a special kind of schemata, called “sequential”, we only define this subclass (we refer to, e.g., [4] for the general definition). Let P be a set of propositional variables. Let n, i be two distinct sym-bols called arithmetic variables. We call n the parameter and i the index variable. For every p ∈ P, k ∈ N1: p


pn+k and pi+k are called indexed propositions. Iteration

bodiesare defined by the following grammar: ib ::= > | ¬ib | ib ∧ ib | pi+k

We can then define the grammar of sequential propositional schemata, or SPS, as follows:

sps ::= > | ¬sps | sps ∧ sps | pn+k| pk|V n−1 i=0 ib

An expression of the formVn−1

i=0 ib is called an iteration. We


i=0 ib as ¬


i=0 ¬ib. We define ∨, ⇒ and ⇔ as

usual (both for iteration bodies and for SPS). For instance, p0∧V n−1 i=0(pi ⇒ pi+1) ∧ ¬pnor V n−1 i=0 pi∧W n−1 i=0 ¬piare

SPS. The essential point of schemata is that iterations are symbolic expressions: n is a formal parameter, not a meta variable denoting any number. The specificity of SPS is that they represent a structure which is sequentially repeated, n being considered as the length of the sequence.

An SPS is interpreted by first giving a value to n – which gives raise to a propositional formula φ, called an “instance” of the SPS – and then by giving a value to the proposi-tional variables of φ. Note that a (non-trivial) SPS has an infinite set of instances. The substitution of x ∈ {n, i} by m ∈ N is written [m/x]. The application of a substitution to indexed propositions is defined by: pn+k[m/n]


= pm+k,



= pm+k and in every other case the substitution

has no effect. Applying a substitution to an iteration body is trivially done by propagating the substitution to the atoms (there is no problem of capture since no connective inside an iteration body can bind a variable). Then, let s be an SPS and m ∈ N. The instance of s w.r.t. m is the propositional formula hsiminductively defined by:

hpeim def = pe[m/n] h¬sim def = ¬hsim hVn−1 i=0 sim def = > if m = 0 hs1∧ s2im def = hs1im∧ hs2im hVn−1 i=0 sim def = hs[0/i]im∧ . . . ∧ hs[m − 1/i]imif m > 0

For example, the following are the instances of p0 ∧


i=0(pi ⇒ pi+1) ∧ ¬pn for m = 0, 1, 2, respectively:

p0∧ ¬p0, p0∧ (p0⇒ p1) ∧ ¬p1, p0∧ (p0⇒ p1) ∧ (p1⇒

1As usual, k may be encoded in unary or in binary, as a sequence of

digits. The choice between the two encodings has a significant influence on the complexity of the translations.

p2) ∧ ¬p2. An instance is a usual propositional formula

ex-cept that each variable is indexed with a natural number. So we just need a propositional interpretation to interpret this formula: let φ be a propositional formula whose variables are indexed by natural numbers, and σ a propositional in-terpretation. Then σ |= φ is defined as usual by induction on the structure of φ except that, for any indexed variable pk, σ |= pk iff (p, k) ∈ σ. We thus define a schema

in-terpretationas a pair consisting of a propositional interpre-tation and a natural number. Then a schema s is true in a schema interpretation I = (σ, n) iff σ |= hsin. We also

write I |= s. Contrarily to general schemata, the satisfiabil-ity problem for SPS is decidable [4].

3. Translating interpretations

In the next sections we will see translations of LTL for-mulae into SPS and conversely. Some semantic translations underlie those syntactic ones. We make them explicit now in order to give preliminary insights.

3.1. From schemata to LTL

Consider a schema interpretation (σ, n). Given a schema interpretation (σ, n), its first component σ can already be considered as an LTL interpretation, but we still need to represent the second component n. This is done by using special LTL interpretations (which are also propositional in-terpretations) called “initial segments”:

Definition 1. Let σ be a propositional interpretation over a set of variables P. σ is an initial segment of length k ∈ N for some p ∈ P iff (p, t) ∈ σ ⇔ t < k.

The key feature of initial segments is that they can be put in correspondence with natural numbers. Namely, we can associate a canonical initial segment to every natural number and a natural number to every initial segment. This correspondence allows us to define the following transfor-mation for schema interpretations:

Definition 2. Let P be a set of propositional variables and let “t < n” 6∈ P be a propositional variable. Let I = (σ, n) be a schema interpretation over P. Then TIU is the LTL interpretation over P ∪ {t < n} which is an initial segment of length n for t < n and which is defined as σ over P. Conversely, T.U−1 is the function that maps every initial segment σ of length n for t < n to the schema interpretation (τ, n) where τ is the restriction of σ to P.

For instance, let I be the schema interpretation ({p0, q0, p1, p2, q3}, 3). Then TIU = {p, q, t < n} →

{p, t < n} → {p, t < n} → {q} → {} →

{} → . . . Conversely, let σ be the LTL interpre-tation {q, t < n} → {q, t < n} → {p, t < n} →


{p, q, t < n} → {p} → {p} → . . . , then TσU

−1 =

({q0, q1, p2, p3, q3, p4, p5, . . . }, 4).

The mapT.U is a bijection between schema interpreta-tions over P and initial segments over P ∪ {t < n}. Indeed, T.U

−1is its inverse. Initial segments thus allow us to

simu-late finite models in LTL. The set of initial segments can be specified in LTL as follows:

Proposition 3. Let φt<n<


= (t < n)UG(¬t < n). Then an LTL interpretation is a model ofφt<n< iff it is an initial

seg-ment fort < n.

We can also specify a proposition eqntrue only at time n.

This is axiomatized by: Axt=n


= G(t < n ∧ ¬X(t < n) ⇔ X(eqn)) ∧ (¬t < n ⇔ eqn). To improve readability, eqn will be written t = n. Let σ be an initial segment for t < n of length n s.t. σ, 0 |= Axt=n. Then it is easily shown that

σ, t |= t = n iff t = n.

3.2. From LTL to schemata

The inverse translation is harder: embedding LTL into schemata means that we must represent the infinite inter-pretations of LTL using only schema interinter-pretations, which are finite. Of course this is impossible in general. How-ever, as we are concerned with satisfiability, we can restrict ourselves to UP interpretations. Since those can be finitely represented, we will be able to embed them into schema interpretations. This is achieved via “2-initial segments”: Definition 4. A schema interpretation I = (σ, n) is a 2-initial segmentfor a propositional variable p iff there is k ≤ n s.t., for every l ∈ {0, . . . , n}, we have (p, l) ∈ σ ⇔ l < k. We call k the short length of I and n + 1 is its long length. For instance, the schema interpretation ({p0, p1, p2}, 5)

is a 2-initial segment w.r.t. p. Its short length is 3, its long length is 6. We call this a 2-initial segment because two initial segments are characterized: {0, . . . , k − 1} and {0, . . . , n}. But notice that p is not specified above n. This is not a problem since we will not need such values in the translations. The notion of 2-initial segment is useful be-cause, much in the same way in which initial segments cor-respond to natural numbers, 2-initial segments corcor-respond to pairs of different natural numbers. We can now define the following transformation for UP interpretations: Definition 5. Let σ be a UP interpretation of prefix index k and of period l over a set P, and let “pfx” 6∈ P be a propositional variable. ThenVσW is the schema interpreta-tion (τ, k + l − 1) where τ is defined as an initial segment of length k for pfx and preserving the value of σ on P. Remark 6. The mapV.W embeds the prefix index and the period inside schema interpretations, but it is impossible to

specify the fact that an interpretation is a UP interpretation: this would require to express that the interpretation loops in-definitely. Such an “infinite” behaviour cannot be specified with schemata. This will not be a problem in the following because, for a given LTL formula, one only needs to specify this behaviour in the range {0, . . . , k + l − 1}.

For similar reasons,V.W is not a bijection in general, un-like T.U. It is actually a bijection between UP interpreta-tions and 2-initial segments if we restrict the latter to the values assigned to variables whose index is between 0 and k +l −1. This will indeed be the case in our reduction since, as just explained, we will not need the values for other in-dices. ThenV.W−1is defined as follows:

Definition 7. Let (σ, n) be a 2-initial segment for pfx. Then Vσ, nW

−1 is defined as the unique UP interpretation such

that: 1. its prefix is the set of instants s.t. pfx holds in I; 2. its period l is n − k + 1, where k is the prefix index; 3. for all p 6= pfx and all t ≤ n, (p, t) ∈VI, nW−1iff (p, t) ∈ I. Proposition 8. Let spfx be the SPS¬pfxn∧



pfxi). A schema interpretation is a model of spfx iff it is a 2-initial segment for pfx.

This proposition shows that 2-initial segments can be specified using schemata. The beginning of the loop can be referred to by using a propositional variable eqki, in-tended to be true only when i is equal to the prefix index k of the interpretation. This can be axiomatized as follows: Axi=k


= (¬pfx0⇔ eqk 0)∧


i=0(pfxi∧¬pfxi+1⇔ eqki+1).

To improve readability, eqk

i will be written “i = k”.

4. Embedding SPS in LTL

Now, given an SPS s, we build an LTL formula bsc which is satisfiable iff s is satisfiable. The main desider-atum of b.c is that for every model M of an SPS s, the interpretationTMU is a model of bsc. By Proposition 3, every interpretation s.t. φt<n< holds is an initial segment of

length n for a propositional variable “t < n”. Furthermore, Axt=nenables to use the variable “t = n”. Our translation

thus includes those formulae.

Definition 9. Let s be an SPS. Then bsc is an LTL formula defined as bsc= bscdef prop∧ φt<n< ∧ Axt=nwhere bscpropis

inductively defined as follows: b>cprop def = > bpkcprop def = Xkp bpn+kcprop def = G(t = n ⇒ Xkp) bpi+kcprop def = Xkp b¬scprop def = ¬bscprop


bs1∧ s2cprop def = bs1cprop∧ bs2cprop b n−1 ^ i=0 scprop def = G(t < n ⇒ bscprop)

where k ∈ N, i 6= n, and Xkφ is X. . . Xφ with k X’s. For instance, bp0∧Vn−1i=0(pi ⇒ pi+1) ∧ ¬pnc = p ∧

G(t < n ⇒ p ⇒ Xp) ∧ ¬G(t = n ⇒ p) ∧ φt<n< ∧ Axt=n.

Note that, although other encodings are of course possible, the use of the connective G (or, more generally, U) cannot, of course, be avoided. We have then:

Theorem 10. Let s be a SPS. ThenT.U is a bijection be-tween the models ofs and the models of bsc. The inverse bijection isT.U


An obvious consequence is that s is satisfiable iff bsc is satisfiable. However our result is more interesting since it provides more insights about the translation and makes ex-plicit the inverse transformation for interpretations, which is useful for model building. Consequently we can use any LTL satisfiability solver to solve the satisfiability problem for SPS: we simply translate the input schema to LTL with b.c and then launch the LTL solver on the output formula. Thus the satisfiability problem for SPS can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for LTL. Notice furthermore that if the solver finds a model, then we can translate it back to a schema model using the inverse translationT.U


We can easily study the complexity of this transforma-tion. Let #s denote the size of a schema s, in number of symbols, and let #ints denote the size of the biggest

num-ber occurring in s, expressed w.r.t. the size of s. This is to take into account the fact that numbers can be encoded either in unary or in binary: if they are encoded in binary then #ints = O(2#s), but if they are encoded in unary

then #ints = O(#s). It may also happen that we

con-sider only schemata whose biggest number is bounded by some constant; in such a case, we have #ints = O(1). This

case is worth considering since we may increase the size of a schema without increasing the numbers that occur in it. Then, for every SPS s, we have #bsc = O(#s.#ints).

Consequently, b.c is linear if numbers are bounded by con-stants, quadratic if numbers are encoded in unary, exponen-tial if they are encoded in binary. Since the satisfiability of LTL is in PSPACE [26]:

Theorem 11. The satisfiability of SPS is in PSPACE (resp. EXPSPACE) if numbers are encoded in unary or bounded by constants (resp. coded in binary).

5. Embedding LTL in SPS

We now tackle the reverse embedding. We need the UP model property to obtain a successful translation, written

d.e, of LTL formulae into SPS. The aim of d.e is that for every model σ of an LTL formula φ, the interpretationVσW (Definition 5) is a model of dφe. This transformation uses a structure-preserving approach: for each subformula φ (dif-ferent from an indexed proposition) of the original formula, we introduce a fresh propositional variable written |φ|. For an indexed proposition p, |p| = p. Each indexed proposi-def tional variable |φ|i, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, is then intended to be true iff the subformula φ is true at time i. Formally, we extendV.W as follows:

Definition 12. Let σ be a UP interpretation and φ an LTL formula. Then: for every propositional variable of the form |ψ| for some subformula ψ of φ, (|ψ| , t) ∈ VσW iff σ, t |= ψ; for every other variable, VσW is defined as de-scribed early on.

Furthermore, for each subformula of the form φ1Uφ2,

we add another propositional variable called |φ1U0φ2|

(called this way because its behaviour is very close to the one of U) interpreted as T at t ∈ N iff there is t0 ∈ N s.t. t ≤ t0 ≤ k + l − 1 where φ1holds between t and t0− 1

and φ2holds at t0, i.e. the semantics are the same as for U

except that the instant when φ2occurs must happen before

the end of the loop (as explained thereafter, this variable is used to ensure that the eventuality indeed happens).

The inverse operation is defined as in Definition 7 ex-cept that the value of any variable |ψ| is “forgotten”. The translation is done by adding axioms to compute the val-ues of the newly introduced propositional variables (relat-ing these values to the ones of the propositional variables originally occurring in the formula). As we shall see, the specification of those new variables is straightforward when the head symbol of the subformula is a boolean connective: the value of the considered variable can be directly related to the values of the variables corresponding to the operands, see definition of Ax¬φand Axφ1∧φ2in Definition 13 below.

When the head symbol of the subformula is a temporal connective, we have to distinguish whether the index de-notes a time lower or equal to n (since the interpretation is UP, we only have to consider the time interval {0, . . . , n}). In both cases, the value of the considered propositional vari-able |φ| at time i is related to the one of the varivari-ables at the next instant. If i < n then this next instant is easy to com-pute: it is simply i + 1. But if i = n, since the value of the variables |φ| are specified only on the interval {0, . . . , n} we cannot refer to the time n + 1 and we have to take advan-tage of the fact that the interpretation is periodic: since n necessarily corresponds to the end of the periodic part, the next instant must be the beginning of the loop. This is eas-ily handled in the X case: if we have Xφ at time n then we must have φ at time k where k is the beginning of the loop. In the U case, if we have φ1Uφ2at time n then we have


k and n−1 (by taking the loop into account). In this case we have to check that φ2holds between k and n−1, and that φ1

holds in between. This check is triggered by the use of the new connective U0, whose specification is thus added to the definition. Intuitively, φ1U0φ2may be seen as a connective

interpreted as φ1Uφ2, except that the formula φ2must hold

at the latest at time n (notice that using U instead of U0 would yield an ill-founded definition: the eventuality could be always delayed and never fulfilled).

Definition 13. Let φ be an LTL formula. Then dφe is dφe=def |φ|0∧ Φφ ∧ spfx

≤ ∧ Axi=k where Φφ stands forV

V V{Axψ |

ψ is a subformula of φ} and Axψis defined by:

Ax> def =Vn i=0|>|i Ax¬φ def =Vn i=0(|¬φ|i⇔ ¬ |φ|i) Axφ1∧φ2 def =Vn i=0(|φ1∧ φ2|i⇔ |φ1|i∧ |φ2|i) AxXφ def =Vn−1 i=0(|Xφ|i⇔ |φ|i+1) ∧(|Xφ|n⇔Vn i=0(i = k ⇒ |φ|i))

and Axφ1Uφ2is the conjunction of the following formulae:


i=0(|φ1Uφ2|i⇔ |φ2|i∨ (|φ1|i∧ |φ1Uφ2|i+1))

|φ1Uφ2|n⇔ (|φ2|n∨ |φ1|n∧ Vn i=0(i = k ⇒ |φ1U0φ2|i)) Vn−1 i=0(|φ1U0φ2|i⇔ |φ2|i∨ (|φ1|i∧ |φ1U0φ2|i+1)) |φ1U0φ2|n⇔ |φ2|n whereVn

i=0s is a shortcut for


i=0 s ∧ s[n/i] (we need to

define this as an abbreviation so that the schema be indeed sequential).

Theorem 14. Let φ be an LTL formula. ThenV.W is a bi-jection between UP models ofφ and models of dφe (if the latter are restricted to the values of variables occurring in the corresponding instance).V.W

−1is the inverse bijection.

It is trivial that #dφe is linear w.r.t. #φ. Thus:

Theorem 15. The satisfiability problem for SPS is PSPACE-complete if numbers are encoded in unary or bounded by a constant.

For practical efficiency, we can improve over Definition 13. We can translate the purely propositional connectives directly, i.e. without axiomatising them: any occurrence of an atom |>|e(resp. |¬φ|e, resp. |φ1∧ φ2|e) is directly

replaced by > (resp. ¬|φ|e, resp. |φ1|e∧ |φ2|e) repeatedly

until there is no more such occurrence. The same applies to ∨, ⇒ and ⇔. Those are defined as abbreviations in the present paper in order to simplify definitions, but it is of course more efficient in practice to translate them directly when available as primitive connectives (obviously, this is also true for Definition 9).

Another optimization can be devised by observing that all schemata decision procedures [1, 2] reason by induction

on n, i.e. they refute a schema for any value of n by re-duction to the case n − 1. In our rere-duction, n corresponds to the last instant of the UP interpretation. Consequently, a schema procedure applied to a translated LTL formula starts by considering the last instant of the interpretation and then going backward. This is counter natural since we try to re-fute a formula at time 0. To tackle this problem we just need to change the translation by “inverting the time”: i.e. the in-dex 0 will be interpreted as the last instant of the period and the index n as its first instant. Concretely, in Definition 13, we just rewrite every index i − 1 into i, every index i into i + 1, every index 0 into n, and every index n into 0. Exper-iments with this translation indeed confirm that conjectures are refuted faster using this new translation.

Remark 16. The translation given here might remind the reader of bounded model checking (BMC) [9]. A very im-portant difference however is that our reduction is complete, which is of course not the case of BMC. Indeed, the whole point of schemata is to reason about an infinite family of propositional formulae without having to instantiate the pa-rameter. Our translation could of course be used for BMC, simply by instantiating the parameter with successive natu-ral numbers. However the converse does not hold: not every translation found in BMC could fit instead of Definition 13, since the result must respect the syntactical criteria ensur-ing decidability of the satisfiability problem. For instance, renaming sub-formulae by propositional variables is just an optimization in the case of BMC whereas in our case, it is neededsince, otherwise, the resulting schema would not be sequential (and not even regular). Completeness is an im-portant problem in BMC which is usually tackled with no-tions like completeness thresholds and recurrence diameter [9] or induction [25]. Thorough analysis of how schemata procedures handle the above translation could give new ideas in order to get completeness for BMC.

6. Implementation

The implementations of both translations are available athttp://membres-liglab.imag.fr/aravantinos/ Site/Software.html. Some preliminary experiments have been achieved on a few benchmarks: standard schemata examples provided with RegSTAB[3] have been translated to LTL (note that the examples have been slightly modified in order to fit the constraints of SPS) and stan-dard LTL pattern formulae [23] have been translated to SPS. The performance of RegSTABand pltl (http://users. cecs.anu.edu.au/~rpg/software.html) have been compared on both benchmarks. In both cases, pltl clearly outperformed RegSTAB. We see two reasons to this:

• RegSTABdeals with regular schemata, which are more general than SPS. In particular, the decision procedure


for such schemata requires the detection and elimina-tion of pure literals (an adaptaelimina-tion of the “Affirmative-negative rule” of [12]), which is well-known to be a huge time-consuming task (and this is even more the case for schemata since we have to deal with a sym-bolicnotion of pure literal). This auxiliary procedure is needed for termination, and is mainly a consequence of the “non-local” aspect of schemata.

• With LTL procedures, given a formula φ, one knows in advance all the formulae that will occur in the de-duction process: all of them belong to the closure of φ (merely the set of all subformulae of φ, closed by nega-tion and unfolding of temporal formulae); this permits the use of efficient data structures to represent sets of formulae, e.g. pltl uses bitsets. This is not the case of SPS (and even more regular schemata), e.g. refuting a schema containingVn

i=0pipotentially leads to the

in-troduction of pn, pn−1, pn−2, etc. By termination for

regular schemata [1], this enumeration is finite but one does not know in advance how far it has to go. Hence the data structures used in RegSTAB are much heav-ier: e.g. we use balanced trees for sets of formulae. Thus, for big examples, the memory is easily saturated and RegSTABspends much of its time in its handling which was absolutely not the case of pltl.

The most important reason seems to be the second one. It can actually be tackled in order to improve RegSTAB perfor-mance: we can syntactically extract from the input schema a bound for the above enumeration pn, pn−1, pn−2, . . . by

analysis of the termination proof for regular schemata. Im-plementing this technique is ongoing work.

Yet, there are examples where RegSTABdid better than pltl. Consider (p1 ⇒ qn+1) ∧ p1∧ ¬qn+1∧ φ where φ

is any formula involving some iterations. This schema is immediately refuted by RegSTAB, but the bigger φ is, the longer it takes for pltl to refute the corresponding LTL formula. Of course, this example was devised to emphasize one of the strengths of RegSTAB: contrarily to LTL proce-dures in general, and to pltl in particular, reasoning about schemata is global, i.e. RegSTAB may reason simultane-ously on propositions containing various symbolic indices. In contrast, pltl will analyse the formula φ and the contra-diction will appear only at the end of the construction (i.e. by “discovering” eventually that t = n cannot hold at any state, since it would allow to derive a contradiction).

7. Conclusion and future work

LTL formulae and SPS have been shown to be reducible to each other in polynomial time (exponential time when numbers are encoded in binary). The reduction of SPS to LTL is unsurprising. The converse reduction makes use of

the well-known fact that the infinite semantics of LTL can be finitely represented. This entails that the satisfiability of SPS is PSPACE-complete.

Pros and cons of each logic. Since LTL and SPS are equivalent w.r.t. satisfiability, one may wonder which to favour. There are two major differences between LTL and schemata: first, LTL default interpretations are infinite whereas those of schemata are finite; second, LTL refers to states in an anonymous way, whereas schemata name them. These differences provide us with clear criteria for choosing one logic or the other in different situations: to specify an infinite behaviour, one would naturally use LTL, whereas classes of structurally similar finite behaviours are more naturally specified with schemata. Unsurprisingly, the specification of temporal behaviours falls of course in the first category. But, e.g., the specification of a circuit in-dependently of the number of bits of its input falls in the second category. Consider for instance the specification of a ripple-carry adder:Vn

i=0((si⇔ (xi⊕ yi) ⊕ ci) ∧ (ci+1⇔

(xi∧ yi) ∨ (yi∧ ci) ∨ (xi∧ ci))) ∧ ¬c0, where x0, . . . , xn

and y0, . . . , yn are the input bit vectors of size n; s0, . . . ,

snis the output bit vector and c0, . . . , cnis the carry vector.

Here the indices indeed correspond to the time in a concrete sequential circuit. But from a specification point of view, those indices are just an abstract way to represent a generic scheme of circuits. Consequently, the schema syntax seems better suited to this case (and notice that it is very intuitive). Similarly, the choice between a named or an anonymous representation of states depends on the situation. The X connective is well suited to express properties in a local way, since there is no need to explicitly use an index to refer to the current or the next state. The U connective is also far more intuitive than its translation to SPS to re-fer to some instant satisfying some property in the future. On the other hand, in order to refer to an identified instant of the future, one needs to refer to it by giving it a name, which is easily done with the schema syntax. Consider e.g. the example p0 ∧Vn−1i=0(pi ⇒ pi+1) ∧ ¬pn translated as

p ∧ G(t < n ⇒ p ⇒ Xp) ∧ G(t = n ⇒ ¬p) (plus the necessary axioms φt<n< ∧ Axt=n) in LTL. One can even

specify behaviours after that time (but this goes beyond se-quential schemata [4]), e.g. one can write p0∧V

n i=0(pi ⇒

pi+1) ∧V 2n

i=n(¬pi+1 ⇒ ¬pi) ∧ ¬p2n. It seems improbable

that such a property would be useful in a temporal context, but this could be used to specify planning problems with some predefined strategy e.g. if one wants to allow some set of actions in a first phase of a planning problem and then another set in some other phase of this problem.

Future work.Using the above translations to help export procedures from one logic to another is an obvious follow-up of this work (in particular, DPLLinspired procedures for schemata could help defining such a procedure for LTL). Similarly, as explained in Remark 16, investigating how


model checking is done by translation to schemata could give ideas to define new completeness criteria for bounded model checking. The extension of the presented results to other classes of schemata could also be considered, e.g. schemata with nested iterations (proved decidable in [2, 4]). Translation algorithms from nested schemata into sequen-tial ones exist [4], however they are of double exponensequen-tial complexity. Thus we conjecture that no polynomial-time transformation from nested schemata to LTL exists. The extension of this study to other – more expressive – tem-poral logics could also be of interest. Notably, LTL with past operators [21] seems to be easily handled with (non se-quential) schemata simply by allowing negative numbers in indices. Since implementations for this logic do not have the same support as standard LTL and are generally not as efficient, such a reduction could help in improving those points. One could go even further by making connections between schemata and monadic second order logic (MSO). This would be interesting both in theory and practice, since few implementations are available for MSO (only MONA [19] seems to be actively maintained).


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