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On inert subgroups of a group


Academic year: 2022

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On Inert Subgroups of a Group.


Dedicato al Professor Guido Zappa in occasione del suo novantesimo compleanno.

ABSTRACT- A subgroupHof a groupGis calledinertifjH :H\Hgjis finite for allg inG. If every subgroup ofGis inert, thenGis said to beinertial. After giving an account of the basic properties of inert subgroups, we study the structure of inertial soluble groups. A classification is obtained for the groups which are fi- nitely generated or have finite abelian total rank.

1. Introduction.

A subgroupHof a groupGis said to beinertifjH:H\Hgjis finite for allg2G. This is equivalent to saying thatHis commensurable with each of its conjugates. Obvious examples of inert subgroups are normal subgroups, finite subgroups and subgroups of finite index. Somewhat less obvious is the fact that permutable subgroups are inert (Lemma 3.4 below): here a subgroup His said to be permutable in a group G if HKˆKH for all subgroupsKofG. Recently inert subgroups have received attention in the literature, mainly in the context of locally finite groupsÐsee [1], [2], [3], [6].

A groupGwill be calledinertialif every subgroup ofGis inert (such groups are termed totally inert in [3]). Clearly the class of inertial groups contains all finite groups, Dedekind groups and Tarski monsters, and so it is a highly complex class. On the other hand, Belyaev, Kuzucuoglu and SecËkin [3] have shown that no infinite locally finite simple group can be inertial.

In the present work, after a discussion of the basic properties of inert subgroups, we investigate the structure of soluble inertial groups. While there are many groups of this type, we are able to give complete de-

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A; email: robinson@math.uiuc.edu.


scriptions in the cases where the group is finitely generated or has finite abelian total rank.

2. Results.

We begin by noticing some uncomplicated types of inertial groups.

Suppose that G is a group with an abelian normal subgroup Aof finite index. In addition, assume that eachg2Ginduces a power automorphism in A; thusagˆan for alla2Awherenˆn(a)2Z. ThenG is inertial.

For, if HG, then H\A/G and H=H\A, being finite, is inert in G=H\A. HenceHis inert inGandGis inertial.

More generally, a groupGis said to be inertialof elementary type if there are normal subgroupsFandA, withFA, such thatjFjandjG:Aj are finite,A=Fis abelian and elements ofGinduce power automorphisms inA=F: clearlyGis an inertial group.

Our first two results show that for wide classes of soluble-by-finite groups, the only inertial groups are those of elementary type.

THEOREM A. Let G be a hyper-(abelian or finite) group such that t(G)ˆ1. Then G is inertial if and only if G is abelian or dihedral.

Heret(G) is the unique maximum normal torsion subgroup ofG. Also a group G is called dihedral if there is an abelian group A such that G'Dih (A), where

Dih (A)ˆt;Ajt2ˆ1;at ˆa 1; a2A

; the dihedral group on A.

THEOREM B. Let G be a finitely generated hyper-(abelian-by-finite) group. Then G is inertial if and only if it has a torsion-free abelian normal subgroup of finite index in which elements of G induce power auto- morphisms.

Thus, for the classes of groups in Theorems A and B, the only inertial groups are those of elementary type.

Inertial groups of non-elementary type

It is not difficult to find examples of inertial soluble groups which are not of elementary type. A simple example is the grouph it j AwhereAis of typep1,h it is infinite cyclic andatˆa1‡p, (a2A).


Recall that a soluble group withfinite abelian total rank(FATR) is a group G with a series 1ˆG0/G1/ /GnˆG where each factor is abelian and the sum of thep-ranks



rp Gi‡1 Gi

is finite foriˆ0;1;. . .;n 1: in the summation herepis a prime or 0. Such groups have also been calledS1-groupsand in the interests of conciseness we will use this terminology. (For background on S1-groups see [5], Chapter 5.) Our interest centres on the class


of S1-by-finite groups: within this class there are, it turns out, inertial groups of three types which are not elementary. We will now explain how these non-elementary types may be constructed.


LetDbe a divisible abelianp-group with finite positive rank and letF be a torsion-free abelian group, also of finite positive rank. By the spec- trumof a groupG

sp (G);

we mean the set of primes p for which G has a PruÈferp1-group as an image.

I Split extension type

LetQbe an extension of a finite group by eitherFor Dih (F), and letQ act onDas a group of power automorphisms. Assume that

p62sp (CQ(D)) and define

GˆQj D:

ThenGis anS1F-group and in fact it is inertial, as is proved in Lemma 10.1 below.

II Central extension types

Let QˆF or Dih (F) and regardDas a trivialQ-module. Since Dis divisible, Ext (Qab;D)ˆ0 and the Universal Coefficients Theorem shows



H2(Q;D)'Hom (M(Q);D);

whereM(Q) is the Schur multiplier ofQ.

Let d2Hom (M(Q);D) have infinite order (or equivalently, infinite image). IfD0<DandF0Fwe denote bydD0anddF0the natural induced homomorphisms fromM(Q) toD=D0andM(F0) toDrespectively.

Assume thatdsatisfies the following conditions.

(a) IfQˆF, (so thatM(Q)ˆF^F), then (F0^f)dD0 is finite for all f 2F, wheneverdD0;F0 ˆ0.

(b) IfQˆDih (F), thenp62sp (F0) wheneverdF0 is not surjective.

The existence of such homomorphismsdis a question that will be ad- dressed in §11. Next choose a central extension with cohomology classd,

d: D>!G!!Q:

ThenGwill be called a group ofcentral extension type IIa orIIb, according to whether (a) or (b) applies. ClearlyGis anS1-group and it is shown in Lemma 10.2 thatGis inertial.


Let G be any S1F-group. Then G has a maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroupDandt(G=D)ˆt(G)=Dis finite. It follows from Theorem A that ifGis inertial, thenG=Dis inertial of elementary type, so it may be assumed thatD6ˆ1. It is shown in Lemma 6.2 thatGis inertial if and only ifG=Dp0is inertial for eachp2p(D). Furthermore,D=Dp0is the maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup ofG=Dp0 and this subgroup is ap-group with finite rank.

AnS1F-group whose maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup is a p-group will be termed p-primary. Thus in order to characterize the in- ertial S1F-groups of non-elementary type, it suffices to describe those which arep-primary. This is accomplished in the following theorem, which is the main result of the paper.

THEOREMC. Let G be a p-primaryS1F-group. Then G is inertial if and only if either G is of elementary type or else it is an extension of a finite group by a group of one of the types I, IIa, IIb.

The proof of Theorem C is accomplished in §§6-10. Basic results on inert subgroups are presented in §3, while initial structural information


about inertial groups appears in §4. The proofs of Theorems A and B are given in §5.


t(G) : the maximum torsion normal subgroup ofG.

Fit(G) : the Fitting subgroup ofG.

M(G) : the Schur multiplier ofG.

Dih (A) : the dihedral group onA.

p(G) : the set of primes dividing orders of elements ofG.

sp (G) : thespectrumofG, i.e., the set of primespfor whichGhas ap1- image.

rp(A) : thep-rankofA.

3. Basic Results on Inert Subgroups.

We begin with an easy result that is used constantly in verifying that a subgroup is inert.

LEMMA3.1. Let H and K be subgroups of a group G such that HK andjK:Hjis finite. Then H is inert in G if and only if K is.

PROOF. Letg2G. Suppose first thatjK :K\Kgjis finite; then so is jH(K\Kg):K\Kgj ˆ jH:H\Kgj:

AlsojH\Kg:H\Hgj jK:Hj, so thatjH:H\Hgjis finite.

Conversely, assume thatjH:H\Hgjis finite. Then so isjK:H\Hgj and hencejK:K\Kgjis finite.

COROLLARY3.2 ([3], Lemma 3). A subgroup which is commensurable with an inert subgroup of a group is itself inert.

PROOF. LetH;KGwithHinert inGandKcommensurable withH.

ThenH\K is inert inGby Lemma 3.1 sincejH:H\Kjis finite. By the same resultKis inert inG.

LEMMA3.3. If H and K are inert subgroups of a group G, then H\K is inert in G.


PROOF. Let g2G. Then jH:H\Hgj is finite and thus so is jH\K:H\K\Hgj. AlsojK:K\Kgjis finite, whence

jH\K \ Hg:H\K\Hg\Kgj is finite. ThereforejH\K :(H\K)\(H\K)gjis finite.

On the other hand,the intersection of infinitely many inert subgroups need not be inert. For example, in a polycyclic group every subgroup is the intersection of subgroups of finite index, but not every subgroup of a polycyclic group need be inert: this is shown by the free nilpotent group of class and rank 2.

We note that, in contrast to Lemma 3.3, the join of a pair of inert subgroups need not be inert.

EXAMPLE. LetGˆhx;y;a;biwherex2ˆ1,yxˆy 1,axˆa 1,bxˆb, ayˆab,byˆband [a;b]ˆ1. ThenTˆhx;yi 'Dih (Z) andAˆha;biis free abelian of rank 2. FurthermoreGˆTj A:Notice thatTis generated by the finite subgroupsh ix andh i. Howeverxy Tis not inert inG: for by an easy calculationT\TaˆCT(a)ˆ1:

An interesting source of inert subgroups is the permutable subgroups of a group.

LEMMA3.4. Permutable subgroups are inert.

PROOF. LetHbe a permutable subgroup of a groupGand letg2G.


Hh ig ˆHh ig \(H gh i)ˆH(Hh ig \h i)g and

jHh ig :Hj ˆ jHh ig \h ig :H\h ij;g

which is finite unlessghas infinite order andH\h i ˆg 1. But under these circumstances HgˆHby a result of Stonehewer [7]. Thus in any event jHh ig :Hjis finite and

jH:H\Hgj ˆ jHHg:Hgj jHh ig :Hj;

sojH:H\Hgjis finite.

COROLLARY 3.5. The intersection of finitely many permutable sub- groups is inert.


4. Inertial Groups.

In this section we collect some useful properties of inertial groups, mainly in the soluble case. The first result has already been noted in [3].

LEMMA4.1. FC-groups are inertial.

PROOF. LetGbe an FC-group and letHG,g2G. ThenCˆCG(g) has finite index in G, so jH:H\Cj is finite. Since H\CH\Hg, it follows thatjH:H\Hgjis finite andHis inert inG.

REMARKS. 1.Inertial groups need not be FC-groups.

An obvious example is Dih (Z), the infinite dihedral group.

2. Finite extensions of FC-groups need not be inertial.

In fact there are finitely generated abelian-by-finite groups which are not inertial. An example is the group

Gˆx;a;bj[a;b]ˆ1ˆx3;axˆb; bxˆa 1b 1


as follows from Proposition 4.2 below. Another example is given in [3].

3. The direct product of two inertial groups need not be inertial.

For example, Dih (Z)Zis not inertial, again by Proposition 4.2. (For another example see [3]).

4. There are nilpotent p-groups of class 2 which are not inertial.

For any primep, letGˆhx1;x2;. . .isatisfy the relationsg3(G)ˆ1 and xpi ˆ1;(iˆ1;2;. . .). Then G0ˆZ(G)ˆcijji<jˆ1;2;. . .

ˆC say, wherecijˆ[xi;yj]. EvidentlyGis a nilpotentp-group of class 2.

DefineHˆhx1;x3;x5;. . .i. Then a simple calculation shows that H\Hx2ˆH\Cˆcijji;jodd

: SincejH:H\Cjis infinite,His not inert inG.

The next result is basic in the study of soluble inertial groups.

PROPOSITION4.2. LetAbe a torsion-free abelian normal subgroup of a groupG. Assume that every cyclic subgroup ofGis inert. Then elements ofGinduce power automorphisms inA, i.e., ifg2G, thenagˆaefor all a2A, whereeˆ 1. HencejG:CG(A)j 2.


PROOF. Let 16ˆa2Aandg2G. First of all we show that [a;gi]ˆ1 for somei>0, and for this purpose we may assume that gAhas infinite order.

Sinceh ig is inert inG, we know thath i=g h i \g h ig ais finite and hence g

h i \h ig a6ˆ1. Let 16ˆx2h i \g h ig a; thenxˆgiˆ(gj)aˆgj[gj;a] where i;j6ˆ0. SincejgAjis infinite, it follows thatiˆjand [a;gi]ˆ1, as claimed.

Nexth ia is inert, soh i \a h ia g6ˆ1 and there existm;n6ˆ0 such that amˆ(an)g. Now by induction onj

amj ˆ anjgj


and by the previous paragraph we haveaˆagifor somei>0, from which it follows that amiˆani. Hencemˆ n since a has infinite order. Conse- quently… †an gˆaenwhereeˆ 1, which implies thatag ˆae. Thusginduces a power automorphism inA(and the sameewill suffice for alla2A).

The situation is less clear for abelian normal subgroups of inertial groups which are torsion. However the following result is sometimes useful.

PROPOSITION4.3. LetAbe an abelian normal torsion subgroup of a group G. If every subgroup of A is inert inG, thenah ig is finite for all a2A,g2G.

PROOF. Suppose for the moment thata2Ahas prime orderpand put HˆDag2iji2ZE


Then ah ig ˆhH[Hgi, so we may suppose H to be infinite. Since jH:H\Hgjis finite,H\Hg 6ˆ1. Let 16ˆx2H\Hg; then we may as- sume that


where 06ˆf;g2Zp[t], the polynomial ring. Then af(g2) h(g2)gˆ1 and f(t2) h(t2)t6ˆ0 inZp[t]. This implies that ah ig is finitely generated and hence finite.

In the general case suppose thatahas orderm>1 and letpbe a prime dividing m. Then Bˆ amph ig

is finite. Passing to the group ha;gi=Band using induction onm, we conclude thatah igB=Bis finite, whenceah ig is finite.

The final result in the section highlights the special role played by di- visible abelian subgroups of an inertial group.


LEMMA4.4. Let G be an inertial group. Then G has a unique maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup D and elements of G induce power automorphisms in D.

PROOF. LetLbe anyp1-subgroup ofG. Ifg2G, thenjL:L\Lgjis finite, which shows thatLˆLgandL/G. IfMis anyq1-subgroup, then [L;M]ˆ1 sinceMcentralizes every finite subgroup ofL. ConsequentlyG contains a unique maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup,Dsay. Ifdis ap-element inD, thendis contained in ap1-subgroup and henceh id /G. It follows that elements ofGinduce power automorphisms inD.

5. Proofs of Theorems A and B.

We have developed enough of the theory of inertial groups to be able to prove the first two main results.

PROOF OF THEOREMA. Let G be a hyper-(abelian or finite) inertial group for whicht(G)ˆ1. We show thatGis abelian or dihedral.

Let N be a nilpotent normal subgroup of Gand let M be a maximal abelian normal subgroup of N. Ifa2Mandx2N, then, sinceMis tor- sion-free,axˆae, whereeˆ 1 by Proposition 4.2. Sincehx;aiis nilpo- tent, 1ˆ[a;nx]ˆa(e 1)n for some n>0, and it follows that eˆ1 and [a;x]ˆ1. HoweverMˆCN(M), soMˆNandNis abelian. Consequently the Fitting subgroupFˆFit(G) is abelian, and of course it is also torsion- free. WritingCˆCG(F), we conclude thatjG:Cj 2.

Assume thatF6ˆC. Then, sinceGis hyper-(abelian or finite), there is a non-trivial normal subgroup U=F of G=F such that UC and U=F is either finite or abelian. IfU=Fis finite,Uis centre-by-finite, soU0is finite and thus U is abelian. This implies thatUˆF, a contradiction. Hence U=Fis abelian, so thatUis nilpotent and againUˆF. ThereforeFˆC andjG:Fj 2.

If FˆG, then G is abelian. Otherwise F6ˆG and Gˆht;Fi; thus ft ˆf 1, (f 2F), andt22F. Hence t4ˆ1 and thust2ˆ1 sinceF is tor- sion-free. FinallyGˆDih (F). The converse is clearly true.

COROLLARY5.1. A torsion-free hyper-(abelian or finite) group which is inertial is abelian.

PROOF OFTHEOREMB. LetGbe a finitely generated hyper-(abelian or finite) group which is inertial. It must be shown thatGpossesses a torsion-


free abelian normal subgroup of finite index in which elements ofGinduce power automorphisms. Notice that finitely generated groups with this structure are finitely presented. Thus, arguing by contradiction, we may assume the statement in the theorem is true for all proper quotients ofG, but false forGitself.

Ift(G)ˆ1, the result is a consequence of Theorem A, so we may as- sume t(G)6ˆ1. From this it follows thatGhas a non-trivial normal sub- groupAwhich is either finite or an abelian torsion group. Suppose thatAis finite. Then G=A satisfies the conclusion of the theorem and henceGis polycyclic-by-finite, which implies that it has a torsion-free normal sub- groupBof finite index. By Corollary 5.1 the subgroupBis abelian, and by Proposition 4.2 elements ofGinduce power automorphisms inB. By this contradictionAis an abelian torsion group.

Let 16ˆa2Aandg2G. Thenah ig is finite by Proposition 4.3. Since G=Ais the product of finitely many cyclic groups,aGis finite. The argu- ment given above forAshows this to be impossible. The converse state- ment is clearly true.

6. InertialS1F-Groups.

We begin the study of inertial S1F-groups with a discussion of the reduced groups. (For background onS1F-groups see [4], §5).

LetGb e anS1F-group. Recall that the finite residualRofGis a di- visible nilpotent group. Its torsion-subgroupDis a divisible abelian with finite total rank, i.e., it is a direct product of finitely many PruÈfer p1- groups. Clearly D is the unique maximum divisible abelian torsion sub- group ofG. IfDˆ1, thenGwill be calledtorsion-reduced.

The inertial S1F-groups which are torsion-reduced are characterized in the following result.

PROPOSITION 6.1. Let G be a torsion-reduced S1F-group. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) G is inertial;

(ii) G is of elementary type;

(iii) there is a torsion-free abelian subgroup A of finite index in which elements of G induce power automorphisms;

(iv) G is finite-by-F or finite-by-Dih (F) where F is torsion-free abelian.


PROOF. It is either obvious or already known that (iii) )(ii))(i) and (iv))(ii). We show next that (i))(iii). LetGbe inertial. SinceGis tor- sion-reduced, its finite residualRis torsion-free. AlsoG=Ris reduced, so it has a normal torsion-free subgroup A=R with finite index in G=R. By Corollary 5.1 the subgroupAis abelian and by Proposition 4.2 elements ofG induce power automorphisms inA. Thus (iii) holds.

To complete the proof we show that (i) implies (iv). SinceGis inertial andt(G) is finite, we may suppose that the latter is trivial; the result now follows from Theorem A.

Primary groups

In the light of Proposition 6.1, we may confine our analysis to inertial S1F-groups which are not torsion-reduced. LetGb e anS1F-group and let Dbe its maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup. ShouldDhappen to b e ap-group,Gwill be calledp-primary. We show next that it is sufficient to describe the inertialS1F-groups which arep-primary.

LEMMA6.2. Let G be anS1F-group with maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup D. Then G is inertial if and only if G=Dp0is inertial for all p inp(D). Moreover G=Dp0 is p-primary.

PROOF. Since the condition is certainly necessary, we assume that it holds forG. The groupG=Dp0 is inertial, so by Lemma 4.4 elements ofG induce power automorphisms inD=Dp0 and hence inDp. Thus every sub- group ofDis normal inG.

Let HG: then H\D/G and in showing that H is inert in G we may suppose that H\Dˆ1. Let g2G and p2p(D). Then jHDp0 :HDp0 \ HgDp0jis finite and thus so isjH:H\HgDp0j. Sincep(D) is finite, it follows thatjH:H\Kjis finite, where

K ˆ \


HgDp0 :

Ifk2K, thenkˆhgpdpwherehp2Handdp2Dp0. Therefore, ifp6ˆq, we have

hgq 1


which implies thatdpˆdqandhpˆhq. HenceKˆHgand in consequence jH:H\Hgjis finite, so thatGis inertial.


7. Primary InertialS1F-Groups.

In this section we begin to analyze the structure of primary inertial S1F-groups. LetGbe an inertialS1F-group which is not of elementary type and denote by


its maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup. SinceG=Dis of elemen- tary type by Proposition 6.1, we haveD6ˆ1. By Lemma 6.2 we can assume thatDis ap-group, i.e.,Gisp-primary.

There are three normal subgroups which play a prominent role in the analysis. By Proposition 6.1 there is a torsion-free abelian subgroupA=D with finite index in G=D in which elements of G induce power auto- morphisms. Also put

CˆCA(D) and LˆCG(A=D):

ThenA,CandLare normal inG,

DCAL and jG:Lj 2:

Since by Lemma 4.4 elements ofGinduce power automorphisms inD, there are two possible situations:

(i) [D;A]ˆ1, thecentral case;

(ii) [D;A]ˆA, thenon-central case.

There is a further dichotomy arising from the location of the sub- groupL:

(iii) LˆG, i.e.,A=DisG-central;

(iv) jG:Lj ˆ2.

It is easy to deduce from Proposition 6.1 that the groupG=Dis finite- by-torsion-free abelian in case (iii) and finite-by-dihedral (on some torsion- free abelian group) in case (iv). Cases (iii) and (iv) are referred to as the non-dihedral caseand thedihedral caserespectively. Thus in all there are four cases to be dealt with.

The above notation withD,C,A,Lwill be maintained throughout this and the following two sections.

A reduction

In establishing the necessity of the conditions in Theorem C one very useful observation is that it is always possible to factor out by a finite


normal subgroup without disturbing the standard subgroups D,C,A,L.

The basis for this reduction is the next lemma, which assures us that in factoring out by a finite normal subgroup we remain in the same central or non-central and dihedral or non-dihedral cases.

LEMMA 7.1. Let F be a finite normal subgroup of the inertial S1F- group G. Then:

(i) DF=F is the maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup of G=F;

(ii) CG(DF=F)ˆCG(D).

(iii) AF=DF'G A=D, so AF=DF is torsion-free abelian;

(iv) CG(AF=DF)ˆCG(A=D).

PROOF. (i) Suppose thatE=Fis a divisible abelian torsion subgroup of G=F. SinceGis anS1F-group,Eis a CÏernikov group and thereforeED=D is finite. ThusEDFandDF=Fis the maximum divisible abelian torsion subgroup ofG=F.

(ii) Ifg2CG(DF=F), then [D;g] is finite; however it is also divisible, so [D;g]ˆ1.

(iii) SinceA=Dis torsion-free,A\FDand hence AF=DF 'G A=A\(DF)ˆA=D:

(iv) This follows from (iii).

COROLLARY7.2. (i) The central case applies toG=F if and only if it applies toG.

(ii) The dihedral case applies to G=F if and only if it applies to G.

As a consequence of the corollary we can make a first reduction.

LEMMA 7.3. It may be assumed (by factoring out by a finite normal subgroup) that L=D is abelian.

PROOF. SinceL=Dis centre-by-finite,L0D=Dis finite. Now elements of Ginduce power automorphisms inD, so we have [D;G0]ˆ1 and therefore L0Dis centre-by-finite. Hence (L0D)0is finite and may be factored out. This makesL0Dan abelian CÏernikov group. Factoring out by a further finiteG- invariant subgroup ofL0D, we can make this subgroup divisible and hence L0D.


8. The Central Case.

In the notation established in §7, we are faced with the situation where [D;A]ˆ1;

and henceG=CG(D) is finite. There are two sub-cases that must be treated separately.

The non-dihedral case

In this case we haveLˆGand thus we can assume thatG=Dis abelian by Lemma 7.3. The case where in addition [D;G]ˆDis disposed of by the next result.

LEMMA8.1. Assume that G=D is abelian and[D;G]ˆD. Then, modulo a finite normal subgroup, G has the form Xj D where X is abelian, its elements induce power automorphisms in D and p62sp (CX(D)).

From this we deduce:

COROLLARY8.2. The groupGis of split extension type (I).

For the subgroupXis abelian and torsion-reduced, so its torsion-sub- group is finite.

PROOF OFLEMMA8.1. SinceDˆ[D;G] andG=Dis abelian, it follows from [4, Theorem H] or [5, 10.3.6] thatH2(G=D;D) is a torsion group. By [5, 10.1.15]Gsplits overDmodulo some finiteG-invariant subgroup ofD. This subgroup may be factored out without affecting the hypotheses onG, b y Corollary 7.2. Therefore we may assume that

GˆXD and X\Dˆ1 whereXis abelian. Put


it remains to show thatp2=sp (Y). Assume that this is false.

SinceDis a non-trivial divisible abelianp-group andp2sp (Y), there exists a homomorphismu:Y!Dwith infinite image. Put

EˆY1‡u and notice thatYDˆED.


Since [D;G]6ˆ1, there exists aginGsuch that [D;g]6ˆ1; thendgˆda, (d2D), for somep-adic integera6ˆ1. NowGis inertial, sojE:E\Egjis finite. Let u2E\Eg; thus uˆe1ˆeg2ˆe2[e2;g] where ei2E. Since [E;g]DandE\Dˆ1, it follows that uˆe1ˆe22CE(g), and conse- quently


Thereforej[E;g]j ˆ jE:CE(g)jis finite.

Next lety2Y and writeeˆy1‡u 2E. SinceY Z(G), we have [e;g]ˆ(yyu) 1(yyu)gˆ(yyu) 1y(yu)aˆ(yu)a 1:

Since [E;g] is finite, it follows that (Yu)a 1is finite. Buta6ˆ1, so this gives the contradiction thatYuis finite, which completes the proof of Lemma 8.1.

We are left with the case where [D;G]ˆ1. Let T=Dbe the torsion- subgroup of the abelian groupG=D. ThenT=Dis finite, soTis centre-by- finite and thusT0 is finite. Factoring out byT0, we can assume thatTis abelian. SinceTis a CÏernikov group, we can make it divisible by factoring out another finite normal subgroup. Hence TˆD. Therefore we can suppose thatG=D is a torsion-free abelian group.

At this point it is convenient to have the following technical result at our disposal.

LEMMA 8.3. Assume that [D;G]ˆ1 and G=D is abelian. Suppose further that DBG where B is abelian. Then [B;g]is finite for all g in G.

PROOF. SinceDis divisible,BˆDFwhereFis abelian. NowFis inert inG, sojF:F\Fgjis finite for allg2G. NextF\FgˆCF(g) b y an argument in the proof of Lemma 8.1. Thereforej[F;g]j ˆ jF:CF(g)jis fi- nite. Finally, [B;g]ˆ[F;g] since [D;G]ˆ1.

We can now complete the analysis of the central/non-dihedral case by analyzing the central extension


whereFˆG=D, a torsion-free abelian group. Since H2(F;D)'Hom (M(F);D)

andM(F)ˆF^F(the exterior square), the groupGis determined by an element

d2Hom (F^F;D):


Now Im(d)ˆG0\DˆG0and this must be infinite - for otherwiseGwould be of elementary type. We will show thatdsatisfies the conditions for the central extension type IIa.

LetF0FandD0<D, and suppose thatdD0;F0ˆ0. This means that, if B=D0is the preimage ofF0under the natural mapG=D0!!F, thenB=D0is abelian. By Lemma 8.3 applied to the group G=D0, we conclude that [B;g]D0=D0 is finite for all g2G, which translates into (F0^f)dD0 being finite wheref ˆgD2F. ThereforeGis a group of central extension type IIa, which concludes our discussion of the central/non-dihedral case.

The dihedral case

We have now to deal with the situation where [D;A]ˆ1 and jG:Lj ˆ2;

i.e., the central/dihedral case. Thus elements inGnLinduce the inverting automorphism inA=D. An essential role in our analysis of this case is played by the following technical result.

LEMMA8.4. Assume that[D;A]ˆ1andjG:Lj ˆ2. Suppose that B is an abelian subgroup satisfying DBA. If p2sp (B=D), then each element of GnL induces the inverting automorphism in D, and in addition [D;L]ˆ1.

PROOF. SinceBis abelian, we haveBˆDFwhereFis torsion-free.

By hypothesisp2sp (B=D), so there is a homomorphismu:F!Dwith infinite image. WriteEˆF1‡u, noting thatBˆDE:

Choose anyginGnL; then we claim that E\Egˆe2Ejegˆe 1


To see this, suppose thatu2E\Eg; thenuˆe1ˆeg2ˆe21dwhereei2E anddˆe1‡g2 2D. SinceE\Dˆ1, we obtaine1e2ˆdˆ1, whenceuˆe1 and eg1ˆe11, as required. Since E is inert in G, it follows that jE1‡gj ˆ jE:E\Egjis finite. By the same argumentjF1‡gjis finite.

Next letf 2F and puteˆf1‡u2E. Therefore, writingdˆf1‡g2D, we have

e1‡gˆffu(ffu)gˆffuf 1d(fu)aˆd(fu)1‡a;

where ginduces the automorphism x7!xa in D, with aa p-adic integer.

SinceE1‡gandF1‡gare both finite, so is (Fu)1‡a. HoweverFuis infinite, so this can only mean thataˆ 1 andginduces inversion inD.


Finally, if`2L, theng`also induces inversion inD, which implies that [D; `]ˆ1 and [D;L]ˆ1. This completes the proof of Lemma 8.4.

We return to our analysis of the dihedral case. Let us assume for the present that in addition [D;L]6ˆ1, so that


Since L=D is abelian, it follows from [4, Theorem H] or [5, 10.3.6] that H2(L=D;D) is a torsion group, and becausejG:Ljis finite,H2(G=D;D) is also a torsion group. Therefore, modulo some finite subgroup of D, the groupGsplits overD, and by Corollary 7.2 we can assume that

GˆQj D

whereQis abelian-by-finite and inertial. ThusQis finite-by-Dih (A=D) b y Proposition 6.1.

NextAˆA\(QD)ˆ(A\Q)D, so Ais abelian since [D;A]ˆ1. Ap- plying Lemma 8.4 withBˆAand using the fact that [D;L]6ˆ1, we see that p62sp (A=D). Since A=D'A\QCQ(D) and jG:Aj is finite, it follows thatp62CQ(D) and thereforeGis of split extension type I.

For the rest of the section we assume that [D;L]ˆ1:

Let T=Dbe the torsion-subgroup of the abelian group L=D. Then T is centre-by-finite, so, factoring out T0, we can assumeT to be abelian. Of courseTis CÏernikov, so factoring out one more time, we may assume that Tis divisible, i.e.,TˆD. ThusL=Dis torsion-free abelian. This allows us to replaceAbyL, which means that we now have the situation

[D;A]ˆ1; jG:Aj ˆ2 and

G=DˆDih (A=D):

There are two further sub-cases to be considered.

Case: A0 is finite

As usual we may assume thatAis abelian. WriteGˆht;Ai; thentinduces inversion inA=D. WriteAˆDF; thenjF:F\Ftjis finite, which by the usual argument shows thatFt‡1is finite. NowFt‡1/GsinceFt‡1D, so we may factor out byFt‡1and assume thattinduces inversion inF.

Next we have t22A, which shows that t2t 2( modD) and t42D.

Since A=Dis torsion-free,t22Dand t2 /G. Factor out by t2 to get


t2ˆ1 andGˆh it j D. Nowdtˆda, (d2D), for somep-adic integera. If p2sp (A=D), then Lemma 8.4 shows thataˆ 1 andG'Dih (A), which is of elementary type. Thereforep62sp (A=D).

We now have

Gˆt;Ajt2ˆ1; dtˆda; ftˆf 1; f 2F

and GˆQj D where Qˆht;Fi ˆDih (F). Since p62sp (A=D)ˆsp (Q), the groupGis of split extension type I.

Case: A0 is infinite

In order to handle this case we need another lemma of a technical nature.

LEMMA8.5. Assume that[D;A]ˆ1,jG:Aj ˆ2and A0is infinite. Then DZ(G).

PROOF. Let g2Gand a1;a22A. Then agi ˆaeidiwhere eˆ 1 and di2D. Hence


since [D;A]ˆ1 andA0D, which shows thatA0Z(G). SinceA0is infinite and elements of G induce power automorphisms in D, it follows that DZ(G).

By Lemma 8.5 we have acentral extension D>!G!!QˆG=D;

say with cohomology classd2Hom (M(Q);D). AlsoQˆDih (A=D). Notice that Im(d)ˆG0\Dis infinite since it containsA0. We show thatdsatisfies the conditions of the central extension type IIb.

Let F0FˆA=Dand putD0ˆIm(dF0); assume thatD0<D. Then F0ˆB=D0is abelian. Ifp2sp(F0)ˆsp(B=D), then Lemma 8.4 shows that elements ofGnLinduce the inverting automorphism inD=D0. This is im- possible sinceDZ(G) by Lemma 8.5; hencep62sp (F0), as required.

9. The Non-Central Case.

We now deal with the case where Dˆ[D;A]:

Also, of course,A=Dis torsion-free abelian andG=Ais finite.


Suppose first that we are in the dihedral case; thus jG:Lj ˆ2 and aga 1( modD) fora2A,g2GnL. It follows thatA2[A;g]DG0D.

Since elements ofGinduce power automorphisms inD, we have [D;G0]ˆ1 and hence [D;A2D]ˆ1. Also,A2D=Dis torsion-free abelian andjG:A2Dj is finite. Consequently, if we replaceAbyA2D, we are again in the situation [D;A]ˆ1, i.e., we are in the central/dihedral case, which was dealt with in

§8: eitherGis of split extension type I or of central extension type IIb.

Now assume we have the non-central/non-dihedral case: thus LˆG andG=Dis abelian, whileDˆ[D;G]. It follows directly from Lemma 8.1 that, modulo a finite normal subgroup,Gis of split extension type I.

10. Sufficiency.

In order to complete the proof of the main result, Theorem C, we have to demonstrate that a group of type I, IIa or IIbis inertial. This is done in two lemmas.

LEMMA10.1. Let G be an extension of a finite group by a group of split extension type I. Then G is an inertialS1F-group.

PROOF. We can assume thatGis of split extension type, so that GˆQj D:

hereDis a divisible abelianp-group of finite rank,Qis finite-by-For finite- by-Dih (F), with F a torsion-free abelian group of finite rank such that p62sp (CQ(D)) andQacts as a group of power automorphisms onD. Clearly Gis anS1F-groupÐwhat needs to be shown is thatGis inertial.

Let HGand putD0ˆH\D/G. IfD0ˆD, thenHis inert since G=Dis inertial: assume that D0<D. Then CQ(D=D0)ˆCQ(D) and as a consequence we can assume that


By Proposition 6.1 there is a normal subgroupA of finite index such thatA=Dis torsion-free abelian with elements ofGinducing power auto- morphisms in it. SincejH:H\Ajis finite, it is enough to show thatH\A is inert inG. Thus it is permissible to assume thatHA, and henceHD=D is abelian.

Suppose that [D;H]6ˆ1. Then [D;H]ˆDand it follows from [5, 10.3.6]

and [5, 10.1.10] that, modulo a finite subgroup ofD, the complements ofDin


HDare conjugate toH. NowHDˆ(HD\Q)D, soHandHD\Qare con- jugate, which shows that we may assume thatHQ. HenceHis inert inQ.

Let x2Q and d2D. Then H\HdˆCH(d) and jH:H\Hdj j[H;d]j jdHj, which is finite. Thus jH:H\Hdj is finite. Also jH:H\Hxj is finite, as is jHd:Hd\Hxdj, from which we deduce that jH\Hd:H\Hd\Hxdj is finite. Hence jH:H\Hd\Hxdj is finite, as must bejH:H\Hxdj. ThusHis inert in G.

Now assume that [D;H]ˆ1, so thatHDˆHD, which is abelian. If g2G, thenagae( modD) fora2A, whereeˆ 1. Therefore

H\Hgˆfh2Hjhgˆheg and

jH:H\Hgj jHg ej;

sinceh7!hg eis a homomorphism fromHtoD. Finally, sp (H)ˆsp (HD=D)sp (CQ(D));

sop62sp (H). ConsequentlyHg eis finite and againHis inert.

LEMMA 10.2. Let G be an extension of a finite group by a group of central type IIa or IIb. Then G is an inertialS1F-group.

PROOF. We may assumeGis of type IIa or IIb, so there is a central extension


withDa divisible abelianp-group of finite rank andQˆFor Dih (F), where Fis a torsion-free abelian group of finite rank. Let the cohomology class of the extension be

d2Hom (M(Q);D);

heredsatisfies the conditions for the type IIa or IIb.

LetHGand writeD0ˆH\D/G. It suffices to show thatH=D0is inert inG=D0. Suppose first that Im(dD0) is infinite; then we can pass at once to G=D0, i.e., we may assume thatH\Dˆ1. In addition we may suppose that HD=Dis abelian, so HDˆHDis abelian. If g2G, the usual argument shows thatjH:H\Hgj ˆ jHg ej wherehghe( modD), h2H, and eˆ 1. Also h7!hg e is a homomorphism from Hto D. Let F0ˆHD=D. If Q is dihedral, then, since HD is abelian, dF0ˆ0 and p62sp (F0)ˆsp (H) and thusjHg ejis finite.


If, on the other hand, Q is abelian, then eˆ1 and dF0ˆ0 where F0ˆHD=D. Therefore for anyg2Gthe group ((HD=D)^(gD))dis finite, i.e., [H;g]ˆHg 1 is finite. ThusjH:H\Hgjis finite in both cases.

Now suppose that Im(dD0) is finite, i.e., (G0\D)D0=D0is finite. Passing to the quotient group modulo (G0\D)D0, we may assume thatD0ˆ1ˆ

ˆ G0\D. Thusdˆ0 andGsplits over D. We now have GˆDQand H\Dˆ1. Also we may assume that QˆDih (F) and HDF. If t2QnF, then H\Htˆh2Hjhtˆh 1

and jH:H\Htj ˆ jHt‡1j.

Nowp62sp (H) sincedˆ0, so the image of the homomorphism h7!ht‡1, (h2H), is finite, i.e., jHt‡1j is finite and again jH:H\Htj is finite.

ThereforeHis inert inG.

This completes the proof of Lemma 10.2, and thereby Theorem C.

11. Existence Questions.

In this section we discuss the existence of the non-elementary inertial S1F-groups. There is little difficulty in constructing examples of groups of split extension type I for any given primep, in both the dihedral and non- dihedral cases. On the other hand, a group of central type IIa or IIbin- volves a torsion-free abelian group of finite rank which must satisfy some complex conditions. It is essential to produce explicit examples showing that groups of both types exist.

Constructing groups of central extension type

Letpbe an arbitrary prime andDa group of typep1. Denote byQpthe additive group of p-adic rationals m


. The torsion-free abe- lian groupFthat we require is to be an extension ofZbyQpwith extension classeof infinite order,

e: C,!F!!Qp whereCis infinite cyclic.

In fact such groups abound. For by standard homological calculations it can be shown that

Ext (Qp;Z)'Z^p=Z

whereZ^pis the additive group ofp-adic integers. Sinceehas infinite order, the extension does not nearly split overC, i.e., there is no subgroup of finite index inFwhich splits overC.


A group of the above type may be constructed explicitly as follows. Let V be a 2-dimensional rational vector space with basisfu;vg. Letab e an irrational p-adic integer, written aˆa0‡a1p‡a2p2‡ ;(0ai<p).

Define elementsviinV by

v0ˆvandviˆp i(v0‡(a0‡a1p‡ ‡ai 1pi 1)u):

Thuspvi‡1ˆvi‡aiu. Let

Fˆhu;vijiˆ0;1;2;. . .i:

ThenF=h i 'u Qpand it is not hard to show thatFdoes not nearly split over Cˆh i, sou Fis an example of the kind of group required.

We note some properties of abelian groups of this sort.

LEMMA11.1. Let C,!F!!Qpbe an abelian extension with extension class of infinite order, where C'Z. Then the following hold.

(i) M(F)ˆF^F'Qp.

(ii) IfHF, thenHis either finitely generated or of finite index.

(iii) The groupFhas no subgroups isomorphic withQp.

PROOF. Let F=C'Qp with C infinite cyclic. Then M(F) can be computed using the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence for C,!F!!Qp. Clearly E220ˆE202ˆE230 ˆ0; therefore M(F)'E211' 'QpZ'Qp.

Next letHF. Suppose first thatjF:HCjis finite. ThenH\C6ˆ1, otherwiseFwould nearly split overC. HencejHC :Hjis finite andjF:Hj is finite. IfjF:HCjis infinite, thenHC=Cis cyclic sinceF=C'Qp. Hence His finitely generated.

Finally, (iii) follows directly from (ii).

The groupFwill now be used to construct examples of groups of types IIa and IIb. SinceM(F)'Qp, there is a surjective homomorphism

d2Hom (M(F);D);

whereDis of typep1. This determines a central extension d: D>!G1!!F:

Next the inversion automorphism ofF acts trivially onM(F)ˆF^F, so it lifts to an automorphismtofG1acting trivially onD. Now define

G2ˆh it j G1: Regarding the groupsG1;G2 we prove:


LEMMA11.2. The group G1is an inertialS1F-group of type IIa and G2

is an inertialS1F-group of type IIb.

PROOF. It is sufficient to check the validity of the conditions onFandd in the definitions of types IIa and IIb.

Suppose thatQˆG2=DˆDih(F). IfF0F anddF0is not surjective, thendF0has finite order andF0cannot have finite index inF. HenceF0is finitely generated by Lemma 11.1, which shows that sp(F0) is empty. Thus G2 is of type IIb.

Now assume thatQˆG1=DˆF, and letD0 <DandF0F; thenD0 is finite. Assume thatdD0;F0 ˆ0. ThendF0has finite order andjF:F0jmust be infinite. HenceF0is finitely generated and therefore (F0^f)dD0is finite for allf 2F. It follows thatG1 is of type IIa.

That the groupsG1 andG2are inertial follows from Lemma 10.2.


[1] V. V. BELYAEV,Locally finite simple groups represented as the product of two inert subgroups, Algebra and Logic,31(1993), pp. 216±221.

[2] V. V. BELYAEV,Inert subgroups in infinite simple groups, Siberian Math. J.,34 (1993), pp. 218-232.

[3] V. V. BELYAEV- M. KUZUCUOGÏLU- E. SECËKIN,Totally inert groups, Rend.

Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova,102(1999), pp. 151-156.

[4] J. C. LENNOX - D. J. S. ROBINSON, Soluble products of nilpotent groups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova,62(1980), pp. 261-280.

[5] J. C. LENNOX - D. J. S. ROBINSON, The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups, Oxford 2004.

[6] B. MAJCHER-IWANOW, Inert subgroups of uncountable locally finite groups, Comment.Math. Univ. Carolin.,44(2003), pp. 615-622.

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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 2 dicembre 2005.



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