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Artificial life


Academic year: 2022

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Artificial life

Based on Luc Steels (1995)




• Study :

research and synthesis towards the artificial life domain

• Context :

limits of system expert

growth of computer power

cognition approach


Start point

• Scientific article :

« The Homo Cyber Sapiens, the Robot Homonidus Intelligens, and the ‘artificial life’ approach to artificial intelligence »

Luc Steels (1995)



Luc Steels

• Specialized in the domain of artificial intelligence and artificial life applied to robot architectures and to the study of language

Fig 1. Luc Steels


Luc Steels’ background

• Studied computer science at MIT

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology – USA)

• Director of Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Paris

• Professor computer science at the University of Brussels

• Founded the VUB AI Laboratory (1983)



Once upon a time…


After us ? Us

Homo Sapiens Homo



Bionic man

Intelligent systems

Artificial life


Axes of discussion

• Bionic man or Homo cyber sapiens

• Intelligent systems or Robot Homonidus Intelligens

• Artificial life


Artificial Life

Bionic man

or Homo Cyber Sapiens


Homo Cyber Sapiens

• Intelligence evolving towards greater :



Homo Cyber Sapiens

technological extensions of the human brain.



Homo Cyber Sapiens

• Artificial brain extensions should mimic the operation of human neurophysiology.

Neural modeling is implemented in chips

• Artificial brain may be completely different from natural brain.

The build of bridges will establish data communication and processing.



• Brief History of Homo Cyber Sapiens/Post Humans.

• Mary Shelley : Frankenstein (1831)

• K.Eric Drexler (1980-1990) : Nanotechnology



Evolution of Super Computer

Fig.1 Projection of supercomputer speed

Brain versus Super Computers

Ian Pearson, Chris Winter & Peter Cochrane (1995)


Use Case

Two Examples :


Artificial Life

Intelligent Systems or Robot Homonidus



Intelligent systems

• Cybernetic and Artificial Intelligence : already 50 years of experiment

• Many advantages for computer science

• A whole range of programs exhibit features of human intelligence

But …



Limits of Intelligent systems

• Steels : 3 strong limits of Intelligent systems

a ‘frozen intelligence’ and not an intelligent behavior

intelligence needs to be embodied



First limit : frozen intelligence

• Expensive cost of construction

• Ephemeral validity

• Outdated by changes

• Expensive and unrealistic maintenance



Second limit : lack of embodiment

• Knowledge systems :

disembodied intelligence

no direct link to the real world

• Intelligent behavior emerges from interactions

• Difficulties :

link between the real world and the system symbols

adaptation to unforeseen actions


Third limit : consciousness

• An intelligent system needs a sense of self and a conscience



State of research in 1995

• No technological obstacle

• The real obstacle : the lack of a theory of intelligence


State of research in 2005 (1/2)

• Knowledge systems : example of ‘frozen intelligence’

• Case Based Reasoning use the last experience

• Multi-agent systems :






State of research in 2005 (2/2)

• McCarthy (1995-2002) :

consciousness does not yet exist in intelligent system

Intelligent systems


sub consciousness introspection



Artificial Life

The Artificial life approach :

Theoretical approach



Historic (1/2)

“ ‘Intelligent machinery’ , It’s the birth of the concept of intelligent machines.”

1940 1948 1970 1980 1987 2005


John Conway

Alan Turing John Von Neumann Christopher Langton

cellular automat

first scientific conference devoted to A-life

game of life : simple system → complex self- organized structures

parallel, distributed processing, neural networks AI ↔ cognitive science


Historic (2/2)

Game of life : illustration



Definitions of A-life (1/2)

Langton (1989) :

Artificial life (A-life) : study of ‘natural’ life by attempting to

recreate biological phenomena from scratch within computers and other ‘artificial’ media.

Rennard (2002) :

Life : state of what is not inert.

Artificial life : field of research witch intend to specify the preceding definition.


Definitions of A-life (2/2)

Doyne Farmer and d'A.Belin (1992) : A-Life as field of alive

An artificial life must :

be initiated by man

be autonomous

be in interaction with its environment

induce the emergence of behaviors

Optional :

capacity to reproduce



Steels’ vision of A-life

Dynamic system theory applied to Artificial Intelligence

A-life Unified theory of cognition

Unified theory : explain the details of all mechanisms of all problems within some domain.

unified theory of cognition domain’s all cognitive behavior of humans.

experimental psychology could support such theories.

(Newell 1990)


Steels’ research path

Two kinds of behavior expected :

differentiation : individual agent get specific task

recognition : make the difference between the member of the group and those which don’t.

recognition emergence of language.



Axes of research (1/2)

• Emergence of language (Steels & Kaplan)

Emergence of common sense

Adaptation to other agents


Axes of research (2/2)

• Autonomous robotic (Floreano)

Genetic algorithms with neural networks


• Animat Approach (Meyer)

Synthesizing animal intelligence


Artificial Life

The Artificial life approach :

Experimental approach


Steels’ experimentation – 1995 (1/4)

• A complete artificial ecosystem

• An environment with different pressures for the robots

• Robots are required to do some work which is paid in energy

Cooperation and competition with each other



Steels’ experimentation – 1995 (2/4)

Fig 1. The ecosystem with the charging station, a robot vehicle, and a competitor

Fig 2. A robot vehicle


Steels’ experimentation – 1995 (3/4)

Environment Perception - Visual Perception Modules

Charging station, Competitors, Other robots

- Sensors

Light, Tactile

Behavior system

- Finding resources - Exploring

- Obstacle avoidance - Align on charging station - Align on competitors - Turn left/right, Forward, Retract, Stop



Steels’ experimentation – 1995 (4/4)

• Interesting results :

Behavior diversification

Hard working gourp

Lazy group

Steels : something could emerge from the lazy group


Steel’s experimentation – 2001 (1/3)

• One speaker (S), one hearer (H)

H tries to guess what S is talking about

H guess wrong : correction (feedback)

• No explicit object designation : simple region pointing



Steel’s experimentation – 2001 (2/3)

Fig 3. The talking heads experiment


Steel’s experimentation – 2001 (3/3)

• Interesting results :

Emergence of a shared word


Shared word repertoires after experiment



Other kind of experimentation (1/2)

Floreano & al. (2004)

• Evolution of Spiking Neural Networks in robots

• Objective : Vision-based navigation and wall avoidance

Fig 4. A Khepera robot in a square

arena Fig 5. A Khepera robot


Other kind of experimentation (2/2)

• Interesting results :

Avoiding walls following with security distance

Biologically plausible connection patterns

Forward progression

Self adaptable speed : body adaptation


Artificial Life



Conclusion (1/3)

• 3 approaches

Bionic man : ethic problems

Intelligent systems : limits

Artificial life :

Tremendous possibilities

Involving many fields, biologically-inspired

Now a days the biological approach stay in progress.



Conclusion (2/3)

• Lack of intelligence theory

• Problem of consciousness in robots

• Is language needed for intelligence ?

• Sufficient pressures for a new species ?

• Does performance gain means Intelligence gain ?


Conclusion (3/3)

“Intelligence is like life or cosmos; its such a deep phenomenon that we will still be trying to

understand it

many centuries from now.”

Luc Steels




Homo Cyber Sapiens

• The Anatomical changes are defined by :

New sensory modalities.

The Extreme ecological pressures are defined by:

Homo erectus

Homo Sapiens “wise man"

Homo erectus



Homo Cyber Sapiens

• The human species is today under just as much stress as it must have been in the past,

Still Human Intelligence haven’t evolved !

• How realistic is the development of a Homo Cyber Sapiens ?


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