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Anisotropic Heisenberg surface on semi-infinite Ising ferromagnet : renormalization group treatment


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1985

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Anisotropic Heisenberg surface on semi-infinite Ising ferromagnet : renormalization group treatment

U.M.S. Costa, A.M. Mariz, C. Tsallis

To cite this version:

U.M.S. Costa, A.M. Mariz, C. Tsallis. Anisotropic Heisenberg surface on semi-infinite Ising ferro-

magnet : renormalization group treatment. Journal de Physique Lettres, Edp sciences, 1985, 46 (18),

pp.851-859. �10.1051/jphyslet:019850046018085100�. �jpa-00232909�



Anisotropic Heisenberg surface on semi-infinite

Ising ferromagnet : renormalization group treatment

U. M. S. Costa (1,2), A. M. Mariz (1,3) and C. Tsallis (1)

(1) Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas/CNPq, Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - Urca,

22240 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil.

(2) Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Cidade Universitária,

57000 - Maceió, Al - Brazil.

(3) Departamento de Fisica Teórica e Experimental, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Universitário, 59000 - Natal, RN - Brazil.

(Reçu le 24 juin 1985, accepte le 29 juillet 1985 )



Nous utilisons une transformation de renormalisation de Migdal-Kadanoff pour étudier le comportement critique d’un ferromagnétique d’Ising, cubique simple, cubique infini dont la surface libre (1, 0, 0) contient des interactions anisotropes (dans l’espace des spins) ferromagnétiques de Heisenberg. Le diagramme de phase présente trois phases (paramagnétique, ferromagnétique en

volume et ferromagnétique en surface) qui se rejoignent en un point multicritique. Les coordonnées de ce point sont calculées en fonction de l’anisotropie. Les diverses classes d’universalité du problème

sont mises en évidence.



We use a Migdal-Kadanoff-like renormalization group approach to study the critical behaviour of a semi-infinite simple cubic Ising ferromagnet whose (1, 0, 0) free surface contains

anisotropic (in spin space) Heisenberg ferromagnetic interactions. The phase diagram presents three phases (namely the paramagnetic, the bulk ferromagnetic and the surface ferromagnetic ones) which join on a multicritical point The location of this point is calculated as a function of the anisotropy.

The various universality classes of the problem are exhibited.


J. Physique Let!. 46 (1985) L-851 - L-859 15 SEPTEMBRE 1985, :


Physics Abstracts



05.70F - 75.10J



1. Introduction.

The appearance of surface effects in magnetic systems has been studied extensively during last

years. Both theoretical and experimental efforts have been dedicated to the subject (see Ref [1]

for a recent review) because of its various applications as well as its intrinsic richness. A quite interesting and realistic particular situation is that where the surface magnetic interactions

differ, in strength and evenjin nature, from the bulk ones. A possible experimental implementation

of such a situation can be done by adsorbing, on top of the magnetic bulk, a layer of different magnetic atoms. Among the various theoretical approaches that can be used to discuss this

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyslet:019850046018085100



type of system, the real-space renormalization-group (RG) is a quite convenient one as it hope- fully provides a good description of its criticality [2-6].

In the present paper we discuss a spin 1/2 semi-infinite simple cubic lattice Ising ferromagnet

with a (1, 0, 0) free surface (square lattice) whose interactions are of the anisotropic Heisenberg type. Our approach is a Migdal-Kadanoff-like RG which follows along the lines of references [5]

and [7]. In section 2 we introduce the model and formalism, in section 3 we present the results and finally we conclude in section 4; operational details are given in the Appendix.

2. Model and formalism.

We consider the following Hamiltonian :

where i, j ? runs over all pairs of first-neighbouring sites on a semi-infinite simple cubic lattice

with a (1,0,0) free surface (see Fig. 1); the a’s are the standard Pauli matrices; (Jij, ’1ij) equals (JBI 1) in the bulk (Jp ~ 0), and equals (Js, ’1) on the free surface (Js > 0, 0 ~ ’1 ~ 1 ). The 1’/ = 1 and ’1 = 0 limits respectively correspond to the Ising and isotropic Heisenberg models. We

introduce the following convenient variables :

where T is the temperature and kB the Boltzmann constant

The phase diagram for the purely Ising case (’1 = 1) presents three phases [5, 6, 8-12], namely

the bulk ferromagnetic (BF ; both the bulk and the surface are magnetized), the surface ferroma- gnetic (SF; finite surface but vanishing bulk magnetizations), and the paramagnetic (P ; no spon- taneous magnetization) ones. We intend to study the evolution of the phase diagram when

quantum aspects (’1 #= 1) are introduced in the free surface. To perform this analysis we follow

Fig. 1.


Semi-infinite simple cubic lattice. The dashed (full) lines represent the surface (bulk) bonds

associated with (Js, j7) (with (Jp, 1)).



Fig. 2.


RG cell transformation : (a) for the bulk (Kg ~ JB/kB T ) ; (b) for the free surface (Ks = JS/kB T).

0 and. respectively represent the terminal and internal (being decimated) nodes.

along the lines of reference [5] and construct a RG with Migdal-Kadanoff-like clusters [13, 14]

(see Fig. 2) for both surface and bulk bonds. The partition function of each cluster is preserved through the renormalization. The clusters of figure 2 are reducible in sequential series and parallel operations. This fact enables the quick (and exact) calculation [15] of the cluster of figure 2a, all the bonds of which are Ising (i.e., classical) interactions. We also take advantage of this fact to make easier the calculation of the cluster of figure 2b. In this case however, quantum effects

are present and therefore the result is not exact; nevertheless it constitutes an excellent approxi-

mation [7].

For the bulk we obtain the following recursive relation :

which is equivalent to equation (7) of reference [5]. This equation admits two trivial (stable)

fixed points (at KB = 0 and KB = oo), as well as a critical (unstable) one (at a finite value of KB).

The calculation of the recurrence for the surface is more complex. We first solve (see Appendix)

a series array of three bonds (each of them associated with (Ks, ’1)), and obtain the equivalent

parameters noted K3(Ks, ’1) and r~3(Ks, ’1). If the three bonds are of the bulk type (ie., Ising interactions), the equivalent parameters are K3 (KB, 1) and qs(K 3 B, 1 ) = 1. We now approach

the cluster of figure 2b by six parallel branches [being three of the type (K3(Ks, ’1), r~3(Ks, 1]))

and three of the type (K3 (KB, 1), 1)] and obtain [7] the following recurrence :

Equations (5) to (7) formally close the construction of the RG : the flow they determine (in the (KB, Ks, ’1) space for instance) yields the phase diagram and exhibits the relevant universality




3. Results.

The present RG provides the flow diagram indicated in figures 3a and 3b (in the (tB, ~s? r~) space), where we note two interesting invariant subspaces, namely il = 1 (purely Ising problem) and" = tB = 0 (fully bulk-disconnected isotropic Heisenberg free surface). We also note the following facts : (i) three trivial (fully stable) fixed points, namely at (tB, tS, 17) = (0, 0,1 ), (1,1,1)

and (0, 1, 1), characterize the three phases of the system, respectively the P, BF and SF ones;

(ii) five main semi-stable fixed points are present, namely at (tB, ts, ~) = (tB3D, 1, 1 ) (characterizing

the standard D = 3 universality class; tB3 Dcorresponds to the finite critical temperature for the D = 3 Ising model), (tB D, tl, 1) (characterizing the non trivial universality class associated

with the surface phase transition occurring simultaneously with the bulk one ; ts is a finite cons-

tant), (0, ts D, 1) (characterizing the standard D = 2 universality class; tS2 Dcorresponds to the

finite critical temperature for the D = 2 Ising model), (~, ts B, 1 ) (characterizing the universality

class of the multicritical line where all three P, BF and SF join together) and (0,1,0) (charac- terizing the universality class of the D = 2 isotropic Heisenberg model, whose critical tempe-

rature vanishes); (iii) one fully unstable fixed point at (tB, ts, q) = (tB3 D, 1, 0) which is a special point on the above mentioned multicritical line, and determines by itself a new universality

class. In short the universality classes of the problem are Ising-dominated, and the isotropic Heisenberg nature prevails only when no source of Ising symmetry exists at all. In figure 4 we present cuts of the critical surface (in the (A, T) space) for typical values of the anisotropy fl.

The location of the multicritical point as a function of ’1 is indicated in figure 5 ; Ae is the value

of A above which surface magnetic order can subsist even if the bulk is disordered). For" = 1

we recover the result of reference [5], i.e., ~ ~ 0.74, which compares reasonably well with the series result [8] 0.6 ± 0.1, the Monte Carlo one [11] 0.50 ± 0.03, and other RG result [6] 0.569.

4. Conclusion.

We have used a simple renormalization group approach, with Migdal-Kadanoff-like clusters,

to study surface critical effects in semi-infinite lattices of spins 1/2 which interact through standard

Fig. 3.


RG flux diagram and critical surface : (a) in the (tB, ts, r~) space (tr =- tanh Kr (r = B, S));

(b) for the" = 1 subspace (purely Ising problem). 8 denotes trivial (fully stable) fixed points; . denotes

critical (semi-stable) fixed points; 0 denotes the multicritical (fully unstable) fixed point P, SF and BF

respectively denote the para-, surface ferro- and bulk ferromagnetic phases. Dashed lines are indicative.


Fig. 4.


Fixed ~ cuts of the critical surface in the J 2013 T space (J = JS/JB - 1).

Fig. 5. - 11 dependence of J..



Ising ferromagnetic couplings in the bulk, and through anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnetic couplings on the free surface. The anisotropy ’1 is assumed to vary between 0 (isotropic Hei- senberg free surface) and 1 (purely Ising problem, relatively well discussed in the literature).

The present results can alternatively be applied to the hierarchical lattice determined by the topological recurrence in figure 2, and for such system they are strictly exact for ’1 = 1 [17]

and approximate otherwise [7] ; or be applied to the semi-infinite simple cubic Bravais lattice with a (1, 0, 0) free surface, and for such system they are, for all values of ~, approximate (although qualitatively correct). The phase diagram presents three phases, namely the paramagnetic, the

bulk ferromagnetic and the surface ferromagnetic ones. All three phases join, for a given value

of yy, on a multicritical point, whose location can be characterized by Ac (defined as the particular

value of d - JsIJB - 1 above which surface ordering can exist even in the absence of bulk ordering). Ac monotonically and continuously decreases while ’1 increases from 0 to 1. It attains its minimum for ’1 = 1, where we obtain J~ ~ 0.74 which compares satisfactorily with other

values available in the literature. On the other hand, it reaches its maximum value at ’1 = 0, where it presents a finite value (Ar 2.5). In other words, for JS/JB high enough, it is possible

to have a surface-dominated phase transition occurring at temperatures above the bulk critical

point, even for the isotropic Heisenberg model, whose strictly two-dimensional version is believed to have a vanishing critical temperature. However, the paradox is only apparent because our system is not two-dimensional, a paramagnetic (deep) bulk being something quite different from

a disconnected bulk ; indeed, surface spins are correlated through both surface and bulk interac- tions. The bulk that has been assumed in this paper is an Ising one, which clearly constitutes a

favourable situation for having bulk-assisted surface ordering. It is intuitive that bulk models closer and closer to the isotropic Heisenberg model will require higher and higher values of JS/JB for the surface ferromagnetic phase to exist It is possible that the ’1surface = 0 critical value Ac will diverge when the bulk model becomes the strictly isotropic Heisenberg model (’1bulk = 0)’ We are presentty working on this interesting problem, in order to see, in particular,

whether the RG approach agrees or disagrees with a recent random-phase-approximation

result [16] obtained for the FCC lattice which suggests the existence of a finite positive critical

value ’1c below which the surface ferromagnetic phase cannot exist

As intuitively expected, most regions of the critical surface belong to the universality classes

associated with the lowest symmetry of the problem, the Ising model in our case. In particular

all points but one (corresponding to ’1 = 0) of the multicritical line (on which all three phases join) belong to the bulk-surface Ising universality class; the q = 0 point constitutes a non trivial

universality class by itself


We acknowledge fruitful remarks from N. Majlis and S. Selzer.


We consider a series array of three (K, ’1) bonds and four sites (see Fig. 6, where (K’, ’1’) is to

be identified with (K~, ’1~) of the main body of the paper). The array is characterized by the

dimensionless Hamiltonian

This array is renormalized into a single bond whose dimensionless Hamiltonian is given by


Fig. 6.


RG transformation for a series array of three bonds.

where K~, K’ and are to be found as functions of (K, ’1) by imposing

where Tr denotes the trace over the internal sites of the series array.


Let us now outline the intermediate steps of the calculation which follows along the lines

of reference [7]. We first expand both sides of equation (A. 3), and obtain


These two expressions replaced into equation (A. 3) immediately yield

By expressing J~i~ in the basis which diagonalizes it we can easily find K~ = Ko(a’, bi2, ~12)’

K’ = K’(a’, b i 2 , C’,2) and ’1’ = ’1’(a’, ~2~ ~12)’ By diagonalizing ~ 12 34 we can similarly find

a = a(K, ~), b12 - b12(K, ’1) and c~2 - C12(K, ~). All these relations together with equa- tion (A. 6) to (A. 8) provide the relations Ko = Ko(K, ~), K’ = K’(K, ’1) and ’1’ = ’1’(K, r~)

we were looking for. We obtain the following expressions :




where the Ei’s are the roots of a cubic equation and are given by





[1] BINDER, K., « Critical behavior at surfaces » in Phase transition and Critical Phenomena, ed. C. Domb and J. L. Lebowitz, vol. 8 (Academic Press) 1983.

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