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Noncoherent quantum effects in the magnetization reversal of a chemically disordered magnet : SmCo3.5Cu1.5


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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Noncoherent quantum effects in the magnetization reversal of a chemically disordered magnet :


M. Uehara, B. Barbara

To cite this version:

M. Uehara, B. Barbara. Noncoherent quantum effects in the magnetization reversal of a chem- ically disordered magnet : SmCo3.5Cu1.5. Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (2), pp.235-238.

�10.1051/jphys:01986004702023500�. �jpa-00210200�


Noncoherent quantum effects in the magnetization reversal

of a chemically disordered magnet : SmCo3.5Cu1.5

M. Uehara (*) and B. Barbara Laboratoire Louis Néel, C.N.R.S., 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Reçu le 7 juin 1985, accepté le 3 octobre 1985)



Dans la première partie de cet article nous justifions théoriquement l’hypothèse d’énergie d’activation moyenne en vue de décrire le trainage magnétique de l’aimantation des systèmes désordonnés en champs fixes.

Dans la seconde partie nous mettons en évidence une importante anomalie de l’énergie d’activation thermique de SmCo3,5Cu1,5 en-dessous de 50 K. Cette anomalie est expliquée à l’aide d’un simple modèle de fluctuations quan-

tiques des parois entre domaines magnétiques. Une température effective de 10 K est obtenue qui rend compte des fluctuations d’énergie de parois à zéro kelvin. Cette température coincide très bien avec la fréquence caractéristique

03C90 ~ 1012 s-1 des vibrations de parois en équilibre métastable.



In the first part of this paper we justify theoretically the assumption of a mean activation energy to describe the time dependent magnetization at constant field in disordered systems. In the second part we show the existence of an important anomaly in the mean activation energy of SmCo3.5Cu1.5 below 50 K. This anomaly is explained in terms of a simple model of quantum fluctuations of domain walls. An effective temperature of 10 K is found in order to account for energy fluctuations of domain walls at zero kelvin. This temperature coincides very well with the characteristic frequency, 03C90 ~ 1012 s-1, of domain wall vibrations in metastable equilibrium.

Classification Physics Abstracts

75.60L - 05.40J

Recently, there has been considerable interest in the

study of the macroscopic magnetic behaviour of

disordered systems, such as spin glasses or amorphous magnets. In these systems with spherical symmetry, the characteristic scale for the disorder extends between 10 and 103 A.

Rare earth-based permanent magnets are charac- terized by an extremely large uniaxial anisotropy (hexagonal symmetry). In Sm(Co-Cu)s alloys the

disorder is of chemical origin and extends at the scale of 5-50 pm [1]. The magnetization reversal of such

alloys has been studied above 50 K in terms of an

activation mechanism involving local variations of the domain wall surface (kink creation and annihila-

tion model) [2-7]. Below this temperature we observed

an anomalous behaviour indicating a possible break-

down of the thermal activation mechanism.

In this paper we show that such a behaviour can be attributed to quantum vibrations of domain walls.

Before going further, let us consider some general

features concerning the interpretation of magnetic after

effect measurement.

Street and Wooley [8] showed that the rate of magne-

tization variation is given by :

where A = I/To e-E(H)/kT. In this expression E(H) =

kT In (1/ À.To) represents the activation energy at a

given field and ro is the characteristic relaxation time of domain walls in critical damping. The unspe- cified terms have their usual meaning. This expression

can be rewritten :

As the function f(E(H)) is smooth compared to e - It :

where E(H) = kT In (t/io) is the mean activation

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01986004702023500



energy. The small variations of S(H, T) are always negligible compared to :

therefore, the time rate of magnetization variations I/r = (1/2 MJ dM/dt can be written

with 1/z = (1/2 MJ dM/dt and To = 7:o/S(H, T) can

be considered as a constant.


If the functional dependence E(H) is known, expression (4) allows to determine experimentally the

thermal and time evolution of E(H). Some years ago,

we have shown that E(H) oc 1/H in highly anisotropic alloys [9, 10, 2]. Therefore expression (4) shows that

the thermal variation of the mean activation energy

E(H) can be determined by plotting In (dM/dt) versus 11H.

The rate of magnetization variation 1/7: =(1/2 MJ x dM/dt has been measured on a single crystal of SMCO3.5Cu1.5 near the coercive field He for which

the measured magnetization is very small. Consequent- ly the demagnetizing field of the sample (a sphere 3 mm

in diameter) is negligible [11]. The plot of In (1/r) as a

function of the reciprocal applied magnetic field H gives a set of convergent straight lines (Fig. 1, see also

Fig. 1.


Rate of magnetization in SmC03,sCul,s for

various temperatures as a function of the reciprocal magne- tic field.

Refs. [2-5]). The intersection point is found by a linear extrapolation at Ho = 41.7 kOe (the coercive field at 0 K) and 1/T0 = 1012 s-1 (the mean characteristic

frequency of domain walls).

Such a linear dependence of the activation energy with the reciprocal applied field characterizes a wall

propagation involving local surface variations. It has been observed several years ago in the displacement of

ferroelectric domain walls [12, 13] and in Dy3Al2

for ferromagnetic compounds [9, 10].

In our model [4,14] of non rigid domain wall propa-

gation the mean activation energy has been evaluated

by considering a small portion So of domain wall, which, being less trapped than its surrounding, has

an energy par unit surface (y + &y/2), i.e. larger than

the average wall energy density y. This element can

therefore move. Under the combined influence of an

applied field H sufficiently high, and of the thermal

activation, the surface of this small element deforms from So to S by sweeping out a volume V. The asso-

ciated jump will be irreversible only if the wall segment

can be trapped at points of smaller energy (-y - A7y/2) corresponding to other defects. The energy variation associated with this jump is

The term - 2 M, HSO 6 where ð is the wall thickness

accounts for small wall curvatures. The irreversible deformation, assumed to be of cylindrical symmetry, is possible when its amplitude is larger than or equal

to a critical value pg rr (V IS): obtained by maximiza-

tion of equation (5). The height of the energy barrier to be overcome for an irreversible jump is obtained by substituting p* into equation (5) :

where F is a geometrical factor = 1. The parameter

a = (AS/S - åyfi) characterizes the local variation of domain wall surface (AS/S) and pinning (Ayfi).

The field Ho = (2 a/n). H., where H. is the anisotropy field, is the kink creation or annihilation field in the absence of activation and h the amplitude of ele-

mentary forward jumps. We have shown that this length is of the order of the domain wall thickness and that a rr 0.07 in SmC03., Cul,s [2-7].

In order to confirm the validity of expression (6), we

have compared the variation of kT(d In (’C/to)/d(I/H»)

with 2/Ms = 16 ao K(T) NMs (T), where K(T) and

NM.I(T) are the anisotropy and exchange energy respectively determined on the same single crystal (2-5)

and ao the mean lattice parameter (Fig. 2). The linear

behaviour observed above 50 K and the fact that its

extrapolates to the origin of the coordinates constitute

a good check for the notion of mean activation energy and for the kink creation annihilation model [4].

Below this temperature an important anomaly is observed, which cannot be due to the thermal evolution

of the activation energy (expression (6)). As a matter of

fact the magnetic characteristics 6, Ha, M,) are nearly

constant at these temperatures (the Curie tempera-

ture of SMC03.-iCUl.,5 being 700 K). Therefore we

assign the anomaly below 50 K to a modification in

the thermal activation mechanism itself. In order to


u -2

Fig. 2. - Plot of T U d 111 B. T;/T;O} (11m versus y-2lMs = K(T)

NMa(T) (see also Ref. [3]).

show more clearly this effect let us plot the apparent elementary volume [15]

versus T as shown in figure 3.

Above 50 K this quantity is constant; the apparent volume V* can therefore be identified to the real volume V of the activation process. Furthermore the forward amplitude of the elementary jump h is found of the order of some interatomic distances i.e. close to the mean wall thickness in SMC03.5cu,.5.

Fig. 3.


Temperature dependence of the normalized apparent volume V */V in SmCo3.sCu1.s’

Below 50 K, the anomaly shown in figure 2 corres- ponds in figure 3 to an abrupt decreasing of the

apparent volume V *, suggesting an easier magnetiza- tion reversal in this temperature range. In particular

a finite probability for magnetization reversal persists

in the limit of absolute temperature (0 kelvin).

Let us assume that the curve of figure 3 results from two contributions :

- a thermally activated one :

where g(T) and h(H) account for the functional depen-

dences of the activation energy E = V g(T) h(H) with temperature and magnetic field and Y is the characte- ristic volume introduced above.

- an athermal one:

where A is practically independent of temperature and To is the characteristic time of small fluctuations about the metastable equilibrium already introduced above.

The total probability for a magnetization reversal

can be written in terms of an effective activation law :

where V * is the apparent volume already defined [15].

This volume should be temperature dependent :

- In the limit of high temperatures TT z f and therefore V * = V is independent of the temperature,

as expected.

- In the limit of low temperatures, zT >> ’tr, and

where A/E is a constant. This limit fits with the expe- rimental data points if E/A ~ 10 K as shown in figure 4.

Fig. 4.


Same experimental points as shown in figure 3.

The notion of effective temperature T * is related to the

one of apparent volume by V *IV


TIT *. The continuous

line represents a fit to equation (12) for E/A


10 K and



40 ± 5 K. The low and high temperature limits are

indicated by the two straight lines intercepting at T rr 10 K.



Now it would be interesting to discuss the origin of

the athermal magnetization process introduced here.

Such a mechanism can be attributed to quantum

phenomena : tunnelling of domain walls through the potential barrier [16, 17, 10] or quantum mechanical motion over the potential barrier due to zero point

energy [2-5]. Since quantum tunnelling of macroscopic objects such as domain walls is not so common and needs very peculiar conditions, this phenomenon

should be taken carefully. On the opposite, zero point

motion over potential barriers associated with energy fluctuations AE = hIAt can be relatively easily consi-


In our case the motion of a small portion of domain

wall of effective mass m, equivalent to a quasi-particle,

can be considered as a simple quantum harmonic oscillator with characteristic frequency ro oc 1/jm,

and energy levels at nro/2, 3 hcol2, 5 hco/2... These loca-

lized states should interact with the spectrum of lattice vibrations leading to a quasi-continuous spectrum of wall excitations. At low temperature the quantum noise of lattice vibrations must lead to quantum energy fluctuations AEO of the wall portion. These

energy fluctuations of characteristic frequency

a)o = AE01h correspond to small wall excitations in the metastable well; roo can be considered as the trial

frequency or in other words as the exponential pre-

factor ; it must also enter in the argument of the expo- nential since AEO = kT * can be considered as an

effective temperature. Therefore when the applied field

is such that E(H) = AEO the wall portion should

overcome instantaneously the energy barrier even at

zero kelvin. Finite relaxation times are simply given by ’t = io elAEo with io = 2 a/coo = HIAEO.

In the framework of this physical model, the argu- ment of the exponential in equation (9) is A = E/AEO

and therefore

where T * is an effective temperature accounting for

the zero point motion of domain walls; AE 0 = kT* = hcoo. It is interesting to note that the value E/A =

kT* -- 10 K corresponds well to the frequency of

wo = 1.3 x 1012 s-1 determined independently in figure 1 : the effect of zero point energy motion is observed at temperatures lower than or equal to hwo.

In conclusion we have interpreted the crossover

between thermal hopping and quantum regime in the

reversal of the magnetization of a disordered ferroma- gnet in terms of the gradual transition from thermal to

microscopic quantum fluctuations. This transition

might be qualitatively described in terms of an effec-

tive temperature equal to the mean energy of a quan- tum harmonic oscillator AE = /KU/2 coth (hco/2 kT),

at finite temperatures (AE -+ hw/2 when T -+ 0 and

AE - kT when T -+ oo). In our phenomenological

model we take also into account interactions between modes of frequency with the lattice vibrations spec-

trum. This leads to the two limiting exponential rates

~ e-E/AEu at low temperature and e-E/k1’ at high temperature. It is at the moment difficult to find any difference between this model of quantum fluctuations

over energy barriers and tunnelling through energy barriers. Therefore we do not exclude the possibility of quantum tunnelling of a domain wall in disordered systems. Our model may provide a simple physical picture for the crossover between thermal hopping

and quantum mechanical tunnelling assisted by phonons [18-20].

The high field magnetization measurements were

performed at Service National des Champs Intenses in Grenoble.


[1] UEHARA, M., J. Appl. Phys. 48 (1977) 5197.

[2] BARBARA, B. and UEHARA, M., I.E.E.E. Trans. Mag.

MAG-12 (1976) 997.

[3] BARBARA, B. and UEHARA, M., Physica 86-88 (1977)


[4] BARBARA, B. and UEHARA, M., Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 37 (1978) 203.

[5] BARBARA, B., Proc. 2nd Int. Symp on Anisotropy and Coercivity (1978) 137.

[6] UEHARA, M., J. Appl. Phys. 49 (1978) 4155.

[7] UEHARA, M., J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 31-34 (1983) 1017.

[8] STREET, R. and WOOLLEY, J. C., Proc. Phys. Soc. A 62 (1949) 562.

[9] BARBARA, B., FILLION, G., GIGNOUX, D. and LEMAIRE, R. Solid State Commun. 10 (1972) 1149.

[10] BARBARA, B., J. Physique 34 (1973) 1039.

[11] During a typical after effect measurement the range of variation of the demagnetizing field is


± 100 Oe to be compared with the applied magnetic fields

of 40 kOe at low temperature and 20 kOe at 50 K.

[12] MERZ, W. J., Phys. Rev. 95 (1954) 690.

[13] MILLER, R. C. and WEINREICH, G., Phys. Rev. 117 (1960) 1460.

[14] BARBARA, B., MAGNIN, J. and JOUVE, H., Appl. Phys.

Lett. 31 (1977) 133.

[15] This is the activation volume measured on the basis of

expression (4). This expression accounting for

thermal activation is not necessarily valid in the

whole range of temperature and especially at low temperature. This is the reason why we have

defined for any temperature an apparent activa- tion volume V*. This volume has a physical meaning only in the range of temperature where the thermal activation mechanism is preponderant.

[16] EGAMI, T., Phys. Status Solidi (a) 20 (1973) 157.

[17] EGAMI, T., Phys. Status Solidi (b) 57 (1973) 211.

[18] CALDEIRA, A. O. and LEGGETT, A. T., Phys. Rev. Lett.

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[19] LARKIN, A. I. and OVCHINNIKOV, Yu. N., Soviet Phys.

JETP 86 (1984) 719.

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