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Electron transport and kinetics of transformations in the amorphous alloy Ni66B34


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Electron transport and kinetics of transformations in the amorphous alloy Ni66B34

F. Machizaud, F.-A. Kuhnast, J. Flechon, B. Auguin, A. Defresne

To cite this version:

F. Machizaud, F.-A. Kuhnast, J. Flechon, B. Auguin, A. Defresne. Electron transport and kinetics of transformations in the amorphous alloy Ni66B34. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (1), pp.97-106.

�10.1051/jphys:0198100420109700�. �jpa-00208995�



Electron transport and kinetics of transformations in the amorphous alloy Ni66B34

F. Machizaud, F.-A. Kuhnast, J. Flechon

Laboratoire de Physique des Dépôts Métalliques, Université de Nancy I, C.O. 140, 54037 Nancy Cedex, France

B. Auguin and A. Defresne

Service de Chimie Physique, C.E.A. Saclay, France

(Reçu le 23 mai 1980, révisé le 7 juillet, accepté le 15 septembre 1980)



L’alliage amorphe Ni66B34 préparé par voie chimique à 20° C apparait comme constitué d’un grand

nombre d’agrégats de 8 Å environ, noyés dans une matrice désordonnée, et qui lui confère un ordre local voisin de celui du borure Ni3B.

La cinétique des transformations qui accompagnent tout traitement thermique du matériau à une température supérieure à 20 °C est déduite de l’étude des isothermes de décroissance de la résistivité électrique qui en résulte.

Deux domaines d’accroissement linéaire de l’énergie d’activation apparente Ea sont définis en fonction de la tem- pérature de recuit : le premier dans le domaine de températures l’alliage conserve son caractère amorphe,

le deuxième au-delà de 350 °C qui correspond à la précipitation des phases cristallines.



The amorphous alloy Ni66B34 prepared by chemical methods at 20 °C appears to be formed of a large number of clusters of about 8 Å, surrounded by a disordered matrix, the former giving to the latter local order similar to that of the boride Ni3B.

The kinetics of transformations which accompany all thermal treatments of the material at a temperature above 20 °C are deduced from study of the resulting isotherm of decreasing electrical resistivity.

Two regions of linear increase in apparent activation energy Ea are defined versus annealing temperature : the first in the temperature domain where the alloy maintains its amorphous character; the second beyond 350 °C, cor- responding to precipitation of the crystallized phases.

J. Physique 42 (1981) 97-106 JANVIER 1981,


Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


The Ni-B metallic alloys obtain-

ed by oxido-reduction in the liquid phase have been

of increasing interest over the past several years.

For these materials we have defined the preparation

conditions in thin films or in powders and specified

their composition [1-4].

Several methods allow study of the structural modifications and the irreversible phase changes

found in these alloys during the appropriate thermal

treatments :

- X-ray diffraction [2, 5-9],


electron microscopy and microdiffraction [4, 10],


differential thermal analysis [6, 8, 9, 11],


electrical resistivity measurement [2, 4, 5, 7, 10,12].

In the present work we propose developing this

last analytical method, to compare the results with those of differential thermal analysis (D.T.A.) [11]

and to interpret them by a detailed structural study.

2. Expérimental techniques.




The deposited thin films are made at 20 °C in a

thermostated bath on the microscope holder foils;

their mean thickness (between 500 A and 1 500 A) is

calculated by measurement of the mass on a Mettler balance with ± 2 pg accuracy. Our study essentially

concerns films whose thickness is greater than 1 000 A

and which appear as a continuous monolayer of islands

on the electron micrographs [4].

The samples containing 34 % boron atoms are cut

in a rectangle of 40 mm x 10 mm in order to study

their electrical resistivity.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198100420109700





resistivity measurements were made on a Nanorac Sefram BMP recorder, using standard potentiometric

methods with a measuring direct current of 1 mA.

To suppress the parasitic electro-motive forces the connection wires and the evaporated electrical contacts are made of nickel. The current in the sample is stabi-

lized to 10- 5 A. The voltage variations are recorded

continuously. The electrical resistance of a film is known with a relative uncertainty of 10- 3.

For the calculation of resistivity, where the predo-

minant source of error is the determination of layer thickness, the precision is then of the order of 2 %.

Thermal treatment of the samples is done under a

vacuum of 10-6 torr in a pyrex laboratory tube. The heating is done by an electrical oven suitably regulated

so that the temperature gradient is less than 1/10 degree

per cm over a distance of about 7 cm. The regulation

system permits temperature stabilization to within 1 degree.

The temperature is measured by a potentiometric

recorder. The thermocouple (Ni-Cr, Ni alloy) is placed

under the sample in a groove of the sample holder

prepared for this purpose. The temperatures thus recorded are defined to 0.25 %.

The evolution of the electrical resistivity is measured

continuously :


either during different linear heatings (the rate

of heating a


dT/dt is constant) : this technique, according to Damask and Dienes [13], permits display

of the annealed temperatures characterizing a given stage in the evolution of the material and permits

isolation of the different types of transformation

leading to the increase of electrical conductivity (Fig. 1),

Fig. 1.


Ni,,B34 film thickness 1200 A : resistivity annealing

curves with différent constant rates of heating (x. D.T.A. curve of powder N166B34.


or during different successive isothermal anneal-

ings of 5 h each (Fig. 2) : the slope ratio method [14]

for two successive isotherms then permits calculation of the apparent activation energy Ea.

Fig. 2.


Ni66B34 film thickness 1300 À : isothermal curves of


Experimental results have led us to limit the dura- tion of each isothermal annealing to 5 h, for which we

obtain about 90 % of the total resistivity variation

measured on a stabilized sample at the same tempe-

rature. A longer annealing seems to congeal the

material in its structural state and retards all higher temperature transformations.

3. Method of analysis.


In solids it is often observ- ed [15] that some physical properties modified by heating of the material obey a rate equation of thé

form :

where p represents the measured property, t the time,

T the absolute temperature, kB Boltzmann’s constant Ea the apparent activation energy, the q’s being some

constants or independent variables of t and T but dependent chiefly on the material’s history.


Indeed, the Arrhenius equation corresponding to homogeneous kinetics can be extended to certain

heterogeneous reactions [16], although the validity

cannot be demonstrated. One can write :

where x represents the transformation degree, C,

the nucleation frequency, y the apparent transforma- tion order (which in heterogeneous kinetics loses all objective significance), (1 - x) the untransforme4

fraction of the solid body.



If equation (2) is satisfied and if the property p is

proportional to the concentration n of defects :

and if it is written that the concentration n is pro-

portional to the untransformed fraction (1


x) :

relation (2) becomes :

and therefore (3) is written :

so :

putting : fl


RD v.

For each isotherm at the temperature T, Co is supposed constant, but Co can vary from one isotherm to an other following the transformation undergone by the material. T being constant, the sole variable parameter is the time t ; the integration of (6) gives :

with :



Determination of the transformation kinetics is possible through a

detailed analysis of isothermal measurements of the

electrical resistivity carried out on thin film alloys.

It for each isotherm :

p being the electrical resistivity at time t, p; the initial resistivity, pf the extrapolated final resistivity, then

the isothermal decreasing of p satisfies (7) which is

written :

with :

Relation (8) is verified for each isotherm for which Co

and Ea are given characterizing structural transfor- mations.

Indeed it is always possible to choose a positive

value of M in order that the curve

be a straight line, the slope 1/1 - y allowing us to

calculate the apparent order of the transformation.

Fig. 3.


Ni66B34 film thickness 1 150 A : determination of appa- rent reaction order y for isothermal curve of resistivity at 200 °C : a) Log (p - pf)


f(t); b) Log (p - Pc)


f(t + M), M



The calculation done for each isotherm defmes an apparent order equal to 2 (Fig. 4) ; the slight fluctuar

tions observed may be due to the fact that in the

integration of (6) we supposed Ea constant along the


Fig. 4.


Apparent reaction order y versus isothermal temperature of annealing.


- 3.2. 1 Ratio of slopes method.


Equations (6)

and (8) having been experimentally verified for the electrical resistivity isotherms, the ratio of slopes

method [14] can be used to define the apparent trans- formation activation energy Ea and its variation with the treatment temperature of the alloy :

with :


Rl, R2 being the slopes at the common point of twg successive isotherms recorded at the temperatures 1¡

and T2 and characterizing the variation of the mea-

sured physical property p. The value of Ea obtained.

from (9) characterizes the transformations eflecte4

at the temperature Ti, the transformations which should occur during the isotherm T2 hardly being

started at the common point Ti, T2.

Figure 5 reports the results relative to Ea for the alloy studied : two regions of linear variation versus temperature appear with a sudden discontinuity near

300 °C. The increase of Ea with the temperature shows that the material being annealed is accom- panied by several transformations associated with

différent activation energies. The value of Ea, deterr

mined at a given temperature, is an average value

depending on the sample history : age of the samples

duration of the thermal treatment, temperature diffe,

rence between two isotherms. The results obtained, are reproducible for about ten samples from 1100 A to

1 200 A of thickness, samples recently prepared, the

duration of thermal treatment being fixed at 5 hours, temperature difference between 2 isotherms being a

maximum of 50 °C.

3.2.2 Kissinger’s method [17].


This allowed

us [11] to determine, by D.T.A. on powder samples, the apparent activation energy Ea and nucleation fre- quency Co upon crystallization.

The theory is based on the similarity of the D.T.A.

and D.T.G. (differential thermogravimetry) curves.

Murray and White [18], [19] and Sewell [20] admii

that the maximum reaction rate dx/dt given by

relation (2) and indicated on the D.T.G. curves cor-

responds to the maximum of the D.T.A. peak.

Knowing that at thç maximum reaction rate

differentiation of (2) allows us to write :



dT/dt heating rate, T. temperature at the D.T.A.

peak maximum (Fig. 1).

Equation (2) can be integrated assuming a constant heating rate in order to obtain the extent of reaction

as a function of temperature. A satisfactory approxià

mation was obtained by Murray and White [21] by

successive integration by parts : a rapidly converging

series results, so that all terms after the second may be

dropped. These results combined with equation (10)

give an expression independent of the transformation order :

For the crystallization temperatures determineà

from the thermograms carried out at various heating

rates a, relation (11) is written :

Ea.y,t and co , characterizing the observed transfor-

mation, in this case the crystallization, are supposed independent of the temperature T., provided that the heating rates retained allow crystallization inside a

limited temperature range (658 K K T mcryst 708 K

for a rate of 1 oC/min. oc K 20 °C/min.). By diffe-

rentiation of (1 1’), this permits us to obtain :

The apparent activation energy is obtained from the curve of Log (cxIT’.) versus 1/Tm (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5.


Apparent activation energy Ea versus isothermal temperature of annealing.



Fig. 6.


Kissinger’s method : determination of apparent activa- tion energy Ea.

The figure 6 indicates also the temperature variation T. of the D.T.A. peak maximum with the heating

rate a.

3.2.3 Comparison of the values of Ea given by the

two methods.


Kissinger’s method is applied to the

exothermic D.T.A. peak, the maximum Tm cryst oi

which can vary from 385 °C to 435 °C as a function of

heating rate a [11].

Thus values of E.acryst can be compared only over

this temperature range; this range belongs to the

boride Ni2B crystallization.

The results (Figs. 5-6) reveal remarkable agreement between the apparent activation energies deter-

mined on the films by the ratio of slopes method (1.90 eV/at. Eacryst 2.05 eV/at.) and on the pow-

ders by Kissinger’s method (Ea cryst


2.00 eV/at.).




The nucleation frequency COcryst produced

near 400 °C by the exothermal transformation has been calculated for this transformation, knowing the

value of Ea cryst determined by Kissinger’s method (c.f. relation (11’)) [11] : the calculation gives

Knowing that the apparent order y has been found to equal 2, relations (8’) and (8") allow us to determine :

so that :

for each isotherm based on experimental data of p;, pf, M and Ea (Fig. 7).

The higher isothermal decrease of electrical resisti-

vity appears at 400 °C (Fig. 2), and at the same tempe-

rature as that of the sudden drop of resistivity at

Fig. 7.


Nucleation frequency Co and ColP versus isothermal temperature of annealing (film thickness 1 250 À).

constant heating rate (Fig. 1). Both are associated with the exothermic crystallization peak. Thus, the value of



7.4 x 1016 S-1 U -1 m-1 can be obtained

by interpolation to 400 °C. Knowledge of

allows calculation of the constant fl and therefore Co

based on (13’) for each isotherm at the temperature T (Fig. 7).

4. Structural study of the amorphous alloy Ni6sB34.

- A freshly prepared hlm, the mean thickness of which is 800 A, appears as a monolayer formed by some aggregates from 750 A to 1 000 A in diameter, quite uniformly opaque to the electrons beam [4]. Only very fine filaments, starting from the centre of each aggregate and giving them the aspect of « mimosa flowers »,

seem to indicate a radial growth; the boundaries

between aggregates are clear and rectilinear (Fig. 8a).

Electron microdiffraction photographs (Fig. 8b)

reveal some broad and diffuse rings characterizing

an amorphous or imperfectly crystallized matrix.

The local order can be defined by Fourier transfor- mation of precise intensity measurements of X-rays

diffused by powders of the same composition as the


We used the C.G.R. theta 60 diffractometer equipped

with a step by step device and a print-out. The same sample is then studied successively using two mono-

chromatic MQKa and CuKa beams. After correction of experimental diffused intensities (fluorescence, pola- rization, Compton diffusion, correlation of the MoKa

and CuKa diagrams, rectification for the absolute scale with normalization after Kaplov et al.’s

method [22]), the reduced repartition function :

is obtained by Fourier transformation of the reduced

interference function :


Fig. 8.


Transmission electron micrographs and electron diffraction patterns of Ni66B34 film thickness 750 Â : a), b) deposited at 20°C, c), d) heat treated at 200°C.

where s = 2 sin 0 () and 1 s is the expérimental p inter-

ference function (Fig. 9a).

The repartition function (Fig. 10a) shows well defmed short-range order by the position of the first-neighbour peaks and leads us to consider the presence of clusters in the alloy Ni66B34 as we had

done for the alloy Ni77P 23 [23].

For reasons of chemical affinity one can assert that,

in all the nickel borides, the metalloid has exclusively

nickel atoms as immediate first neighbours. Thus if

the different cluster types used for the theoretical calculation of I(s) we consider one boron atom

surrounded by nickel atoms.

Referring to the alloy Ni77p23 [24], where we have

shown the existence of icosaedric clusters, a hypothesis

which allowed Briant [25] to describe the structure of amorphous metals, we have calculated [2] the inter-

ference functions of icosaedric and pseudo-icosaedric arrangements containing 12 nickel atoms surrounding

one central boron atom (Fig. 9d, f) :

This relationship involves the number N of metal atoms in the cluster, their participation in the diffusion through the a factor (calculated by taking into account

the metalloid percentage of the material), and the

interatomic distances rNi - Ni and rNi - B in the unit cell.

The interference function characterizes, for large

values of s, the local order, and thus the clusters. The differences observed between the experimental a) and

calculated d ) and f ’) functions, as well as the positions

and form of the maxima, oblige us to reject an icosae-

dral or pseudo-icosaedral structure for the clusters.

To take local chemical order into account in this kind of alloy, we have also calculated [2] the inter-

ference functions for clusters « Ni3B », « N’7B3 » corresponding to 1 B and its surrounding 9 Ni as in

borides Ni3B and Ni7B3, and for a cluster « Ni2B » containing 1 B and its surrounding 8 Ni as in boride Ni2B (Fig. 9c, e, g). Only the interference function c) explains quite well the oscillations of the experimental i(s) at large s.

However, the « Ni3B » unit brings into play only

interatomic distances less than 4.4 A and contains no

pair corresponding to the well distinguished peak

of the third neighbours noted at 4.90 À on the repar- tition function (Fig. 10a).

In order to take greater distances into account we



Fig. 9.


Interference functions : a) Ni66B34 powder amorphous, b) calculated for a microcrystal Ni3B (96 Ni and 32 B) with contri- bution of interatomic distances less than 5.5 Á, c) d) e) f ) g) cal-

culated for different clusters : « Ni3B », pseudo-icosaedron,

« NiB3 », icosaedron, « Ni2B ».

Fig. 10.


Repartition functions : a) Ni66B34 powder amorphous, b) calculated for a microcrystal Ni3B of 36 Ni and 12 B.

have calculated an interference function relative to a

microcrystal of Ni3B (96 Ni, 32 B) involving only

distances less than a fixed value. The best result is obtained with only the contribution of atomic pairs

less than or equal to 5.5 Á, which include those corres-

ponding to the peak of the 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd neigh- bours, and which define a mean dimension of the clusters of about 8 Á (5.5 Á + 2 x 1.24 Á, - 1.24 Á being Goldsmidt’s radius for the nickel atom).

The repartition function p(r) (Fig. 10 b) deduced by

Fourier transformation of the theoretical interference function for a microcrystal Ni3B of 36 Ni and 12 B

correctly explains the presence of the lst, 2nd and 3rd

neighbours and the general form of the experimental

function p(r) for r smaller than 5.5 A.

Thus the amorphous alloy Ni66B34 appears to be

formed of a great number of clusters immersed in a

disordered matrix and giving a short-range order to

the alloy similar to that existing in Ni3B. It may be

suggested that there exist in the neighbourhood of

the clusters some low density, boron rich, zones presenting a deviation from the local order, these

relaxes zones surrounding the clusters and extending throughout the matrix.

5. Structural évolution and discussion.


During the

thermal treatments, the evolution of the amorphous phase constituting the material and the amorphous crystal phase transition can be examined :


by study of the morphological variations of the aggregates constituting the metallic films by electron micrography,


by the interpretation of electron microdiffraction and X-ray diffraction carried out at ambient tempe-

rature on the material after treatment at appropriate temperatures.

This evolution should allow us to ’interprete the

results of § 3.



The frequency nucleation Co near zero at ambient temperature reveals the alloy’s stability. The increase

of Ea versus temperature is linear (Fig. 5).

The exothermic phenomenon observed is slight and spread out. The decrease of resistivity is regular (Fig. 1).

The alloy maintains the amorphous character and

no notable change is visible on the X diffraction

diagrams or the microdiffractions. A slight diffusion

exists inside the aggregates : a fibrous grating begins

to form some grain outlines. The mean aggregate size remains unchanged (Fig. 8c, d). For this domain it

seems that the amorphous material rearranges itself,

the short-range order remaining that of Ni3B.



No slope change is observed during the regular variation of the resistivity. The sudden increase of Ea and that of the nucleation frequency Co coincides

with the formation of the borides Ni3B and Ni7B3.

It seems that three phases are present : one amorphous


phase and two microcrystallized phases Ni3B and Ni7B3, as confirmed by the diffraction diagrams :


the presence of two shoulders, one ahead of the first amorphous ring near the intense reflexions (210), (002) of Ni7B3, the other ahead of the second ring

and covering the reflexions (312), (232) of Ni3B and (213), (500) of Ni7B3. One ray appears well differen- tiated from the continuous background between the

2nd and 3rd rings. It corresponds to the reflexions (340)

and (422) of Ni3B (Fig. 11). Its width at half height permits estimation of the mean dimension of the

crystallites at about 80 A.


the microdiffractions appear as the superpo- sition of spot diagrams and the rings of the amorphous

material. The aggregates, always of the same size,

are now clearly constituted of grains of dimension

75Â-100Â (Fig. 12ab).



The refming of X-ray diffraction diagrams

and the extension of microdiffraction spots in recir procal space, confirm the crystalline growth of the precipitated phases and facilitate their identification.

The links between the aggregates disappear pro-

gressively ; at 500 °C the coagulation phenomenon

is total (Fig. 12c, d), (Fig. 13).

Fig. 11. - X-ray diffraction intensities measured with Ni66B34 sample, heat treated at 300 °C. Intensities in arbitrary units.

The small second exothermic phenomenon begin- ning at 275 °C (associated with the formation of the borides Ni3B and N’7B3) extends to 400 °C, where

its growth is completed. An intense peak succeeds it,

Fig. 12.


Transmission electron micrographs and electron diffraction pattems of Ni66B34 film thickness 750 A : a), b) heat treated at 300 °C,

c), d) heat treated at 500 OC.



centred on a temperature near 400 °C, and the resisti-

vity immediately falls rapidly (Fig. 1). This kind of

peak, called explosive, perfectly reveals the sudden transition from an amorphous phase to a crystallized phase [26].

Fig. 13.


X-ray diffraction intensities measured with N166B34 sample, heat treated at 500 °C. Intensities in arbitrary units.

The residual amorphous phase precipitates here

under the form of N’2B, the appearance of which coincides with that of the rays (110), (310), (200)

which characterize it, and the intensity of these rays increases to 450 °C (Fig. 14).

This crystallization domain is also characterized by a new linear increase of Ea (Fig. 5) in the same

fashion as for the nucleation frequency Co (Fig. 7).

A treatment of the material at a temperature superior

to 500 oC makes the metastable bolide ?783 disap-

pear :

A simultaneous growth of the crystallized phases Ni3B and Ni2B results, whereas the reflections (002), (212), (701) of the orthorhombic boride Ni4B3 appear.

Though the representative point of the alloy Ni66B34

in the binary equilibrium diagram Ni, B is situated

a little beyond the Ni2B composition, the presence of Ni3B can only be explained by those of borides

Ni7B3 and then Ni4B3, and indicates that the initial local composition is inhomogenous in boron atoms.

Fig. 14.


Intensity variations of characteristic X-ray reflections for Ni3B, Ni7B3, Ni2B, versus temperature. Intensities in arbitrary


6. Conclusion. - A detailed analysis of isothermal measurements of resistivity of amorphous’ alloy Ni66B34 films [27] has allowed us to define the trans..

formation kinetics which accompany the material

annealing from ambient to 500 °C.

The observed variations of apparent activation

energy shows that several transformations, with

which are associated different activation energies,

are at the origin of the material’s evolution. The structural study allows us to provide an interpreta-


Two domains of linear variation of Ea are observed.

They are separated by a sudden increase of Ea which

exists between 275 OC and 350 OC, simultaneous with the formation and growth of borides Ni3B and Ni,B3 :


the hrst (ambient - 275 OC) corresponds to slight atomic diffusions in the amorphous phase, in

which the local order remains that of Ni3B. It seems

that the amorphous material is rearranged,

- the second is associated with the precipitation

of Ni2B, starting from the residual amorphous phase,

whereas at 400 OC the growth of borides Ni3B and Ni,B3 is hnished, and at 500 OC the decomposition

of Ni7B3 to Ni3B and Ni2B begins.


Finally, the values of apparent activation energy

Ea (1.90 eV/at. Ea 2.05 eV/at.), determined in the precipitation domain of Ni2B based on the

electron’s transport properties measured on the films,

coincide with those (2.00 eV/at.) calculated by D.T.A.,

which is referred to atomic transport in the pulverized samples for which the composition is the same as

that of the films.


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