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Data set of intrinsically disordered proteins analysed at a local protein conformation level


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Data set of intrinsically disordered proteins analysed at a local protein conformation level

Akhila Melarkode Vattekatte, Tarun Jairaj Narwani, Aline Floch, Mirjana Maljković, Soubika Bisoo, Nicolas Ken Shinada, Agata Kranjc,

Jean-Christophe Gelly, Narayanaswamy Srinivasan, Nenad Mitić, et al.

To cite this version:

Akhila Melarkode Vattekatte, Tarun Jairaj Narwani, Aline Floch, Mirjana Maljković, Soubika Bisoo, et al.. Data set of intrinsically disordered proteins analysed at a local protein conformation level.

Data in Brief, Elsevier, 2020, 29, pp.105383. �10.1016/j.dib.2020.105383�. �hal-02935063�



Data in Brief


Data Article

Data set of intrinsically disordered proteins analysed at a local protein conformation level

Akhila Melarkode Vattekatte


, Tarun Jairaj Narwani


, Aline Floch


, Mirjana Maljkovi ´c


, Soubika Bisoo


, Nicolas K. Shinada


, Agata Kranjc



Jean-Christophe Gelly


, Narayanaswamy Srinivasan


, Nenad Miti ´c


, Alexandre G. de Brevern


aBiologie Intégrée du Globule Rouge UMR_S1134, Inserm, Univ. Paris, Univ. de la Réunion, Univ. des Antilles, F-75739 Paris, France

bLaboratoire d’Excellence GR-Ex, F-75739 Paris, France

cFaculté des Sciences et Technologies, Saint Denis Messag, F-97715 La Réunion, France

dInstitut National de la Transfusion Sanguine (INTS), F-75739 Paris, France

eEtablissement Français du Sang Ile de France, Créteil, France

fIMRB - INSERM U955 Team 2, Transfusion et maladies du globule rouge, Paris Est- Créteil Univ., Créteil, France

gUPEC, Université Paris Est-Créteil, Créteil, France

hUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia

iDiscngine, SAS, 75012 Paris, France

jSBX Corp., T ¯oky ¯o-to, Shinagawa-ku, T ¯oky ¯o, Japan

kIBL, F-75015 Paris, France

lMolecular Biophysics Unit, IISc, Bangalore, India

a rt i c l e i nf o

Article history:

Received 5 February 2020 Revised 24 February 2020 Accepted 27 February 2020 Available online 5 March 2020 Keywords:

Protein disorder PDB

Ensembles Entropy

Local protein conformation Structural alphabet

a b s t ra c t

Intrinsic Disorder Proteins (IDPs) have become ahot topic sincetheircharacterisationinthe90s.Thedatapresentedin thisarticlearerelatedtoourresearchentitled“Astructural entropyindextoanalyselocalconformationsinIntrinsically Disordered Proteins” published in Journal of Structural Biology [1].Inthisstudy, wequantified, for the firsttime, continuum from rigidity to flexibility and finally disorder.

Non-disorderedregionswerealsohighlightedintheensem- ble of disordered proteins. This work was done using the ProteinEnsembleDatabase(PED),whichisausefuldatabase

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: alexandre.debrevern@univ-paris-diderot.fr , alexandre.de-brevern@inserm.fr (A.G. de Brevern).



2352-3409/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.

( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )


2 A. Melarkode Vattekatte, T.J. Narwani and A. Floch et al. / Data in Brief 29 (2020) 105383

collecting series of protein structures considered as IDPs.

Thedatasetconsists ofacollectionofcleaned proteinfiles inclassicalpdbformatthatcanbereadilyusedasaninput with most automatic analysis software. The accompanying dataincludethecodingofallstructuralinformationinterms of a structural alphabet, namely Protein Blocks (PBs). An entropy indexderived from PBs that allows apprehending thecontinuumbetweenproteinrigiditytoflexibilitytodis- orderisincluded,withinformationfromsecondarystructure assignment, proteinaccessibility and prediction ofdisorder from the sequences. The data may be used for further structuralbioinformaticsstudiesofIDPs.Itcanalsobeused asabenchmarkforevaluatingdisorderpredictionmethods.

© 2020TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierInc.



Specification Table

Subject Biochemistry.

Specific subject area Structural Bioinformatics, proteins disorder.

Type of data A collection of atom coordinates in the pdb format, tables, text files and Figures.

How data were acquired A survey of the Protein Ensemble Database (PED).

Data format Raw, analysed and filtered

Parameters for data collection A Protein Ensemble Database survey was performed in march 2019. The data set consists of PED stores 25,473 protein structures of 60 ensembles in 24 entries in the Protein Data Bank (pdb) format. The atom coordinate files were cleaned and treated as described below and as such may be used for further automatic analysis.

Description of data collection Every entry of PED was analysed, i.e. some have inconsistencies. Then, all cleaned files were used for Protein Blocks (PBs) assignment, the frequency of each PBs was calculated, and local entropy was computed. All files are provided. In a similar way, DSSP was used to assign secondary structure and solvent accessibility for each residue. The dataset also collects disorder prediction generated from DisoPred and PrDOS webserver. Flat text files are provided for simple use and some Figures for better visualisation.

Data source location University of Paris, Paris, France.

Data accessibility Data is given in the paper.

It can as well be downloaded from: http://www.dsimb.inserm.fr/ ∼debrevern/


Related research article Akhila Melarkode Vattekatte, Tarun Jairaj Narwani, Aline Floch, Mirjana Maljkovi ´c, Soubika Bisoo, Nicolas K. Shinada, Agata Kranjc, Jean-Christophe Gelly, Narayanaswamy Srinivasan, Nenad Miti ´c & Alexandre G. de Brevern, (2020) “A structural entropy index to analyse local conformations in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins”, Journal of Structural Biology , in press [1] .


• Atomiccoordinatefilesinpdbformatare processedinamannersuitable formostanalysis programs.

• ThePB assignmentandentropy calculation allowdefining the rigidity– flexibility– disor- deredstateasdonein[1]andareeasytouseforfurtherresearch.

• Thesecondarystructureassignmentandsolventaccessibilityareprovided,astheyrepresent thebasisforstructuralanalyses.

• Twotypesofdisorderpredictionmethodologiesareprovided; allthesedatacanbeusedas abenchmarkforevaluatingdisorderpredictionmethods.


• Thesedatawere largely usedfortheJournal ofStructuralBiology[1],andcanbe usefulfor researchersinterestedintheanalysesofIDPsandIDRs,butalsoforthedevelopmentofnovel predictionapproaches.Theadditionofsecondarystructureassignment,solventaccessibility andthetwodifferentdisorderpredictionmethodologieswillalsohelpthemgreatly.

1. Datadescription

Intrinsic DisorderProteins (IDPs)andIntrinsicDisorder Regions (IDRs)area non-negligible part of theprotein structures. IDPs are not ordered andare likely to be unfolded in solution under native functional conditions [2–4]. They donot havea well-defined 3-D structure, but embraceanensembleofconformations.Inourrecentresearch[1],wehaveanalysedtheProtein EnsembleDatabase(PED3)[5]inthelightofastructuralalphabet[6].PED3isausefuldatabase collectingseriesofproteinstructuresassociatedtoIDPs.PEDstores25,473proteinstructuresof 60ensemblesin24entries.

We provide the entiredataset in fourseparate folders.The data collectedin these folders representthecoreofourpreviousresearchpublishedintheJournalofStructuralBiology[1].

Thefirstfolder(1_DATA)consistsoftherawdata,i.e.the24entrieswithaccompanyingen- semblesinthepdbformat.TheycouldbedirectlydownloadedfromPEDwebsite,butwehave cleanedfew ofthem forbetter parsing.Eachsubdirectories isnotedPEDxAAy-pdb,wherex is always anumberrangingfrom1to9,andyisaletterrangingfromAtoD, i.e.PED1AAD-pdb (



Thesecondfolder(2_PBs)correspondstothelocalproteinconformationsanalysesinthelight of ProteinBlocks (PBs,[7]).PBxplore software[8]wasusedto translatethe proteinstructures intermsofPBs.Foreachentry,textfilesareprovidedwithcorrespondingFigures.Thenameof directoriesfollowsthesameruleswithPEDxAAy.Foreachstructureentry,thepdbfilesassigned as series of PBs are named PEDxAAy.PB.fasta. When multiple chains are found, the syntax is slightly changed to PEDxAAy-chainZ.PB.fasta, with chain Z added in the name. PBs are small prototypesof5residueslength,rangingfromatop.Thefirsttwoandthelasttworesiduesare notassignedandarelabelledZ.Inrarecases,toomanyresiduesareincompleteinthepdbfile, thereforeonlystretchesofZareassignedbythePBxplore.

From thedistribution ofPBs,the frequenciesof everyPBata givenpositionare computed andsaved inPEDxAAy.PB.countfiles. Thesefrequencies areused tocompute an entropyindex namedNeqwhichdefineswhetherthepositionisrigid,flexibleordisordered.Theentropyindex isstoredinthefilesnamedPEDxAAy.PB.Neq.Thisinformationiseasilyreadableandparsablefor futureanalyses;visualrepresentationsaregivenwithcorrespondingFigures.Firstly,onePBfre- quencymapisshown(filesnamedPEDxAAy.map.png).Inthismapthecoloursrangefromdeep blue(lack ofagiventypeofPB)tored(only onetypeofPB)forafixedresidueposition,with agradingofgreen,yellowandorangeforintermediatestates.Secondly,thesameinformationis alsoshownwithlogosofPBs,thelogosizesareproportionatetotheirfrequencies(filesnamed PEDxAAy.PB.logo.png).Finally,different3DvisualisationsdonewithPyMOLsoftware[9]arepro- videdwiththreedifferentproteinorientations(filesnamedPyMOL_PEDxAAy.png).

Thethirdfolder(3_DDSP)correspondstothesecondarystructureassignmentperformedwith DSSP software[10].DSSP provides the8-states assignment(




-helix, 3.10helix, bend,





-sheetandcoil),butalsothesolventaccessibility.Thesetwopiecesofinforma- tionareessentialformoststructuralanalyses.EachstructureisinafilenamedPEDxAAy-n.dssp, with ncorresponding to the numberofthe models. DSSPis themost widely usedsecondary structureassignmentforoverthirtyyears.

Thefourthfolder(4_DISORDER)containsthedisorderpredictionoutputs.Twoverydifferent methodologies were chosen, namely DisoPred 3.1 [11] and PrDOS [12]. Their results can be quite dissimilar. It underlines the importance to have a better description of the disorder states.Eachofthe24entriesisshownindividually.DisoPredsubdirectorycontainsfilesnamed name.pbat that includeprediction valuesof proteinbinding residues in disordered regions as well as disordered and ordered residues). In addition, it includes in a corresponding csv file


4 A. Melarkode Vattekatte, T.J. Narwani and A. Floch et al. / Data in Brief 29 (2020) 105383

(name.csv) and a simplified version (files named name.comb). An illustrative Figure named annotationGrid.png shows the results of DisoPred analysis. In PrDOS subdirectory a csv file summarizesall the results(prdos.name.csv),a separate plotshows thepredictedvalues along thesequence(inpngformat).ThewholeoutputofthePrDOS,providingtheinformationonthe analysedproteinsequence,turnavailablealsoonthewebsite(filesnamedxAAy-PrDOS.jpeg).

Thesedata were therefore usedfor thework presented in Journal ofStructural Biology pa- per [1].Theyare presented in a waythat can be easily reused by researchers.Adding to the PBanalyses,thedata ofsecondary structures,ofaccessibilitytothe solventandofthepredic- tionmethodsisusefulinthecontextofthedevelopmentofnewmethodologiesforpredicting disorderand/orproteinflexibility.

2. Experimentaldesign,materials,andmethods 2.1. Rawdata

The rawdata were downloaded from PED websiteand correspond toan importantoccur- renceofensembles.PED3 contains25,473proteinstructuresof60ensemblesin24entries.Out ofthese, 6entrieshavedatafromboth SAXSandNMR, 7fromonlySAXS,10 fromonly NMR andonefromMolecularDynamics. Someentrieshave10orfewer models,while8havethem morethan500.ThePED4AABentry,theSendaivirusphosphoproteinensembleisthemostpop- ulatedwith13,718models.AllthemodelsfollowtheclassicalPDBformat(withoutmostofthe remarks). Itcan alreadybe seen thatsome residues areincomplete andcould beproblematic forthefutureanalyses.

2.2. Proteinblocks

ProteinBlocks(PBs)isastructuralalphabetcomposedof16localprototypes[7],PBsareem- ployed to analyselocal conformations. Eachspecific PB is characterized by the





anglesoffiveconsecutiveresidues.ThePBsmanddcanberoughlydescribedasprototypesfor central




-strand,respectively.PBsathroughcprimarilyrepresenttheN-cap regionof


-strandwhile PBseandfcorrespondtotheC-caps;PBs gthroughj arespecific to




[6,13].PBassignmentwascarriedoutforeveryresiduefromeverysnapshotextractedfromMD simulations usingPBxplore tool [8]available atGitHub (https://github.com/pierrepo/PBxplore).

Ausefulmeasuretoquantifytheflexibilityofeach aminoacid,calledNeq(forequivalentnum- berofPBs)[7]wasused.Neq isastatisticalmeasurementsimilar toentropy;itrepresentsthe averagenumberofPBsaresiduemayadoptatagivenposition.Neqiscalculatedasfollows[7]:






Where,fxisthefrequencyofPBxinthepositionofinterest.ANeqvalueof1indicatesthatonly one type ofPBis observed,while avalue of 16is equivalenttoan equal probability foreach ofthe16states,i.e.random distribution.WehavealsocomputedaverageNeq values.PBs were successfullyusedfortheanalysisofmoleculardynamicssimulationofe.g.integrins,DuffyAnti- genChemokineReceptor(DARC)protein,KiSS1-derivedpeptidereceptor(KISS1R),HIV-1 capsid protein,



2.3. Secondarystructureassignment

Secondary structure assignment was performedusing DSSP [10] (DSSP 2015 version 2.2.1;


















2.4. Disorderprediction

Twoapproacheswereused,namelyDisoPred3.1[11]andPrDOS[12].Thefirstisoneofthe mostwell-known andusedapproaches(664citations inJanuary-2020 asmeasuredby Google Scholar), the second one is lesswell-known but alsohas a large numberof citations (463 at the same period). Bothare based on very different approachesand provide slightly different tendenciesdependingontheentries,makingthemusefultoenrichtheanalyses.


This work wassupported by grants from the Ministry of Research (France), University de Paris, UniversityParisDiderot,Sorbonne,ParisCité (France),NationalInstituteforBlood Trans- fusion(INTS,France),NationalInstituteforHealthandMedicalResearch(INSERM,France),IdEx ANR-18-IDEX-0001 and labex GR-Ex. The labex GR-Ex, referenceANR-11-LABX-0051 isfunded by the program “Investissements d’avenir” of the French NationalResearch Agency, reference ANR-11-IDEX-0005-02.TJN,NSandAdBacknowledgetoIndo-FrenchCentreforthePromotionof AdvancedResearch/CEFIPRAforcollaborativegrant(number5302-2).NShacknowledges sup- port fromANRT. AMV is supported by Allocationde Recherche Réunion granted by the Con- seilRégional delaRéunion andthe EuropeanSocialFund EU(ESF).MM andNM acknowledge to projectgrantsNo. 174021and44006 fromMinistryofEducation,Science andTechnological Development, Republicof Serbia.Research inNS group is supported by MathematicalBiology program andFIST programsponsored by the DepartmentofScience andTechnology and also by theDepartmentofBiotechnology, GovernmentofIndiain theformofIISc-DBTpartnership programme. Support from UGC, India – Centre forAdvanced Studies and Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment,Indiaisgratefullyacknowledged.NSisaJ.C.BoseNationalFellow.

The authors were granted access to high performance computing (HPC) resources at the French National Computing Centre CINESunder grant no. c2013037147, no.A0010707621 and A0040710426 funded by the GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif). Calcula- tionswerealsoperformedonanSGIclustergrantedbyConseilRégionalIledeFranceandINTS (SESAMEGrant).


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompetingfinancialinterestsorpersonalrela- tionshipsthatcouldhaveappearedtoinfluencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


Supplementary material associatedwiththis articlecan befound, inthe onlineversion, at doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.105383.


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The data presented in this article are related to our research entitled “A structural entropy index to analyse local conformations in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins” published