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Complements of Connected Subgroups in Algebraic Groups


Academic year: 2022

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Complements of Connected Subgroups in Algebraic Groups.

P. PLAUMANN(*) - K. STRAMBACH(*) - G. ZACHER(**) (1)

To Professor Guido Zappa on his 90th birthday

ABSTRACT- The connected algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field whose lattice of closed connected subgroups is complemented or relatively com- plemented are determined.


If G is a connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field, structural properties of the lattice LG of all closed connected subgroups of G turn out to be relevant in determining the algebraic structure ofG. In the present note we classify the algebraic connected groups GwithLGa complemented or relatively complemented lattice.

Rosenlicht's theory of algebraic groups in the sense of A. Weil [12], allows us to reduce essentially our investigations, via the notion of aL- distributive pair, to the class of affine algebraic groups. We shall see that the class of connected algebraic groups Gwith LGcomplemented coincides with the class having inLGthe Frattini subgroupFGtrivial, while the class of connected algebraic groups with LG relatively com- plemented coincides with that of IM-groups, that is F[G=H]ˆ1 for all intervals [G=H] in LG. In abstract groups, the structure of solvable

(*) Indirizzo degli AA.: Mathematisches Institut UniversitaÈt Erlangen-NuÈrn- berg Bismarckstrasse 1 1/2, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany.

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Uni- versitaÁ degli Studi di Padova, Via G. Belzoni, 7, I-35131 Padova, Italy.

(1) The authors are grateful to the University of Graz for the hospitality while working on parts of this manuscript. The third author acknowledges gratefully financial support from DAAD.


groups with complemented ([5], [15]) as well as with relatively com- plemented subgroup lattices ([9], [16]) is well understood and so also of IM-groups ([4], [10]); moreover all finite simple groups turn out to be complemented [3]. For more details on this topics we refer the inter- ested reader to [14, Chapter 3].

In our approach an analog to theorem 3.1.10 in [14] plays a crucial part.

Moreover a trivial Frattini subgroup imposes, as in abstract groups ([6], [17]), in algebraic groups severe structural restrictions on the normal nilpotent subgroups of LG. This fact is properly exploited in our in- vestigaton of complemented, relatively complemented and IM-groups, which share all the property of having a trivial Frattini subgroup. Before presenting our main result we recall that a vector group V is a direct product of one-dimensional unipotent algebraic groups and that aP-group is an extension of a vector groupVby a one-dimensional algebraic torusT which normalizes every subgroup ofV but does not centralize any of these subgroups different from 1.

Our Main Theorem reads:

Given a connected algebraic group G over an algebraically closed field, letLG be the lattice of all closed connected subgroups of G. Then:

(i) LG is complemented if and only ifFGˆ1if and only if G is an almost direct product of an abelian variety with an affine algebraic group L, where L is a semidirect product of a vector group V, which is a direct product of minimal normal subgroups of G with a reductive group.

(ii) LG is relatively complemented if and only if G is an IM-group if and only if G is an almost direct product of an abelian variety and an affine group L, where L is a direct product of a torus with a vector group or with a P-group.

To avoid repetitions, in all what follows algebraic groups will be understood over algebraically closed fields, and a subgroup X of G always means an element of LG. The paper is subdivided into 4 sec- tions. Section 1 contains prerequisities concerning the lattice LG, section 2 deals with properties of the Frattini subgroup and section 3 with those of LG for G a reductive connected group G. Finally in section 4 our main classification theorems of complemented, relatively complemented and IM-groups are presented. For basic notions on lattices, subgroup lattices and algebraic groups reference is made to [1], [14] and [7].


1. Prerequisites.

The set LG of closed connected subgroups of an algebraic group G forms a lattice if one takes for A;Bin LGas meet A^Bthe connected component of the identity in A\Band as joinA_Bthe algebraic sub- group generated byAandB.

Any connected algebraic groupGis the productLGDGof two subgroups whereLGis the unique maximal connected affine algebraic subgroup ofG andDGthe unique minimal connected algebraic subgroup ofGsuch that G=DGis an affine group. Using results in [12] one can state

PROPOSITION 1.1. Let GˆLGDG be a given algebraic connected group. ThenDG is contained in the center ofGand ifLG^DGˆ1, then DGis an abelian variety whileG=LG\DGis a direct product of the affine groupLG=LG\DGand the abelian varietyDG=LG\DG.

THEOREM 1.2. Let G be an algebraic connected group. Then the fol- lowing assertions are true:

(i) (LG;DG)is a distributive pair inLG, that is, for any H inLG one has

H^(LG_DG)ˆ(H^LG)_(H^DG) (ii) L(G=LG^DG)ˆL(LG=LG^DG)L(DG=LG^DG)

(iii) The mapping l: LG!LLG; H7!LH is a surjective meet- homomorphism satisfying

(1) HlˆH^LG

(2) (H1_H2)lHl1_Hl2

(iv) The mapping d: LG7!DG; H7!DH is a surjective join- homomorphism satisfying

(1) HdH^DG

(2) (H1^H2)dˆHd1^Hd2

PROOF. ForH2LGone hasH^LGHl; on the other hand the af- fine groupHlHlies inLG, so (iii)(1) follows. Since the groupHDG=DGis affine,H=H^DGis affine too, thus (iv)(1) follows. From (iii)(1) and (iv)(1) one concludes that Hˆ(H^LG)(H^DG). Thus (i) and (ii) hold. From (iii)(1) follows that l is a meet-homomorphism. The validity of (iii)(2) is obvious. SinceH1Hd2=Hd1Hd2 andHd1H2=Hd1Hd2are respectively epimorphic images of H1=Hd1, and H2=Hd2 in H1_H2=Hd1Hd2 and since a subdirect


product of linear groups is linearH1_H2=Hd1Hd2 is linear. ThusHd1Hd2 (H1_H2)d. On the other handHi(H1_H2) yields Hdi (H1_H2)d henceHd1Hd2ˆ(H1_H2)d, i.e.dis a join homomorphism.

There is a rational isomorphism from


onto the linear group (H1^H2)Hd1=Hd1. Thus the group (H1^H2)=Hd1^H2

is linear. Since a subdirect product of linear groups is linear, also H1^H2=Hd1^Hd2is linear i.e. (iv)(2) holds. p Two connected algebraic groups G1;G2 are calledisogeneous if there exists an algebraic groupGand epimorphismsqi: G!Gisuch that ker qiis finite [12]. According to Theorem 6 in [12] and Hilfssatz 1 in [11] one gets the following

LEMMA 1.3. For a connected algebraic group G and a finite normal subgroup E of G, the canonical epimorphism p: G!G=E induces a lattice isomorphism fromLG ontoL(G=E).

If a connected algebraic groupGis a productNHwhereNis a normal subgroup ofGsuch thatN^Hˆ1, we callGanalmost semidirect pro- ductofNwithH. Lemma 1.3 allows often to discuss semidirect products instead of almost semidirect products.

REMARK1.4. We recall from [11] that ifAis an abelian variety, then LAis a relatively complemented modular atomic lattice (for these notions see [1]).

2. The Frattini subgroup.

The Frattini subgroupFGof a connected algebraic groupGis defined as the meet of all maximal elements in LG. Thus FG does not have a complement inGunlessFGˆ1.

PROPOSITION 2.1. Let G be a connected algebraic group and N a normal subgroup ofG. ThenFN FG.

PROOF. AssumeFN6FG. Then there exists a maximal elementMof G such thatM(FN)ˆG. But then NˆN^M(FN)ˆ(FN)(M^N)ˆ

ˆM^N, a contradiction sinceN6ˆM^N. p


THEOREM2.2. Let G be a connected algebraic group. Then (i) FDGˆDG^LG; FGˆ(FLG)(FDG)ˆFLG

(ii) FLG is a unipotent group and FDG is a product of one-di- mensional central affine subgroups of G.

PROOF. (i): Since DG is a non splitting extension of the group RˆDG^LG by an abelian variety, it follows from [13], Lemma 2 and Proposition 11 that the central group Ris generated by one-dimensional affine subgroups. LetEbe one of these subgroups and letMbe a maximal element inLDG. IfE6M, thenDGˆEMandDG=Mwould be a non trivial affine epimorphic image ofDG. SoFDGRand sinceF(DG=R)ˆ1 (see Satz 6 in [11]) we getDG^LGˆFDGFG. Using theorem 1.2(ii) one gets F(G=FDG)ˆF(LG=FDG) andFGˆFLGˆ(FLG)(FDG).

(ii): LetUbe the unipotent radical ofLGand setLGˆLG=U. SinceLGis a reductive group, every normal subgroup inLLGis an almost direct factor ofLG [7]. On the other handFLGis contained in every maximal normal element of LLG. Thus one gets FLGˆ1. It follows that FLGU is unipotent. The remaining part of (ii) follows from (i). p COROLLARY2.3. LetGbe an algebraic connected group. ThenFGˆ1 if and only if LGˆLLGLDG, where DG is an abelian variety and FLG ˆ1.

PROOF. If FGˆ1, then by theorem 2.2 one has 1ˆDG^LGˆ

ˆ(FLG)(FDG). So by proposition 1.1 we haveLGˆLLGLDG andDG

is an abelian variety. Conversely, if LGˆLLGLDG, then F(G)ˆ

ˆFLGFDGˆ1. p

Given a connected algebraic groupG, the determination of the algebraic structure ofG=FGis so reduced via corollary 2.3 to the case thatGis an affine group. In this case an element H2LG is a nilpotent group if HˆHuT; Ta torus.

LEMMA 2.4. Let G be an affine algebraic group and let N be a normal subgroup of G such that NFG. Then K=N is a normal connected nilpotent subgroup of G=N if and only if K is a normal nilpotent element ofLG.

PROOF. Assume K=N/G=N and K=N nilpotent. Then KˆKuT, whereTis a maximal torus ofK, and by theorem 2.2 (ii) one hasNKu. Since NT/G, by the Frattini argument one has N(T)NˆG. Hence


N(T)ˆG sinceK ˆKuT. For the converse, KˆKuT/G and by theorem 2.2 (ii)NKuhenceK=N/G=NandKis nilpotent. p REMARK2.5. LetFGbe the Fitting subgroup ofG, i.e. the join of all normal nilpotent elements ofLG. Using theorem 2.2 (ii) the lemma 2.4 tells us thatFG=FGis the Fitting subgroup ofG=FG.

LEMMA2.6. Given the connected affine algebraic group G, let N=FG be a normal nilpotent subgroup of G=FG. Then G=FG splits over N=FG and N=FG is a direct product of minimal normal subgroup of G=FG.

PROOF. SinceF(G=FG)ˆ1, by proposition 2.1 one hasF(N=FG)ˆ1.

AsN=FGis the intersection of subgroups of codimension 1, it is a direct product of a vector group and a torus. Take a subgroupA=FGinL(N=FG) which is maximal with respect to properties to be generated by minimal normal subgroups in L(N=FG) and having a complement C=FG in L(G=FG). By induction assume that Ais properly contained inN. Then 16ˆC^N=FG/CN=FGˆG=FG. Let B=FG be a minimal connected normal subgroup of G=FGcontained in C^N=FG. SinceF(G=FG)ˆ1, there also exists a maximal connected subgroup M=FG such that M^B=FGˆ1. Now by construction (M^C)^ABˆFG, while (M^C)ABˆ

ˆ(MB^C)AˆCAˆG, a contradiction to the maximality ofA. p

3. Affine groups.

LEMMA 3.1. Let G be a connected affine algebraic group and take D2LG such that D lies in only finitely many but in at least two maximal elements ofLG. LetCbe a conjugacy class of elements ofLG which are not all contained in only one maximal element ofLG containing D. Then there is a C2 Csuch that GˆC_D.

PROOF. LetMˆ fM1;. . .;M`gbe the set of maximal elements ofLG which containDand letC0be an arbitrary element ofC. By hypothesis we have` >1 and the setsXiˆ fg2GjCg0Migare non empty closed sub- sets ofG(see [2] I.1, p. 52). SinceGis an irreducible variety, there is an elementg2GnS

i Xi. For such an element one hasCg0_DˆG. p PROPOSITION3.2. A maximal torusT of a connected affine reductive algebraic groupGis contained in only finitely many maximal elements ofLG.


PROOF. By ([2], 13.1, p. 163) the set BT of all Borel subgroups con- tainingTis finite, and each element ofBT contains only finitely manyT- invariant connected closed unipotent subgroups (see [7], 28.1, p. 170). From this it follows thatTlies in only finitely many parabolic subgroups ofG(see [7], 28.3, p. 172). The maximal elements ofLGare parabolic or reductive (see [7], 30.4, p. 187). We denote withRTthe set of all maximal elements ofLG which are reductive and containT. It follows from ([7], 28.1, p. 170) thatT normalizes only finitely many connected unipotent subgroups ofG. Hence the Borel subgroups of the groups in the familyRT form a finite set. As every element ofRT is generated by two of its Borel subgroups (see [7], 26.2, Corollary C, p. 160) the familyRTis finite, too. p LEMMA3.3. Let S6ˆ1be a torus in a simple algebraic group G. Then there is a torus of G which is a complement of S inLG.

PROOF. IfGis a simple abelian variety then there is nothing to show.

Let T be a maximal torus of an simple affine algebraic group G. From proposition 3.2 we know thatTlies only in finitely many maximal elements of LG. Thus we may apply lemma 3.1 to T and to the conjugacy class fSgjg2Gg. HenceThas a supplementSgfor someg2G, and soShasTg 1 as a supplement inG. But then ifCis a complement ofTg 1^SinTg 1, then

Cis a complement ofSinLG. p

LEMMA3.4. A connected unipotent subgroup H of a reductive algebraic group G has a complement in G.

PROOF. Let Bbe a Borel subgroup ofGcontaining H. According to ([7], 26.2, corollary C) there exists a Borel subgroupB such that B^B is a maximal torus ofG. We set PˆH_B . Since [G=B ] is a Boolean algebra (see [7], Theorem, p. 179) there exists a parabolic subgroupLofG such that P^LˆB and P_LˆG. We have H^LP^LˆB ; henceH^LH^B ˆ1 andH_LˆH_B _LˆP_LˆG. p LEMMA3.5. Let G be a connected algebraic group and let A1;A22LG such that GˆA1A2. For an H2LG assume that there exists a comple- ment C1of H^A1inLA1and a complement C2of(H_A1)^A2inLA2. If C1C2ˆC2C1, then C1C2is a complement of H inLG.

PROOF. Put D1ˆH\A1 and D2ˆ(H_A1)\A2. The groups Eiˆ

ˆCi\Di, (iˆ1;2), are finite subgroups of Ai. Suppose x2H\C1C2.


Since there are elementsci2Ci, (iˆ1;2), withxˆc1c2, one has c2ˆc11x2(H_C1)\C2(H_A1)\A2\C2ˆD2\C2ˆE2: Thus xc21ˆc12H\C1ˆH\A1\C1ˆD1\C1ˆE1: It follows that H\C1C2is contained in the finite setE1E2and this impliesH^C1C2ˆ1.

Having obtained this, the rest of the proofs is verbatim as in ([14], 3.1.4) p THEOREM3.6. For a reductive connected algebraic group G the lattice LG is complemented.

PROOF. We know that G decomposes in an almost direct product GˆG1G2. . .Gt, whereGi is a torus or a simple algebraic group. From lemma 3.5 it follows thatLGis complemented if eachLGiis complemented.

So takeH2LGi. IfHis unipotent, then according to lemma 3.4 it has a complement inLGi. IfHis not unipotent, thenHcontains a torusT6ˆ1. It follows from lemma 3.3 that inGthere is a torusWwhich is a supplement of TinLG. But then a complement ofH^WinWis a complement ofHinLG.

The conclusion follows. p

4. The main theorems.

THEOREMA: Let G be a connected algebraic group over an algebrai- cally closed field. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) LG is a complemented lattice (ii) F(G)ˆ1

(iii) G is an almost direct product of an abelian variety A with an affine algebraic group L which is a semidirect product of the unipotent radical Ru and a reductive group K. Moreover, Ru is a direct product of minimal normal vector groups of G.

(iv) InLG there is a normal nilpotent subgroup N such that N is the direct product of connected minimal normal subgroups of G and N has a complement K inLG withLK complemented.

PROOF. The statement (ii) follows easily from (i), as was already re- marked in the beginnig of section 2.

If FGˆ1, then (iii) is an easy consequence of corollary 2.3 and lemma 2.6.

PuttingNˆARuin (iii) one obtains (iv).


LetNbe a connected closed normal nilpotent subgroup ofGsatisfying (iv). ThenNis an almost direct product of of minimal connected subgroups Ni, normal inG. Since he centerZiofNiis normal in G, we conclude thatN is commutative.

LetB2LGbe a normal subgroup ofGand letCbe maximal inLGwith respect to being normal inGand having finite intersection withB. IfNis not contained inBC, then there isisuch thatNilies not inBC. SinceB/G, the groupBCis normal inGandBC\Niis finite because of the minimality ofNi. HenceBCNiis an almost direct product ofB;C;Ni. It follows that CNi\Bis finite and thatCis a proper subgroup ofCNi, contradicting the maximality ofC. ThusChas a complement inLG.

TakeH2LGarbitrary. AsLKis complemented, there is a complement D of H^K in LK. Since N/G is commutative, we see that B1 ˆ

ˆ(H_K)^N is normal nN as well as inH_K. HenceB1 is normal in NK ˆG. As we have seen in the last paragraph there is a complementCof B1inLNwhich is normal inG. SinceC^DN^Kis finite, we conclude from Lemma 3.5 thatCDis a complement of H inLG. p The two following statements are immediate consequences of Theo- rem A.

COROLLARY4.2. A connected affine algebraic group over an algebrai- cally closed field of characteristic 0 has a complemented latticeLGif and only if its unipotent radical is a vector group.

COROLLARY 4.3. Let G be a connected algebraic group. Then LG is complemented if and only if each characteristic subgroup of LG has a complement inG.

COROLLARY4.4. An almost direct productGof sequenceG1;. . .; Gnof connected algebraic groups is a complemented group if and only ifLGiis a complemented lattice for everyi.

PROOF. Use lemma 1.3 and observe thatFGˆFG1 FGn. Then

use theorem A. p

A connected algebraic group G is called an IM-group if one has F[G=H]ˆ1 for every interval [G=H] inLG. This means that the meet of all maximal elements of the interval [G=H] isH. By theorem A the class of IM-groups is a subclass of the class of complemented connected algebraic groups.


LEMMA4.5. If G is a connected algebraic IM-group, then G is solvable.

PROOF. If the proposition is not true, then there are reductive groups, which are counter-examples. Among them we choose a groupGin which the Borel subgroups have minimal dimension. LetBbe a Borel subgroup ofG and letUbe the unipotent radical ofB. LetB1a Borel subgroup ofGwith unipotent radicalU such thatU^U ˆ1 andU_U ˆG([7], 26.2 Co- rollary C, p. 160 and 27.5 Theorem, p. 167). LetVbe the set of all maximal elements in the interval [G=U]. IfM2Vis parabolic, it containsBsinceBis the normalizer ofUinG. It follows that not all elements ofVare parabolic, otherwiseBˆU. LetM2Vbe reductive ([7], 30.4, p. 187). ThenUis the unipotent radical of some Borel subgroupB2ofM. LetB3be a Borel sub- group of M with unipotent radical U3 such that U^U3ˆ1 and U_U3ˆMhold. Because the dimension ofMis minimal, the groupsU and U3 have the same dimension. But this implies the contradiction

GˆU_U ˆU_U3ˆM. p

A connected algebraic group G is called a t-group if the relation of normality is transitive inLG.

LEMMA4.6. Let G a connected algebraic IM-group and A;B elements of LG such that A/B/G. Then A/G, i.e. G is a t-group.

PROOF. Let V ˆ fM2LGjAM;M minimal in LGg and Dˆ

ˆ fM2VjBMg. Then Aˆ T

M2VnDM and for each M2VnD one has MBˆG. Thus forg2Gthere arem2M,b2Bsuch thatgˆmb. Hence (M^B)gˆMb^BAbˆA, i.e.A/G. p LEMMA4.7. If G is an algebraic P-group, ThenLG is a projective space.

Moreover, if the characteristic of the ground fieldkis positive, then G has dimension at most 2.

PROOF. LetGˆVTbe a P-group. Ifchar(k)ˆ0, then any subspace of the Lie algebraLG ofG is a subalgebra. But by ([7], 13.1) the lattice of subalgebras ofLGandLGare isomorphic.

Assume that chark>0 and dimG>2. Then for every 1-dimensional U2LG there is a 1-dimensionalE2LG such that U\E is finite. The automorphism groupsTUrespectivelyTEinduced byTonUrespectively Eare one-dimensional tori. The groupTU leaves the finite group U\E


invariant and hence centralizes it, a contradiction. Hence for V 6ˆ1 we

have dimGˆ2 andLGis a projective line. p

THEOREMB: Let G be a connected algebraic group. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) LG is a relatively complemented lattice (ii) Gis anIM-group

(iii) G is a solvable complemented t-group

(iv) G is an almost direct product of an abelian variety by an affine group L, where LˆVC or LˆPC;V a vector group, C a torus and PˆVT a P-group.

PROOF. If LG is relatively complemented, then forH2LGone has F[G=H]ˆ1. SoGis an IM-group.

IfGis an IM-group, then by Theorem A one hasFGˆ1. It follows from Lemma 4.5 and Lemma 4.6, thatGis a complemented solvable t-group.

IfGsatisfies (iii), then by Theorem A it is an almost direct product of an abelian variety A and a solvable affine t-group L with FL. So Lu is a commutative group. SinceLis a t-group andLu is commutative, it follows thatHLu/LimpliesH/L. SoLhas the structure indicated in (iv).

IfGis as in (iv), then by Corollary 2.3 one hasLGˆLLLA. SinceLA is relatively complemented (see Remark 1.4), all we have to show is thatL is a relatively complemented group. This is clear ifLis commutative, be- cause then LLˆLVLAT ([11], Satz 5). Assume that G is a counter- example in which the dimension ofLis minimal. ThenLis not commutative, i. e.LˆVTAwith T6ˆ1. Theorem A shows thatL is complemented.

The structure given in (iv) is inherited by all closed connected subgroups of Las well as by all epimorphic images ofL. SinceGis a counterexample, there exists an atomH2LGsuch thatHGand the interval [G=H] is not relatively complemented. AsHGone hasVTˆVH. So using Lemma 4.7 one sees that [G=H]'L(VC) is a complemented lattice, a contradiction.



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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 30 dicembre 2005.


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