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Viscoelastic relaxation of insoluble monomolecular films


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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Viscoelastic relaxation of insoluble monomolecular films

J.C. Earnshaw, R.C. Mcgivern, P.J. Winch

To cite this version:

J.C. Earnshaw, R.C. Mcgivern, P.J. Winch. Viscoelastic relaxation of insoluble monomolecular films.

Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (7), pp.1271-1293. �10.1051/jphys:019880049070127100�. �jpa-00210808�


Viscoelastic relaxation of insoluble monomolecular films

J. C. Earnshaw, R. C. McGivern and P. J. Winch

The Department of Pure and Applied Physics, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern


(Requ le 8 d6cembre 1987, révisé le 7 mars 1988, accepté le 11 mars 1988)



On étudie les monocouches du mono-oléate de glycérol à l’interface eau-air en utilisant les ondes

capillaires excitées thermiquement qu’on observe dans une grande plage de nombres d’onde par diffusion

quasi élastique de la lumière. Par une nouvelle procédure d’analyse des résultats on obtient ab initio 4 propriétés viscoélastiques de la surface : les modules élastiques de surface et les viscosités qui gouvement les cisaillements normaux à la monocouche (~ tension) ainsi que la dilatation dans le plan de la couche. Ces

mesures permettent la première comparaison rigoureuse des modules de tension et de dilatation avec leurs valeurs d’équilibre classiques. Plusieurs effets suggèrent que ces deux modules subissent des processus de relaxation différents : pour les modules élastiques on trouve des différences entre les valeurs dynamiques et statiques dans différents états de la monocouche, et pour les viscosités, on trouve des comportements différents suivant l’état de compression de la monocouche. Ces effets dépendent également de la fréquence.

Dans la monocouche complètement comprimée, le module de cisaillement transverse est caractérisé par une relaxation exponentielle, avec un temps ~ 9 03BCs. Ce temps de relaxation décroît exponentiellement lorsque la

monocouche est dilatée, et atteint 100 ns pour des aires par molécule de 60 Å2. On peut exclure rigoureusement la présence de processus plus lents. Le module de dilatation est généralement moins bien

déterminé que celui de cisaillement transverse ; toutefois, dans l’ état dilaté de la monocouche, les données démontrent l’existence d’une relaxation beaucoup plus lente, vers 03C4 ~ 290 03BCs. On discute brièvement les mécanismes moléculaires associés à ces relaxations.



Glycerol mono-oleate monolayers at the air-water interface have been investigated by quasi-

elastic light scattering from thermally excited capillary waves over a wide range of wave numbers. Using a relatively novel data analysis procedure four surface viscoelastic properties were deduced ab initio from the

light scattering data : surface elastic moduli and viscosities governing shear normal to the monolayer (~ tension) and dilation in the film plane. The tension and dilational modulus were compared with classical, equilibrium values in the first rigorous comparison of its kind. Various effects suggested that the two moduli

were affected by rather different relaxation processes : discrepancies between the light scattering and equilibrium values of the two elastic moduli occurred in different states of the monolayer, and the two surface

viscosities (both zero for the clean subphase) behaved very differently on monolayer compression. These

effects were observed to be frequency dependent. In the fully compressed monolayer state the transverse shear modulus was characterised by an exponential relaxation, of time scale ~ 9 03BCs. This relaxation time fell

exponentially on monolayer expansion, reaching 100 ns for molecular areas ~ 60 Å2. Slower processes than these were rigorously excluded. The dilational modulus was generally less well determined than that affecting

transverse shear. However in the expanded monolayer state, the data sufficed to demonstrate much slower relaxation, 03C4 ~ 290 03BCs. Possible molecular mechanisms are briefly discussed.

Classification Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.


The viscoelastic properties of a molecular film at a

liquid surface are of considerable interest, both intrinsically and for the light which they may shed upon the phase behaviour of these systems. They are macroscopic manifestations of the intermolecular interactions within the film, and perhaps between

the film and the adjoining fluid. Even for a surface which is isotropic within its equilibrium plane there exist, in principle, five separate independent surface

moduli [1], each of which may comprise elastic and

viscous components [2]. In practice this variety has

not been exploited in experimental studies of am- phiphilic monolayers. The commonest surface properties observed have been the surface tension

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019880049070127100



and that surface viscosity relating to shear strain within the monolayer plane [3]. This paper concerns the determination from a single experimental obser-

vation of four different surface properties, compris- ing two viscoelastic moduli. These correspond to the

surface tension and to the dilational modulus of the

interface, together with the corresponding surface


The surface of any liquid is continually roughened by molecular agitation. The random surface can be Fourier decomposed into a complete set of capillary

modes. Such thermally excited waves, whilst of microscopic amplitude, scatter light appreciably.

The spectrum of the light scattered by a surface

mode of defined wavenumber reflects the temporal

evolution of that wave, and thus carries information upon the relevant liquid or surface properties [4].

Systems studied include those in which the tension of the surface or interface and the viscosity of the bulk

fluid or fluids were inferred from the light scattering

data (see [4, 5] for recent reviews). Here we will be

concerned with specifically surface effects such as

arise in molecular films.

Capillary waves are governed by the restoring

force of surface tension and are damped by viscous dissipation within the bulk liquid. However other, specifically surface viscoelastic properties influence capillary waves. In particular Goodrich [6] postu- lated that the surface tension and the dilational elastic modulus of a molecular film must be ex-

panded as viscoelastic moduli. This has been verified

on the basis of microscopic arguments [7, 2]. The temporal evolution of capillary waves is thus govern- ed by four specific surface properties, two being the

tension (yo) and dilational modulus (so) and two being viscosities (y’ and E’) associated with these


Monolayer covered liquid surfaces (including fatty

acid [8-11], lipid [10-13] and polymer [9,14] mono- layers) have been studied by light scattering from capillary waves. In nearly all cases these studies have involved spreading a very expanded monolayer and subsequently monitoring the changes in the light scattering spectrum as the monolayer was compres- sed. Both correlation techniques [12, 8, 10] and spectrum analysis [9, 11] have been used to estimate the capillary wave frequencies (wo) and damping

constants (r). From these two observables up to four surface properties have been extracted. Such

analyses have incorporated essentially arbitrary as- sumptions or data from other experiments:

(1) information from other experiments concern- ing some of the properties (e.g. yo, eo) has been

used to constrain the interpretation process [8-10].

Unfortunately it appears that the values of yo and Eo affecting the capillary waves probed by light scattering may not be identical with those found in classical experiments. For example molecular relax-

ation processes may involve a yo(w) which differs from the equilibrium tension value [15]. Similarly,

diffusive interchange of surfactant molecules be- tween surface and subphase will cause e to be frequency dependent [16] ;

(2) similarly, whilst a particular surface property

(e.g. y’) may be zero for the case of a specific amphiphile, this cannot be assumed to be true in general ;

(3) the various surface properties affect the dis-

persion behaviour of w with q. Measurement of wo and T as functions of q should thus, in principle,

determine these properties better than an obser- vation at a single q [17]. Unfortunately, frequency dependence of these surface properties may modify

the dispersion behaviour [15]. The characteristic effects of the various properties will thus not be easily discernible.

Unfortunately there can in general be no unique interpretation of two experimental observables in terms of four physical properties, except perhaps in

very special circumstances.

The monolayers used in this work are formed of the neutral lipid glycerol monooleate (GMO). Both

mono- and bimolecular films of this lipid have previously been studied by light scattering. Black lipid films of GMO provided the first unambiguous

evidence for the existence of an interfacial viscosity

associated with the modulus governing shear normal to the interface plane (tension) [18]. Subsequent

studies of such films have shown viscoelastic relax- ation of this modulus [15]. The phase transitions of GMO (-- 16° C) in both bi- and monomolecular films have been studied [19, 13]. The present exper- iments are restricted to room temperature, well above this transition, where the classical surface pressure-area isotherm of GMO is well established


This paper concerns two major points :

(1) a relatively novel approach to data analysis for monolayer covered surfaces [24, 25], an extension of

a method successfully applied to interfaces [26, 27]

for which only the interfacial tension and the viscosi- ties of the bulk fluids affect the capillary waves. For

the monolayer case the physically interesting par- ameters of the fit are the two surface moduli mentioned above (each comprising elastic and visc-

ous portions). Here we demonstrate the practicabili- ty of extracting all four surface properties ab initio

from a single observation of the spectrum of the scattered light. Where possible, the surface proper- ties thus deduced are systematically compared with

data obtained by classical methods ;

(2) the frequency dependence of the surface mod-

uli. Viscoelastic relaxation is clearly demonstrable

for the transverse shear case, and can be inferred for


the dilational case. For transverse shear the variation of the relaxation rate with molecular packing has

also been measured. These observations, the first of their kind, open a new field of interfacial viscoelas-


2. Theoretical background.

Various fluctuations, both transverse (or capillary)

and longitudinal (or dilational), in a monolayer may scatter light. However, the intensity scattered by longitudinal waves is, in general, very much lower than that due to the transverse waves [9]. We thus only consider scattering by the capillary waves. The theory is well established [4] and only a brief

summary of the relevant points is necessary.

2.1 CAPILLARY WAVES. - Capillary modes are

characterised by a surface wave number q ( = 2 1T /A). Such a surface fluctuation can be described by the departure of the surface from its

equilibrium plane :

Experimentally waves of real q propagating in the

x direction are selected for observation, their tem- poral evolution being characterised by the frequency

w (= w 0 + i F ). This is related to q via the dispersion equation, which is [4, 28] :

where y is the surface tension, q the viscosity and

p the density of the liquid, and

In equation (2), E is the dilational modulus of the


A being the molecular area in the film.

The spectrum of the light scattered by the ther- mally excited capillary waves reflects their temporal

evolution. For a monolayer covered surface the spectrum is an explicit function of the surface

properties y and e [4] :

While the spectrum is approximately Lorentzian, the

deviations of P (w ) from that form are well estab- lished [29, 26]. The several surface properties affect

P ( w ) in different and characteristic fashions. As will be seen below, this fact permits a single experimental

observation of the spectrum to be analysed in terms

of the four properties affecting P ( w ). In our exper- iments we measure the field correlation function of the scattered light, which is the Fourier transform of




By analogy with the

three-dimensional case, e corresponds, for isotropic strain, to the modulus of hydrostatic compression in

the plane of the film (K), whereas for uniaxial strain it also involves [30] the corresponding shear modulus

(S ) :

Capillary waves restricted to the x - z plane involve

uniaxial compression and dilation, so that the appro-

priate value of E will be Buniaxial. The value of

e appropriate to the measurement of a monolayer

isotherm will depend upon the exact nature of the strain applied [31]. In practice, apart perhaps from highly compressed, « solid » mono layers, Swill usually be negligible. Despite these complications,

8 will here be referred to as the « dilational modu- lus » for brevity.

As pointed out by Goodrich [6], both Band

y may be extended to incorporate viscous .effects.

Following the usual rheological convention we may write (there is no established notation in this field) :

Here yo and Eo are elastic moduli describing the

response of the system to shear normal to the interface (tension) and dilation within the plane of

the interface respectively, y’ and E’ being the corresponding surface viscosities. These viscosities

are not the conventionally measured « surface vis-

cosity » which refers to shear within the plane of the

interface [3], but are distinct quantities appropriate

to well-defined strains applied to the monolayer.

The nature of the quantities here called y’ and

£’ is not as yet fully understood. They may be

regarded as macroscopic hydrodynamic variables [6]

or as surface excess properties arising from the microscopic inhomogeneity of the fluid interfacial

region [7, 2]. Theoretical predictions of their magni-

tudes are not available.

The dilational modulus affects the capillary waves

because these waves couple to longitudinal fluctu-

ations of the film [28]. This coupling has been

treated elsewhere [4, 32] and we simply present

some results useful for the discussion of experimental

data. As Eo increases (relative to a fixed yo) both the

wave frequency wo and the damping r vary (Fig. 1), passing through maxima when Eo/,yo = 0.16. For

£o ? yo both wo and r vary slowly with Eo. The

surface viscosity s’ reduces the magnitudes of these



Fig. 1.


The variation of capillary wave frequency and damping as functions of Ea/ yo, computed for three

different wave numbers and assuming yo = 72.75 mN/m.

The variations are shown for these different values of e’ : 0 (- ), 10- 4 (- -) and 5- mN s/m (- - -).

variations. In contrast the surface viscosity y’ sys-

tematically increases r and reduces Wo.

2.3 VISCOELASTIC RELAXATION. - In conventional

rheological notation [33], an oscillatory stress (T(t) = T * e‘ w‘) and strain (u (t ) = u* eiwt ) are re-

lated via a complex dynamic modulus G*(w):

In the present context the storage modulus G’(co)

can be identified with yo (or 80) while the loss

modulus G"(w) corresponds to w y’ (or toE’).

There are no microscopic theories of interfacial

rheological relaxation. However for linear viscoelas-

ticity, combinations of simple rheological models

can be found which exhibit arbitrary frequency dependences of G*. We mention only two such

models : the Voigt viscoelastic solid and the Maxwell fluid. For the Voigt model both G’(w ) and G " (to )/ w are constant. The Maxwell fluid, corre- sponding to a single exponential relaxation (of time

constant T), is described by

where Ge is the equilibrium (w 0 ) elastic modulus,

and G the strength of the relaxation process. The Maxwell model interpolates reasonably between the

low frequency viscous and high frequency elastic

behaviour of a viscoelastic fluid [34].

3. Experimental methods.



Our heterodyne spec- trometer has been described in detail elsewhere [35].

Briefly, light from an Ar+ laser (A = 488 nm) was spatially filtered to ensure a Gaussian intensity profile (TEMO. mode) and illuminated the liquid

surface. Light scattered by thermally excited capil- lary waves was detected using heterodyne methods

to measure the small frequency shifts of the scattered

light (- kHz ). The train of photodetections from the

detector was processed by a multi-bit photon cor-

relator (Malvern K7025), interfaced to a PDP11/34A


Autocorrelation of a heterodyne mixture of two

optical fields, corresponding to intensities Is (scat-

tered field) and Ir (reference field), yields [36]

where g (’) (,r ) and g(2)(T ) are the first and second order correlation functions of the scattered field

respectively. Provided that Iris sufficiently greater than I, the third term of this equation dominates the time-dependence. In practice, our experiments in-

volved ratios of IS/Ir 10- 3, so that the self-beat

term was much smaller than the random noise on the observed correlation functions. Such 7s//r ratios are

much lower than those usually advocated [37] for the

rather different case of monotonically decaying

correlation functions. The low Is/Ir ratios proved entirely satisfactory here, probably because our experiments employed methods recently described

for rapid data acquisition [38], involving amplifi-

cation of the small modulation of G(,r).

The wave number q of the capillary mode ob-

served is used as an input to the direct fitting

method : P ( w ) is evaluated as a function of the four surface properties at a specific q value. A good

estimate of q is thus central to the success of this

approach to data analysis. In the present work q was determined to 0.25 % [35].

The light scattering was significantly affected by

instrumental effects which arose from the finite extent of the laser beam on the surface [39]. The

observed spectrum was a convolution of P (w ) with

an instrumental function. For a laser beam of Gaussian profile the observed correlation functions

can be written as


where j3 is the standard deviation of the instrumental function in the frequency domain and f ( T ) is the

time dependence of the correlation function ex-

pected from waves of the selected, central q value.

3.1.1 Data analysis.


Two different analyses were applied to our correlation data. Both involved the

use of non-linear least-squares fitting with appropri-

ate mathematical forms. The wave frequency wo and

damping r were determined using equation (13)

with an exponentially damped cosine time depen-

dence :

where the phase term 0 (small and negative for

these data) accounts for most of the deviations of

P(w) from an exact Lorentzian form [12]. Such

estimates of wo and T are known to be unbiassed


The exact spectral form of equation (5) was also

used in fitting experimental data. The applicability

of such analysis to experimental data is as yet in its infancy : systems involving only yo and q have been investigated [26, 27], but the extension to film- covered surfaces or interfaces is relatively novel [13].

We refer to this approach as « direct fitting ». The

observed correlation functions were analysed in

terms of the four surface properties (yo, y’,

EO, e’) by fitting with equation (13) using a time dependence defined by the Fourier transform of P (w ) formulated as a function of these four proper- ties. The viscosity and density of the subphase were

assumed to have their accepted values. In detail we set

and use [26]

in equation (13). Here the parameter A allows for the possibility of a self-beat or second-order contri- bution to the observed correlation functions. Fitted values of A were always very small, if not zero, as

expected from our low 7s//r ratios. In analysing the

data presented below, we therefore fixed A = 0.

Detailed discussion of the sensitivity of the direct

fitting to the various surface parameters is deferred

to section 5. Tests with simulated data [24, 25]

suggested that this analysis was stable and robust.

For data of reasonable quality (random errors on G (,r ) - 1 % of amplitude A) the surface properties

used to generate the data were adequately recov-

ered. For only one combination of surface properties

were erroneous solutions found in these tests [25],

and even then the majority of fits gave accurate estimates of the properties. This situation involved

small values of y’ and zero e : in the poor fits

yo and E’ were excessive (the latter greatly so), while

the instrumental linewidth {3 was underestimated.

Constraining {3 to be of physically reasonable magni-

tude (> half of value found for good fits) avoided the

apparent secondary minimum in the sum-of-squares hyperspace quite efficiently. In our experiments,

several correlation functions were recorded under identical conditions at each molecular area studied.

Application of appropriate constraints to those few functions which gave surface properties differing

from the rest always yielded internal consistency in

the experimental results. Such ambiguities only

occurred in cases where both the surface pressure and y’ were small.

3.1.2 Instrumental effects.


The form of the instru-

mental function is basic to the data analysis ; we

have therefore measured it for our apparatus. The time dependence of the observed correlation func- tion is of the form

where f (T ) is the exact theoretical form (Eq. (16)

with A = 0) for waves of the selected q value.

Experimental correlation functions for light scattered by capillary waves on the free surface of water were analysed (Fig. 2). G ( T ) was divided by f(T),

evaluated for the known properties of water, yielding h ( T ). These estimates of h ( T ) were somewhat noisy, particularly around the zero-crossing points of G(,r). However h ( T ) was clearly linear in T 2, the slope giving j8 = 4 480 s-1 (within 2 % of that from the direct fitting procedure). This Gaussian h ( 7- ) is

shown in figure 2, together with [/(T).A(T)],

which agrees excellently with the observed data.

This comparison involves no fitting of f(,r). We

conclude that a Gaussian function provides an acceptable description of the instrumental effects upon G ( T ).

It has been suggested [39] that f3 can be calculated

a priori, given certain experimental parameters. The measured value just quoted agrees reasonably with

that computed for our apparatus. However because various other effects (e.g. vibrations, electronic distortion) might affect f3 we prefer to keep it as a

free parameter of the data fitting. We have exper-

imentally confirmed the theoretically predicted [39]

dependences of /3 upon q, yo and the laser beam diameter.

3.2 MONOLAYERS. - Our Langmuir trough was

machined from a single block of PTFE, and was

17 cm x 22 cm, the subphase being rather shallow (depth - 3 mm) to damp out any long wavelength perturbations of the liquid surface. The radius of

curvature of the liquid surface at the laser beam was

> 1 km, having negligible effect on the value of

q selected by the optical apparatus [41]. The trough



Fig. 2.


The measurement of the instrumental line-broadening function. A correlation function measured for the clean surface of water (q = 395.0 cm-1) is shown (x), together with the exact theoretical correlation function f ( T) expected

for water (- - -). The chain line (- - -) shows the Gaussian form h ( T ) obtained by dividing the measured data by

the theoretical function. The full line ( ) indicates the product of the theoretical function and the Gaussian instrumental form [ f ( T ) . h ( T ) ] .

was mounted on a massive brass base and sur-

rounded by a perspex housing provided with optical

windows. Both base and housing had provision for

thermostatic control. The entire apparatus was mounted on a massive (2.3 tonne) optical table with

vertical and horizontal vibration isolation.

The glycerol-monooleate (purity > 99 %, 1-isom-

er, Nu Chek Prep Inc) was used as supplied, with no

further purification. It was spread as a solution in

hexane of known concentration (- 1 mg/ml). The subphase was pure water (resistivity > 18 MH cm),

from a Milli-Q (Millipore) ultrafiltration unit. Before the monolayer was spread the liquid surface was repeatedly swept and aspirated using a Pasteur pipette with a low vacuum line to remove any surfactant contamination. The monolayer isotherms

were generated by successive additions of 3 f.LI aliquots of solution. After each addition three mi- nutes were allowed to elapse before classical and

light scattering measurements were initiated, to

allow the solvent to evaporate and the system to


The constant-area (or successive addition) method

of tracing out monolayer isotherms has recently

been discussed by McDonald and Simon [42], who

argue certain advantages over the more usual com- pression technique, amongst which is the fact that

collapse occurs at the equilibrium pressure of the

lipid, metastable states not being observed. However in our studies two other problems led to dissatisfac- tion with the compression method :

(1) when using a barrier to compress a monolayer

to high surface pressures (a 40 mN/m) some prob-

lems were encountered with film leakage ;

(2) as the barrier approached the illuminated area

of the surface the meniscus might have altered the surface curvature and thus the q studied.

The method of successive additions completely eli-

minated both of these problems. As will be discussed below the successive addition method gave essen-

tially identical results to compression (after relax-

ation of the monolayer to equilibrium following compression).

For comparison with the results inferred from the

light scattering observations the surface tension was

measured with a 2.5 cm square roughened platinum

foil Wilhelmy plate and a Joyce Loebl microbalance.

The system was tested using clean liquids. The

surface pressure was determined to better than

± 0.1 mN/m.

4. Results.

Light scattering observations were carried out as a

function of molecular area at a fixed q (different for


each film) for five separate monolayers at T =

20 ± 0.1 °C. For four films light scattering measure-

ments were continued in the collapse state over a

range of q (220 to 1 500 cm’ 1). During these exper-

iments, at each surface concentration or q value

studied, five separate correlation functions were

recorded consecutively with no selection. The data shown are the averages of the fitted parameters for these five functions, the errors being standard errors

on the mean.

Equilibration of the monolayer after each addition

of lipid solution was checked by observing the

classical surface pressure. The q scan in the fully compressed state lasted - 1 hr. after first reaching

the collapse state. Over this time the classical

7T tended to decrease slightly (- 0.6 mN/m over 1- 2 hr.), presumably due to slow relaxation effects in the monolayer. It was to avoid such problems that light scattering experiments were carried out for a single q for each of several separate monolayers. As

will be seen below, these experiments gave entirely

consistent results.

The measured classical (Wilhelmy plate) w - A behaviour, shown in figure 3 as a cubic spline interpolation of the measured points, agreed well

Fig. 3.


The measured 7r - A isotherm inferred classi-

cally ( ) and by light scattering. The 03C0 values (x)

determined by the direct analysis of the correlation functions (observed at q = 320.6 cm-1) agree excellently

with the classical data. Values (9) found using the approxi-

mate relation (Eq. (21)) with the capillary wave fre- quencies ( wo ) are discussed in section 5.

with literature data [20-23], all of which involved

compression methods. The only significant differ-

ence involved a small extension at low 7T’ to rather

higher A than for some isotherms. In particular, the collapse area (28.5 A2) accorded well with published values, although the observed collapse pressure

(verified for several monolayers) was some 2 mN/m

above certain literature values (e.g. [23]). It seems unlikely that this difference arose from relaxation processes within the monolayer, as the collapse

pressure fell very slowly with time. The discrepancy might be due to a temperature difference, most published data being for 25 °C (not 20 °C).

We first present experimental data for a single

GMO monolayer at one surface wavenumber:

q = 320.6 cm- 1. Correlation functions observed at various surface concentrations are shown in figure 4, illustrating the basic data underlying the present analysis. The noise on the individual correlation functions was typically 2 % of the amplitude of the time-dependent part of the function, falling some-

what (- 1 % in fully compressed state) with the

increase in scattered intensity as the tension fell on

monolayer compression. The changes in frequency

and damping of the functions with surface concen-

tration are clearly evident.

Whilst we do not place great emphasis here on the capillary wave frequencies, the variations of coo and r are shown in figure 5. The reproducibility of both

w o and r varied with the monolayer surface concen- tration, due partly to the decreasing noise on the

data upon monolayer compression, but also to

fluctuations within the monolayer itself. The damp- ing often increased dramatically (compared to that

for the clean subphase) upon the addition of even a

single 3 RI aliquot of film-forming solution (i.e.

A - 700 A2). We believe that these variations, and

the rather greater scatter in wo at low surface concentrations arose from the existence in the ex-

panded monolayer of separate regions having rather

different lipid concentrations, causing fluctuations in the light scattering signal. Differences in the values of the various surface properties in this region support this suggestion (see Sect. 5).

We turn now to the principal results of this paper : the surface properties yo, y’, Eo and £’ derived by

the direct fitting method (Eq. (13) with Eq. (16)).

The parameters of the fit were initially not con- strained, apart from requiring the four surface properties to be positive. In most cases these initial

fits yielded consistent values of the surface properties

for the five individual correlation functions observed.

However for very expanded monolayers (A >

75 A2) this was not always the case, probably due to

the separated regions just mentioned. Averaging the

correlation functions at these large molecular areas

led to poorer fits, shown by correlated, oscillatory

residuals, not evident for the individual correlation



Fig. 4.


Various correlation functions observed at q = 320.6 cm-1 for a monolayer of GMO : (a) the clean subphase surface ; (b) a rather expanded monolayer, at a

molecular area of 140 A2 ; (c) in the fully compressed state, at A = 28.1 A2. The lines show the best fit functions derived from the direct analysis. The residuals of these fits

are also shown.

functions (Fig. 4). In practice, at all surface concen-

trations, the data were analysed as separate corre- lation functions.

Surface pressure values (Fig. 3) were derived using light scattering values for the tensions of both the monolayer covered surface and the clean sub-

Fig. 5.


Capillary wave frequencies ( wo ) and damping

constants ( r), as functions of surface concentration for q = 320.6 cm-1. The errors upon wo are smaller than the

plotted points. The lines are discussed in section 5.

phase. For the clean subphase yo agreed well with

the accepted value. At large surface areas per molecule (A > 75 A2) the light scattering tension

values tended to be somewhat scattered, ranging

between 70 and 74 mN/m, compared to a value for

the clean subphase of 73 mN/m at 20 °C. The problem is that identified in tests using simulated

data (see Sect. 3) ; as in that case, constraining f3 to exceed a reasonable value led to consistency in

the fitted values of the surface properties. At these

molecular areas the mean values of the surface pressure were consistent with the classically

measured data. For more compressed monolayers

yo was quite precisely determined : e.g. at a surface pressure of 35 mN/m the fractional error in tension

was - 0.3 %.

To show the surface properties derived from light scattering at large molecular areas, the remaining

data are plotted against surface concentration (here

we write T S =1 /A to avoid confusion with the

capillary wave damping). For TS s greater than the collapse value, the monolayer properties were, with-

in errors, identical to those at that point. However,

for clarity these data are plotted separately.


The light scattering estimates of the dilational modulus eo (shown in Fig. 6) are those returned by

the direct fitting method, and are not related to the logarithmic derivative (Eq. (4)) of the light scattering

03C0- A isotherm. This derivative would not differ

significantly from the classical variation shown. Also

plotted in figure 6 are eo values measured by light scattering for q = 533.8 cm-1 (for a different mono- layer). These data will be compared later with the classical variation.

Fig. 6.


The dilational modulus Eo as a function of

r,. The classical variation (-) is compared with light scattering values of Eo (shown for two monolayers studied

at the same temperature). The classical so goes to zero at the collapse area. One monolayer (x) was studied at

320.6 cm-1, the other (0) at q = 533.8 cm-1: for clarity

error bars upon the latter data are omitted.

Figure 7 shows the variation of y’, together with

the differences between light scattering and classical surface pressures :

emphasizing the agreement of yo with the classical values. The e’ data are shown in figure 8. Despite

the relatively poor precision of the data, the two surface viscosities clearly behaved very differently

upon monolayer compression, presumably dupe to

differences in the underlying molecular mechanisms.

Fig. 7.


The variations with TS s of the difference

AlT (see Eq. (18)) and the transverse shear viscosity of the monolayer, y’, observed for q = 320.6 cm-1. Zero values

are indicated by vertical downward arrows. The line represents the behaviour expected, based on analysis of

the data of figure 12 (see Sect. 5).

There are, of course, no classical values with which these data can be compared.

The y data for the other compression experiments

are shown in figures 9 to 12. The same form of

variation as for the q = 320.6 cm-1 results was

evident in all the data :

9 at large molecular areas å 7T was compatible

with zero, whereas close to, or in the fully compres- sed state it tended to be non-zero (effect increasing

with q) ;

9 in all cases the transverse surface shear viscosity (y’ ) rose rapidly from zero for the clean subphase to

a maximum around 100 A2/molecule, thereafter fall-

ing towards the collapse point (28.5 A2lmolecule).

The E data for the higher q values are not shown, as

the precision of determination of both elastic and

viscous parts decreases with q. The features shown

for the q = 320.6 cm-1 data were broadly repro-

duced at higher q : Eo substantially exceeded the



Fig. 8.


The variation of the dilational monolayer viscosity, e’, observed at 320.6 cm-1. Vertical arrows

indicate zero values of the viscosity. e’ changes by an

order of magnitude as the monolayer is compressed ; the

variation is discussed in the text.

classical value at small F,, where E’ was small, while

at rs 2: 0.02 molecule/A2 both co and E’ were poorly determined, but larger than in the expanded mono- layer.

In the fully condensed state the physical properties

found by direct fitting were quite consistent for the several monolayers studied. The data were thus averaged to improve the precision, and hence the

reliability of the subsequent analysis. The slow drifts in the Wilhelmy plate pressures over these rather

long experiments had to be allowed for. As light scattering observations were initiated at each q value, the classical pressure was noted : over the

experimental durations 03C0 decreased roughly linearly. The change in classical tension was sub- tracted from the light scattering yo values. To ensure

the absence of any other systematic drifts, light scattering observations were repeated at the q value

studied first (the lowest) after completion of each

scan over q : the surface properties inferred from the

two separate sets of data at this q only differed in the

value of yo obtained.

We concentrate here upon the trends in tension and the associated surface viscosity. The observed

Fig. 9.


The variations with F, of A 7r and y’ for

q = 533.8 cm-’. Zero values are indicated by vertical


yo values increased by - 1 mN/m as q increased,

whereas y’ decreased by about an order of magni-

tude. Figure 13 shows the frequency dependence of

y, rather than that upon q. The frequencies used in

the analyses were the capillary wave frequencies ( w o ). The several fully collapsed monolayers yielded essentially identical frequencies for capillary waves

of given q. The behaviour of the dilational modulus

was not at all well determined : all that can be said is that both elastic and viscous parts were of large magnitude. No variations of e with q could be


5. Discussion.



MacDonald and Simon [42] have recently argued

that in a 7T - 7B plot of the isotherm subtle effects indicative of monolayer phase changes are more evident, and thermodynamic analysis is more direct.

Here it also eases comparisons with the other surface

properties (Figs. 6 to 12). We thus replot the classical

data in figure 14.


Fig. 10.


The variations of å 7T and y’ with TS for

q = 745.0 cm-1.

The ir - TS variation is basically piece-wise linear

for GMO (as found for DMPC [42]). For 0.01 7"g 0.015 molecule A2 it approximately conforms

to a perfect gas law. There are then two successive linear regions, the break in slope occurring at about

40.5 A2. The slopes of the v - F, plot in these two regions are - 4.5 kT and 7 kT respectively. Analysis

of published isotherms for GMO [20-23] confirms

both these gradients and the location of the break-

point. These features seem to be well-founded,

whereas the extent and magnitude of the initial

increase at low rs seem somewhat more variable.

The all-trans GMO molecule is about 22 A long [43], while the collapse area of 28.5 A2 implies a

lateral dimension about 5 A. Thus the 7r - rs plot departs from zero at an area (- 88 A2 ) rather less

than that of a GMO molecule lying upon the surface, probably due to some rotational isomerisation in the

acyl chain. The molecular area at the break in slope,

41 A2, is much less than this, and the molecules

presumably can no longer lie upon the surface, being

forced to adopt a more « upright » orientation, the

Fig. 11.


The variations with F, of ð.7T’ and y’ for

968.5 cm- 1.

hydrocarbon chains beComing detached from the

liquid surface.

The change in slope of the 7T - F, plot at

- 41 A2 indicates a change in monolayer behaviour, perhaps sufficiently distinct to merit the description

« phase change ». MacDonald and Simon [42] have

advanced an apparently generally applicable in- terpretation of the observed linear 03C0- TS be-

haviour. Upon compression of an amphiphile mono- layer the number of possible configurations of each hydrocarbon chain (W) is reduced, the polar head

group being tied to the water surface. Thus the entropy of the film, which is a function of molecular area, decreases and w increases. Assuming that the

number of configurations available to an n-carbon acyl chain is

where A is the molecular area in the monolayer and

g is a proportionality constant, MacDonald and Simon [42] derive an expression

which offers an immediate interpretation of the

linear 7r - T plot.



Fig. 12.


The q = 1 160 cm-1 data for A 7T and y’.

The gradient of 7 kT in the condensed monolayer phase is attributed to some 7 C-C bonds freely undergoing rotational isomerisation. The 18-C atom oleic acid moiety of the GMO molecule has a double bond at the 9-10 position, so that the configurational

freedom may be restricted to that half of the GMO molecule remote from the water surface. Where

d7r/dF, - 4.5 kT the. acyl chain is more restricted.

This cannot be due to increased pressure from

adjacent molecules, and presumably arises from a

tendency of the molecules in the more expanded monolayer to partially recline upon the surface, reflecting the appreciable adhesion between the

hydrocarbon chain and water. The configurational

freedom of that part of the acyl chain lying upon the water would be considerably reduced, explaining the

lower d7rldF,.

5.2 CONSISTENCY WITH WAVE FREQUENCY AND DAMPING. - As discussed above (Sect. 2), these

four surface properties ( yo, y’, Eo and e’) all affect the propagation of capillary waves to some extent.

We have checked the consistency of the surface properties deduced by the direct fitting with the

Fig. 13.


The frequency dependence of yo and

y’ for fully compressed monolayers. The lines represent a least-squares fit to the data using the functional forms of the Maxwell model (Eqs. (10) and (11)).

observed ( coo, T ) of the capillary waves by substitut- ing the experimental values of E and y into the

dispersion equation (Eq. (2)) and solving for wo and r. The variations of mo and r thus found, shown as cubic spline interpolations in figure 5, agree well with the observed frequencies and damping con-

stants. The only significant differences occur be- tween 0.01 Ts 0.02 molecule/A2, where the pre- dicted variation falls slightly below the observed

r values. Decreasing Eo by 1 mN/m (within the experimental error) would remove the discrepancy.

We conclude that the direct analysis method yields

values of the surface properties which are entirely

consistent with the observed propagation of capillary

waves upon the monolayer covered surface.

The present experiment yields non-zero values for

all four surface properties, which do not always

concur with the classically determined values (e.g.

Eo). In general it would be impossible to uniquely analyse the mo and r data a priori in terms of the

surface properties. There must inevitably be am- biguities in any such analysis. It is not sufficient to

show that wo and r values can be interpreted in

terms of two surface properties assuming others are

equal to their classical values (e.g. yo, so) or are zero

(e.g. y’). Nearly always, other combinations of

surface properties will exist which could account for


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