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Simultaneous management of blood flow and IOP in glaucoma


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Simultaneous management of blood flow and IOP in glaucoma

HARRIS, A, et al.


Factors other than intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation must be involved in initiation and progression of glaucoma. An additional element in disease causation may be ischemia in the retina and optic nerve head. Ischemic damage to neurons in the CNS is similar mechanistically and histopathologically to changes seen in glaucoma. Further, glaucoma patients with normal IOP show clear evidence for cerebral and ocular ischemia. Aging and atherosclerosis reduce the ability of the eye to autoregulate blood flow when ocular perfusion pressure changes: the dependence of blood flow on perfusion pressure links ischemia to IOP.

Consequently, neuroprotective treatments for glaucoma should be designed to both reduce IOP and improve ocular nutrient delivery.

HARRIS, A, et al . Simultaneous management of blood flow and IOP in glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica , 2001, vol. 79, no. 4, p. 336-341

DOI : 10.1034/j.1600-0420.2001.079004336.x PMID : 11453850

Available at:


Disclaimer: layout of this document may differ from the published version.


Simultaneous management of

blood flow and IOP in glaucoma

Alon Harris


, Christian Jonescu-Cuypers


, Bruce Martin


, Larry Kagemann


, Miriam Zalish


and Hannah J. Garzozi


1Department of Ophthalmology, Indiana University School of Medicine,

Indianapolis, IN, USA,2Medical Sciences Program, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA,3Department of Ophthalmology, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel,

4Department of Ophthalmology, Haemek Medical Center, Afula, Israel


Factors other than intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation must be involved in initiation and progression of glaucoma. An additional element in disease causa- tion may be ischemia in the retina and optic nerve head. Ischemic damage to neurons in the CNS is similar mechanistically and histopathologically to changes seen in glaucoma. Further, glaucoma patients with normal IOP show clear evidence for cerebral and ocular ischemia. Aging and atherosclerosis re- duce the ability of the eye to autoregulate blood flow when ocular perfusion pressure changes: the dependence of blood flow on perfusion pressure links isch- emia to IOP. Consequently, neuroprotective treatments for glaucoma should be designed to both reduce IOP and improve ocular nutrient delivery.

Key words:carbonic anhydrase – intraocular pressure – ischemia – glaucoma.

Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. 2001: 79: 336–341 CopyrightcActa Ophthalmol Scand 2001. ISSN 1395-3907


lthough elevation of the intraocular pressure (IOP) is clearly a major risk factor for the development and pro- gression of glaucoma, therapeutic reduc- tion of the IOP provides neither im- proved visual function nor stabilization of the disease process in many patients (Rossetti et al. 1993; Chauhan 1995). The failure of ocular pressure lowering to pre- vent disease progression, the association of glaucomatous optic nerve head dam- age with normal pressure in many pa- tients, and racial variations in disease in- cidence independent of IOP (Tielsch et al.

1991), point to the critical role that other factors must play in the development of this disease (Flammer et al. 1999).

One candidate for an additional glau- coma risk factor, independent from, yet interacting with IOP, is blood flow insuf- ficiency. Ischemia fulfills many of the cri- teria for a causative element for this ill- ness:

1) Ischemic cellular damage mimics pathologic changes seen in glaucoma 2) Glaucoma patients with normal IOP

show signs of ocular and cerebral isch- emia

3) Increases in IOP worsen ischemia, linking the known and hypothetical risk factors, and potentially contribu- ting to the increased risk for glaucoma in persons with elevated IOP

While each of these topics will be ad- dressed in turn, the third point is the pri- mary topic for this review: the simul- taneous management of both ocular blood flow and the IOP. This relationship will be considered with special attention to the potential role that carbonic anhyd- rase inhibitors may play in simultaneous management of both risk factors in older persons with compromised vascular auto- regulatory capacity.

Ischemic cellular damage mimics pathologic

changes seen in glaucoma

While the pathogenesis of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) remains un- known, understanding of the disease pro- cess may be gained through models which demonstrate mechanisms of apoptotic neuronal cell death. In human glaucoma and in animal models of the disease, reti- nal ganglion cells primarily die via apoptosis (Quigley et al. 1995; Pease et al. 2000). Elevated intraocular pressure in the rat dilates these cells, leads to abnor- mal intracellular accumulation of tyro- sine kinase receptor B, and blocks deliv- ery of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, suggesting that neurotrophin deprivation causes retinal ganglion cell apoptosis in glaucoma (Pease et al. 2000). While the genetic factors that regulate these pro- cesses remain to be fully elucidated (Nickells 1999), a similar pathway appar- ently leads to ischemia-induced death of cells in the central nervous system (En- dres et al. 2000). In mice lacking both al- leles for neurotrophin-4 or deficient in a single allele for brain-derived neuro- trophic factor, infarct size after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery is increased, suggesting that expression of neurotro- phin-4 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and hence the tyrosine kinase B receptor, are essential for protection against ischemic injury (Endres et al.

2000). Further, brain cells resistant to hypoxic-ischemic insult are those highest in endogenous expression of brain-de- rived neurotrophic factor (Walton et al.


Fig. 1. Three interrelated mechanisms for neuronal apoptosis in the Fig. 2. Conceptual model for the development of simultaneous clinical brain and eye, provoked by ischemia/reperfusion or by mechanical com- management of IOP and blood flow in the retina and optic nerve head.

pression. Because both mechanical and ischemic stimuli cause retinal Autoregulation in young, healthy individuals provides constant per- ganglion cell death via each of these pathways, retinal ganglion cell fusion over a wide range of ocular perfusion pressure. Regulatory dys- death in glaucoma could arise from either insult or their interaction. function which develops in susceptible older individuals, allows any fluctuation in ocular perfusion pressure (via changes in either systemic arterial pressure or the IOP) to change retinal and optic nerve head perfusion.

1999). Similarly, blocking brain-derived neurotrophic factor with the tyrosine ki- nase receptor B-Fc fusion protein causes greater neuronal loss in the forebrain during ischemia (Larsson et al. 1999), al- though the neuronal loss was selective, striking CA4 pyramidal neurons while sparing CA1 neurons (Larsson et al.

1999). A similar, linked pathway involves glutamate release and the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (Gross et al. 2000; Osborne et al. 1999; Sucher et al. 1997). Using calcium influx as second messenger, this pathway is toxic to retinal ganglion cells in part via induction of oxygen radicals (Osborne et al. 1999).

Glutamate toxicity can be provoked by either IOP elevation or ischemia in sus- ceptible cells (Osborne et al. 1999; Fig.

1). A third related mechanism may in- volve astroglial production of toxic levels of nitric oxide during ischemia: nitric ox- ide synthase inhibition increases retinal ganglion cell survival during anoxia or after administration of glutamate (Mor- gan et al. 1999). These results taken to- gether suggest that neuronal apoptosis, provoked by either IOP elevation or by ischemia, may proceed along a common pathway, and that certain neurons, such as retinal ganglion cells, may be particu- larly susceptible to damage (Pease et al.

2000; Nickells 1999; Endres et al. 2000;

Walton et al. 1999; Larsson et al. 1999;

Fig. 1). Clearly, if IOP elevation poten- tates retinal and optic nerve head ische- mia, this would accelerate retinal gan- glion cell apoptosis with both factors acting in concert to cause cell death (Pease et al. 2000; Larsson et al. 1999).

Finally, in animal models, endothelin-1 induced ischemia generates glaucoma- like optic neuropathy despite normal IOP, a histopathologic result consistent with the possibility that ischemia may play a significant role in glaucoma devel- opment in some patients (Cioffi & Sulliv- an 1999; Haefliger et al. 1999; Oku et al.


Glaucoma patients with normal IOP show signs of ocular and cerebral


Two magnetic resonance imaging studies find evidence for pan-cerebral ischemia in normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) pa- tients. In one of these studies, patients suffering from NTG revealed confluent deep white matter lesions (Stroman et al.

1995). Such lesions are most often found in concert with a reduction in total cer- ebral perfusion and with impairments in cognitive function (Herholz et al. 1990;

Boone et al. 1992). A second study found atrophy of the corpus callosum and evi- dence for increased numbers of cerebral infarcts in normal-tension glaucoma (Ong et al. 1995). The close association of glaucoma with advancing age suggests that this illness could represent one as- pect of accelerated central nervous sys- tem aging (Ong et al. 1995). Evidence for diffuse, generalized cerebral ischemia in normal-tension glaucoma supports the hypothesis that the illness may represent a chronic, non-episodic form of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (Hayreh 1975). These studies are at the level of pi- lot studies. A better view of the frequency of cerebral hemodynamic deficiencies, and the strength of their link to glaucoma and advancing age, will require epidemi- ology work which includes measurements in a large number of elderly normal sub- jects.

There are other, more circumstantial lines of evidence linking normal-tension glaucoma with vascular insufficiency. The first is the association of NTG with mi- graine (Wang et al. 1997; Curseifen et al.

2000), the latter illness presumably in-


volving dysregulation of the cerebral vas- culature (Bednarczyk et al. 1998). Sec- ond, several experiments have found abnormal peripheral vascular responsive- ness in NTG patients, suggesting that de- fects in systemic vascular control may be linked to development of glaucomatous optic neuropathy (Gass et al. 1997;

O’Brien & Butt 1999). These microvas- cular abnormalities manifest themselves as excessive responsiveness to endothelin- 1 mediated vasoconstriction, implying that endothelin-1 may be involved in glaucoma pathogenesis (Gass et al. 1997).

The increased levels of endothelin-1 found in aqueous humor and blood in some reports supports the possibility that elevated levels of this vasoconstrictor may contribute to glaucoma development in some patients (Cellini et al. 1997;

Hollo et al. 1998; Noske et al. 1997; Tezel et al. 1997). Third, administration of vasodilators can normalize retrobulbar flow velocities in NTG patients, indi- cating that for some patients vascular deficiencies in glaucoma may be revers- ible (Harris et al. 1994).

Increases in IOP worsen ischemia, linking the known and hypothetical risk factors, and

potentially contributing to the increased risk for glaucoma in persons with elevated IOP

In vitro models of retinal ischemic-reper- fusion injury routinely use acute, severe IOP elevation to provoke apoptosis and to study cell resistance and susceptibility to injury (Ju et al. 2000; Katai & Yoshi- mura 1999). However, the relationship between IOP within ranges typically seen in NTG and primary open-angle glau- coma (POAG) and ocular blood flow re- mains incompletely defined.

In the healthy eye, retinal and optic nerve head blood flow are autoregulated during fluctuations in ocular perfusion pressure (Bill & Sperber 1990; Hayreh 1997). Because the metabolic needs of these tissues are unaffected during per- turbations of systemic arterial pressure and IOP seen during exercise, sleep, pos- tural change, diurnal changes, and other daily events, the arteries, arterioles, and possibly pericyte-regulated capillaries,

that supply these tissues constrict or di- late to maintain constant ocular blood flow over a wide range of perfusion press- ure. Because the IOP represents the ocu- lar outflow pressure within the physio- logical range (Bill & Sperber 1990), auto- regulation in the retina and optic nerve head maintains constant blood flow and nutrient delivery over broad fluctuations in either the systemic arterial pressure or the IOP (Bill & Sperber 1990; Hayreh 1995, 1997; Riva et al. 1981, 1996; Dum- skyj et al. 1996; Robinson et al. 1986;

Sossi & Anderson 1983; Sperber & Bill 1985; Grunwald et al. 1982, 1988; Harris et al. 1996; Weinstein et al. 1983; Pillunat et al. 1997). The boundaries of the auto- regulatory range, as determined in healthy, young humans and animals, are clearly outside the range of even the highest IOP and lowest mean arterial pressures encountered during everyday life (Hayreh 1995).

Data establishing the breadth and sta- bility of the autoregulatory ranges for op- tic nerve and retinal blood flow in young, healthy individuals cannot, however, be extrapolated to older persons who may also suffer from vascular illness, sleep or medication-related blood pressure reduc- tions, or other changes rendering the eye more susceptible to ischemia. For ex- ample, aging per se is a major element in glaucoma risk, yet those factors respon- sible for the close association of age with disease incidence have not yet been de- fined (Fafowara & Osuntokun 1997;

Harris et al. 2000). While aging is associ- ated with modest elevation of the IOP, senescence is also linked to progressive declines in cerebral and ocular perfusion (Klein et al. 1992; Harris et al. 2000; No- mura et al. 1999). Reduced baseline blood flow suggests that autoregulation may not function in old age as it does in youth, a possibility supported by data from old, atherosclerotic monkeys. In these ani- mals, retinal anaerobic metabolism dur- ing ocular hypertension is sharply in- creased (Hayreh et al. 1994). In similar studies in rats, young, healthy animals display robust choroidal hyperperfusion after ocular hypertension-induced ische- mia, but in older rats variable responses occur that may include minimal hyper- perfusion or even a no-reflow phenom- enon (Matsuura & Kawai 1998). These findings taken together suggest that aging per se can markedly alter the ocular blood flow response to IOP elevations (Matsuura & Kawai 1998), and raise the possibility that aging and/or atheroscler-

otic vascular changes may render some persons susceptible to ischemia-induced optic nerve head damage (Hayreh et al.


Emerging evidence supports this hy- pothesis linking aging, reduced ocular autoregulatory capacity, and ischemia. In POAG and NTG patients, optic nerve head and retinal perfusion are chronically reduced (Michelson et al. 1998; Chung et al. 1999; Grunwald et al. 1999). These re- ductions in optic nerve head blood flow are greater in persons with lower arterial blood pressure, such that within a group of POAG patients, optic nerve head blood flow directly correlates with mean arterial pressure (Grunwald et al. 1999).

Consequently, any reduction in ocular perfusion pressure (via changes in arterial pressure or IOP) will reduce optic nerve head blood flow (Grunwald et al. 1999).

In short, glaucoma patients, unlike healthy, young persons, may be char- acterized not by ocular blood flow auto- regulation, but instead by dysfunction of both IOP and ocular blood flow (Flamm- er et al. 1999; Fig. 2). In the laboratory, some of these patients may be identified by cold pressor testing, hypercapnia stress testing, or other non-clinical tech- niques. In the future, vascular testing for a characteristic vasospastic response will become part of the examination regime of the glaucoma specialist, but not until the role of ischemia in the disease is better understood, and a proven medical treatment for vasospastic glaucoma sub- jects is identified.

Clinical management of both blood flow and IOP in glaucoma: implications for treatment

Evidence for the simultaneous clinical management of both IOP and blood flow in patients with glaucoma, in tandem with data showing that both high press- ure and ischemia provoke apoptosis in CNS neurons, implies that therapy for glaucoma consider both pressor and vas- cular factors (Flammer et al. 1999). In this regard, any medical or surgical inter- vention that lowers IOP should directly benefit the retinal ganglion cells mechan- ically, and indirectly benefit these cells by relieving ischemia. Ideally, however, medical intervention would reduce IOP, provide additional local vasodilation, and also offer direct neuroprotection. While


no single drug currently can boast all of these benefits, it is useful to consider the actions of a single class of medications in terms of this hypothetical framework for medical treatment.

One group of drugs currently used widely in glaucoma therapy are the car- bonic anhydrase inhibitors. These drugs reduce IOP, thereby relieving mechanical forces on retinal ganglion cells and in- creasing ocular perfusion pressure. In ad- dition, systemic carbonic anhydrase inhi- bition remains a standard method for cerebral vasodilation (Ringelstein et al.

1992). Given the emerging evidence that cerebral ischemia may contribute to nor- mal-tension glaucoma (Stroman et al.

1995; Ong et al. 1995), interventions that can additionally target vascular insuf- ficiency may have special utility in treat- ment of this form of the disease.

Systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors have been used for nearly half a century to lower ocular tension (Becker 1954).

However, the protean side effects of sys- temic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (chief among them fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, numbness, and loss of appetite) limit their usefulness and have stimulated the search for a viable topical agent (Mar- en 1987). In humans, carbonic anhydrase I and II are present in the corneal endo- thelium and in the lens, whereas carbonic anhydrase II is present in the ciliary pro- cess and in the retina (Maren 1987, Matsui 1996). More than 99% of the carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary body must be in- hibited for physiologically-relevant IOP reductions to occur (Maren 1967). Dorzo- lamide, a topical carbonic anhydrase II blocker, penetrates to the posterior seg- ment of the eye, significantly lowering IOP in glaucoma patients (Sugrue 2000) with many fewer side effects than systemic acet- azolamide (Sugrue 2000; Ponticello et al.

1998). It appears that dorzolamide has a pharmacological effect in the fundus. In a comparison with betaxolol in NTG pa- tients, both drugs lowered IOP equally, but only dorzolamide significantly hastened retinal hemodynamics (Harris 2000).

While it is clear that carbonic anhydra- se inhibitors are vasodilators, the mech- anisms that link enzyme inhibition to vascular smooth muscle relaxation are not understood. In healthy humans, sys- temic treatment with acetazolamide in- creases ocular fundus pulsations and mean flow velocity in the middle cerebral and ophthalmic arteries (Kiss et al.

1999). The mechanism for these changes is independent of nitric oxide, since ad-

ministration of a nitric oxide synthase in- hibitor or L-arginine have no effect on the response (Kiss et al. 1999). Com- paring acetazolamide- with CO2-induced vasodilation suggests that similar bio- chemical cascades may be involved (Taki et al. 1999). Nitric oxide is not a factor in CO2-induced cerebral vasodilation (McPherson et al. 1995); instead, indo- methacin abolishes hypercapnic vaso- dilation, while prostacylin analogues re- lax cerebral vessels, increasing cGMP and cAMP, much as does elevated CO2 (Par- fenova et al. 1994). These results suggest that cyclic nucleotides are involved in hypercapnic vasodilation, via a prost- anoid-dependent mechanism (Parfenova et al. 1994). At the receptor level, CO2- induced cerebrovascular relaxation ap- pears to be mediated via glibenclamide- sensitive potassium channels (Faraci et al. 1994). Taken together, these findings suggest that carbonic anhydrase inhi- bition may relax resistance vessels by in- ducing vasodilator prostanoids and activ- ating glibenclamide-sensitive potassium channels.

Two studies find that dorzolamide lowers IOP without changing retinal or optic nerve head perfusion in healthy per- sons (Grunwald et al. 1997; Pillunat et al.

1999). A third study using fluorescein an- giography to quantify retinal hemody- namics, as opposed to a laser Doppler device, found hastened arteriovenous passage times in normal subjects (Harris et al. 1996). Dorzolamide also increases retinal arteriovenous dye transit rate in conjunction with IOP reductions in glau- coma patients (Sugrue 2000; Harris et al.

In Press). In POAG and NTG, the topical medication also reduces resistance indices in the central retinal and posterior ciliary arteries, suggesting that choroidal and retinal vascular resistance and IOP may be reduced in tandem (Martinez et al.

1999; Tural et al. 2000).

An improvement in ocular blood flow, in order to be clinically significant, must be accompanied by measurable improve- ments in either oxygen delivery or visual function in the eyes of glaucoma patients.

In anesthetized animals, oxygen tension immediately anterior to the optic disc is increased during intravenous administra- tion of either acetazolamide or dorzolam- ide (Stefansson et al. 1999). In normal tension glaucoma subjects, central visual function measured by contrast sensitivity is significantly increased after four weeks of dorzolamide treatment (Harris et al.

1999). Long term testing on dorzolamid-

e’s effect on the visual field is underway.

These promising results suggest that top- ical dorzolamide could chronically in- crease blood flow to and oxygen tension within the optic nerve head in glaucoma patients, potentially improving visual function.


The diminished ability of the aging, atherosclerotic eye to autoregulate blood flow magnifies the risk for ischemic dam- age under conditions that reduce ocular perfusion pressure. Without autoregul- ation, any rise in ocular tension reduces nutrient delivery, with both elevated IOP and reduced tissue perfusion potentially contributing to retinal ganglion cell apoptosis. Therapies developed from this concept of the simultaneous clinical man- agement of IOP and blood flow should target both mechanical and vascular fac- tors, recognizing that both may play im- portant and interacting roles in disease onset and progression.


Supported by Research to Prevent Blindness, and by NIH grant EY 10801 (Dr Harris).


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Alon Harris, PhD Rotary 134

Department of Ophthalmology Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN 46202-5175

Tel: 317 278 2566 Fax: 317 278 1007

e-mail: alharris/indiana.edu


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