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Supplementary material Table s1. Frequency of motor, cognitive and behavioral symptoms mandatory for the CBS or PSPs classification according to the Armstrong criteria (Armstrong et al., 2013).


Academic year: 2022

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Supplementary material

Table s1. Frequency of motor, cognitive and behavioral symptoms mandatory for the CBS or PSPs classification according to the Armstrong criteria (Armstrong et al., 2013).

CBS n=33

PSPs n=37 CBS criteria

Asymmetric limb rigidity or akinesia 97% 3%

Asymmetric limb dystonia 64% 5%

Asymmetric limb myoclonus 33% 0

Orobuccal or limb apraxia 94% 19%

Cortical sensory deficits 55% 3%

Alien limb phenomenon 3% 0

PSPs criteria

Axial or symmetric limb rigidity or akinesia 15% 97%

Postural instability or falls 18% 89%

Urinary incontinence 0 3%

Supranuclear vertical gaze palsy or decreased velocity 24% 89%

Behavioral changes 18% 43%


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