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Health and Citizenship: Immigration


Academic year: 2022

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Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Oporto Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200-135 Porto

Addicional Information: 226079700—ext.308 (Lígia Almeida) Abstract submissions: healthandcitizenship@fpce.up.pt Registration: http://www.fpce.up.pt/ciie/healthandcitizenship.htm

Internet: www.fpce.up.pt/ciie

1st International Workshop

Health and Citizenship: Immigration



November 3


and 4


2011, Auditorium 1

Project “Health and Citizenship: Gaps and needs in intercultural healthcare to immigrant mothers”



Beatriz Padilla, PhD

José M Peixoto Caldas, PhD Cristina Rocha, PhD

Erika Masanet, PhD

Sonia Hernández Plaza, PhD Cristina Santinho, PhD Lígia Moreira Almeida, MA Alejandra Ortiz, MS

Target Audience:

Researchers, teachers, health professionals, professionals in the area of immigration, professionals and students of social sciences, psychology and medicine.

Centre for Research and Intervention in Education

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Oporto


1st International Workshop

Health and Citizenship: Immigration



Project “Health and Citizenship: Gaps and needs in intercultural healthcare to immigrant mothers”


November 3


2011, Auditorium 1

PROGRAMME, Nov. 3rd 9h30. Opening session Presentation of the Project

10h. Call for Papers

Presentation of the selected papers

11h. Coffee break

11h15. Call for Papers

Presentation of the selected papers

13h. Lunch break

14h30. Call for Papers Presentation of the selected papers

16h. Coffee break

16h30. Call for Papers

Presentation of the selected papers

Centre for Research and Intervention in Education

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Oporto

PROGRAMME, Nov. 4th 9h30. Opening session Presentation of the Project and of the Iberoamerican Observatory of Health and Citizenship, Beatriz Padilla, PhD, ISCTE; José Caldas, PhD, FPCEUP.

10h. Tona Lizana, PhD, Cata- lonian Ministry of Health 11h. Coffee break

11h15. Yolanda Rodríguez Castro, PhD, University of Vigo

12h. Cristiana Bastos, PhD, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon

13h. Lunch break

November 4


2011, Auditorium 1

14h30. Sónia Dias, PhD, Institute of Hygene and Tropical Medicine

15h15. Trinidad Donoso, PhD, University of Barcelo- na

16h. Coffee break

16h30. “Why are European health systems taking so long to adapt to diver- sity?”, David Ingleby, PhD, Uni- versity of Utrecht


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