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NGS reads aligning and NGS reads aligning and SNP calling SNP calling


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NGS reads aligning and NGS reads aligning and

SNP calling SNP calling

Christophe Klopp - 2012


Genetic variation


Genetic variation, variations in alleles of genes, occurs both within and in populations. Genetic variation is important because it provides the “raw material” for natural selection.



Types of variations

SNP : Single nucleotide polymorphism

CNV : copy number variation

Chromosomal rearrangement

Chromosomal duplication

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy-number_variation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_variation


The variation transmission

Mutation : In molecular biology and genetics,

mutations are changes in a genomic sequence: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence of a virus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation).

Mutations are transmitted if they are not lethal.

Mutations can impact the phenotype.



Genetic markers and genotyping

A set of SNPs is selected along the genome.

The phenotypes are collected for individuals.

The SNPs are genotyped (measured) for the same individuals.

This enables to find location having a link between the genotype and the phenotype :

Major genes

QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci)


The 1000 genomes project

Joint project NCBI / EBI

Common data formats :


SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map)



Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format

Data sharing was a major issue with the 1000 genomes

Capture all of the critical information about NGS data in a single indexed and compressed file

Sharing : data across and tools

Generic alignment format

Supports short and long reads (454 – Solexa – Solid)

Flexible in style, compact in size, efficient in random access

SAM format

Website :


Paper :

Li H.*, Handsaker B.*, Wysoker A., Fennell T., Ruan J., Homer N., Marth G., Abecasis G., Durbin R. and 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup (2009) The Sequence alignment/map (SAM) format and SAMtools.

Bioinformatics, 25, 2078-9. [PMID: 19505943]


Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format

SAM format



SAM format Header section

Header lines start with @ followed by a two-letter TAG

Header fields are TYPE:VALUE pairs


SAM format Alignment section

11 mandatory fields

Variable number of optional fields

Fields are tab delimited



SAM format Full example


[<TAG>:<VTYPE>:<VALUE> [...]]



X? : Reserved for end users NM : Number of nuc. Difference

MD : String for mismatching positions RG : Read group


A : Printable character i : Signed 32­bit integer

f : Single­precision float number Z : Printable string

H : Hex string (high nybble first)


SAM format Flag field




SAM format Extended CIGAR format


5    2S4M2D6M3S


BAM format

Binary representation of SAM

Compressed by BGZF library

Greatly reduces storage space requirements to about 27% of original SAM




Library and software package

Creating sorted and indexed BAM files from SAM files

Removing PCR duplicates

Merging alignments

Visualization of alignments from BAM files

SNP calling

Short indel detection




Example usage



SAMtools Example usage

Create BAM from SAM

samtools view ­bS aln.sam ­o aln.bam

Sort BAM file

samtools sort example.bam sortedExample

Merge sorted BAM files

samtools merge sortedMerge.bam sorted1.bam sorted2.bam

Index BAM file

samtools index sortedExample.bam

Visualize BAM file

samtools tview sortedExample.bam reference.fa


Exercise 1

Downloading the sam file :

Visualizing the file content : find the number of exact matching reads

Installing the samtools :


Producing as sorted and indexed bam file from the

same file



Visualizing the alignment IGV

IGV : Integrative Genomics Viewer

Website : http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv


Visualizing the alignment IGV

High-performance visualization tool

Interactive exploration of large, integrated datasets

Supports a wide variety of data types


Developed at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard



Visualizing the alignment



Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Loading the reference



Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Loading the reference


Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Loading the bam file



Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Loading the bam file


Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Zoom



Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Zoom


Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Loading a gff file



Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Loading a gff file


Visualizing the alignment IGV - Coverage

Generate the coverage information to be displayed in IGV.

java ­jar igvtools.jar count aln.bam aln.depth.tdf ref.genome

Remark : ref.genome was generated when we imported the genome sequence

This step is optional, but it is essential if you want to see the read depth information in large scale.



Visualizing the alignment

IGV - Coverage


Exercise 2

Open IGV in java webstart :


Create the genome using the fasta file

Load the sorted bam file



The pileup format


Chr. - Coord. - Base('*' for indel) - Number of reads covering the site - Read bases* - Base qualities

Read bases :

'.' and ',' : match to the reference base on the forward/reverse strand

'ACTGN' and 'actgn' : for a mismatch on the forward/reverse strand

'^' and '$' : start/end of a read segment

'+[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+' and '-[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+' : insertion/deletion


Using mpileup

Get the raw pileup:

samtools mpileup ­f ref.fa aln.bam > raw.txt

ref.fa Fasta formatted file of the reference genome aln.bam Sorted BAM formatted file, from the alignments raw.txt Output pileup formatted, with consensus calls

-f Reference sequence, ref.fa (in FastA format)



Mpileup output


Variant Calling

samtools mpileup ­uf ref.fa aln1.bam aln2.bam | bcftools view ­bvcg ­ > 


bcftools view var.raw.bcf | vcfutils.pl varFilter ­D100 > var.flt.vcf  

Var.raw.bcf binary compressed variants Var.flt.cvf text filtered variants

-b output BCF instead of VCF

-v output potential variant sites only (force -c) -c SNP calling (force -e)

-g call genotypes at variant sites (force -c) -D100 maximum read depth [10000000]



VCF format


Exercise 3

Visualize the bam and bai files in IGV

Produce a tdf file for the coverage

Find SNPs from the mpileup file

Transform it into gff

Load the gff in IGV


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