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High order stabilized finite element method for MHD plasma modeling


Academic year: 2021

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Submitted on 5 Jan 2017

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High order stabilized finite element method for MHD

plasma modeling

J Tarcisio-Costa, Boniface Nkonga

To cite this version:

J Tarcisio-Costa, Boniface Nkonga. High order stabilized finite element method for MHD plasma modeling . ICOSAHOM 2016 - International Conference On Spectral and High Order Methods, Jun 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. �hal-01426950�


High order stabilized finite element method for MHD

plasma modeling

J. Tarcisio-Costa, B.Nkonga jose.costa@inria.fr



1 Introduction

2 Stabilization for Full MHD

3 Applications: Internal kink, Bohm B.C.


Motivation and goal


Go from Reduced to the full MHD model

Ensure stability of flows dominated by convection Boundary conditions

Main goal: use JOREK to simulate Edge-localized modes (ELMS)



Tokamak stands for: Toroidal chamber with magnetic coils (From Russian: Toroidal’naya Kamera s Magnitnymi Katushhami).

Principal tokamaks at present: JET (UK), Asdex-Upgrade (Germany), Tore-Supra (France) and DIIID (USA)

Drifts → Nested magnetic field lines → Confinement is improved The amplification factor of a

fusion reactor is defined as

Q = Pfus


JET: Q ≈ 1 - ITER: Q = 10 Economically exploitable Q = 50


Tokamak configurations

There are two main configurations for tokamaks


Material structure into the plasma


X-point configuration Material structure placed outside


Jorek overview

Nonlinear reduced MHD and full MHD under implementation Cubic C1 finite elements (quadrangles)/Fourier (modal) Galerkin formulation

Linearized Crank-Nicholson and Gear: Implicit scheme GMRES solver, Hybrid paralelization (MPI/OpenMPI)


Jorek: Numerical method

Spatial discretization: 4th-order accurate Galerkin method based

on Bézier Formalism

An arbitrary quantity is expanded on a unit square as

P(s, t) = 4 X i=1 4 X j=1 pijσijbij(s, t) (s, t) ∈ [0, 1], σ assure continuity of P

Basis functions bij: Bernstein polynomials

b11 = (1 − s)2(1 − t)2(1 + 2s)(1 + 2t),

b12 = 3(1 − s)2(1 − t)2(1 + 2t)s,

b13 = 3(1 − s)2(1 − t)2(1 + 2s)t,




System of equations: Full MHD

The single-fluid full MHD system in consideration is

                           ∂ρ ∂t + ∇ ·m = ∇ · (D∇ρ 0 ), ∂m ∂t + ∇ ·  m ⊗ m ρ −BB  + ∇  p +B·B 2  = ∇ · τ , ∂E ∂t + ∇ ·  E + p +B·B 2  m ρ − B· m ρ B  = ∇ · q + ∇ ·  τm ρ  , ∂B ∂t + ∇ ·  m ⊗BB⊗ m ρ  = −∇ × (E+v ×B) withm ≡ ρv , E = ρε +1m · m + B2·B, p = (γ − 1)ρε = ρT , E+v ×B = ηJ, J ≡ ∇ ×B.


Full MHD

The ideal MHD system driving the previous system can be written in the following compact form

w ∂t + ∇ ·f = 0, where w =     ρ m E B     , f =     mT v ⊗ m + PI −BB HmT − (B· v )BT v ⊗BB⊗ v     P = p + B2·B, H = E+Pρ


Full MHD

Quasi-linear form ∂w ∂t +L(w , ∂)w = 0 The operatorL(w , ∂) L(w , ∂) =                0 ∂T 0 0T −m ρ2m · ∂ +∂P∂ρ∂ 1 ρ(m ⊗ ∂ + m · ∂) ∂P ∂E∂ (B⊗ ∂)T−B· ∂ + ∂Pm⊗ mT + ∂PB⊗ mT ∂H ∂ρm · ∂ + B·m ρ2 B· ∂ ∂H∂m T m · ∂ + H∂T ∂H ∂Em · ∂ ∂H ∂B T m · ∂ −B·mρ ∂T −BT ρB· ∂ − mTB·∂ ρ −Bm·∂−mB·∂ ρ2 B⊗∂−B·∂ ρ 0 m·∂−m∂T ρ               

Seven eigenvalues: 2 slow and 2 fast accoustic waves, 2 Alfven


Weak formulation

Rewriting the system asR(w ) = 0, in which

R(w ) :=w ∂t + ∇ ·f − ∇ · g, g : Transport process Weak formulation Z Ωx,h R(w ) ·w? =0, ∀w? ∈−W→h(Ωx ,h)

Divergence free constraint

Vector potential formulation



It comes to add a contribution Z Ωx,h R(w ) ·w?+ Z Ωx,h w0 · (LT(w , ∂))w?) =0, ∀w? ∈−W→h(Ωx ,h)

wherew0 is vector of subscales andLT(w , ∂) is the adjoint of L(w , ∂)

w0 can be approximated by

w0 ≈T(L(w , ∂)δw)

Several options forT, choice based on heuristic arguments

T = α he

2||a|| ⇒




Stabilized weak formulation

Set of interpolated variables

w =     ρ m = ρv E = γ−1ρT +12v · v +12B·B B     ⇒ Y =     ρ v T A    

Stabilized weak formulation

Z Ωx,h (M(Y )∂tY ) ·w˜?− Z Ωx,h F : (w?) + Z Ωx,h D : (w?) −1  Z Ωx,h (∇ ·A)(∇ ·A?) + Z ∂Ωx,h F : (n w?) − Z ∂Ωx,h D : (n w?) −1  Z ∂Ωx,h (n × ∂tA) ·B?+ 1  Z ∂Ωx,h S(w , wb,w?)


Stabilized weak form

In the previous equation

F =     ρv ρv ⊗ v + PI −BB ρHv −B· vB −v ×B     , D =     D∂ρ0 τ τv −(E+v ×B)    

and the boundary conditions

S(w , wb,w?) =        (ρ − ρb)ρ?χρ ρ(v − vb) ·m?χ v + (ρv − mb) ·mm ρ(T − Tb)E?χT + (p − pb)E?χp (AAb) ·JA+ (BBb) ·BB       


Resistive internal kink

Numerical viscosity



Resistive internal kink dynamics

Structure layer: S = 105≈ 10−1and S = 108≈ 2.10−2


Resistive internal kink: growth rate

10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010

Normalized Growth Rate (




Magnetic Reynolds Number (S)

S-1/3 S-3/5

Semi-linear MHD Non-linear MHD


Resistive internal kink: magnetic reconnection


Resistive internal kink: magnetic reconnection


Resistive internal kink: magnetic reconnection


Boundary Conditions: Bohm

We need to compute the following integrals at the boundary

− Z ∂Ωx ,h ±ρ √ γT ||B||B·nρ ?, − Z ∂Ωx ,h  ±ρv √ γT ||B||B· n  ·m?, − Z ∂Ωx ,h ±(pn+πn−B(B·n))·m? − Z ∂Ωx ,h ±p √ γT ||B||B·nE ?

Wheren is the outward normal


± ≡ B· n

|B· n|

so thatvb· n is always positive

Also, a penalization term

1  Z ∂Ωx ,h  ρv ∓ ρpγT B ||B||  ·m?


X-point results: Initial density and velocity


X-point results: Initial density and velocity


X-point results: Velocity field


X-point results: Quasi-steady state

Evolution of the Kinetic Energy: n = 0

10-6 10-5


Conclusions and perspectives


Full MHD equations successfully implemented for simulating

circular plasmas

Stabilization scheme has improved the quality of the results Quasi-steady state for X-point geometry with Bohm B.C.



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