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We prove that any KB space is algebraically, isometrically and lattice isomorphic to a normed K¨othe space of measurable functions.

AMS 2010 Subject Classification: 46B40, 46B42, 46E30, 46B04.

Key words: Measure space, direct sum property, normal measure, strictly posi- tive measure, linear lattice, normed lattice, KB space, function norm, othe space.


Throughout the paper, we shall adopt mostly the terminology in [4].

References to the terminology in [2], [3] and [1] will also appear.

Let X be a linear lattice (vector lattice in [2]). We shall write X+ to denote the set of all positive elements in X. For a sequence (xn)n in X we shall writexn↑(respectively xn↓) to denote the fact that (xn)n is increasing (respectively decreasing). When we write xn ↑ x (respectively xn ↓ x), this means that xn ↑ (respectively xn ↓) and there exists x ∈ X such that x = sup


xn (respectively x= inf

n xn).

A linear lattice X is called Dedekind complete (respectively Dedekind σ-complete) if it has the following property: for every non empty set E ⊂X which is bounded from above (respectively for every non empty set which is at most countable and bounded from above) there exists sup(E) ∈ X.

From this definition, it follows easily that (at most countable) sets which are bounded from below possess infimum. In [2] the Dedekind complete (res- pectively Dedekind σ-complete) lattices are called complete (respectively σ- complete) vector lattices.

Anormed lattice (in [2]: normed vector lattice) is a linear latticeXwhich is simultaneously a normed space in which the norm satisfies the following con- dition

|x| ≤ |y| ⇒ kxk ≤ kyk for any x, y inX.

MATH. REPORTS13(63),3 (2011), 265–270


In case the normed latticeX is complete with respect to the norm, we call it a Banach lattice (in [2]: Banach vector lattice).

A KB space is a Dedekindσ-complete normed lattice in which the norm satisfies the following additional conditions for any sequence (xn)n inX:

(A) If xn ↓ 0 in X, then xn −→

n 0 (the last convergence is in norm and means that kxnk −→

n 0).

(B) Ifxn↑ and sup


kxnk<∞, there existsx∈X such thatxn↑x.

It can be shown that under the conditions from above, X is Dedekind complete and X is a Banach lattice.

Throughout the paper, ameasure space will be a triple (T,T, µ), where T is a non empty set, T is a σ-algebra of subsets of T and µ : T → R+ is a complete measure. We say that the measure µ has the direct sum property if there exists a family (Ti)i∈I of mutually disjoint sets Ti ∈ T such that 0 < µ(Ti) < ∞ for all i ∈ I, having the following property: for any A ∈ T with µ(A)<∞, there existsJ ⊂I,J at most countable, such that








where M ∈ T,µ(M) = 0 (of course,M changes with A). It is clear that any σ-finite measure has the direct sum property.

Let us consider a fixed measure space (T,T, µ).

The spaceLof allµ-measurable functionsf :T →Rgenerates the space L of all equivalence classes of functions in L, where the equivalence of f and g meansf =g µ-almost everywhere (µ-a.e.).

ThenL becomes a linear lattice with order ˜f ≤g˜⇔f(t)≤g(t) µ-a.e.

In case µ has the direct sum property, L is Dedekind complete (see Theorem 17 in [3, p. 55]).

Assume T is a totally disconnected compact and separated space (the open and closed setsO form a basis for the topology of T). Denote byN the first Baire category sets in T.

We shall consider that T is theσ-algebra of all sets A having the form A=G4N, whereG∈ O andN ∈ N. Then T contains all the Borel sets of T (see Lemma 6 in [3, p. 315]).

The measure µ is called normal if µ(N) = 0 for any N ∈ N and has the additional property that for any G ∈ O with µ(G) = ∞ there exists O 3 G1 ⊂ G with 0 < µ(G1) < ∞. A normal measure is called strictly positive if for any∅6=G∈ O one hasµ(G)>0.

Let us write M+(µ) to denote all positive µ-measurable functions u:T →R+.


A function norm is a function ρ : M+(µ) → R+ having the following properties:

(i)ρ(u) = 0⇔u(t) = 0µ-a.e.;


(iii) ρ(u+v)≤ρ(u) +ρ(v);

(iv)ρ(αu) =αρ(u)

for u,v inM+(µ) and R3α≥0 (with the convention 0· ∞= 0).

We say thatρis ofabsolutely continuous typeifρ(un)↓0 for any sequence un∈M+(µ) such thatρ(u1)<∞and uu↓0µ-a.e.

We say thatρhas the weak Fatou property (and writeρwF) ifρ(u)<∞ for any sequence un inM+(µ) such that un↑u µ-a.e. and sup



We say thatρhas the Fatou property (and writeρ F) ifρ(u) = sup


ρ(un) for any sequence un inM+(µ) such that un↑u µ-a.e..

Assumingρ is a function norm on the measure space (T,T, µ), we define the K¨othe spaceLρas follows. Firstly, we write


f :T →R|f isµ-measurable and ρ(|f|)<∞ .

It is seen that Lρ becomes a seminormed space, with seminormf 7→ρ(|f|).

Secondly, using the canonical procedure we obtain the associated normed space Lρ using the equivalence on Lρ given via f ∼ g ⇔ ρ(|f −g|) = 0 ⇔ f(t) =g(t)µ-a.e..

Then the quotient spaceLρ=Lρ/ becomes a normed space with norm kfk˜ =ρ(|f|) for anyf ∈f˜(we callLρaK¨othe space, see [1]). In caseρwF, Lρ is a Banach space.

Any K¨othe spaceLρ becomes a normed lattice with order given by ˜f ≤


g ⇔ f(t) ≤g(t) µ-a.e. for any representatives f ∈ f˜, g ∈ g. It is seen that˜ Lρ is a sublattice of L. Assume X and Y are linear lattices. We say that X and Y are algebraically and lattice isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism Ω :X→Y, i.e., Ω is bijective, linear and isotone (x≤yinX⇔Ω(x)≤Ω(y) in Y). Assuming, additionally, that (X,k k), (Y,k| k|) are normed lattices, we say that X and Y arealgebraically, isometrically and lattice isomorphic if k|Ω(x)k|=kxk for any x∈X (where Ω is the aforementioned isomorphism).


I. Let us consider a measure space (T,T, µ) and a function norm ρ on (T,T, µ), which gives the K¨othe space Lρ.

Definition1. We shall say thatLρ isdistinguished if it has the following properties:

1. The measureµhas the direct sum property.


2. The function normρ is of absolutely continuous type.

3. We have ρwF.

Remark. Under the conditions from above, we have actuallyρF. Indeed, this is precisely Theorem 59 in [1, p. 264].

Theorem 2. Assume Lρ is distinguished. Then Lρ is a KB space.

Proof. a) Because µ has the direct sum property, it follows that L is Dedekind complete. Now, let us consider a subset E ⊂(Lρ)+ which is upper bounded. We can find sup(E) = ˜f inL.

If ˜h∈Lρ is an upper bound forE, we have ˜f ≤˜h and kf˜k ≤ khk˜ <∞.

Consequently, ˜f = sup(E) in Lρ.

b) Let (˜un)n a sequence of positive elements inLρ such that ˜un↓0. Be- causeρis of absolutely continuous type, it follows that (taking representatives) ρ(un)↓0, i.e.,k˜unk ↓0.

c) Let (˜un)n be an increasing sequence of positive elements in Lρ such that sup


k˜unk< ∞. Taking representatives, letun ↑u pointwise, µ-a.e.. We have sup


ρ(un) = sup



Because ρwF, we get ρ(u) < ∞. Hence 0 ≤u ≤ ∞µ-a.e. and we got


u∈Lρ. It is seen that ˜un↑u˜ inLρ.

Corollary 3. Assume X is a normed lattice which is algebraically, isometrically and lattice isomorphic to a distinguished K¨othe space Lρ. Then X is a KB space.

II.Conversely, we shall prove that any KB space is isomorphic to some (distinguished)Lρ.

Theorem 4. Let X be a KB space. Then, there exists a measure space (T,T, µ) and a function norm ρ on(T,T, µ) such that:

1.T is a totally disconnected compact and separated space, µ is normal and strictly positive,µhas the direct sum property(see the previous definitions concerning T and µ).

2.The function normρis of absolutely continuous type andρwF (equiva- lently ρ F).

3.The spaceXis algebraically, isometrically and lattice isomorphic toLρ. Proof. A. Our proof relies heavily on Theorem 5 in [3, p. 318].

We shall take the foundation of X to be precisely equal to X. Indeed, according to [4, p. 259] we have X0 = ˜Xn. Here X0 = the space of linear and continuous functionals x0 : X → R and ˜Xn = the space of linear and (o)- continuous functionals x0 :X→R(in [4, p. 247] one writes Ho(X) instead of X˜n). It follows that ˜Xn is total in X.


According to Theorem 5 in [3, p. 318], one can find a measure space (T,T, µ), whereµis normal and strictly positive,µhas the direct sum property and such that X is algebraically and lattice isomorphic to an ideal space Y over (T,T, µ).

B. We shall construct a function norm ρ on (T,T, µ) such that Y = Lρ. To this end, let Ω : X → Y be the linear and lattice above mentioned isomorphism.

We defineρ:M+(µ)→R+ as follows

ρ(u) =

( kxk ifu= Ω(x), for some (unique)x∈X+,

∞ ifu /∈Ω(X).

Let us show thatρ is a function norm.

a)ρ(u) = 0⇔u(t) = 0µ-a.e.. Ifρ(u) = 0, it follows that u= Ω(x) with kxk= 0, hence x= 0 andu= Ω(0) = 0.

Conversely, letu(t) = 0µ-a.e.. Using Theorem 4 in [3, p. 317], it follows that u(t) = 0 everywhere, henceu= 0 = Ω(0) and ρ(u) =k0k= 0.

b) 0≤u ≤v⇒ ρ(u) ≤ρ(v). Indeed, the result is obvious if ρ(v) =∞.

In case ρ(v) < ∞, we find y ∈ X+ such that Ω(y) = v. The space Y being ideal and 0 ≤u ≤ v, it follows that u ∈ Y. Let x ∈X such that Ω(x) =u.

Because u ≤ v, we get Ω(x) ≤ Ω(y), hence 0 ≤ x ≤ y and it follows that kxk ≤ kyk, i.e., ρ(u)≤ρ(v).

c) For R 3 α ≥ 0 and u ∈ M+(µ), one has ρ(αu) = αρ(u) (with the convention 0· ∞= 0).

So, letα >0. In caseρ(u) =∞, we have ρ(αu) =∞. Indeed, otherwise ρ(αu) < ∞, hence αu = Ω(x) for some x ∈X+. It follows that u = Ω(α1x), hence ρ(u) =kα1xk= α1kxk<∞, contradiction.

In case ρ(u) <∞, let x ∈X+ such that u = Ω(x), which implies αu= Ω(αx) andρ(αu) = kαxk=αkxk =αρ(u) a.s.o.. We made systematical use of the linearity of Ω (see Lemma V.3.2, Theorem V.3.1 and Theorem V.4.2 in [4]).

d) For anyu,v inM+(µ), one hasρ(u+v)≤ρ(u) +ρ(v).

Indeed, if ρ(u) =∞, the result is obvious. If ρ(u) <∞ and ρ(v) <∞, letx,y inX+such thatu= Ω(x),v = Ω(y)⇒u+v= Ω(x+y)⇒ρ(u+v) = kx+yk ≤ kxk+kyk=ρ(u) +ρ(v).Returning to point a), we actually proved that Y =Lρ (identificationLρ≡Lρ).

Indeed, a class ˜f ∈Lρconsists exactly in one element: ˜f ={f}. This is seen as follows. If f(t) =g(t)µ-a.e. andf,g are inLρ, then|f−g| ∈M+(µ) and |f−g|= 0µ-a.e.. Then, we have seen that|f−g|= 0, which means that f =g.

C. The end of our proof consists in showing thatρ is of absolutely con- tinuous type and ρwF.


a)ρ is of absolutely continous type. Indeed, letu∈M+(µ) withρ(u)<

∞ and letun∈M+(µ),un↓0 such thatun↓0µ-a.e.,un≤u. It follows that


un ∈Lρ, ˜un ↓0 in Lρ (It is clear that ˜0 = inf ˜un in Lρ. Otherwise, we could find A ∈ T with µ(A) >0 and α >0 such that u(t) ≥α for allt∈A, where


u = inf ˜un.) Hence ˜un = un (see the above identification) and un = Ω(xn), with xn↓0 in X, which implies kxnk ↓0, i.e.,ρ(un)↓0.

b)ρwF. Indeed, letun∈M+(µ),un↑, such that sup


ρ(un)<∞(we can consider un to be finite everywhere, hence un ∈Lρ). For any n, let xn inX such that Ω(xn) =un. It follows that 0≤xn↑and sup


kxnk= sup



We can therefore find x∈X such thatxn↑x.

Let u = Ω(x). Hence u ≥ Ω(xn) = un for any n, which implies ρ(u) = kxk<∞. Lett= sup


un(pointwise). Hencet≤u µ-a.e. andρ(t)≤ρ(u)<∞.

We have proved that Ω : X → Y = Lρ is an algebraic and lattice isomorphism. At the same time, this isomorphism is also an isometry, because, for any x∈X, one haskΩ(x)k=k˜uk=kxk, identifying u= ˜u.

III.Theorem 5(Synthesis Theorem).

Let X be a normed lattice.The following assertions are equivalent:

1.X is a KB space.

2. There exists a measure space (T,T, µ), µ having the direct sum pro- perty and a function norm ρ on (T,T, µ), ρ of absolutely continuous type, ρ wF such that X is algebraically, isometrically and lattice isomorphic to the distinguished K¨othe space Lρ.


[1] I. Chit¸escu,Spat¸ii de funct¸ii. Ed. S¸t. Encicl., Bucure¸sti, 1983.

[2] R. Cristescu, Ordered Vector Spaces and Linear Operators. Ed. Acad. Bucure¸sti, Roma- nia. Abacus Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, 1976.

[3] L.V. Kantorovici and G.P. Akilov,Analiz˘a funct¸ional˘a. Ed. S¸t. Encicl., Bucure¸sti, 1986.

[4] B.Z. Vulikh, Introduction to the Theory of Partially Ordered Spaces. Wolters-Noordhof Scientific Publications LTD, Gr¨oningen, 1967.

Received 1 January 2011 University of Bucharest

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science ionchitescu@yahoo.com


School Bogd˘ane¸sti, Suceava sava raz@yahoo.com


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