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Rheological Rouse model for a polymer in a nematic matrix


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1990

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Rheological Rouse model for a polymer in a nematic matrix

F. Lequeux, R. Hocquart

To cite this version:

F. Lequeux, R. Hocquart. Rheological Rouse model for a polymer in a nematic matrix. Journal de

Physique, 1990, 51 (22), pp.2595-2604. �10.1051/jphys:0199000510220259500�. �jpa-00212556�



Rheological Rouse model for a polymer in a nematic matrix

F. Lequeux (1) and R. Hocquart (2)

(1) I.C.S.-E.A.H.P. (C.N.R.S.), 4 rue Boussingault, 67000 Strasbourg, France

(2) Lab. de Spectro. et d’Imag. Ultras. U.L.P., Institut Le Bel, 4 rue Blaise Pascal, 67070 Strasbourg Cedex, France

(Received 18 May 1990, revised 13 July 1990, accepted 20 July 1990)

Abstract. 2014 We present and develop a model of coupling between a Rouse chain and a nematic

order parameter. The geometry of the chain, for each mode, in simple shear flow is calculated.

We discuss local torque and normal stress sign. This implies non trivial ways to introduce the

opposite coupling (from chain to parameter order) in order to get a model for Rouse nematic


J. Phys. France 51 (1990) 2595-2604 15 NOVEMBRE 1990,


Physics Abstracts

61.30 62.10 - 61.40K


Rheological observations on nematic polymers melts show up some peculiar properties of

these systems. One of the most surprising is the first normal stress which can be negative for

some range of shear rates. At the present time, there is no relevant model for these polymers.

At large scales (compared to the persistence length), the polymer behaves like an anisotropic

Rouse chain [1], but at short scale (persistence length), it is a nematic, with an order parameter [2].

There is some influence both from the Rouse chain to the order parameter, and from the order parameter to the chain geometry. Hence a complete model must take the two couplings

into account : the first one describes the geometry of the chain in a flow with a given nematic

order parameter, while the second describes the order parameter in a flow with a given polymer geometry.

In this paper, we are only concerned with the first coupling in dilute systems. We then study

the behavior of dilute chains with an anisotropic elasticity, coming from the order parameter.

It is in fact a generalized « Brochard » model of polymer solutions in nematic liquids [3]. This

model represents the first order coupling between a nematic and a polymer in a flow. It must

at least be coupled with a second coupling in order to get a nematic-chain model.

At last, the flow is a simple shear flow and the nematic director is contained in the plane v, Vv, but the formalism described here could easily be extended to other geometries.

1. Description of the coupling model.

Let n be the nematic director (n is equivalent to - n).

The chain is considered as an elastic spring : - r(s) is the position of the chain.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0199000510220259500


s being the coordinate which represents the monomer number, as usual convention for continuous Rouse model (0 -- s «-- L).

kl and k2 are two elastic constants of the spring, the first being the classical constant, while the second represents the anisotropic coupling constant which is, of course, a function of the order parameter, (say S), such that k2(S = 0) = 0.

We choose a generalisation of the « Brochard » free energy (see [3]) :

One can easily see that k2 must be negative in order to describe a main chain nematic polymer (where the chain tends to align with the director [4]) and the stability of the chain involves - ki «-- k2-

This energy gives the force along the chain as a function of its extension and its orientation.

Minimizing the free energy, we get the force F in monomer units :

In the same way, one can deduce the torque F on the nematic which is equal to :

2. Langevin équation of the chain in a simple shear flow with n constant.

There are in general two equivalent ways in order to write complete statistics of an object

submitted to a hydrodynamical movement. The classical way is to write the Smoluchovski

equation derived from the usual continuity equation (i.e. the fluxes in the phase space). The

second is to write the equation of motion of a Brownian object. In our case, the latter equation, a Langevin equation is a very suitable method.

Let D be the flow rate tensor, and C the friction coefficient of the chain by monomer.

The general equation is then [5] :

where A is a random force acting on the monomers with the following properties :

In fact A2ij must only have the symmetry of ni nj but we choose it proportional to the unity

tensor as a hypothesis of our model :

At equilibrium, this choice does not change the physics of the model, because the changes

in Aij and in ki are equivalent. In a flow, the equivalence is lost because of the non-compatible symmetry between D and nn. So we limit ourselves to an isotropic random force, as well as to

an isotropic friction coefficient C (on the contrary to F. Brochard who uses a anisotropic

friction coefficient).

In a simple shear flow, D has only one non vanishing term : Dxy = g where g is the shear




The director being contained in the xOy plane, as was expressly stated in the introduction of this paper, with n = (cos lp, sin lp, 0 ), (See Fig. 1), we have to solve the three movement

equations :

Fig. 1. - Geometry of the problem. cp is the angle of the director with the axe Ox. (J n is the angle of the anisotropy of the n Rouse mode coil. v is the flow velocity.

3. Solution of the equations.

A standard way of treating such a system of equations is to use the Fourier transform

r (n, v ) of the vector r (s, t ), which is given by :

and the inverse relation

where we choose rG = 0, rG being the center of mass of the chain.

The boundary conditions are here implicit. In particular, we observe that

agreement with the conditions at both ends of the chain.


In the same way, A is transformed into A, so the three equations become :

where v is the frequency and n the number of the s-mode.

On the other hand, relation (5) is also transformed into :

If we consider the movement equations, we can see that they are linear and that the first two are coupled. The solution is then trivial : let D be the determinant of the first two equations :

where, for convenience, we have put :

Then :

We can see that z has neither dependence in g nor in n (Note that n is in the xOy plane).

4. Statistics of the chain at rest.

At rest (g = 0), we can show that the polymer is no longer isotropic, but has a spheroïdal

form. Choosing cp = 0, we obtain :


It is then easy to deduce



For instance, the first average value is calculated according to the relation :

Hence :

In the same way, we get :

We have used the relation in order to obtain the numerical constant in the above relation.

We observe. that the polymer coil is a prolate spheroïd, its axis of revolution being parallel

to the director. The condition on k2 ( - k 1 -- k2 ) appears clearly and the sign of k2 gives the sign

of the anisotropy of the coil.

5. Calculation of the coil geometry in a stationary flow with a given orientation of n.

The calculation is only a generalisation of the previous one and lead to :

Which are the four non vanishing components of the second moment of the coil

Mij = C (ri - rGi ) (rj - rGj ) %


The existence of such an integral is not trivial and we are going to show that for some values

of g, W 1, W 2 and ’P, the second moment M can diverge. As a matter of fact,

D ( v ) D ( - v) = DD * derived from (9) is :


and this quadratic form in v 2 can have a pole for some values of g. DD * can be written as follows :

So the integral

and diverges for :

if, of course N =F 0.

In the case where g is smaller than its values at the pole, ab > 0, (this corresponds to the only physical value of ab as explained further). We also have :

Equation (14) means that complete uncoiling occurs when g increases at ço constant. The

physical origin of this uncoiling is the amplification of the natural extension and of the

anisotropic diffusion due to the elastic tension on the chain. A similar extension appears in extensional flow. Here the simple shear flow is compensated by the torque due to the anisotropic system. We will show further that spontaneous uncoiling in this system would require special coupling between the coil and the nematic.

In the next section, we will describe the geometry of the chain for given values of the shear flow and the angle ço of the nematic.

6. Geometry of the chain in shear flow.

The tensor M;j describes the second moment of the chain. It is in fact the sum of the contribution of each Rouse mode Mij. Let us discuss the anisotropy and the angle of each

Rouse mode.

6.1 ANGLE OF A ROUSE MODE. - The angle 03B8n, for which the extension is maximum in the

plane xOy, i.e. the maximum of (.X cos (J n + sin (J n)2) is given for :

Note that MlZ does not depend on the flow.

For the isotropic case, we have the classical result [6] :

For g = 0 we have of course tg 2 On = tg 2 cp.

If the interaction between M and the director n is very strong, then 0 n = cp, and we get the following equation between g and en :

It is interesting to look at the situation when the shear rate is near 0.



In this limit we get the relation :

which is n independent, therefore the total moment M has also this orientation. The angle of

the distribution 0 is no longer equal to the classical value (for isotropic systems) 77-/4 for W2 =1= O. The strong coupling between the director and the polymer leads to the following property : the slow rate limit of the distribution anisotropic angle for our system is

never the one of an isotropic system. In figure 2 is plotted the angle of the chain distribution

as a function of the shear rate for several values of cp.

We will now show that the anisotropy can change in direction but not in sign.

Fig. 2.


Plot of 03B8n, as a function of g for several values of ’P. The values of ço reads by 03B8n(g = 0) = ço. The angles are given modulo 180°. There is a singularity for (cp = - 45 °, g = £0 2 ) and

we give the two limits cp -+ ’ ( - 45 ° ) (the lowest curve) and cp -+ - (- 45 ° ) at the top (cp = 13 5 ° ) . Values

of the parameters : w 1 = 1, W 2 = - 1/2, g in w 1 unit.

6.2. MAGNITUDE OF THE COIL ANISOTROPY. - Let us consider the two dimension moment

The anisotropy is given by the ratio of the two positive eigenvalues À and À 2. With the aim of

a simplification, we will just calculate the square of the difference a between the two

eigenvalues (5 == Ik 1 - ’k 2) -

Let S and P be the sum and the product of the eigenvalues. One has easily the relations :

which, from (12) and (13), leads to :


The coil is isotropic only for the two sets (g = lJ) 2, ’P - 7r /4) and (g = - lJ) 2’ ’P = - ’TT /4).

In the plane (g, rp ), the coil is isotropic for only two points. & 2 is continuous in this plane and

vanishes only for two points, hence 5 keeps always the same sign : there is no inversion of the coil while varying g or e.

7. Torque on the nematic.

As explained previously, the torque a-XY - Uyx = (yFx - xF y) is given by equation (3) which

reduces in our case to its z component :

In terms of Fourier components, rz becomes :

and from (8) and (10), we find :

Hence :


Finally, after summation we get :



Neglecting the solvant nematohydrodynamic torque, we obtain the equilibrium configuration

for a vanishing torque, hence for T = 0.

We will show that, in this case, for a simple shear flow, uncoiling can never occur. To prove this statement, it is enough to consider the n contribution to the torque. If we are near a pole

of DD*, we can see that the torque will not diverge only if (see (20)) :



On the other hand, uncoiling is reached only if (15) is satisfied. This spontaneous uncoiling

in the shear flow requires both (15) and (22) to be satisfied. This gives the condition :

For physical reasons, this relation is never verified. (- (ù 1 : (ù 2 and w 1 ::> 0 ).

If we do not neglect nematic torque contribution, the total torque must not diverge, and uncoiling exists only if both the nematic torque and the coil torque diverge. Even in this case, if there is a strong coupling between the order parameter and the coil, as in (18), with

0 = e, because (18) and (15) are also incompatible, uncoiling cannot appear. It is then clear

that, except for very special and non physical coupling, the chain would not uncoil. This

implies that expression (15) is always positive.

8. Normal stress.

The first normal stress measured in semidilute nematic polymers is found to be negative for

some range of shear rates [7]. Qualitative explanations have been proposed [8], but no

realistic interpretations have been given in the case of flexible nematic polymers. Marucci proposed a convincing explanation in the case of rigid rod nematic polymers [9]. It is then interesting to look at the sign of the first normal stress difference given by our coupling, which

indicates what the zero order term would be, and how chain geometry act on the stress.

The first normal stress difference is given by :

According to the preceding calculation, we obtain :

After a straightforward integration, we get :

The denominator of this expression is always positive (see in 5 and 6) while the numerator

has two contributions. The first, proportional to g2, is the classical contribution : it is always positive and does not vanish for (JJ 2 = 0. The second represents a specific anisotropic

contribution : it has the opposite sign of cv 2 sin 2 cp. In such a model, where there is only a polymer contribution to the stress, a negative normal force occurs only at small shear rate and if (JJ 2 sin 2 cp is positive.

In the usual case (where (JJ2 is negative), a negative normal stress cannot be described with a

classical nematohydrodynamic model. Using classical linear nematohydrodynamic, one sees

that the angle cp is given by the ratio of two viscosity coefficients a 2/ a 3 = tg2 cp [10]. If this

ratio is negative, no stable position of the director can be found. But if the ratio is positive,

stable value of cp is contained between 0 and ’TT /2. In a linear model, sin 2 cp is positive or

there is no stable position for cp, hence first normal stress difference is always positive for stationary flow.

But non linear models, in which the order parameter plays a great role, as in [9], can answer


the problem. Such a model, which would take the rigidity of polymer into account, could

induce a negative normal stress, because a stable negative sin 2 ço structure could be found.

At last, the complete reduced expression for the normal stress :

gives, after summation on n :

where L and x are the same as in (21).

(Note that this expression does not diverge for sin 2 rp = 0).


In this paper, we have studied the effect of the coupling of a nematic on a Rouse chain. This

can only be a base for a more realistic model quite suitable for the rheological behaviour of nematic polymers.

Thanks to our model, we have computed the chain geometry, for each mode, in a simple

shear flow, for a given order parameter. At low shear rate (and in the case of strong coupling

for instance), we have shown that the angle of the anisotropy is no longer equal to 77-/4, on the contrary to the case of usual suspensions. In simple shear flow, uncoiling of polymers could theorically appear for very drastic conditions. The first normal stress difference could be negative only if the angle between the nematic and the velocity is negative. This would require a non linear analysis, for instance by taking into account the

chain rigidity. The calculation here can be extended to get other physical quantities.

Finally, the main problem is now to define how the order parameter can be related to the coil geometry and the flow.


We are grateful to J. F. Palierne and Y. Thiriet for helpful discussions.


[1] ROUSE P. E., J. Chem. Phys. 21 (1953) 1272.

[2] DE GENNES P. G., The physic of liquid crystals (Pergamon press) 1976.

[3] BROCHARD F., J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed. 17 (1979) 1367.

[4] D’ALLEST J. F., MAÏSSA P., et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 61-22 (1988) 2562.

[5] DOI M., EDWARDS S. F., The theory of polymers dynamic (Oxford University Press) 1986.

[6] HOCQUART R., PALIERNE J. F., MULLER R., to be published.

[7] For a review, see GOTSIS A. D., BAIRD D. G., Rheol. Acta 25 (1986) 275.

[8] CHAFFEY C. E., PORTER R. S., J. Rheol. 29-3 (1985) 281.

[9] MARUCCI G., MAFFETONE P. L., Macromol. 22 (1989) 4076.

[10] For instance see in PIKIN S. A., Sov. Phys. J.E.T.P. 38 (1974) 1246 or in GUYON E., PIERANSKI P.,

J. Phys. France 36 (1975) 203.


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