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HAL Id: jpa-00226033


Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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B. Poumellec, J. Marucco, B. Touzelin

To cite this version:

B. Poumellec, J. Marucco, B. Touzelin. XANES COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RUTILE SOLID SOLUTIONS : (Ti,V)O2, (Ti,Nb)O2 AND (Ti,Ta)O2. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1986, 47 (C8), pp.C8-709-C8-712. �10.1051/jphyscol:19868133�. �jpa-00226033�




CNRS - U A 446, Thermodynamique et Physico-Chimie des Materiaux, Laboratoire des Composes non-stoechiom6triques, Batiment 415, Universite de Paris-Sud, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France


On a mesure l'absorption au seuil K du titane, au seuil K du vanadium e t L du tantale d a n s les solutions s o l i d e s (Ti,V)02, (Ti,Nb)OZ et (Ti,Ta) 02. Par comparaison des solutions entre elles, on a montre loexistence doun transfert de charge partiel entre Ti et Nb.

On a par ailleurs, determine les variations du champs de ligandes et de la taille de ltocta&dre de coordination. Enfin, on a d6tect6 la presence d'un pic excitonique aux seuils du titane et du vanadium pour toutes les solutions solides.


W e have measured the absorption at T i K edge, V K edge and Ta L edge in (Ti,V)02 , (Ti,Nb)02 and (Ti,Ta)02 solid solutions. Compari- son of the edge spectra of these compounds shows evidence of a partial charge transfer between Ti and Nb and variations of the ligand field and the size of the coordination octahedron. Lastly, we have detected the presence of an excitonic peak at Ti or V edge in all solid solu- tions.


Comparison of K-edge absorption spectra of substitutional solid solutions involving Ti should help clarify the origin of the changes occuring o n the T i K edge at around 5Kev. The chosen compounds are such that only a few electrons are present around the Fermi level:

zero or one for T i or N b atoms, one for vanadium and zero for tanta- lum. We will examine here four points: electron transfer, ligand field strength, variation of the size of the coordination octahedron and excitonic effects. The procedures for collecting, smoothing and der i- ving the spectra and full results are publi.shed elsewhere (/I/ and in submitted publications: XANES in (Ti,V)OZ to Phys. Rev. B15; XANES in (Ti,Ta)02 to Physica Status Solidi). Experimental K edge spectra are shown in Fig.1, energy positions of the different features occuring on K edge spectra are plotted on fig.2 and experimental results on Ta L edge are shown on Fig.3.

1-Electron transfer

The overall positive enerqy shift of the edqe of absorption is related to an increase of valenceon the central at-om. This comes from a lower screening of the nucleus attractive potential on the 1s core electron and from a reduction of core Coulomb interaction with all other electrons. Valence change in solid solutions are very useful because it yields the atoms between which an electron transfer occurs.

Nevertheless, the difficulty is to quantitatively appreciate the chemical shift among other effects. Magnetic susceptibility and elec- trical conductivity measurements have been carried out and indicate

L L - L L u a c i -

-in (Tj,V)02, titanium and vanadium atoms have respectivily the 3d0 and 3d configuration whatever the vanadi m content /2/.

-in (Ti,Ta)OZ, titanium atoms have the 3d8 or 3d1 configuration depen- Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19868133



dins o n the tan- tal-um c o n t e n t

whereas Ta atoms Fia: Til-, M x 0 2 K edge spectra have the 5d0 con-

figuration /3/.

E x t r e m e situa- I.

t i o n s a r e t h u s v K EDGE

available to eva- luate the effect

o f an e l e c t r o n ;. ,-

valence change in (L

the same struc- : 0 VI rn

ture and to apply 'Ix=.87

those results to X=.SS

(Ti,Nb)02 w h i c h X=.IO

is intermediate. PHOTON ENERGY IeVI


5450 5460 PHOTON 5470 ENERGY 5480 5490 IeVl 5500 5510

W e t h i n k t h a t reliable s h i f t s

can be measured M =V

o n t h e s e c o n d 1 dipole forbidden transition (i.e.

1s-> t2g). For the u p p e r t r a n s i - tions, chemical shift and other.

effects mix. It G s e e m s that t h e chemical shift is 2

around 0.7-0.8eV per valence char- g e increase. I t is the same order

in (Ti,Nb)02 but PHOTON ENERGY I e V I 0

f r o m T i 0 2 t o Nb02. This indi-

cates that a par- M=Ta M =Nb

tial charge tran-

sfer occurs leading to the following formula:

in which y is unknown but significantly non-zero. We have shown else- where /2/ that y is related to the occurence of electron pairings along the c axis on the niobium atoms.

2-ligand field

t2,% and e wave functions corresponding to A2 and A3 peaks are essentl lly c3mposed by 3d metallic orbitals. They are empty or occupied b; one electron. Some of the 1s->3d transif ions a r e dipole forbidden but quadrupole allowed, absorption coefficient is therefore not negligable and give rise to features with a tenth of magnitude of allowed transitions. A2-A3 splitting allows evaluation of the strength of the crystal d)eld in Oh symmetry. We have found:

3.leV around Ti in (Ti,V)02 and in (Ti,Ta)02

2.leV around ~ i in (Ti,Ta)O and 2.3eV in (Ti,Nb)02 ~ +

The weakening of the crystal gield is probably due to the screening of the liga7d field by d electron.

3.9eV around v4+ in vanadium poor (Ti,V)02 solid solutions 2.8eV around v4+ in vanadium rich (Ti,V)02 solid solutions

There is no electronic transfer in these solid solutions but there are ant if erromagnet ic electron couplings along the c ax is. The proport ion


is related to these electronic changes. Lastly, transitions 2 ~ ~ / ~ - > t ~ ~ and eg indicate a high

li and field around T


" in (Ti,Ta)O2 - F i g 2 Ti M x02, p w k positions 3-Size of the coordina-

--- tion octahedron

On the base of the analysis made by Natoli /5/ to link the mean o x y g e n - m e t a l b o n d length and energy dif- ference between peaks t 2 and an a l l o w e d tr%nsition, we have observed the following variations.

Ti-0 mean distance in (Ti,V)O seems to de- crease ty 2pm (picome- tcr) from its value in Ti02 (195.7pm).

V-0 mean distance in the same solid solu- t i o n s , s e e m s t o i n -

crease by 4pm from its M=Ta

value in V02 (193.3pm).

These variations of the size

tion octahedron of the coordina- are due


to a steric effect and . -

are related to the dif- fcrence of the ion c I- -

radii: v4+ 63pm, Ti i+ -

68pm. & 4980 -... ...(.I C1 Ti-0 mean distance in Y

(Ti,Nb)02 increases by B'

llpm from Ti02. It is ~3

the same magnitude in A Z v z (Ti,Ta)02. This comes dl

probably from the in- 4960

crease of the titanium 0.2 0.6

ionic radii because s+f T102 ,-

charge transfer (Ti 76pm) and simultaneous screening.

4-Exciton peak

A Frenkel exciton oeak is well defined at Ti K edse of TiO?. It is the excited electron which remains bound to the core-hole. 1 f i s not mobile in the structure and is well localized. The binding energy can be evaluated as l.leV and the FWMH is of the order of the experimental resolution i.e. 1.3eV. In solid solution, at the Ti K edge, exciton bin- ding energy is independent on V content whereas it is weakly dependent on Nb content (decreasing from 1.1 to .9eV) but strongly dependent on Ta content (decreasing from 1.1 to .6eV). The intensity of the exciton line follows the same dependence. This seems to be highly correlated with the d electron density on Ti atoms.

Acknowledgments: We are grateful to D~ R.Cortes and J.Goulon for

---+--- ---



technical assistance and J.Pet iau for helpful discussions.


/l/B.Poumellec. F.Laane1. J.F.Marucco and B.Touzelin Phis. Stat. soi. B 133 (i986) 371

/2/T.Horlin, T.Niklewski and M.Nygren Colloque C4 No10 37 (1976) 69

/3/A.Casalot, 0.Monnereau et M.Drillon Mat. Res. Bull. 12 (1977) 861

/4/B.Poumellec , These d'etat, 25 juin 1986, Universite Paris-Sud Centre dlOrsay 91405 Orsay Cedex

/S/C.R.Natoli in EXAFS and NES 111, Ed. K.O.Hodgson, B.H.Edman, J.E.Penner-Hahn (Springer Verlag 1984) 38




Ta L3 edge-


9850 9860 9870 9880 9890 9900 9910 PHOTON E N E R G Y lev1

P H O T O N E N E R G Y l e v 1


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