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Nematic stability and the alignment-induced growth of anisotropic micelles


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1985

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Nematic stability and the alignment-induced growth of anisotropic micelles

W.M. Gelbart, W.E. Mcmullen, A. Ben-Shaul

To cite this version:

W.M. Gelbart, W.E. Mcmullen, A. Ben-Shaul. Nematic stability and the alignment- induced growth of anisotropic micelles. Journal de Physique, 1985, 46 (7), pp.1137-1144.

�10.1051/jphys:019850046070113700�. �jpa-00210056�


Nematic stability and the alignment-induced growth

of anisotropic micelles +

W. M. Gelbart (*), W. E. McMullen (*), and A. Ben-Shaul (**)

(*) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles CA 90024, U.S.A.

(**) Department of Physical Chemistry and The Fritz Haber Research Center for Molecular Dynamics,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel.

(Reçu le 9 juillet 1984, accepté le 7 mars 1985)

Résumé. 2014 Dans cet article, nous examinons pour la première fois un phénomène qui se produit dans les solutions micellaires de savon, uniquement en raison de leur nature de suspensions colloidales formées de particules qui ne

conservent pas leur intégrité. En particulier, nous nous intéressons à la croissance d’agrégats en relation avec leur

ordre à grande distance. Nous considérons une forme analytique simple pour l’énergie libre par molécule et nous

comparons explicitement la taille des micelles en bâtonnets dans des systèmes où coexistent des phases isotropes (I)

et nématiques (N). Nous montrons que le couplage entre croissance et alignement limite la stabilité des agrégats partiellement ordonnés et de taille finie. La phase nématique est limitée à une gamme de concentrations très res-

treinte car ses micelles ne peuvent survivre (c’est-à-dire rester finies) que si elles sont petites. Le rôle des degrés de

liberté de translation et de rotation ainsi que les effets de cosurfactant sont également pris en considération : tous

deux augmentent le domaine de stabilité de la phase nématique. Dans le cadre de la théorie d’Onsager de l’aligne-

ment à longue portée de particules en bâtonnets, nous en arrivons à la conclusion (1) que la croissance des micelles à la transition I ~ N est contrôlée par l’« entropie de melange » orientationnel, (2) que le paramètre d’ordre néma-

tique et le rapport entre tailles qui coexistent est essentiellement universel, la fraction moyenne en volume à la transition se mesurant en termes de l’inverse du nombre d’agrégation moyen.



In this paper we treat for the first time a phenomenon in micellized soap solutions which arises uniquely

from their being colloidal suspensions whose « particles » do not maintain their integrity. In particular we focus on

the growth of anisotropic aggregates which is attendant upon their long-range orientational ordering. We consider

a simple analytical form for the free energy per molecule and compare explicitly the sizes of rod-like micelles in

coexisting isotropic (I) and nematic (N) phases. The coupling between growth and alignment is shown to limit the stability of finite-size, partially-ordered aggregates : the nematic phase is confined to a highly restricted concentra- tion range, because its micelles can only survive (i.e. remain finite) if they are small. The roles of translational and rotational degrees of freedom, and of cosurfactant effects, are also considered : both are shown to enhance the

stability range of the nematic. Within Onsager’s theory for the long-range alignment of rod-like particles, we conclude further that : (i) the growth of micelles at the I ~ N transition is driven largely by the orientational

« entropy of mixing » 2014 bigger rods allow this entropy loss to be minimized; and (ii) the nematic order parameter and the ratio of coexisting sizes are essentially universal, with the average volume fraction at the transition scaling

as the reciprocal of the average aggregation number.


Physics Abstracts

61.30C - 82.70D

1. Introduction.

« Ordinary » colloidal suspensions have long chal- lenged both chemists and physicists [1]. On a statistical

thermodynamics level, the problem reduces to the

familiar one of accounting for bulk properties in terms

of interparticle interactions. A classic example is that

of osmotic pressure and compressibility : a large

number of experimental behaviours have been des- cribed via approximate treatments of hard-core

steric »), electrostatic (o screened-Coulomb »)

and dispersion (« Hamaker ») forces between the colloidal « particles » [2]. At the same time, much

attention has been directed towards understanding

the nature of phase transitions in these macro-particle suspensions. Important examples here include the work by Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019850046070113700



on flocculation and lyophobic stability [3], and by Onsager on long-range orientational alignment in hydrophilic systems [4]. Rheological properties, sedi-

mentation characteristics, and sorption behaviours

of colloidal solutions have also been thoroughly investigated [1].

Micellized soap solutions, e.g. surfactant aggregates in water, have also been treated within the context of colloid science since the dispersed « particles »

here commonly range from tens to thousands of

Angstroms in size. From a fundamental research

point-of-view, much effort has been devoted to

understanding the size and shape of micelles in dilute solution [5] and the phase transitions between lamel- lar, hexagonal and other highly-organized « crystal- like » states at very high concentrations [6, 7]. As we

have recently emphasized [8], however, there is a

crucial conceptual difference between « association )) and « ordinary » colloids which requires essential

differences in their statistical thermodynamic treat-

ments. More explicitly, the « particles » in the former

case do not maintain their integrity. Instead of being

macromolecules or micrograins, they are aggregates of small molecules in exchange equilibrium with one

another. Accordingly, even in the absence of inter-

actions, a change in temperature or concentration results in a reorganization of the system into a new size and shape distribution of« particles » (aggregates).

The fact that the colloidal particles themselves change with thermodynamic state means of course

that the interparticle forces also change. Thus one

must expect a coupling between the self-assembly behaviour, the interaction between aggregates, and the thermodynamic stability. We have shown [9],

for example, that when a micellized soap solution becomes sufficiently concentrated, the effect of exclud- ed volume (o steric ») forces will be to enhance the size

of rod- and disk-like aggregates. That is, the inter- action free energy of the suspension is minimized by a re-assembly of the system into larger micelles, thereby stabilizing further the isotropic phase.

The most dramatic effect of the intermicellar forces

on particle size is manifested at still higher concentra- tions, where long-range orientational ordering ap- pears. In several quasi-binary (surfactant in water, plus salt) systems [10], for example, a phase transition

occurs (at volume fractions of 10-30 %) from an iso- tropic suspension (of rods, say) to a nematic (o magne-

tically orientable ») state. At slightly higher concentra-

tions the partially-aligned, finite aggregates give way to perfectly-ordered, infinite cylinders (whose axes,

moreover, are hexagonally packed). The sequence of

isotropic (I) - nematic (N) -+ hexagonal (H) phase

transitions is observed in many other systems, upon the addition of a « cosurfactant » (e.g. alkanols) [11].

Nematic states involving the partial alignment of the

short-axes of finite disk-like aggregates are also observ- ed under these circumstances; an increase in concen-

tration here leads to a lamellar (i.e. infinite-disk)

phase. In some cases the isotropic solution of rod-

or disk-like micelles is found to transform directly

into the hexagonal or lamellar state.

In view of the large amount of experimental interest, theoretical treatment of the isotropic-to-nematic phase

transition in simple soap solutions is notably lacking.

This phenomenon must be expected to be qualitatively

different from its counterpart in « ordinary » colloidal suspension for at least two reasons : (i) anisotropic

micelles of large axial ratio are almost certainly very

polydisperse in size [12] ; and (ii) alignment of the

aggregates changes the effective forces between them and hence their self-assembly characteristics. The effect of polydispersity in rod sizes on the isotropic

nematic transition has been treated recently [13, 14]

for the « ordinary » case where the particles maintain

their integrity. The long rods are found to partition preferentially into the aligned phase, where they can be

more easily accommodated by their neighbours. The

average size (axial ratio) in the nematic state is thus

larger than that in the isotropic solution, correspond- ing to an apparent growth of the rods. This fractiona- tion effect will of course occur as well in the micellar case, but it will be magnified by the real growth of

rods which is attendant upon their long-range orien-

tational ordering [10b].

In the present communication we shall feature the

coupling between rod growth and alignment by sup-

pressing the polydispersity in size. The micellar size difference between isotropic and nematic phases is

then due exclusively to real growth, rather than to

apparent effects associated with the partitioning

mentioned above. The suppression of polydispersity

also simplifies enormously the statistical thermo-

dynamics. More explicitly, the micellar chemical

potential can be written as an elementary function

of size (aggregation number s) and alignment (orien-

tational order parameter a), parameterized by the

overall soap concentration (volume fraction v). Mini- mizing this free energy with respect to s and a provides directly a simple analytic treatment of the relevant

phase transition behaviours. In this way we are able to show that :

(i) previously neglected translational and rotational contributions to the « ideal-gas » chemical potential

are necessary to stabilize the nematic as a phase of

finite aggregates;

(ii) the stability range of the nematic is enhanced

by addition of cosurfactant whose effect is to introduce

« negative feedback » into the coupling between rod

growth and alignment; and

(iii) upon aligning, the micellar rods undergo a

« growth spurt » which is driven largely by the orien-

tational entropy, i.e. bigger rods allow this entropy loss to be minimized.

In section 2 we consider the relevant contributions

to the chemical potential of a soap molecule in a rod-

like aggregate of size s. These include the « usual »

standard free energy term ji associated with the


reversible work of moving a micelle from vacuum into solvent, plus the « corrections )) due to translational and rotational degrees of freedom. These latter are

evaluated explicitly and shown to « add » to the 1 term In,us and to t e - n s mono-dispersity repre-

s s p Y p

sentation of the entropy of mixing. In this same single-

size model, the orientational entropy and intermicellar

packing free energy reduce for long rods to particularly suggestive forms. The free energy per molecule is

thereby obtained as an elementary function of the sin-

gle size s and a single orientational order parameter a

(see Eq. (7)). Stability of the finite-rod, partially aligned

nematic is treated in section 3, without (i) and with (ii) added cosurfactant. In section 4 we examine the

alignment-induced growth of rods by comparing

the coexisting isotropic and nematic phases in binary (soap/water) (i) and ternary (soap/cosurfactant/water) (ii) systems. Further interpretation and discussion of these results are given in the concluding section 5.

2. The free energy.

As discussed elsewhere [8, 15], the average chemical

potential of a molecule in an s-micelle can be written

as (in units of kT)

Here sjifl is the reversible work associated with taking

an s-micelle from vacuum and placing it in aqueous

solution at a particular position and with a particular

orientation. It is conveniently expressed as

.where jiO(ai) is the free energy of a molecule in « envi- ronment » i (spherical cap, cylindrical body, etc.) having head group area ai. In the case of rod-like aggregates, for example


where the « growing »

dimension scales with s


it is easy to show that

with 6 proportional to the chemical potential diffe-

rence between « cap » fi1£) and « body » (j1) molecules.

For disks, whose diameters grow as the square root

of s, ,us varies asymptotically as ,uoo,d + s 1/2. To

keep our analysis of growth/alignment coupling as simple as possible, we shall restrict all further discus- sion to rods.

jit describes the contributions to ¡is from the trans-

lational and rotational degrees of freedom which have

commonly been overlooked in recent treatments of micellar self-assembly. As we have shown [15], they

comprise nothing more or less than the « ideal-gas »

terms for a particle (here the s-micelle) without inter- nal structure :

Here As is the de Broglie wavelength of the s-aggregate, qrot,s is its partition function for overall rotation, and

p is the total number density of solution molecules.

Since the micellar mass is s times the monomer’s

(ml) we have

Absorbing In Ai p into the 6 »-coefficient from

equation (2B), we have

with the s-dependence of qrot following from the stan-

dard relations between qrot and rod-lengths (moments

of inertia) [15]. More explicitly

where I is the length of a single soap molecule and

for s greatly exceeding the « minimum » aggregation

number m -= 4 n/3/3 vi. Taking the molecular length

and volume to be 1 - 10 A and vi - 360 A3, M1 250 amu, T - 300 K and p


0 .033/A3 we find

with 6* = 10 In 10. Note that the « 3/2 » and « 7/2 »

coefficients arise from the translational and rotational

« corrections » respectively.

All of the above contributions to ji,: are « small »,

cordingly, one does not expect ’them, for example, to

influence significantly the critical micelle concentration

(a property which is determined primarily by the

« large », s-independent chemical potential difference

,u° - ;u = 0(10)). We note in this connection that

Nagarajan and Ruckenstein [16] have examined the

translational and rotational contributions to aggrega- tion free energies, analysing them via a very different model for the micellar interiors. They suggest partial

concellations amongst these terms and conclude that



the critical micelle concentration is relatively unaffect-

ed. In our present work, however, we are concerned with phenomena such as aggregate growth and align-

ment which are determined chiefly by « small », s-

dependent contributions. We shall show in particular

that terms of order In sls are indeed crucial in stabi-

lizing finite micelles in orientationally-ordered phases.

The third term in equation (1) is the usual« entropy of mixing » contribution. Upon suppression of poly- dispersity it can be approximated by (here v - v, pX

is the volume fraction of soap)

where Xs - the molefraction of soap molecules

incorporated into s-aggregation


has been replaced by X, the total mole fraction. (s is henceforth referred to as the« micellar size ».) Note that s > 1 and X 1, implying that the ln X s coefficient is always negative.

Thus the free energy of mixing increases with s, consistent with our having organized the system into fewer (larger) aggregates. This driving force for keeping

the micelles small is opposed by the A,,o term of equa-

tion (2B) which decreases with s. The equilibrium size

of rods is determined by the play-off between these two competing effects, their relative magnitudes being

controlled by the total soap concentration X. More

explicitly, minimization of 1 6 - I s s In s X with respect

to s leads to seq = X e" + 1. That is, the equilibrium

size (in the monodisperse limit) increases exponen-

tially with 6, the chemical potential difference between molecules in the « cap » and « body », and linearly

with molefraction. At high concentration the In s X coefficient is small and the entropy of mixing is domi-

nated by the single micelle free energy #,,o



aggregates become favoured. (This zero-order picture

is preserved in essence when polydispersity and the

other chemical potential contributions from equa- tion (1) are included.)

The ! Xs term in (1) arises from interactions bet-

s Xs

ween micelles, i.e. from non-ideal solution corrections.

Elsewhere we have shown how these contributions

can be summed to all orders in the density [9b] and

also how they can be generalized to include the pos-

sibility of long range orientational ordering [8].

At the second virial level of approximation, for exam- ple, we find

where fs(Q) is the fraction of s-micelles having orien-

tation Q, and vss,(Q, Q’) is the pair excluded volume associated with s- and s’-rods having orientations Q and Q’. Using the well-known Onsager results [4]

for vss,(Q, Q’), and his single parameter choice for

fs(Q) [ - cosh (a, cos 0)], it is easy to show that (dropping numerical factors 0(1))

Here we have again suppressed polydispersity (XS, -+ X £5ss’)’ and assumed the rods to be large (s >> 1 and a >> 1). In the isotropic phase,

As alluded to parenthetically just before equa- tion (5B), we formulate the present theory without regard for numerical factors of order unity. This

is consistent with the phenomenological spirit of our analysis, e.g. with the use of Onsager theory and the neglect of polydispersity, attractive energies, etc.

For example, we drop a factor of two in writing the asymptotic (a >> 1) second-virial (v 1) result

X o -- I v - since the effects of smaller alignment and


larger density are of this order. The only important

fact is that xo increases with concentration (~ v) and

decreases with long-range orientational order

as 1 Similarly, Y’ the 6S term decreases with aggre-


gation number according to ln a N ln s s s as we

show below. It follows from these physical arguments that the average size (s) necessarily increases at the isotropic-nematic transition, independent of numerical

factors 0(l) and of whether Helmholtz or Gibbs free

energies are minimized, etc.

Finally, Y in (1) corresponds to the entropy loss

s S ( ) p pY

due to long-range orientational-order :

This term vanishes identically in the isotropic phase;

for nematic states, with the Onsager choice for f,

Here, as above we have taken a(=- aseQ) to be large

compared to unity. Note that a is related to the usual (« P2 » orientational order parameter via q = I - 3*

( 2 ) p cx


Collecting equations (1), (2B), (3E), (4), (5B-D) and (6B), we obtain the following, simple result for micellar

free energy (per molecule) as an explicit function of

size (s) and alignment (a) :

Here « N » and « I » refer to the nematic and isotropic phases, respectively, and

with 6* = 10 In 10 the correction mentioned earlier (cf. Eq. (3E)) ; « - In 10 » is the coefficient In 20132013 V1 p arising from the - term in the entropy of mixing (see Eq. (4)). Note that the factor « - 6 » in the - In s term of(7) is comprised primarily of contributions from the translational and rotational degrees of freedom :

As we show in the next section, these latter two effects

provide for the stability of the nematic phase. Fur- thermore, for isotropic states, they help the entropy of mixing in favoring small aggregates : this follows from the « braking » mechanism

being enhanced [ - (1) -+ - (6)] and from the single-

micelle « growth ush » + 6 being diminished

s g

(6 - 6’ = 6 - 1 1 In 10).

3. Nematic stability


FREEDOM. - In order for the partially-ordered, finite-

rod phase to be stable it is of course necessary that

AN(S’ a) show a minimum for some pair of finite values of s and a. This in turn requires

straightforward to show from equation (7) for AN(S’ a)

that conditions (8) are fulfilled if and only if the


3 7 1 In s 2-’2 s contributions in (7B) ( are included.

Otherwise, i.e. with only the entropy of mixing term


(1) 1In s, s the determinant in (8) () is negative g for all volume fraction v. It is possible, but unlikely, th£t the finite, a)-nematic might be stabilized by polydis- persity, i.e. by the {X s’ }-distribution neglected [{ Xs’ -+ Xass, }] in the present analytical treatment.

Preliminary numerical calculations [17] which expli- citly include the full size distribution demanded by

micellar equilibrium (i1s = ,ul’ all s) indicate that the free energy indeed has no minimum for any finite (s, a)

when translational and rotational degrees of freedom

are left out.



As discussed else- where [8, 18] the effect of adding cosurfactant to a

soap/water system can be shown to be a replacement

of cap/body chemical potential difference 6 by a decreasing function of aggregation number s :

This comes about because the cosurfactant molecules

(alkanols, say) are preferentially partitioned into the

lower-curvature micellar region where they can be



more effective in relieving the surface charge density

associated with small head group area. This « relief of electrostatic strain » becomes saturated at large aggregation number, for which the Nalcohol


gg g


approaches its value in the overall solution


i.e. end

(cap) contributions become negligible. It can be

shown specifically that the effective 6 will decrease with s according to equation (9), with 61 and 62

both positive.

As far as micellar equilibrium is concerned, equa- tion (9) implies that as the rod-like aggregates get bigger (s increases) the « push » (effective) for them

to grow further is decreased This provides a « nega- tive feedback » mechanism in the coupling between

rod alignment and growth. Indeed, substituting equa- tion (9) for 6 into equations (7) and (7A) for i1N(S, a)

it is trivial to recompute the second-derivative matrix :

we find again that conditions (8) are satisfied for all

volume fractions. Furthermore, a minimum in the free energy is obtained for finite (s, oc) even in the absence of rotational and translational contributions.

In this latter case, however, we need to impose the

extra constraint that s 2 62. This suggests that micellar sizes must remain small in order for the nematic to be stable : for larger rods the growth/align-

ment coupling becomes too strong for finite aggregates

to survive. We explore this point below in our dis-

cussion of isotropic nematic coexistences.

4. Alignment Induced growth of rods.



We return to equations (7) and minimize J1N and J1I

with respect to a and s and s respectively. For the isotropic phase, this leads to

For the nematic phase we have, similarly,

with and

Imposing fiI = ;uN at the transition, equations (lOB)

and (11C) give

Using a = s’N vllm’ and combining (I OA) and (I I A) to

express sI in terms of sN, we find

The physically reasonable root of equation (13) is


Note, that, independent of molecular constants (e.g. 61), equations (15), (16) characterize the alignment and

size changes at the transition. These results are also consistent with our earlier assumption that a >> 1.

They demonstrate qualitatively the growth of rods


see equation (16)


attendant upon their orien- tational ordering. Inspection of equation (7), or comparing equations (10A) and (11A), suggests that this growth is due primarily to the orientational

« entropy of mixing » term S Q N s In (X - 1 s

More explicitly,

decreases with aggregation number (s). That is, the

orientational entropy loss (free energy gain) attendant

upon alignment is minimized by reorganization of

the system into larger rods. In a more thorough

treatment of the I/N coexistence, i.e. one which allowed properly for an increase in concentration

(v) for the nematic, the terms in the 1/s-coefficient (see Eq. (7)) would further enhance sN over SI since the dominant contribution scales as v. (Recall that

this - « v » term arises from the « packing » free


energy effects comprising x.)

Consider now equations (10A), (11A), (11B) and (12), for the particular choice 6’ = 28 [19]. We have

and thus

Both sN+ and sI increase exponentially with 6’. From equations (11B) and (15), (16) we have furthermore that v + ’" 4- (or 4-). Since for large aggregates

;7 N B SI 1 g gg g

the rod length L is roughly proportional to s, this


means that v + - 1 , in agreement with the Onsager

result according to which v i5 - constant.




With 6 - 61 + 62 s in equation (7), the

a- a-

as = 0 and aS = 0 equations become transcenden- tal and must be solved iteratively for sI and sN. Using


(X s2v2/M2 - the agN aa 0 equation is unaffected by

addition of cosurfactant


we again obtain the I/N

coexistence by finding v = v + such that

Unlike in the binary (soap/water) case, a + and



are not quite universal. Rather they depend


weakly on £52.

Taking the same self-assembly parameters as in part (i) immediately above, and with a reasonable

estimate of the cosurfactant partitioning contribution

Comparing equations (20) with (18), we see that the qualitative consequence of cosurfactant is to push

the I - N transition to lower concentrations because of enhanced rod growth. As pointed out elsewhere [17], however, the present treatment of cosurfactant

partitioning includes only its effect on the intra- aggregate free energy jif. Lowering the surface charge density will also modify the inter micelle contribution

’ Zs s xs


see equation q (1)




hence is expected pe to affect both average sizes in the I and N phases as

well as characteristics of the coexistence.

Finally we note that the presence of cosurfactant

changes only slightly a+ and the scaling result

5. Concluding discussion.

In the above we have argued that the coupling between

micellar growth and alignment gives rise to signifi- cantly larger aggregates in the nematic (vs. isotropic) phase. Enhancement of nematic stability by cosur-

factant was also demonstrated. The theory on which

these conclusions were based is simple and analytic,

because of several drastic approximations used to

formulate the free energy. Most significant is our suppression of polydispersity. Nevertheless, preli- minary numerical calculations [17] indicate that

alignment-induced growth of anisotropic aggregates

persists even upon including all molecular exchanges

relevant to the full equilibrium distribution of rod sizes.

Because the coupling between self-assembly and long-range orientational order becomes stronger with

increasing rod-size, it appears that nematic phases

of amphiphilic solutions are only marginally stable against « explosion » into hexagonal states (and similarly for discotics -+ lamellae). First of all, they

will only arise in soap/alcohol systems whose trans- lational, rotational and cosurfactant features



(i) and (ii) in section 3


allow a significantly deep finite-(s, a) minimum in the free energy per molecule.

And, even then, they will quickly destabilize upon an increase in concentration, because of the « snow-

balling » growth (s)-alignment (a) coupling. Accor- dingly, we expect that nematic phases will always

occupy a small region of overall ternary phase dia-

grams and that their aligned aggregates will necessa- rily be small (in comparison with those of more

dilute regions, say, of the isotropic state, far away from the coexistence region).


[1] See, for example, the collection of papers recently presented at a review symposium organized by

the Royal Society of Chemistry : Colloidal Dis-

persions, edited by J. W. Goodwin (Special Publi-

cation No. 43, The Royal Society of Chemistry,

Dorset Press) 1982.


and AGTEROF, W. G. M., Disc. Faraday Soc. 65 (1978) 101.

(b) OBER, R. and TAUPIN, C., J. Phys. Chem. 84 (1980)


[3] VERWEY, E. J. W. and OVERBEEK, J. Th. G., Theory of

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[4] ONSAGER, L., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 51 (1949) 627.


HAM, B. W., J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. II 72 (1976) 1525;

(b) TANFORD, C., The Hydrophobic Effect, 2nd edi-

tion (Wiley, New York) 1980 ;


W. M., J. Coll. Interface Sci. 98 (1984) 523.



[6] Transitions between smectic-like liquid-crystalline sta-

tes in simple soap solutions have been discussed recently by P. Pershan, for example, in Phys.

Today 35 (5) (1982) 34.

[7] SAFRAN, S., TURKEVICH, L. and PINCUS, P., J. Physique

Lett. 45 (1984) L-69 treat the possibility of cylin-

drical phases in model microemulsions. See also the discussion by G. Porte, J. Phys. Chem. 87 (1983) 3541 for the pure micellar case.

[8] GELBART, W. M., BEN-SHAUL, A., MASTERS, A. and MCMULLEN, W. E., in Physics of Amphiphiles : Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions, edited by

V. Degiorgio and M. Corti (North Holland) in


[9] (a) BEN-SHAUL, A. and GELBART, W. M., J. Phys. Chem.

86 (1982) 316;

(b) GELBART, W. M., BEN-SHAUL, A., MCMULLEN, W. E. and MASTERS, A., ibid 88 (1984) 861.

[10] (a) LINDMAN, B., private communication;

(b) CHARVOLIN, J., private communication.

[11] TIDDY, G. J. T., Phys. Rep. 57 (1980) 1 ;

FONTELL, K., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 63 (1981) 59.

[12] As discussed in references 5 (a)-(c), the variance of the size distribution scales as the average size, i.e.

the fractional polydispersity is of order unity.

[13] FROST, R. S. and FLORY, P. J., Macromol. 11 (1978)


[14] DEBLIECK, R. and LEKKERKERKER, H. N. W., J. Physi-

que Lett. 41 (1980) L-351.

[15] MCMULLEN, W. E., GELBART, W. M. and BEN-SHAUL, A., J. Phys. Chem. 88 (1984) 6649.

[16] NAGARAJAN, R. and RUCKENSTEIN, E., J. Colloid Interface Sci. 60 (1977) 221 and 71 (1979) 580.

[17] MCMULLEN, W. E., GELBART, W. M. and BEN-SHAUL, A., Isotropic-Nematic Transition in Micellized Solutions, J. Chem. Phys., in press.


and BEN-SHAUL, A., Langmuir 1 (1985) 101.

[19] This choice corresponds to amphiphilic length 12 A,

volume 360 Å3, interfacial tension 60 erg/cm2

and optimum head group area 45 Å2.

[20] Here we use the same self-assembly parameters as in

18, with a alcohol-to-soap ratio of 0.9 implying

03B41 ~ 60 and 03B42 ~ 140.


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