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The Moroccan system of agricultural research Lazzaoui M. in


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Texte intégral


Lazzaoui M.


Casas J. (ed.).

Agricultural research in countries of the Mediterranean region Montpellier : CIHEAM

Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-VI 1988

pages 85-92

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=CI020365

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Lazzaoui M. Th e Moroccan system of agricu ltu ral research . In : Casas J. (ed.). Agricultural research in countries of the Mediterranean region. Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1988. p. 85-92 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série Etudes; n. 1988-VI)





The Moroccan svstem of agricultural r&earch

Secretary General - National Institute of Agricultural Research

(INRA) - Morocco



The system of is

quite institutions which

dictated by of each) may be

following five headings:

- of

- -

of of



1. National Agricultural

This is the only public institution in that is specialized in the field of Set up in 1981 *as a public establishment with legal status a n d f i n a n c i a l a u t o n o m y , i t

taking of that

assets is t h u s t h e

culmination of a 1919

of of

two a

by a of

which in time and

and which make up complex system.

40-80 of 9 1981, it came into existence, is

' w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g s p e c i f i c

- t o engage in scientific, technical and economic at the development of


- to do with



to well as t h e

of plant and animal

employs staff of 2,225 people, i n c l u d i n g 2 2 8 461 t e c h n i c a l assistants and agents, and 1,535


of a distinction

of ecology, fall



A of the

at level a s

well as a t t h e

of the

of which 11. as

of is

which as well a s those

e n t i t i e s h a v e b e e n s e t u p s o as of

is is


is located at its

station is at

we find a t


at S e t t a t . T h i s

a was


the USA. to study

development of

between 200 and 400 mm and which include 40%


is called upon to make use of 32 on



22 all

of the

well of its

demands imposed by of

of a

national land asset of 8,134 ha, which is indeed a lot of


by have to do with all aspects of

with the exception of a special field which

of of

of the

has a of

is of


2. educational. establishments in agriculture


of in the

function of

by institutions (schools and institutes) of

establishments, which

is an essential activity the quality of


The oldest of t h e s e e s t a b l i s h e m e n t s is t h e

National School of at but the


was in 1967. At that.time

its of


Dahir (law) of 2 1984

officially its existence in the capacity of public establishment charged with the mission

of dispensing scieniific instruction pertaining to ,

agriculture as well as contributing to such studies a n d r e s e a r c h a s m a y be r e q u i r e d f o r s u c h instruction".

a t

of complex. The institute has

11 two levels of


and one level of




cycle: food


Short cycle: food



has two located in

which estate at



3. Central of of


of some of

specific at

of the for

of notices

Livestock of

one of the of

do with

4. Agencies and Authorities The main bodies in this

Offkes of

and'the of

offices by

which, in addition to

on the of

mainly involved o u t

tests via local known as


of of specialized bodies.

5. Companies and Professional Organizations Some

(SOGETA), set up the development of

on a of

companies, of which a good e x a m p l e is t h e , of


diffused, of


it of

is done by

t h e done locally with t h e involvement of public agencies.

the somewhat lengthy account given above of institutions involved


- the system allows scope equally to the public and on the basis of

of each;

-among the public

as its sole as t h e



of the national system with other activities

of all, we


a s between the public On the


of of of

one between the two

of t h a t two establishments take it upon

of m u t u a l c o n s u l t a t i o n , t o to facilitate exchange of


well as likewise

companies. As

should be

to the sciences and economics

of field of basic

plentiful between

establishments, as well as of the of knowledge to the people within the

of conducted by the

visits of for the

benefit of

to the extent of

of the autonomous institutions as well as at at level.

of be


it is now of

a it has

up with the assistance of

- National organization of agricultural research


is by of


of as

well as will

body to become so as to

fulfil1 its allotted functions.

de'cisions by

of of t h e a u t o n o m o u s

so on. of

made at t h e t i m e t h a t e c o n o m i c a n d s o c i a l development plans up a s well as such

by t h e i n s t i t u t i o n s

by of by


the final instance adopted by committees of

allocation of

discussed a t t h e of Finance once the

by the of


the is made by the budget division of the of

is the job of the institution itself and its of

passed by of Finance.


the discussion.



of scientists

employed low a s the

of is too high and should in

of should be noted that the

of on is



assigned. enjoy the same status as

at which up to now

the best As


bonus t h a t is to a

statutes have been so few as to

to this institution. When all is said and done,

is not so a and

on the on

of the development while they


a t the same level.

As of the advantages by

the statutes of the autonomous institutions vis-h- eliminated. A

e s t a b l i s h e d the position of

of the statutes c a s e of a n d


should be amended


A t a n d

now by

e x a m i n a t i o n ,

selected most of pool of available spelled out in all of the statutes. At as well


of employed


good is not a t h e

statutes of the autonomous institutions will have to be updated to match those of the

A s a s u b d i v i d e d i n t o technical assistants and technical agents. They

i n

of bookkeeping,


own budgets and Some of

by the schools of public

no as

competence is

statutes. The main is t h a t

institutions on the one hand'and the civil on

V -


A s h a s a n


a total of by 12

Oujda, Settat, El Jadida, and Laayoune.

a total of ha.

The table below shows of stations and




Agriculture School Water and Forests Station Station Ouarzazate Station Souss


Commercialization Station SOGETA

Gharb Station Errachidia Station


of stations

64 3 1 3 3 2 2 4

1 1 84


8 134 740

40 25 32 13 33 6 45 50 60 30 9 208

As has

at its disposal 35 which

office space included, they occupy 20,000 m2 Five of

occupy m2, 50% of

of the buildings.


has a at Casablanca.

of some towns outside of

good condition.

have two housed in buildings of

has a 10,000 volumes.

of by be found in


and or in

Al Awania and the Agricultural


at the end of studies,



to publish in

The idea of is

being well

to get to know and to

so since the of


shows t h a t

of 100

million out of about 150 million T h e

of is low, and should

be at the expense of budget is estimated at

made in the past.

2. Financial resources

as well as


aid, w h i c h is

sometimes quite not often go

make it possible to

of the effect of the situation on the

national economy, of

allotted to


- programs and results

As pointed


by t h e s p e c i a l i z e d a u t o n o m o u s of a

involving the successive of

of analysis and decision making. Thus, when each economic and social development plan is

the it note of

a of

at well a s a t t h e

is then discussed, and amended if need be,

by the of by the


by committees of do influence on


judged to have by

To be aid have to choices made

of of

by a team of is done i n which may be

include assessment by

of by

evaluation by a committee containing eminent the opinions of consultants. This evaluation

well subsequent of

allocation of of

of agents occupied

is as follows:

- 73%

- 10%

- 1 4.2%

- 4.4%

- 5%

- Socio-economic 2%


of its of its

up of

on the .

some of question:


flora and fauna, pollution, -

- almonds), I

- zootechnology, -


- biotechnologies.




ENA : National School of

: Company

SOGETA : Company

: National Company

OCE : Ofice of : Ofice of


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