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Parsing Approaches for Swiss German


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Parsing Approaches for Swiss German

No¨emi Aepli University of Zurich noemi.aepli@uzh.ch

Simon Clematide University of Zurich



This paper presents different approaches towards universal dependency parsing for Swiss German. Dealing with dialects is a challenging task in Natural Language Pro- cessing because of the huge linguistic vari- ability, which is partly due to the lack of standard spelling rules. Building a statistical parser requires expensive resources which are only available for a few dozen high-resourced languages. In order to overcome the low- resource problem for dialects, approaches to cross-lingual learning are exploited. We ap- ply different cross-lingual parsing strategies to Swiss German, making use of Standard German resources. The methods applied areannotation projectionandmodel transfer.

The results show around 60% Labelled At- tachment Score for all approaches and pro- vide a first substantial step towards Swiss German dependency parsing. The resources are available for further research on NLP ap- plications for Swiss German dialects.

1 Introduction

Swiss German is a dialect continuum of the Aleman- nic dialect group, comprising numerous varieties used in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.1 Unlike other dialect situations, the Swiss German dialects are deeply rooted in the Swiss culture and enjoy a high reputation, i.e. dialect speakers are not considered less

In: Mark Cieliebak, Don Tuggener and Fernando Benites (eds.):

Proceedings of the 3rd Swiss Text Analytics Conference (Swiss- Text 2018), Winterthur, Switzerland, June 2018

1Swiss Standard German, one of the four official languages of Switzerland, is not to be confused with Swiss German dialects.

educated as it is the case in other countries. On the basis of their high acceptance in the Swiss culture and with the introduction of digital communication, Swiss German has undergone a spread over all kinds of com- munication forms and social media. Despite being oral languages, the dialects are used increasingly in written contexts, and writers spell as they please.

For Natural Language Processing (NLP), low- resourced languages are challenging, particularly in cases like Swiss German where no orthographic rules are followed. Compiling NLP resources from scratch such as syntactically annotated text corpora (tree- banks) is a laborious and expensive process. Thus, in such cases, cross-lingual approaches offer a perspec- tive to get started with automatic processing of the respective language. Such approaches are especially promising if a closely related resource-rich language is available, which is the case for Swiss German.

The Universal Dependencies (UD) project aims at developing and setting a standard for cross- linguistically consistently annotated treebanks in or- der to facilitate multilingual parsing research. We sup- port this idea by adopting the current UD standard as much as possible.

The information about which word of the sentence is dependent on which other one is important in or- der to correctly understand the meaning of a sentence.

Thus, it is needed for numerous NLP applications like information extraction or grammar checking. The task of identifying these dependencies is done by a depen- dency parser (see Figure1for a Swiss German exam- ple in UD).

In this paper, we apply two different cross-lingual dependency parsing strategies, namely annotation projection as a lexicalised approach, and model trans- fer as a delexicalised approach. We manually create a gold standard in order to evaluate and compare the dif- ferent strategies. Furthermore, we build and evaluate


Figure 1: Universal dependency parse trees for the sentence:We want to be perfect, but we are not.

Top: gold standard, bottom: system.

asilver standard treebankwhich, compared to manu- ally annotating from scratch, accelerates the creation of a larger training set for a monolingual Swiss Ger- man parser.

The next section presents related work on NLP for Swiss German and introduces the two main ap- proaches to cross-lingual parsing. In Section3and4 we present our data and methods. Section5shows and discusses our results.

2 Related Work

Even though there have been several projects in- volving Swiss German (Hollenstein and Aepli,2014;

Zampieri et al., 2017; Hollenstein and Aepli, 2015;

Samardzic et al.,2016;Samardˇzi´c et al.,2015;Scher- rer, 2007;Baumgartner, 2016; D¨urscheid and Stark, 2011; Stark et al., 2014; Scherrer and Owen, 2010;

Scherrer,2013,2012), resources for NLP applications are still rare. As so often for dialects, even data for Swiss German is sparse. Therefore, the approach is to use tools and data of related resource-rich languages and apply transfer methods.

2.1 Universal Dependencies

Research in dependency parsing has increased signifi- cantly since a collection of dependency treebanks has become available, in particular through the CoNLL shared tasks on dependency parsing (Buchholz and Marsi,2006;Nivre et al.,2007a;Zeman et al.,2017) which have provided many data sets. In order to facil- itate cross-lingual research on syntactic structure and to standardise best-practices,Universal POS(UPOS) tags (Petrov et al.,2012) as well asUniversal Depen- dencies(Nivre et al.,2016) have been introduced. The annotation scheme is originally based onStanford de- pendencies(de Marneffe et al.,2006;de Marneffe and

Manning,2008;de Marneffe et al.,2014).McDonald et al. (2013) present the first collection of six tree- banks with homogenous syntactic dependency anno- tation, which has continually been expanded since.

2.2 Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing

There are two main approaches to cross-lingual syn- tactic dependency parsing. Firstly, the delexicalized model transfer of which the goal is to abstract away from language-specific parameters, i.e. train delexi- calised parsers. The idea is based on universal fea- tures and model parameters that can be transferred be- tween related languages. Hence, this method assumes a common feature representation across languages.

The advantage of the model transfer approach is that no parallel data is needed. Zeman and Resnik(2008) train a basic delexicalised parser relying on part-of- speech (POS) tags only. McDonald et al. (2013);

Petrov et al. (2012) and Naseem et al. (2010) rely on universal features while T¨ackstr¨om et al. (2013) adapt model parameters to the target language in order to cross-linguistically transfer syntactic dependency parses.

The main idea of the second approach, the lexi- calisedannotation projectionmethod, is the mapping of labels across languages using parallel sentences and automatic alignment. It includes projection heuristics and usually post projection rules. The main drawback of this approach is that it relies on sentence-aligned parallel corpora. In order to deal with this restriction, treebank translation has emerged where the training data is automatically translated with a machine trans- lation system. The central point of this method is the alignment along which the annotations are mapped from one language to the other. Automatic word alignment has already been used by Yarowsky et al.


(2001); Aepli et al. (2014) and Snyder et al. (2008) for improving resources and tools for POS tagging of supervised and unsupervised learning respectively.

Hwa et al.(2005),Tiedemann(2014) andTiedemann (2015) use annotation projection approaches for pars- ing, andTiedemann et al.(2014) as well asRosa et al.

(2017) use machine translation in addition instead of relying on parallel corpora. For Swiss German, tree- bank translation is not viable because of sparse data and the lack of a Machine Translation system for Swiss German. Hence, in this paper we apply anno- tation projection as a lexicalised approach and model transfer as a delexicalised approach.

3 Materials

3.1 Standard German Data

We use theGerman Universal Dependency treebank2 consisting of 13,814 sentences. It is annotated ac- cording to the UDguidelines3 and contains Univer- sal POS(UPOS) tags (Petrov et al.,2012). The tree- bank comes in CoNLL-U format but as some tools cannot handle it, we convert it to CoNLL-X. This includes one major tokenization change concerning theStuttgart-T¨ubingen-TagSet(STTS) (Schiller et al., 1999) POS tagAPPRART. InCoNLL-Uthe preposi- tions with fused articles are split into two syntactical words. We undo this split, merge the information in one token and correspondingly adapt the dependency relations.

3.2 Swiss German Data

Annotation projection requires a parallel corpus.

TheAGORA citizen linguisticsproject4crowdsourced Standard German translations of 6,197 Swiss German sentences via the web site dindialaekt.ch. The sen- tences are taken from theNOAH corpus (Hollenstein and Aepli,2014), additionally, sentences from novels in Bernese and St Gallen dialect were added to bet- ter represent syntactic word order differences. By the end of November 2017, the citizen linguists produced 41,670 translations. We aggregated and cleaned the data into a parallel GSW/DE corpus of 26,015 sen- tences. In particular, we filtered translations that dif-

2https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD German



Figure 2: Workflow of the model transfer.

fered too much in length or Levenshtein edit distance5 from the Swiss German source sentence.

4 Methods

We apply two classical parsing approaches presented in Section 2: model transfer with a delexicalised parser and annotation projection with crowdsourced parallel data. Within both approaches we test two parsing frameworks; the MaltParser (Nivre et al., 2007b) and the more recent UDPipe (Straka and Strakov´a, 2017). Both parsers are provided with to- kenised input.

4.1 Model Transfer Approach

The delexicalised model transfer approach is straight- forward, working on the basis of POS tags only. For the training, the words in the Standard German corpus are replaced by their POS tags. Accordingly, at pars- ing time the Swiss German words are replaced by their POS tag before parsing and re-inserted afterwards.

4.1.1 POS tagging

Part-of-speech tagging is an important step prior to parsing because the syntactic structure builds upon the

5The Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein,1966) measures the difference between two sequences of characters. Hence, the min- imal edit distance between two words is the minimum number of characters to be changed (i.e. inserted, deleted or substituted), in order to make them equal.


Figure 3: Workflow of the annotation projection.

POS information. Obviously, when training delexi- calised parsers, this step is crucial as the tags are the only information available to the parser.

For POS tagging Swiss German sentences, we used the Wapiti (Lavergne et al., 2010) model trained on Release 2.2 of the NOAHcorpus, where average ac- curacy in 10-fold crossvalidation is 92.25%.

TheCoNLL-format includesUPOStags in addition to the fine-grained language-specific POS tags (STTS in the case of German and Swiss German). We used the mapping provided by the UDproject in order to infer theUPOStags from the givenSTTStags.

4.2 Annotation Projection Approach

Annotation projection is not only more complex in processing compared to model transfer but also needs more resources. Most importantly, annotation projec- tion requires a word-aligned parallel corpus. Starting from the crowdsourced sentences which are sentence- aligned, it is the task of a word aligner to compute the most probable word alignments, i.e. the informa- tion about which word of the (Swiss German) source sentence corresponds to which word of the target sen- tence, i.e. the translation. There are many tools for this as it is a basic step also in machine translation systems. We tested three of them: GIZA++(Och and Ney,2003),FastAlign(Dyer et al.,2013) andMono- lingual Greedy Aligner(MGA) (Rosa et al.,2012).

The idea of the annotation projection process is to

use the tool (here: parser) of a resource-rich language on that language (here: German) and then project the generated information (here: universal dependency structures) along the word alignment to the target lan- guage (here: Swiss German). In practice, this means we train the parser on the Standard German tree- bank (see Section3.1) and parse the Standard German translations of the Swiss German original sentences.

Then we project the resulting parse structure along the word alignments from the German word to the corre- sponding Swiss German word.

4.2.1 Transfer of the Annotation

The transfer is the core component of annotation pro- jection. The parse of the Standard German trans- lation is projected along the word alignment to its Swiss German correspondent. The input consists of the Standard German parse and the alignment between the Standard German sentence and its Swiss German version (GSW:DE). Algorithm1describes the projec- tion process.

Data:DE parse & alignmentGSW:DE Result:DE parse transferred to GSW forword alignment in sentencedo

if1:1alignmentthen transfer parse of DE

else if1:0alignment (i.e. no DE word aligned)then

attach GSW word torootas POS tag ADVand dependency labeladvmod else1:nalignment (i.e. several DE words


transfer parse of aligned DE word with smallest edit (Levenshtein) distance end

end Algorithm 1:Transfer of parses.

The case of1:1alignment where exactly one Ger- man word is aligned to the Swiss German word is easy; the only thing to do is projecting the depen- dency of the German word to the Swiss German word.

If, however, there are several German words aligned to one Swiss German word (1:n), the algorithm has to decide which parse to transfer.6 In order to take this decision, the algorithm computes the Levenshtein

6Note that the case of a1:nalignment between a GSW word and a DE multiword expression is not covered in this approach.


distances (Levenshtein,1966) between the Swiss Ger- man word and every aligned German word and takes the one with the smallest edit distance. The most chal- lenging case is when no German word is aligned to the Swiss German token. A simple baseline approach attaches the corresponding Swiss German word as ad- verbial modifier to the root of the sentence.

The decision to treat every unaligned Swiss Ger- man word as an adverb is taken on the basis of the frequency distribution of POS tags;ADVis the second most frequent POS tag (afterNN) in the Swiss German data. However, taking into consideration the word itself, some more sophisticated rules can be elabo- rated. Considering the differences between Standard German and Swiss German as described by Hollen- stein and Aepli (2014), we can expect some words like infinitive particles (PTKINF) (e.g. go) or the past participle gsi (been) to remain unaligned. The for- mer because these words do not exist in Standard Ger- man, the latter because Standard German simple past tense is expressed by perfect tense in Swiss German, typically resulting in a “spare” past participle in the alignment. Furthermore, there are unaligned articles because Swiss German requires articles in front of proper names. Also punctuation including the apos- trophe is a source of errors which can easily be cor- rected. The application of these more elaborate rules have an impact of around 2 points on the evaluation scores.

Algorithm 1 transfers the German parses as they are, as a consequence the numbering of the token IDs is mixed up. Correcting the token IDs to be in as- cending order (from 1 to the length of the sentence) requires the corresponding adjustment of the head ref- erences. Furthermore, one needs to make sure that there is exactly one root in a sentence.

Data:transferred DE parse to GSW words Result:valid GSW parse

forsentence in parsedo

ifDE root was not projected to GSW parse thentake 1st VERB as root, else 1st NOUN else ifhead of a projected word was not

projected to GSW parsethen attach it to the root end

endAlgorithm 2:Correction of transferred parses.

Algorithm2goes through every sentence of the in- put file and first makes sure that there is one root for the sentence. If the root of the Standard German parse has not been transferred to the Swiss German sen- tence (missing word alignment), the first verb (UPOS VERB) is taken as root and if there is noVERBin the sentence, the firstNOUNis considered the root.

4.3 Optimisation

We tested two approaches for optimisation; prepro- cessing of the training set and postprocessing rules to be applied after parsing.

4.3.1 Preprocessing

One frequent mistake mostly observed in the delexi- calised approach is the wrong assignment of passive dependency labels instead of their active counterpart.

The passive construction in Standard German is built with the auxiliarywerden, which can, however, also be used in non-passive constructions. The combina- tion of VA* and a perfect participle (VVPP) is very frequent in Swiss German, however, it is usually not a passive construction but rather a perfect tense. There- fore, a simple but effective solution is the introduction of a new “set” of POS tags in the GermanUDtraining set:VWFIN,VWINF,VWPPfor finite verbs, infinitives and participles respectively of the verbwerden. This means, all occurrences of the lemma werden as an auxiliary (i.e.UPOS:AUXandSTTS:VA{INF|PP}) are replaced byVW{INF|PP}. In this way, the system learns to discriminate between the usage ofwerdenas auxiliary versus the usage as full verb and, most of all, it learned to differentiate between the auxiliary wer- denand the other auxiliarieshaben(to have) andsein (to be). Hence, the number of wrongly assigned pas- sive dependency labels decreased, which leads to an improvement of around 2.5 to 3.5 points as presented in Section5.

4.3.2 Postprocessing

Some of the errors can easily be corrected with sim- ple rules in a postprocessing step. One example is a frequent error caused by a remnant of the 1stUD ver- sion which is handled differently inUD version 2. The two labels oblique nominal (obl) and nominal mod- ifier (nmod) are confused because the latter was used to modify nominals and predicates inUD v1. How- ever, inUD v2,oblis used for a nominal functioning


as an oblique argument, whilenmodis used for nom- inal dependents of another noun (phrase) only. This means, if the head is a verb, adjective or adverb, the dependency label has to beobl. If, instead, the head is a noun, pronoun, name or number, the dependency label isnmod.

5 Results & Discussion

This section presents the different settings and combi- nations of aforementioned resources, approaches and tools. For the evaluation, we manually created a gold standard consisting of 100 Swiss German sentences taken from the resources presented in Section 3.2.

We evaluated the approaches according to Labelled Attachment Score (LAS) and Unlabelled Attachment Score (UAS)7, not excluding punctuation. The results we present here are macro accuracy scores, that is, the scores are computed separately for each sentence and then averaged8. Note that there is a mismatch in the actual annotation of punctuation between the the Standard GermanUDtreebank v2 and the official guidelines we were applying. This difference in the punctuation dependencies has an effect on the scores, i.e. it lowers the scores presented here. Furthermore, note that the test set containing 100 gold standard sen- tences is small and therefore these results have to be taken with a grain of salt.

5.1 German Parser Accuracy

In order to put the results into context, we checked the performance of the parsers on the GermanUD v2 treebank using their split of training and test set. In this setting, we left all the available information for the parser to use, including morphology and lemmas.

The APPRARTsplitting is undone for theCoNLL-X MaltParserinput, not so for theUDPipewhich takes CoNLL-Uas input format (and performs worse with theMaltParser-CoNLL-Xinput).MaltParserreaches a LAS of 79.71%,UDPipe70.31% respectively.

5.2 Direct Cross-lingual Parsing

As a comparison to the main approaches, we applied Standard German parsers directly to Swiss German.

7UAS is the percentage of tokens with the correct syntactic head, LAS the percentage of tokens assigned the correct syntactic head as well as the correct dependency label.

8Macro accuracy scores as opposed to the word-based micro scores, where the true positives are summed up over the whole treebank and divided by the total number of words.

This means, we used the training set of the German UDtreebank to train theMaltParser (usingMaltOp- timizer to get the best hyperparameter settings) and UDPipe. Before training, we removed the morphol- ogy and lemma information because this information is not available in the Swiss German test set and there- fore the parsers cannot rely on it. Furthermore, for the MaltParser we converted the training set from CoNLL-U to CoNLL-X format because MaltOpti- mizer cannot handle the former. Testing the Malt- Parser model on the gold standard with automati- cally assigned POS tags byWapitiresults in an LAS of 55.28%. UDPipeonly reaches 21.19% LAS, one reason for this low accuracy could be that UDPipe relies on word embedding information (Straka and Strakov´a, 2017), which results in a low recall when applying a model trained on German to Swiss Ger- man.

5.3 Delexicalised Model Transfer

Instead of giving the parser the Standard German words as input like in the direct cross-lingual ap- proach, in the delexicalised approach we provide the parser with POS information only. This means, the words are replaced by STTS POS tags while all the other columns stay the same. Given the small eval- uation set and a negligible difference in the results, the two parsers’ performance can be considered the same: ∼57%LAS for both when trained on the pre- processed training set, i.e. differentiating the auxiliary werdenvs. the auxiliarieshaben(to have) andsein(to be) (see Section4.3.1).

5.4 Annotation Projection

The results for the annotation projection approach vary substantially depending on the combination of aligner and parser. Starting from 46.45% LAS (Malt- Parser +Fastalign), the combination ofUDPipeand Monolingual Greedy Aligner scores best in this ap- proach with 53.39% LAS. This score is reached with the baseline transfer rules where unaligned words are simply attached to the root as adverbs. Applying more elaborate transfer rules (Section 4.2.1) results in an improvement of 2.09 points to 55.65% LAS. The pre- processing step does not improve the results in this approach. These results show that the Monolingual Greedy Alignerperforms best in the task of DE/GSW alignment. MGAtakes character-based word similar-


ity into account which intuitively makes sense as the information about similar letters is valuable informa- tion when dealing with closely related languages such as Standard German and Swiss German.

5.5 Postprocessing

The postprocessing rules do not show a huge impact on the parsing results; thenmod/oblconfusions for example are still present. The reason for this is that the parser assigned wrong heads to many of the words and therefore the rule to correct thenmod/obl con- fusions does not work. The LAS scores improve by 1.62 points for the cross-lingualMaltParserand 2.07 points for delexicalised model transfer and annotation projection UDPipe approachs respectively, reaching nearly60%LAS accuracy.

5.6 Discussion

Table 1 shows the best results including the corre- sponding setting for every approach. The best LAS results of all the applied approaches are very close, hence there is no clear answer to the question of which approach works best. Annotation projection is the most laborious among the three and as such not the first option to choose. Furthermore, the transfer of the annotation is strongly dependent on the performance of the aligner, which in turn benefits from big parallel corpora to be trained on. However, such big parallel corpora do not exist yet for Swiss German dialects.

Contrary to our expectations, training specific mod- els for different dialects does not have a huge impact on the results. The word ordering for the St Gallen di- alect is closer to the Standard German word ordering while Bernese dialect speakers often change the order of the verbs. Due to these differences, we expected the model transfer approach to perform worse on the Bern dialect than annotation projection, where the word or- der changes should be handled by the aligner. Look- ing specifically at Bernese sentences with “switched”

word order (e.g. ha aafo gr¨anne (’I started to cry’), gfunge hei gha(’have found’),het ¨ubercho(’have got- ten’)), there is no significant difference between the two approaches in our test set.

5.6.1 Swiss German Variability

The results presented here are not perfect and cer- tainly require further improvement in order for a sys- tem to be used in real-life applications. Compared

Figure 4: Frequencies of type frequencies (x) in a Swiss German text.

with the Standard German parser accuracy, which reaches almost 80% LAS on the GermanUD v2with standard settings of the parsers, there is room for im- provement. However, these numbers have to be set in relation to the data we worked with. Even though we could make use of Swiss German novels and crowd- sourced data, it is still a small data set. Furthermore, the enormous spelling variability in Swiss German di- alects poses a serious challenge for all tools. Statisti- cal tools work best if the observed events are frequent.

However, they do not work well with sparse data con- sisting of a large amount of hapax legomena, i.e. word form which appears only once. Figure4shows the fre- quencies (on y-axis) of type frequencies (x) in a Swiss German text collection9consisting of 6,155 sentences with 105,692 tokens and 20,882 unique token types.

14,099 types appear only once (i.e. hapax legomena), 2,804 appear twice (i.e. hapax dislegomena) 19,874 less than 10 times and 20,767 less than 100 times.

5.7 Silver Treebank Parsing Model

Following the direct cross-lingual parsing ap- proach, we automatically parse 6,155 Swiss German sentences9 in order to create asilver treebank. A sil- ver standard treebank, as opposed to a gold standard treebank which is assumed to be correctly annotated, is automatically annotated and may therefore contain errors. Then, we use this silver treebank to train a monolingual Swiss German parser and hence, create a first monolingual Swiss German dependency pars- ing model. The advantage of using a silver treebank is the fact that it becomes a monolingual task. How- ever, this comes with the price of a faulty training set, which is not the best resource to build a parser.

9NOAHcorpus plus 396 sentences from novels by Pedro Lenz and Renato Kaiser, excluding gold standard sentences.


Table 1: Comparison of the best score of every approach.

Approach Setting LAS UAS

Annotation Projection UDPipe + MGA + Postprocessing 57.73 66.57 Model Transfer UDPipe + Pre- and postprocessing 60.64 72.48 Direct Cross-lingual MaltParser (+ Wapiti) + Pre- and postprocessing 59.78 70.80

Interestingly, the performance of the MaltParser trained on the silver treebank reaches the same per- formance as the direct cross-lingual parsing approach itself, which was used to generate the silver treebank:

LAS 57.10%. Given that 6,000 sentences do not con- stitute a large training set for a statistical parser, a parser could probably profit from additional related Standard German material. However, combining the two training sets, i.e. the German Universal Depen- dencytreebank and the silver treebank gives slightly worse results (LAS 55.46%).

5.8 Future Work

There are several opportunities for further improve- ment. Concerning the annotation projection approach, the crucial alignment information needs to be im- proved for example by ensembling over results from different word aligners. In cases where alignment does not work, adding further transfer and postpro- cessing rules would be important. In addition, a spelling normalisation strategy can help to deal with the data sparseness imposed by the phonetic and orthographic variability in Swiss German dialects.

Moreover, the outputs of the three parsing approaches could be ensembled, e.g. via majority vote like for alignment as aforementioned, to get rid of the weak- nesses of each approach. Furthermore, thesilver tree- bankcreated could be manually corrected in order to generate a treebank which can be used as training set for a monolingual dependency parser for Swiss Ger- man. Finally, once the data sparseness for Swiss Ger- man varieties is mitigated, modern neural methods are promising as shown for example in the work by Ammar et al. (2016). Ammar et al. train one mul- tilingual model that can be used to parse sentences in several languages. In order to do so, they use many resources including a bilingual dictionary for adding cross-lingual lexical information, and a mono- lingual corpus for training word embeddings. Such approaches need a big amount of data of the language

to be parsed, which are still not available for Swiss German.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we experimented with a variety of cross- lingual approaches for parsing texts written in Swiss German. For statistically driven systems, languages with non-standardised orthography are a demanding task. Swiss German dialects feature challenging Nat- ural Language Processing (NLP) problems with their lack of orthographic spelling rules and a huge pronun- ciation variety. This is a situation which leads to a high degree of data sparseness and with it, a lack of resources and tools for NLP.

We tested a lexicalised annotation projection method as well as a delexicalised model transfer method. The annotation projection method requires parallel sentences in both the resource-rich and the low-resourced language while the delexicalised model transfer approach only requires a monolingual tree- bank of a closely related resource-rich language.

The evaluation on a manually annotated gold stan- dard consisting of 100 sentences shows a 60% La- belled Attachment Score (LAS) with negligible differ- ences between the different parsing approaches. How- ever, the annotation projection approach is more com- plex than model transfer due to the transfer rules and the crucial word alignment process.

This work provides a first substantial step towards closing a big gap in Natural Language Processing tools for Swiss German and provides data10 to work on further improvements.


We thank the AGORA project “Citizen Linguistics”

for making their translation data available and in par- ticular all our volunteer translators. We also thank Re- nato Kaiser and Pedro Lenz for their permission to use their novels in our experiments.




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