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Bankruptcy Cost, Financial Structure and Technological Flexibility Choices


Academic year: 2021

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Scientific Series


Bankruptcy Cost, Financial

Structure and Technological

Flexibility Choices

Marcel Boyer, Armel Jacques,

Michel Moreaux



Le CIRANO est un organisme sans but lucratif constitué en vertu de la Loi des compagnies du Québec. Le

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© 2001 Marcel Boyer, Armel Jacques et Michel Moreaux. Tous droits réservés. All rights reserved.

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Bankruptcy Cost, Financial Structure and

Technological Flexibility Choices


Marcel Boyer

, Armel Jacques

, Michel Moreaux


Résumé / Abstract

Nous étudions dans cet article les interactions entre la structure de

financement des firmes et leur choix technologique, en particulier leur flexibilité

technologique. Lorsqu'il existe des coûts de faillite, une firme endettée peut

modifier ses choix stratégiques afin de diminuer sa probabilité de faillite. Nous

montrons, dans le cas où la capacité de la technologie inflexible est faible

(élevée), que l'endettement d'une firme peut conduire cette dernière à choisir une

technologie moins (plus) flexible. Ces effets de l'endettement sur les choix

technologiques peuvent, dans un oligopole, faire l'objet d'un choix stratégique.

Nous montrons qu'il existe des cas où l'endettement est utilisé par les firmes

comme un outil de collusion partielle et d'autres cas où l'endettement améliore la

position stratégique d'une firme au détriment de sa concurrente.

We study the interactions between the capital structure and the

technological flexibility choices of firms in a duopoly. When there are bankruptcy

costs, a leveraged firm may modify its strategic choices in order to decrease its

probability of bankruptcy. We show that, when the capacity level of the inflexible

technology is small (large), debt may induce firms to choose less (more) flexible

technologies. Debt may be used in a strategic way. We show that debt can be used

as a partial collusion tool to increase the expected profits of both firms. We show

also that a firm may use debt as a commitment device to increase its own expected

profit to the detriment of its rival.

Mots Clés :

Endettement, flexibilité, oligopole


Capital structure, flexibility, oligopoly

JEL: L13, G32


Corresponding Author: Marcel Boyer, CIRANO, 2020 University Street, 25


floor, Montréal, Qc, Canada

H3A 2A5

Tel.: (514) 985-4002

Fax: (514) 985-4035

email: marcel.boyer@cirano.qc.ca

We thank Michel Poitevin, Peter Lochte Jorgensen and participants in the EGRIE meeting (Rome) and in the

microeconomics seminar at Istituto Universitario Europeo (Florence) for their comments. Financial support from the

SSHRC (Canada), CNRS (France) and INRA (France) is gratefully acknowledged.

Université de Montréal and CIRANO


According to many businessgurus and commentators, exibilityhasbecome theHoly Grailin

the `new'economic orbusinessenvironment becausedevelopments inglobalization,in

informa-tion technologies and in manufacturing technologies have made themarkets signi cantlymore

volatile. Theincreased exibilityisobtainedthroughreengineering,outsourcing,downsizing,

fo-cusingoncorecompetencies,investingincomputercontrolled exibletechnologies, empowering

keyindividualswithspeci chumancapital,and moregenerally designingmore powerful

incen-tivesystemsandcorporategovernancerulestoensurebetter congruenceofintereststhroughout

the rm. Business International (1991) claims that thesearch for exibilityis theall-inclusive

concept allowinganintegratedunderstandingofmostifnotallrecentdevelopmentsin

manage-menttheory. Itclaimsalsothatreorganizinga rmtoincreaseits exibilityrequiresaconcerted

e ortonmanylevels: introducing atterorganizationalstructures,investinginautomated

man-ufacturing, creating strong butmalleable alliances,introducingdecision and incentive systems

centeredonresults,etc. Inthewordsofeconomictheorists,thismeansharnessingandexploiting

the supermodularityinthesetof strategies.


order to clarifytheissuespertainingto the relationshipsbetween exibility, nancialstructure

and bankruptcy costs. As we will see, exibility has both positive and negative features and


inthegurus'writingandinthemanagementliteratureingeneral. Intermsofinvestment,a


bemore expensive thanadedicatedmanufacturingsystem, notonlyintermsof theinvestment

costpersebutalsointermsofitsimpactontheinternalorganizationofthe rmandonits

rela-tionswithsuppliersandcustomers. 1

Theevaluationoftheproper exibilityspectrumina rm,

whether this exibility comes from technological, organizational or contractual characteristics

and decisions,requiresan evaluation ofthe netrade-o betweenthevalueand costof changes

in the real options portfolio so created, inthe probability of bankruptcy, inthe probability of


SeeGerwin(1982,1993),MensahandMiranti(1989),MilgromandRoberts(1990) andBoyerandMoreaux (1997)for convincingexamples.


and potential, who may be more or less aggressive towards the rm depending on its level of

exibility. Theanalysisoftheseissuesrequiresmodelingstrategiccompetitionwithexplicitand

speci cfeatures relatedto exibility.

Inthatvein,we consideraduopolisticcontext withendogenouscapitalstructuresand

tech-nological exibilitychoices in which rms can fallinto costly bankruptcy. In such a context,

one expects that the debt level can change the technological exibility choice of a rm since

the latter modi esin an important way the distribution of cash ows over thedi erent states

of demand. In turn, it implies rst that debt may be used strategically and second that the

nancial and technological choices ofa rmare simultaneouslydetermined.

BranderandLewis(1986)showthatthedebtlevelmayhaveasigni cantimpactinastrategic

context. Inanoligopolisticmarketunderuncertaindemandconditions,limitedliabilityinduces

rmsto take more riskypositionsasinJensenand Meckling (1976). Thedebt levelworks asa

crediblecommitmentdevice. Byincreasingitsdebtlevel,a rmcan,attheCournotstageofthe

game, decrease theequilibriumproductionlevelof its rivalwhileincreasingits own production

level: debthasastrategicvalue. Withbankruptcycosts, thelink betweendebtand production

ismoreambiguous: BranderandLewis(1988)showthatdebtcaneitherincreaseordecreasethe

competitive positionof the rm. Several otherauthorshavecontributedto clarifyingthee ects

of thecapitalstructureontheproductionlevelofa rminanoligopoly: insomecontexts, debt

improvesthecompetitive positionof the rm butinothers, debtisa sourceof weakness. 2


Maksimovic(1988)analysestheimpactofdebtonthepossibilitiestosustaincollusion. Poitevin(1989,1990)

arguesthatdebtmayallowtosignallowproductioncost. Glazer(1994)solvesatwoperiodmodelinwhichdebt isrepaidattheendofthelastperiod;inthesecondperioddebtispro-competitivebut,inthe rstperiod,debt

allows somekindofcollusionbecauseanincreaseintherival'spro tdecreasesitsresidualdebtandmakeitless aggressiveinthelastperiod. Showalter(1995,1999)analysestheBertrand competitioncase; heshowsthat the

optimal strategic debtchoicedependsonthetypeof uncertainty thatexists inthe outputmarket: if costsare uncertain, rmsdonotleveragebut,ifdemandconditionsareuncertain, rmscarrypositivestrategicdebtlevels

inordertosoftencompetition. Inanentryframework,theincumbentwantstocommitcrediblytochoosealow price inorderto deterentry,hencetobeindebtifcostsareuncertainanddebtfreeifdemandisuncertain. In asimilarframework, SchnitzerandWambach(1998)investigatethechoicebetweeninsideandoutside nancing

by risk-averseentrepreneurswho produce withuncertainproduction costs. Parsons(1997) expands themodel of Branderand Lewis (1988) by allowing cornersolutions; with this speci cation, rms may initially have an

incentivetodecreaseoutputlevels iftheytakeonmoredebt. Hughes,Kao andMukherji(1998)showthat the possibility toacquireandshare informationmaydestroyBranderandLewis's(1986)result. DasguptaandShin

(1999) showthat, whenone rmhas better access toinformation, leverage may bea way for the rival rmto free-rideonthe rm'sinformation. InBoltonandScharfstein(1990),debtdecreasestheprobabilitythatthe rm will surviveandthereforeincreasestheprobabilitythatrivalswillpreyonit.


emphasizedbyStigler(1939), rmshavesomedegreesoffreedominchoosingtheircostfunctions.

In thisspirit,Vives(1989), Lecostey (1994)and Boyerand Moreaux(1997)among othersshow


conditionsistochooseanin exibletechnology. Thetrade-o inthiscaseisthata rmchoosing

an in exibletechnologycan, ifthe capacity of thein exibletechnology is relatively low[high],

reduce themarketshareof its rivalinstatesoflow[high]demandbutcannot fullyexploit[but

shutsdown in] thestates of high [low] demand. In thepresent paper, we consideroligopolistic

market settings and we analyze the technological choice and the nancial structure as joint

strategic decisions.

The paperis organizedas follows. We present the model insection 2. We derive in section

3 the pro ts of the rms for given technologies and we inferthe debt contracts and the debt

thresholdsofbankruptcy. Insection4,westudytheimpactofdebtonthetechnological exibility

choices. Insection 5,wediscussthestrategicvalueof being indebt andtheexistenceof jointly

optimal capitaland technological structures. We concludeinsection 6.

2 The model

The inversedemandfunctionis assumedto be linear: 3

p=max(0; Q)

whereQistheaggregateoutputand isarandomvariabletakingtwovalues, 1


 and 2

withprobability1 , with 2

> 1


Firmschoosebetweentwoavailabletechnologies: oneisin exible(i)andtheotheris exible

(f). An in exible rm either produces x,where x isthe exogenous capacity, orshutsdown. A

exible rm can choose any positive level of production. The two technologies have the same

average operating costc, butthesunk costsdi er. The sunk cost ofan in exibletechnology is

K;thiscost maybecomposedofproductdesigncosts,landpurchases,plantconstruction costs,


Demand linearity and all the other speci c assumptions as constant marginal cost are made only to get

tractableexplicitsolutions. Thereaderwillunderstandthatourassumptionscouldberelaxedatthecostofmore complexityandlesstransparencyintheresults.


Initially, entrepreneur h 2 f1;2g has a capital of A h

. This capital level is exogenous, an

assumption we will relax in section 5. If A h

is less than K orK +H, the entrepreneur must

borrow additional capital from a bank. Banks can observe each rm's technological exibility

choice butneitherthelevelof demandnorthepro tsofthe rms. 4

So adebtcontract speci es

a level of repayment R independent of the level of demand and pro t but dependent on the

technologicalchoicesofboth rms. Ifa rmisunabletorepayR ,itgoesbankruptanditsgross

pro t isseizedbythebank. Formatterofsimplicity,weavoidintroducingincentiveconstraints

in theproblembyassumingthatincase ofbankruptcy,courtscan check thebooks ofthe rm,

ndtheliars and imposeon themharsh punishment. 5

We assumealso thatthe bankingsector

is perfectly competitive and therefore a bank accepts a contract if and only if the expected

repayment is at least equal to the payo which would be obtained in lending at the riskless

interestrate,normalized at zero.

The entrepreneurs have limited liability but bankruptcy generates non-monetary costs for


for him to nda new job or to borrow new capital to nance another project. Furthermore,

bankruptcy generates high transaction costs. These costs are assumed to have a monetary

equivalentvalue B,independentof thelevelof default.

The two entrepreneurs beginthe game with observable amounts of equityA 1

and A 2

. The

timingofthegameisasfollows. First,theentrepreneurssimultaneouslynegotiatedebtcontracts

as functions of the technological con guration to emerge inthe industry. Second, they choose

simultaneouslytheir respective technology. Hence, the debtcontracts and the technologies, or

the exibility levels, are chosen simultaneously within a rm and across rms. Third, they

observe the level of demand and engage in Cournot competition. Finally, rms repay debt or

go bankrupt. Regarding the exogenous capacity level x, we assume that in the high state of

demand, both rmsproduceand avoidbankruptcy at theCournotstage ofthegame whatever

their technological choices, thatis x<( 2

c)=2 . They maygo bankrupt inthe lowstate of


Thisassumptionofunobservabilityofpro tsisintroducedsoastomakethestandarddebtcontractoptimal (seeBoltonandScharfstein1990).


In other words, pro ts are unobservable by banks but veri able by courts, an assumption which can be justi edbytheinvestigationpowerofcourtsascomparedtobanks.


 x2X 1

fxjx <( 1

c)=2 g(smallcapacity): whendemandislow,both rmsproduce

atthe Cournotstage of thegame forany technologicalchoices;

 x2X 2 fx j( 1 c)=2 <x <( 1

c)= gg (intermediate capacity): when demandis

low,technologicalcon gurations(f;f)and(f;i)implythesameequilibriaaswhenx2X 1


whereas(i;i) impliesthatone rm shutsdownandtheother obtainsits monopolypro t;

 x 2 X 3

 fx j ( 1

c)= < xg (large capacity): when demand is low, technological

con guration (f;f) impliesthe same equilibriaas above, (f;i)impliesthat the in exible

rm shutsdownwhereasthe exible rm enjoysamonopolypro tlevel, and(i;i)implies

that both rms shut down.

This modelis the simplestpossibletractablestrategic modelcapturing the relevant

character-isticsof the`new'economic orbusinessenvironment asdiscussedabove,oftheinterdependence

between nancial structure and technology choice (endogenous cost function), and of optimal

nancial contracting underasymmetric information(adverseselection) and bankruptcy cost.

3 The expected pro ts as functions of technological choices

Debt levelsplaya crucialrole intheproductcompetitionstage becauseitdeterminesthe

prob-abilityof bankruptcy. We characterize in thissection the debt threshold, over which the rm

cannot repayitsdebtin thebadstate of demand,asa functionof technologicalcon gurations.

Fort;t 0

2fi;fg and any X 2fX 1 ;X 2 ;X 3 g, we shall denote by  k (t;t 0 ;X) thepro t of a rm

with technology t facing a rival with technology t 0 when x 2 X and = k 2 f 1 ; 2 g, by E(t;t 0

;X) theexpected pro tof a rmbeforethedemandlevelis revealed, andbyD(t;t 0


the debt threshold over which the rm goes bankrupt when the demand is low. The Cournot

equilibrium pro ts over operating costs, as functions of the technological choices of the rms,


When demandislow, thegrosspro t ofa exible rm isequalto  1

(f;t 0

;X) which de nesthe

debt threshold 6 D(f;t 0 ;X)= 1 (f;t 0 ;X) (1)

Thus if the debt of the rm is lower than D(f;t 0

;X), the rm never goes bankrupt. The

bankingsectorisperfectlycompetitiveandsotherepaymentR h


K+H A h . R h =K+H A h : (2)

On the other hand, if the rm's debt is larger than D(f;t 0

;X), the rm goes bankrupt when

demandislow. Inthisbadstate of themarket,the rmrepaysonlyits grosspro t,an amount

lowerthantheamountitshouldrepay. Sointhegoodstate,the rmmustrepayanamountR h

such that the expected pro t of the bank is equal to zero, that is  1 (f;t 0 ;X)+( 1 )R h = K+H A h . Hence,R h asa functionof(f;t 0 ) isgiven by: R h = 1 1   K+H A h  1 (f;t 0 ;X)  : (3)

We canobtaintheexpectedpro tasfollows. Forlowdebtlevels,the rm nevergoesbankrupt

and its expected pro t is  1 (f;t 0 ;X)+(1 ) 2 (f;t 0 ;X) R h A h where R h is given by

(2). For large debt levels, the rm goes bankrupt if demand is low; its expected pro t is

( 1 )[  2 (f;t 0 ;X) R h ] B A h where R h

is now given by (3). Thus, making use of (2)

and (3), weobtainthat theexpected pro t ofthe entrepreneuris given by:

E(f; t 0 ; X)= 8 > < > : d E(f;t 0 ;X); ifK+H A h D(f;t 0 ;X) d E(f;t 0 ;X) B; ifK+H A h >D(f;t 0 ;X) (4) where d E(f;t 0

;X) is theexpected pro t whenthe rmdoesnotgo bankrupt:

d E f;t 0 ;X  =   1 (f;t 0 ;X)+( 1 ) 2 (f;t 0 ;X)  (K+H): (5) 6

Whena exible rmfacesanin exible rmwithalargecapacity(x2X3),the exible rmmayearnmore pro twhendemandislow,inwhichcasethein exible rmshutsdownandthe exibleoneisamonopolist,than

whendemandishigh,inwhichcase thein exible rmcapturesalarge marketshare. It maytherefore happen that the exible rmavoidsbankruptcywhenthedemandislowbutgoesbankruptwhenthedemandishigh!


valuesof  1

(), D()and d

E ()are given inAppendixA.

3.2 Financial contract and expected pro t of an in exible rm

If eitherx 2X 1 [X 3 and t 0 2fi;fg orx2X 2 and t 0

=f,thegross pro tof an in exible rm

is equalto  1

(i;t 0

;X) which de nesthe debtthreshold

D(i;t 0 ;X)= 1 (i;t 0 ;X) (6)

Ifithasadebtlowerthanthisgrosspro t,itnevergoesbankruptandR h

=K A


. Otherwise

itgoesbankruptandthezeroexpectedpayo conditionofthebanktakestheform 1 (i;t 0 ;X)+ ( 1 )R h =K A h ,implyingthat: R h = 1 1   K A h  1 (i;t 0 ;X)  : (7)

Its expected pro tis therefore given by

E i;t 0 ;X  = 8 > < > : d E(i;t 0 ;X); ifK A h D(i;t 0 ;X) d E(i;t 0 ;X) B; ifK A h >D(i;t 0 ;X) (8) where d E i;t 0 ;X  = 1 (i;t 0 ;X)+(1 ) 2 (i;t 0 ;X) K : (9)

Ifboth rmsarein exibleand x2X 2

,onlyone rmproduces ifdemandislow. We assume

that the producing rm is determined randomly with probability1/2. Hence we must de ne

two debtthresholds inthiscase: ^ D(i;i;X


)=0if the rm doesnotproduceand D(i;i;X 2 )=  1 (i;i;X 2

)ifitproduces. Each rmgoesbankruptwithprobability1/2ifK A h

<D(i;i;X 2


and with probability 1 if K A h

> D(i;i;X 2

). The repayment amount R h

to be paid when

= 2

isgiven intheformer caseby

R h = 1 1 =2 (K A h ) (10)

and inthe lattercase by

R h = 1 1   K A h 1 2  1 (i;i;X 2 )  : (11)


E( i;i;X 2 )= 8 > > > > > < > > > > > : d E( i;i;X 2 ); ifK A h 0 d E( i;i;X 2 ) 1 2 B; if0<K A h D(i;i;X 2 ) d E( i;i;X 2 ) B; ifK A h >D(i;i;X 2 ) (12) where d E(i;i;X 2 )= 1 2  1 (i;i;X 2 )+( 1 ) 2 (i;i;X 2 ) K : (13)

4 The impact of equity on technological choices

A rm'scostofborrowing,expectedpro tandprobabilityofbankruptcyaredeterminedbythe

technologicalcon guration of theindustryand its own levelof equity. Hence the technological

bestreplyofa rmtothetechnologicalchoice ofitscompetitordependsonitsownequitylevel.

To characterize theimpact of equity nancingon thetechnological equilibriumin an industry,

we must rst studyits impact on the technological bestreply functions. We will illustrateour


in exibletechnology.

A rm's debt level is given by the cost of the technology it chooses, either K or K+H,

minusitsequityA h

. Foragiventechnologicalcon guration,a rm'sexpectedpro tisaconstant

functionofthedebtlevelprovidedthatthe rmcanmaketherepaymentevenwhenthedemand

is low; when debtis high,theexpected netpro t isreducedbytheexpectedbankruptcy costs.

Bankruptcy allowsastandarddebtcontract tobeanelegant andsimplesolutiontotheadverse

selection problem raised by the unobservability of pro t. Without that agency problem, the

optimal nancingcontractwouldbe apro tsharingcontract underwhichthe rmwouldnever

go bankrupt. If there is no bankruptcy cost, we nd the well known Modigliani and Miller

(1958) result: thecapitalstructureofthe rmisirrelevant,asshownbythebestreplyfunctions

derived inAppendixB.

Proposition 4.1 If there is no bankruptcy costs (B=0), the technological choices are

indepen-dent of the rms' capital structure.


Supposethat a rm chooses the in exibletechnology. To determine the competitor's best

re-sponse,wemustdeterminethevalueofits expectedpro tdi erentialE(i;i;X) E(f;i;X),

forX 2fX 1 ;X 2 ;X 3

g,which foreach X isa stepfunctionof itsequity. Thequalitative

charac-teristics ofthese functions turnoutto be thesame forX 1

and X 3

butdi erforX 2 . 4.1.1 The case X 2fX 1 ;X 3 g

Let A(i;i;X) and A(f;i;X) betheminimumequityrequiredfornotgoing bankruptinthelow

state ofdemandwhen choosingrespectivelythe in exibleand the exibletechnology,thatis:

A(i;i;X) =K D(i;i;X)

A(f;i;X) =K+H D(f;i;X)


and so, A(i;i;X)<A(f;i;X) i H > 1

(f;i;X)  1


If a rm's equity is relatively low [large], the rm [never] goes bankrupt if demand is low

whatever its technology. Hence the technological best response in these two cases will be the

same andindependentoftheexpectedcostofbankruptcyB. Forintermediatelevels ofequity,

that is a levelbetween the critical levels (14), whether or not a rm goesbankrupt in the low

state of demand will depend on its technology and therefore its best response will depend on

the expected bankruptcycost B:

 If A(i;i;X)<A(f;i;X) and ifits equityfallsbetweenthose two critical values,that isif

A(i;i;X) <A h

<A(f;i;X),the rm goes bankruptin thelow state of demandi ithas

a exibletechnology.

 IfA(f;i;X) <A(i;i;X)and ifA(f;i;X)<A h

<A(i;i;X),the rmgoesbankruptinthe

lowstate of demandi ithas anin exibletechnology.

The formalcharacterization ofa rm'stechnologicalbestreplytothetechnologicalchoiceofits

competitoris giveninAppendixB. From(4) and(8), weobtainthefollowingtwopropositions.

Proposition 4.2 (For x 2 X 2 fX 1

;X 3

g): If A(i;i;X) < A(f;i;X), a switch occurs in the

technological best response to in exibility as equity A h increases i d E (f;i;X) > d E(i;i;X)


( exibility isthe bestresponse underno debt) andB >E (f;i;X) E (i;i;X) (theexpected

cost of bankruptcy is suÆciently high). In such a case, the best response to in exibility is

exibility forlow levelsof equity,in exibility forintermediatelevelsof equity, exibilityfor high

levels of equity.

Proposition 4.3 (For x 2 X 2 fX 1

;X 3

g): If A(f;i;X) < A(i;i;X), a switch occurs in the

best response to in exibility as equity A h increases i d E (i;i;X) > d E(f;i;X) (in exibility

is the best response under no debt) and B > d

E(i;i;X) d

E (f;i;X) (the expected cost of

bankruptcy is suÆciently high). In such a case, the best response to in exibility is in exibility

for low levelsof equity, exibility for intermediate levelsof equity, in exibility for high levelsof


4.1.2 The case X =X 2

Fortheintermediatecapacitylevelofthein exibletechnology,theanalysisisabitmorecomplex.

Bychoosingthein exibletechnology,a rmfacinganin exiblecompetitorwill,ifdemandislow,

either nevergo bankruptif itsequityis higherthanK (it thenhasno debt), orgoesbankrupt

with probability1/2 ifits equityislowerthanK buthigherthanA(i;i;X 2

)=K D(i;i;X 2


or always go bankrupt if its equity is lower than A(i;i;X 2

). If the rm chooses instead the

exibletechnology,theminimumlevelof equitynecessary toavoidbankruptcy inthelowstate

of demandis A(f;i;X 2 ) =K+H D(f;i;X 2 ). Since A(i;i;X 2

) <K, we must now examine

threepossibilitiesdependingonwhetherA(f;i;X 2

)ishigherthanK,betweenKandA(i;i;X 2


or lowerthanA(i;i;X 2

). From (4), (8)and (12), we obtainthefollowingtwo propositions.

Proposition 4.4 (For x 2 X 2

): The technological best response to in exibility goes from

ex-ibility to in exibility and to exibility again as equity A h

increases, under two sets of

condi-tions. First, when K < A(f;i;X 2 ) i d E (f;i;X 2 ) > d E (i;i;X 2 ) and B > d E (f;i;X 2 ) d E (i;i;X 2

); second, when A(i;i;X 2 ) < A(f;i;X 2 ) < K i d E (f;i;X 2 ) > d E(i;i;X 2 ) and B >2 h d E(f;i;X 2 ) d E (i;i;X 2 ) i . 7 7

In the rst case, the levels of equity for which in exibility is the best response are given by A h


(A(i;i;X2);A(f;i;X2)) or A h

2 (K ;A(f;i;X2)) according to whether c E(f;i;X2) c E(i;i;X2) is lower or higherthan 1 2 B.



exibility to exibility and to in exibility again as equity A h

increases, under two sets of c

on-ditions. First, when A(i;i;X 2 ) < A(f;i;X 2 ) < K i d E(i;i;X 2 ) > d E (f;i;X 2 ) and B > 2 h d E (i;i;X 2 ) d E(f;i;X 2 ) i

; second, when A(f;i;X 2 ) < A(i;i;X 2 ) < K i d E(i;i;X 2 ) > d E (f;i;X 2 ) and B> d E (i;i;X 2 ) d E(f;i;X 2 ). 8

4.2 The best response to exibility

Let us de ne A(i;f;X) and A(f;f;X) for X 2 fX 1

;X 2

;X 3

g as the minimum level of equity

required to avoid bankruptcywhen the rm chooses respectivelythe in exibleand the exible

technologywhereasthe other rm isa exible rm,thatis:

A(i;f;X) =K D(i;f;X) ; A(f;f;X)=K+H D(f;f;X): (15)

An argument similarto theargument developed forcharacterizingthe best responseto

in exi-bilityleadsto thefollowing propositions.

Proposition 4.6 (ForX2fX 1 ;X 2 ;X 3

g):WhenA(i;f;X)<A(f;f;X), aswitchoccursinthe

bestresponseto exibilityasA h increasesi d E(f;f;X)> d E (i;f;X)andB> d E (f;f;X) d

E (i;f;X). In such a case, the best response to exibility is exibility for low levels of equity,

in exibility for intermediatelevels, exibility for high levels.

Proposition 4.7 (ForX2fX 1 ;X 2 ;X 3

g):WhenA(i;f;X)>A(f;f;X), aswitchoccursinthe

bestresponseto exibilityasA h increasesi d E(i;f;X)> d E(f;f;X)andB > d E(i;f;X) d

E (f;f;X). Insuch acase,thebestresponseto exibilityisin exibilityforlowlevelsofequity,

exibility for intermediate levels, in exibility for high levels.

4.3 Examples


techno-logicalcon gurationsintheindustryasfunctionsoftheequitylevelsofthe rms. Theexamples

are worked outinAppendixC.


In the second case, the levels of equity for which exibility is the best response are given by A h 2 (A(f;i;X 2 );K) or A h 2 (A(f;i;X 2 );A(i;i;X 2 )) according to whether c E(i;i;X 2 ) c E(f;i;X 2 ) is lower or higherthan 1 2 B.


1 1 2

We consider rst a commonequitylevel forboth rms, thatis A h

=A forh=1;2 (Figure 1),

before lookingat themore generalcase of asymmetric levels(Figure1 0


-FIGURE1 (example 1)

[inY, (f;f) and (i;i)]

A 0 (f;f) 1.2 (f;i),(i;f) 2.4 (i;i) 2.44 Y 3.04 (f;f) 5.00

If the common equitylevel can cover the cost of bothtechnologies (A= 5), both rmschoose

the exibletechnologyinequilibrium. If2:44<A<3:04, therearetwoNashequilibriainwhich

both rmschoosethesametechnology,eitherthe exibleorthein exibleone. Forthose equity

levels, the rms fall into a exibility trap, a coordination failure, as shown in Appendix C. If

2:4<A<2:44, theuniqueequilibriumis(i;i). If1:2<A<2:4,theequilibriumisasymmetric,

(f;i) or (i;f). Finally,if thecommon equity level is small(A<1:2), the equilibrium is again


When theequitylevels aredi erent, newcases appear(see Figure 1 0


InsertFigure 1 0


There are values for which the unique equilibrium is asymmetric, (f;i) or (i;f). There are

also two sets of values for which there exist no equilibrium in pure strategies. Within these

sets, one rm's best reply is to mimic the technological choice of its rival while for the other,

it is to choose a technology di erent from its rival's. One shouldnotice that the technological

choice of a rm is not a monotonic function of its equity level, given the equity level of its

competitor: for example,if A 1

isinthe interval(0; 1:2), rm 2chooses the exible technology

if its equity level is small, that is, if A 2

2 (0; 1:2), the in exible technology for intermediate

equity levels, that is, for A 2

2(1:2; 2:44), and again the exible technology if its equity level

is large, that is, if A 2

2 (2:44; 5). Also, the technological choice of a rm is not a monotonic

function of the equity level of its competitor, given its own equity level: forexample, if A 1


is small, that is,if A 2

2(0; 1:2),the exibletechnology for intermediate equity levels, thatis,

for A 2

2(2:4; 2:44), and againthe in exibletechnology ifits competitor'sequitylevelis large,

that is,ifA 2

2(3:04; 5).

When rms are totally nanced by equity, they choose the exible technology. This

tech-nology allows rmsto take advantageof theopportunitieso eredwhen demandishigh. Firms

adopt the exibletechnology inspite ofits twodisadvantages: a higher xed cost and alower

pro t whendemandislow. Ifequityisreducedand borrowingnecessary,a exible rmmaygo

bankrupt ifthedemandis low. It can eliminatethis riskifit chooses the in exibletechnology,

allowing a reductionin theamount borrowed and an increase inpro t when demandis lowat

thecostofareductioninpro twhendemandishigh. Theexpectedvalueandvarianceofpro t

decrease. Thesee ects explaintheswitchinequilibriumfrom( f;f) to( i;f) whentheequityof

rm 1 decreases.

But the technological switch of rm 1 may also make the exible technology of the other

rm more risky. When rm 1 becomes in exible,the expected value and variance of pro t for

the exible rm2 increase. Thismaymake the rmbankruptifdemandislow. By choosingan

in exibletechnology,the rmcanreducethevarianceofitspro t. Thisexplainstheexistenceof

twoequilibriainzoneYofFigure1andofauniqueequilibrium(i;i)inthehatchedzone. When

rms have very low equity, a change in technology is insuÆcient to eliminate the probability

of bankruptcy. The previous e ect disappears and rms choose again exible technologies.

Hence,when thecapacityofthein exibletechnologyislow, thepresenceofdebtfavors exible

technologiesbecause theyare lessrisky,thevarianceof pro t being lower.

This example is very instructive. It shows that the technological exibility choices of the

rmsdependontheirlevelofequity. Hence,ontwoperfectlyidenticalmarkets,thetechnological

con gurations may di er if the rms have di erent access to equity nancing. One cannot

predict whichtechnological con gurationwillemerge simply from observingdemandand costs

conditions. Example 2: x 2X 2 ; = 0:5, 1 = 5, 2 =10, x = 2:5, =1, c =0:2, K = 3, H = 0:5,

B =6. Again,weconsider rstacommonequitylevelforboth rms,thatisA h


(Figure2), beforelookingat the more generalcase ofasymmetric levels (Figure2).

-FIGURE2 (example 2)

[inY, (f;f) and (i;i)]

A 0 Y .125 (i;i) .94 Y 2.18 (f;f) 3 Y 3.5

Ifboth rmsareallequity rms, therearetwo equilibria(f;f) and(i;i), sothatthe rmsmay

fall into a exibilitytrap since (i;i) would be more pro table for both of them. If the equity

levels decrease butremain equal to each other, then (f;f) becomes the uniqueequilibrium. If

equity decreases even more, we have again two equilibria(f;f) and (i;i) but, contrary to the

rst situation, pro ts are now higher in the (f;f) equilibrium. The rms may here fall into

an in exibilitytrap. A further decrease inequitylevels brings (i;i) as theunique equilibrium.

Last, if the rmshave close to zero equity, there are again two equilibria(f;f) and (i;i) with

the latterbeingmore pro table forboth rms.

When theequitylevels di er,other equilibriaappear(see Figure 2 0


InsertFigure 2 0


There exist two sets of equity values for which the rms choose opposite technologies. There

are also equity values for which (f;f) and (i;i) are equilibriabut with no trap since none is

uniformly better for both rms. Again, the observation of demand and cost conditions in an

industry is not suÆcient to predict which technological con gurationwill emerge. If the rms

are totally nanced byequity,there aretwo technological equilibriumcon guration: ( f;f)and

( i;i) . The existence of these two pure strategies equilibria may be explained by the strategic

valueof exibility. Assumethattheinitialsituationis( i;i) . Ifa rmchangesitstechnologyand

chooses exibility,it willbe able to adaptits output levelto thedemandlevel. It willdecrease

its productionwhenthedemandislowandincreaseitwhenthedemandishigh. Thisincreases

the rm's pro t butnotenough to cover thelarger xed cost ofthe exibletechnology. Butif


commitmentinducestheother rm,also exible,todecreaseitsoutputlevelwhenthedemandis

high. Inthiscontext, exibilityhasapositivestrategicvalue. Whendemandislowtheopposite

e ect arises and exibilityhasa negative strategicvalue. Forthe parametervaluesof example

2, the net strategic value of exibilityis positive. When a rm adopts the exibletechnology,

the value of exibilityincreases forthe other rm aswell. Thise ect explainsthe existence of

the two purestrategyequilibria. 9

If one rm hasinitiallyless equity, it must borrowand mayend up bankrupt(with

proba-bility 1/2) ifthe demand is low when the technological con guration is (i;i). By switching to

exibility,the rmalreadyindebtmustborrowadditionalfundsto nancethehigher xedcost

of the exibletechnology. Butits increaseinpro twhen demandis lowismore importantand

eliminates theriskofbankruptcy. Whenthe rmindebtchanges itstechnology,theother rm

isinducedtochangeitstechnologytoo: thereisauniqueequilibriumtechnologicalcon guration

( f;f).

Hence,whenthecapacityofthein exibletechnologyisintermediate,theequilibrium

techno-logicalcon gurationcanevolve towardmore exibilityormorein exibilityasleverageincreases

because the levelof risk linkedto atechnologydependson thetechnology chosen bytheother

rm. Example 3: x 2X 3 ;  = 0:1; 1 =4; 2 =15; x =5; = 1;c = 0:2; K =4; H = 0:5,

B = 6. The common equity level case is illustrated in Figure 3 and the more general case of

asymmetric levels inFigure 3 0 . -FIGURE3 (example 3) A 0 (i;i) .89 (i;f),(f;i) 2.9 (f;f) 4 (i;i) 4.5

As inthepreceding two examples,theequilibriumtechnological con gurationischangingwith

the equity levels. When thelevels of equityarethe same forboth rms, A h

=A; h =1;2, the



For intermediate equity levels, 2:9 < A < 4, they both switch to the exible technology. For

lowerequitylevels, 0:89<A<2:9,they choose di erenttechnologies andforeven lowerequity

levels, A < 0:89, they both come back to the in exible technology. The case of asymmetric

equitypositionsisillustrated inFigure3 0


In this example, the capacity of the in exible technology is so high that a rm using this

technologyalwaysshutsdownwhenthedemandislow. Asaresult,theprobabilityofbankruptcy

of an in exible rm is strictlypositive assoon asits debt isstrictly positive. A leveraged rm

thenprefertoswitchto a exibletechnology,therebyeliminatingtheriskofbankruptcy. When

the rm's debtis larger,choosinga exibletechnology eliminatesthe riskof bankruptcy ifthe

other rm is in exiblebut not if the other rm is exible. Therefore inequilibrium, one rm

switches to the exibletechnology to eliminate its riskof bankruptcy whiletheother keeps an

in exibletechnology anda positiveprobabilityofbankruptcy. Ifequitylevels arevery low, the

real option value of exibility disappears and the rms end up in a (i;i) equilibrium as when

equityis very large.

We can conclude this section 4 by sayingthat the impact of equity nancing on the

tech-nological con guration of an industry is,as illustrated inexamples 1 to 5, a rather subtlenon

monotonous impactcombiningdecisiontheoretice ects,realoptione ectsandstrategice ects.

5 The strategic value of equity

Thefactthatthelevelofequity,assumedtobeexogenoustillnow, canchangethetechnological

bestreplyfunctionssuggeststhatthelevelofequitycouldbechosenstrategically. Notehowever

that the best responses are functions of both the equity level and the bankruptcy cost which

are substitute commitment devices. Hence it is the pair (A h

; B) which has a strategic value.

In order to appreciatethe competitive potentialof an industry,we have to look at what could

be called the industry `commitment index', a function of both the equity nancing and the


IntheprevioussectionweassumedthatA h


h, was hisgiven initial wealth and that because of the agency problem,theentrepreneur could

notraiseadditionalfundsthroughexternalequity. Werelaxthatassumptioninthissection. We


stage 0, the two entrepreneurs choose simultaneouslythe amounts A h

they willinvest in their

respective rms. Iftheinvestedcapitalis lowerthanthecostofthechosentechnology,the rm

mustborrow. We shownext thatthere exist cases inwhichthe entrepreneurs decideto nance

their rms in part through borrowing in order to modify in a credible way their technological

reaction functions.

Let us examineagain example 1 (Figure 1 0

). If the rms are whole equity rms, the

tech-nological equilibrium is (f;f). Each rm's expected pro t is then equal to 1.62 even ifin the

technological con guration (i;i) , their common expected pro t would be higher at 2.6 (See

AppendixC). When the rms are all equity nanced, they play a prisoner dilemma game. If

they decrease theirequity capital,they alterthepayo matrixand they avoid thedilemma. In

example 1,ifboth rmshave anequitycapital ofA=3,they play asubgame admitting(f;f)

and (i;i) as equilibria and they never go bankrupt. For even lower equity capital, the rms

can reach the unique equilibrium con guration ( i;i) which is better for them than (f;f). By

reducingtheirequitycapital,the rmscrediblycommitnotto replytoin exibilityby exibility.

When the rivalisin exible, a exible rm earns a highpro t levelwhen demandis high buta

lowpro tlevelwhen demandislow. Hence,ifthe rmmustborrowa largeamount to buythe

exibletechnology,itgoesbankruptwhendemandislow. Theexpectedbankruptcycostmakes

exibilitylessattractive thanin exibilitywhentheother rmisin exible. Whenthebestreply

to in exibilityswitchesfrom exibilityto in exibility,the rmsavoid theprisonerdilemmaand

playacoordinationgame. Therefore rmscanbothincreasetheirexpectedpro tsbychoosing

strategically theircapital structure: 10

debthasa strategicvaluein thiscontext.


The rms would bebetter o eliminatingthecon guration(f;f) asanequilibriumbyreducing evenmore

their equitycapitalbutsuchcapitalstructuresare notequilibriaofthepreliminarystagereducedformgame: a rmwouldbebettero deviatingandincreasingitsequitycapitaltoA


=4toinducethecon guration(f;i)as

theuniqueequilibrium. If rmswerechoosingtheir capitalstructuresequentially,aformofcoordinationamong rms, theywouldavoid this problem. Theleader would then choose A


=3 and the follower A 2


In example 2 (Figure 2), the best technological con guration for the rms is (i;i) with

nancing mainly through equity A h

> 3. This equilibrium ( i;i) is not unique and there is

a exibility trap here. A lower level of equity would eliminate this trap but one of the two

rms would thengo bankrupt when demand is low. The bankruptcy cost makesthis strategy

unattractive. So the rmswillchoosenotto borrow. However debtmay have astrategic value

asinthefollowingexample4: =0:5; 1

=5; 2

=10; x=4; =1; c=0:2; K =2:5; H=

0:1 and B = 3, with its equilibrium technological con gurations depicted in Figure 4. If the

rmsareallequity rms,theuniqueequilibriumis(i;i),even if rmswouldearngreaterpro ts

in thetechnological con guration (f;f), hencean in exibilitytrap here. If the rms cutdown

their equity capital to A h

= 2:45, the equilibrium of the following subgame becomes ( f;i) or

( i;f) and the sum of pro ts increases. But these equity levels are not an equilibrium of the

preliminarystagegame. A rmwoulddeviatetobeanallequity rm. Ontheotherhand, rms

can increasetheirexpectedpro tsbycuttingdownsharplytheirequitycapitaltosayA h


the subgame then admits two equilibria (f;f) and (i;i). In the latter equilibrium, one rm

goes bankrupt when demand is low. In the former one, rms never go bankrupt. If the two

equilibriahavethe same probability,theexpected payo of rmsincreases. Furthermore,these

are equilibriumcapitalstructures. Debt can again increasetheexpected pro tsof both rms.

InsertFigure4 here

Last, let us consider the following example 5 for the case of a large capacity level of the

in exibletechnology, x2X 3 : =0:3; 1 =5; 2 =18; x =6; =1; c=0:2; K =4; H =

0:75 and B =3, with its equilibriumtechnological con gurations depictedin Figure 5. Inthis

example one rm chooses to bean all equity rm with thein exibletechnology and theother

rm chooses A h

2 (2:2; 4) together with the exible technology. The more pro table rm is

the exible rm. Debt allows the rm to select the most pro table technology. In example 3

(x 2 X 3

), the capital structure could be used strategically to increase the expected pro ts of

both rms. In example 5 (x 2 X 3

), the capital structure is used strategically by one rm to

increaseits expectedpro t at theexpenseof theother. 11

the uniquetechnological equilibriumbeing(i;i). Inthis con guration,the rmsnevergobankrupt. Soraising borrowedcapitalhasnocost.



Clearly, whatever the capacity level of the in exibletechnology, there exist subsets of

pa-rameter valuesfor which the equilibriumcapital structures combine equity and debt. In these

equilibria, the debt is used strategically to modify the equilibriumtechnological con guration

of theindustrywhichwouldhave emergedhad theentrepreneurs decidedto nancetheir rms


5.2 The strategic increase of bankruptcy costs

We showed above that the capital structure can be used strategically in order to in uence

the technological choice of the rival when the bankruptcy costs are high enough to change

thetechnologicalbestreplyfunctions(propositions4.2to4.7). Areductioninbankruptcycosts


the expected pro tsof the rms. In these cases, the rms could try to arti cially increasethe

bankruptcy costs. A simple way to do that is, for entrepreneurs, to o er judiciously chosen

assets ascollateralfortheirdebt orinducebanksto ask forthose collateralassets. 12

Thebank andtheentrepreneurmayhave di erentevaluationsofthe collateralassets,some

assets having a greater value for the debtor than for the creditor. In general, this di erence

is ineÆcient and the contracting parties have an interest to choose the assets with the lowest

evaluationdi erence. HoweverWilliamson(1983,1985)arguesthatinsomecontracts,itmaybe

betterthatthecollateralassetshavealowvalueforthecreditor. Thiscanpreventacancellation

ofthecontractaimedatseizingthecollateralassets. Ouranalysisproposesanotherexplanation

for thiskindof behavior. Increasingthe di erenceof evaluation increases the bankruptcy cost

and soincreases thecommitment powerofdebt. 13

sequentially. Ifthetwo rmsareallequity rms,theleaderchooses exibilityandthefollowerchoosesin exibility with payo s of21.35 and 20.78 respectively. However, bychoosingA


=3,the followerchangesitsbestreply

to exibilityinthefollowing stage. Iftheleaderchooses exibility,thefollowerthenchooses exibility toowith payo of20.66 forboth. Theleaderthenprefersin exibilityand thefollowerchooses exibilitywithpayo s of

20.78and21.35respectively. Thefollower, byissuingdebt,canoutperformtheleaderintermsofpro t. Thereis anotherperfectequilibriuminwhichtheleaderchoosesA


2(2:2; 4)withthe exibletechnologyandthefollower is anall equity rmwiththein exible technology; but,inthe rststage, theleader playsaweakly dominated

strategy. SeeEllingsen(1995)forananalysisofgameswithasimilarstructurealthoughinadi erentcontext. 12

SeeFreixasandRochet(1997,chapters4and5)forreferences. 13


manager to be red in case of bankruptcy. If the control of the rm gives to the manager

enoughprivatebene ts,thenthemanagerwillchoosethetechnologywhich minimizethe rm's

bankruptcyprobability. Inordertoincreasethebankruptcycostsandgivethemstrategicvalue,

shareholderscan providemore privatebene tsto themanager.

6 Conclusion

The bankruptcy costs and the equity levels of rms have signi cant impacts on the

equilib-rium technological con gurations in an industry. These e ects arise because indebted rms,

either exible or in exible, may want to change their technologies to reduce the probability

of bankruptcy. When the capacity level associated with the in exible technology is low, the

equilibriumtechnological con gurationof theindustryismore in exibleif rmshave moderate

levelsofequitythaniftheyarewholeequity rms(Figure1). Whenthatcapacitylevelislarge,

moderatelevelsofequitymakethetechnologicalcon gurationoftheindustrymore exible

(Fig-ure 3). The e ect of equityis not monotonous. An industry may have the same technological

equilibrium forlow and high levels of debt, witha di erent equilibrium forintermediate levels

of debt.

The endogeneity of technological choices is likely to be an important determinant of the

optimalcapital structureand oftherelationshipbetweencapital structureandproductmarket

competition. Our results allow us to take some steps in characterizing the role of endogenous

technological exibilitychoices, whoseanalysis hasbeenneglected intheliterature.



Gowithmetoanotary,sealmethere Yoursinglebond,and,inamerrysport, Ifyourepaymenotonsuchaday,

Insuchaplace,suchasumorsumsasare Expressedinthecondition,lettheforfeit

Benominatedforanequalpound Ofyourfair esh,tobecuto andtaken

Inwhatpartofyourbodypleasethme. Antonio:

Content,infaith-I'llsealtosuchabond, AndsaythereismuchkindnessintheJew."


regroupedunderfourmajorheadings: taxation,informationasymmetriestogetherwithcon icts

of interest, competitive positioningand nallycorporate control. 14


tax-deductible while dividends are not, debt has an advantage over equity. Con icts between

shareholders and managers mayarise because managers,when owningonlya smallpercentage

of shares, may end up exerting a suboptimal level of e ort and investing the free cash ows

in perks and acquisitions of low value (Jensen and Meckling 1976, Jensen 1986). Con icts

between shareholders and debtholders arise because the payo of shareholders [debtholders] is

a convex [concave]function ofthe rm'spro t: the shareholderspreferriskierprojects (Jensen

and Meckling 1976). Information asymmetriesbetween managers and outside investors on the

pro tabilityof the rm is a thirddeterminant whose importancedecreases as the rm carries

more debt because the evaluation of the rm's debt is less sensitive to speci c informations

(Myers and Majluf 1984) and the expected bankruptcy costs increase faster for a rm with

lowpro tability(Ross 1977). A rm'scapital structure mayalso modifyits own behaviorand

the behavior of its competitorson productmarkets: managers take more risk or may be more

cooperativewhenthe rmcarriesdebtandthereforedebtcanbeusedasacrediblecommitment


Finally,the rm's capital structure may modifythe probability of a successful takeover by an

outsideinvestor. Inorder todeterminetheoptimalcombinationbetweendebtandequity, rms

mustconsidersimultaneouslythesedeterminants. Thesigni canceofeachdeterminantdepends

on thespeci cenvironmentof the rm.

Ouranalysisemphasizesthestrategice ectsofcapitalstructurethroughnotonlyamarginal

changeinproductquantityorpricebutalsoinfarreachingtechnologychanges 15


organization and the market strategy of the rm. This determinant is likely to be even more


the objectivesbehind theother determinants. For instance, con icts betweenstakeholderscan

be soften by more sophisticated managerial contracts and the likelihood of a hostile takeover



LelandandToft(1996). 15

Fazzari, HubbardandPetersen (1988), KaplanandZingales (1997) andCleary (1999) amongothersstudy theimpactofcapitalstructureonthelevelofinvestmentin rmsbuttheydonotconsiderthedi erentspeci c


parameters, debt has a strategic value and increases a rm's expected pro t (see examples 1,

3 and 4 above) but in other contexts debt is a source of weakness for the rm and decreases

its expected pro t. Example 2 illustratesthis last point. In this example, debt can solve the

coordination problemdueto multipleequilibriumtechnological con gurations butmay leadto

the selectionof aPareto-dominated equilibrium.


inGlazer(1994),theoutputleveldecreasesinthe rstperiodandincreasesinthesecondperiod

as debt increases. In Showalter (1995), higherdebt induces lower prices,that is higher output

levels, when costs are uncertain, whilethe oppositee ect holdswhen demandis uncertain. In

our model, the link between debt levels and output levels is more subtle since debt not only

induceschangesinoutputandpricesgiventhetechnologiesbutalsochanges inthetechnologies

themselves. Inexample1 above, a switchfrom ( f;f) to ( i;i)increases outputifdemandis low

but decreasesoutputifdemandis high. Inexample2,the same switchdecreasesoutput inthe

twostates of demand.

It is nevertheless possibleto draw some general results. If the market sizeis high relative

to thecapacity ofthein exibletechnology,debtfavorsin exibleequilibriumtechnological

con- gurations resulting inless variabilityin industryoutput butmore variabilityin prices. If the

marketsizeissmallrelativetothecapacityofthein exibletechnology,oppositee ectsemerge.

In the intermediate case, both situations are possible depending on the industry parameters.

Therefore, thee ects characterized byBrander and Lewis(1986), Glazer (1994) and Showalter

(1995) depend closely on the assumption that a single technology is available. If rms are

al-lowed to choosebetween di erent exibilitylevels,technologicalor organizational, theimpacts


A Cournot equilibria, debt thresholds and expected pro ts

By assumption, the state of demandis observed before the second stage Cournot competition

takes place. For a state of the market , the Cournot reaction function of a exible rm h is

q h = 1 2 ( ( c)= q j ); j6=h. For x 2X 1 (equivalently 1

suÆciently high), that is x <( 1

c)=2 , both rms are always

better o producingthannotand weget:

{ ifboth rmsare exible, theproductionlevel ofeach rm is( k c)=3 and  k (f;f;X 1 )=( k c) 2 =9 withD(f;f;X 1 )= 1 (f;f;X 1 )=( 1 c) 2 =9 ;

the expected pro tof each rmis given by(4) with

d E(f;f;X 1 )= 1 9 h ( 1 c) 2 +( 1 )( 2 c) 2 i (K+H)

{ ifone rmis exibleand theother is in exible,theproductionlevelof the exible

[in exible] rmis 1 2 (( k c)= x)[x]; we have k (f;i;X 1 )=( k c x) 2 =4 ,  k (i;f;X 1 )= 1 2 ( k c x)x withD(f;i;X 1 )= 1 (f;i;X 1 ),D(i;f;X 1 )= 1 (i;f;X 1 );

the expected pro tof the exible[in exible] rmis givenby(4) [(8)]with

d E(f;i;X 1 )= 1 4 h ( 1 c x) 2 +(1 )( 2 c x) 2 i (K+H), d E(i;f;X 1 )= 1 2 [ 1 +( 1 ) 2 c x]x K

{ ifboth rmsarein exible, theproductionlevelof each rmis x;we have

 k (i;i;X 1 )=( k c 2 x)x withD(i;i;X 1 )= 1 (i;i;X 1 );

the expected pro tof each rmis given by(8) with

d E(i;i;X 1 )=[ 1 +(1 ) 2 c 2 x]x K Forx2X 2 ,thatis ( 1 c)=2 <x<( 1 c)= ,weget:

{ for (f;f) and(f;i), theequilibriaare thesame asinthecase x2X 1


{ for (i;i), if demand is low, one rm shuts down (D(i;i;X 2

) = 0) and the other enjoys a

monopoly position,thatis  k (i;i;X 2 )=( k c x)x withD(i;i;X 2 )= 1 (i;i;X 2 );


d E(i;i;X 2 )= 1 2 ( 1 c x)x+(1 )( 2 c 2 x)x K. Forx2X 3 ,thatis ( 1 c)= <x, we get:

{ for (f;f),theequilibriumis thesame asinthecase wherex2X 1

{ for (f;i), the in exible rm shuts down when demand is low (D(i;f;X 3

) = 0) whereas

the exible rm enjoys a monopoly position, that is  k (f;i;X 3 ) = ( k c) 2 =4 and D(f;i;X 3 )= 1 (f;i;X 3 );

the expected pro tof the rmsaregiven by(4)and (8) with

d E(f;i;X 3 )= 1 4 h ( 1 c) 2 +( 1 )( 2 c x) 2 i ( K+H) , d E(i;f;X 3 )= 1 2 (1 )( 2 c x)x K

{ for (i;i), both rmsshutdown whendemandis lowand D(i;i;X 3


the expected pro tof each rmis given by(8) with

d E(i;i;X 3 )=( 1 )( 2 c 2 x)x K :

B Technological best response

Best reply to in exibility for x 2 X 2 fX 1

;X 3

g : in exibility is the best response to

in exibility

 when A(i;i;X)<A(f;i;X) i :

d E (i;i;X) B  d E(f;i;X) B; forA h <A(i;i;X) d E(i;i;X)  d

E(f;i;X) B; forA(i;i;X) <A h



E(i;i;X)  d

E(f;i;X); forA(f;i;X)<A h

 when A(f;i;X) <A(i;i;X) i :

d E (i;i;X) B  d E(f;i;X) B; forA h <A(f;i;X) d E (i;i;X) B  d

E(f;i;X); forA(f;i;X)<A h



E(i;i;X)  d

E(f;i;X); forA(i;i;X) <A h


2  when A(i;i;X 2 )<K <A(f;i;X 2 )i : d E (i;i;X 2 ) B > d E(f;i;X 2 ) B; forA h <A(i;i;X 2 ) d E(i;i;X 2 ) 1 2 B > d E(f;i;X 2 ) B; forA(i;i;X 2 )<A h <K d E(i;i;X 2 ) > d E(f;i;X 2 ) B; forK<A h <A(f;i;X 2 ) d E(i;i;X 2 ) > d E(f;i;X 2 ); forA(f;i;X 2 )<A h  whenA(i;i;X 2 )<A(f;i;X 2 )<K i : d E (i;i;X 2 ) B > d E (f;i;X 2 ) B; for A h <A(i;i;X 2 ) d E (i;i;X 2 ) 1 2 B > d E (f;i;X 2 ) B; for A(i;i;X 2 )<A h <A(f;i;X 2 ) d E (i;i;X 2 ) 1 2 B > d E (f;i;X 2 ); for A(f;i;X 2 )<A h <K d E(i;i;X 2 ) > d E (f;i;X 2 ); for K<A h  When A(f;i;X 2 )<A(i;i;X 2 )<K i : d E (i;i;X 2 ) B > d E (f;i;X 2 ) B; for A h <A(f;i;X 2 ) d E (i;i;X 2 ) B > d E (f;i;X 2 ); for A(f;i;X 2 )<A h <A(i;i;X 2 ) d E (i;i;X 2 ) 1 2 B > d E (f;i;X 2 ); for A(i;i;X 2 )<A h <K d E(i;i;X 2 ) > d E (f;i;X 2 ); for K<A h


Example 1: =0:5, 1 =5, 2 =10,x=2, =1,c=0:2, K=4, H=1and B =2. Pro t levels: 3:04A h E( f;f) = 1:62 > E( i;f) = 1:30 E( f;i) = 3:59 > E( i;i) = 2:60 2:44A h <3:04 E( f;f) = 1:62 > E( i;f) = 1:30 E( f;i) = 2:59 < E( i;i) = 2:60 2:4A h <2:44 E( f;f) = 0:62 < E( i;f) = 1:30 E( f;i) = 2:59 < E( i;i) = 2:60 1:2A h <2:4 E( f;f) = 0:62 < E( i;f) = 1:30 E( f;i) = 2:59 > E( i;i) = 1:60 A h <1:2 E( f;f) = 0:62 > E( i;f) = 0:30 E( f;i) = 2:59 > E( i;i) = 1:60 Example2: =0:5, 1 =5, 2 =10,x=2:5, =1, c=0:2,K =3,H =0:5 andB =6. Pro t levels: 3A h E( f;f) = 3:11 > E( i;f) = 3:00 E( f;i) = 3:82 < E( i;i) = 4:44 2:18A h <3 E( f;f) = 3:11 > E( i;f) = 3:00 E( f;i) = 3:82 > E( i;i) = 2:94 0:94A h <2:18 E( f;f) = 3:11 > E( i;f) = 3:00 E( f;i) = 0:82 < E( i;i) = 2:94 0:125A h <0:94 E( f;f) = 0:11 < E( i;f) = 3:00 E( f;i) = 0:82 < E( i;i) = 2:94 A h <0:125 E( f;f) = 0:11 > E( i;f) = 0:00 E( f;i) = 0:82 < E( i;i) = 2:94


1 2 Pro t levels: 4A h E( f;f) = 17:56 < E( i;f) = 18:05 E( f;i) = 17:47 < E( i;i) = 17:60 2:9A h <4 E( f;f) = 17:56 > E( i;f) = 17:45 E( f;i) = 17:47 > E( i;i) = 17:00 0:89A h <2:9 E( f;f) = 16:96 < E( i;f) = 17:45 E( f;i) = 17:47 > E( i;i) = 17:00 A h <0:89 E( f;f) = 16:96 < E( i;f) = 17:45 E( f;i) = 16:87 < E( i;i) = 17:00 Example 4: =0:5, 1 =5, 2 =10,x=4, =1,c=0:2, K=2:5, H =0:1 andB =3. Pro t levels: 2:5A h E(f;f) = 4:02 < E( i;f) = 4:10 E(f;i) = 1:69 < E( i;i) = 1:90 2:44A h <2:5 E(f;f) = 4:02 < E( i;f) = 4:10 E(f;i) = 1:69 > E( i;i) = 1:15 0:9A h <2:44 E(f;f) = 4:02 < E( i;f) = 4:10 E(f;i) = 0:19 < E( i;i) = 1:15 0:04A h <0:9 E(f;f) = 4:02 > E( i;f) = 2:60 E(f;i) = 0:82 < E( i;i) = 1:15 A h <0:04 E(f;f) = 2:51 < E( i;f) = 2:60 E(f;i) = 0:82 < E( i;i) = 1:15 Example5: =0:3, 1 =5, 2 =18,x=6, =1,c=0:2, K=4, H=0:75and B =3. Pro t levels: 4A h E( f;f) = 20:66 < E( i;f) = 20:78 E( f;i) = 21:35 > E( i;i) = 20:36 2:19A h <4 E( f;f) = 20:66 > E( i;f) = 19:88 E( f;i) = 21:35 > E( i;i) = 19:46 A h <2:19 E( f;f) = 19:76 < E( i;f) = 19:88 E( f;i) = 21:35 > E( i;i) = 19:46


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Equilibrium technological con gurations in example 1, x2X 1


in hatchedzone, (i;i);

in Y, either (f;f) or (i;i);

in V, (f;i) or (i;f);

in W, no equilibrium in pure strategies.

-6 0 0 A 1 A 2 5:00 3:04 2:44 2:40 1:20 1:20 2:40 2:44 3:04 5:00 (f;f) (i;f) (f;f) W (f;i) V W (f;i) (f;f) (i;f) (f;f) # # # # Y


Figure 2

Equilibrium technological con gurations in example 2, x2X 2


in Y, either (f;f) or (i;i);

in Z, (f;f). -6 A 2 3:50 3:00 2:18 0:94 :125 (i;i) (i;f) (i;i) Y Y Y (f;f) Y (f;i) (i;i) 0 :125 0:94 2:18 3:00 3:50 A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Z Z



Equilibrium technological con gurations in example 3, x2X 3 ; in V, (f;i) or (i;f). -6 A 2 A 1 4:50 4:00 2:90 0:89 0 0:89 2:90 4:00 4:50 (i;i) (f;i) (i;i) (i;f) (f;f) (i;f) V (i;i) (f;i) (i;i)


Equilibrium technological con gurations in example 4, x2X 2 ; in Y, (f;f) or (i;i); in S, (f;i); in T, (i;f); in V, (f;i) or (i;f);

in W, no equilibrium in pure strategies.

-6 A 2 3:50 2:51 2:44 0:04 0 0:04 0:90 2:44 2:51 3:50 A 1 (i;i) (i;i) (f;i) T W (i;f) (i;f) 0:90 (i;i) (f;i) (i;i) Y W S V


Equilibrium technological con gurations in example 5, x2X 3 ; in V, (f;i) or (i;f). -6 A 2 4:75 2:20 0 2:20 4:00 4:75 A 1 V (f;i) V (i;f) (f;f) (i;f) V (f;i) V


Liste des publications au CIRANO*

Cahiers CIRANO / CIRANO Papers (ISSN 1198-8169)


Les Expos, l'OSM, les universités, les hôpitaux : Le coût d'un déficit de 400 000 emplois

au Québec — Expos, Montréal Symphony Orchestra, Universities, Hospitals: The

Cost of a 400,000-Job Shortfall in Québec / Marcel Boyer


Peut-on créer des emplois en réglementant le temps de travail? / Robert Lacroix

Série Scientifique / Scientific Series (ISSN 1198-8177)


Inflation as a Strategic Response / M. Martin Boyer et Pierre Thomas Léger


Simulation-Based Finite-Sample Tests for Heteroskedasticity and ARCH Effects /

Jean-Marie Dufour, Lynda Khalaf, Jean-Thomas Bernard et Ian Genest


The Role of Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behaviors in

Understanding Relations between Human Resources Practices and Turnover

Intentions of IT Personnel / Guy Paré, Michel Tremblay et Patrick Lalonde


A Resource-Based Analysis of Outsourcing: Evidence from Case Studies / Vital

Roy et Benoit Aubert


Short and Long Memory in Equilibrium Interest Rate Dynamics / Jin-Chuan Duan

et Kris Jacobs


Unemployment Insurance and Subsequent Job Duration: Job Matching vs

Unobserved Heterogeneity / Christian Belzil


Estimating the Intergenerational Education Correlation from a Dynamic

Programming Model / Christian Belzil et Jörgen Hansen


The Bootstrap of the Mean for Dependent Heterogeneous Arrays / Sílvia

Gonçalves et Halbert White


Perspectives on IT Outsourcing Success: Covariance Structure Modelling of a

Survey of Outsourcing in Australia / Anne C. Rouse, Brian Corbitt et Benoit A.



A Theory of Environmental Risk Disclosure / Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné et

Estelle Gozlan


Marriage Market, Divorce Legislation and Household Labor Supply /

Pierre-André Chiappori, Bernard Fortin et Guy Lacroix


Properties of Estimates of Daily GARCH Parameters Based on Intra-Day

Observations / John W. Galbraith et Victoria Zinde-Walsh


A Ricardian Model of the Tragedy of the Commons / Pierre Lasserre et Antoine



Carbon Credits for Forests and Forest Products / Robert D. Cairns et Pierre



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