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A Bayesian Approach for Modeling Origin-Destination Matrices


Academic year: 2021

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8 9

Konstantinos Perrakis, Dimitris Karlis, Mario Cools, Davy Janssens and Geert Wets*

10 11

Transportation Research Institute 12 Hasselt University 13 Wetenschapspark 5, bus 6 14 BE-3590 Diepenbeek 15 Belgium 16 Fax.:+32(0)11 26 91 99 17 Tel:+32(0)11 26 9140 18 Email: konstantinos.perrakis@uhasselt.be 19 20 Department of Statistics 21

Athens University of Business and Economics 22 76 Patision Str, 10434, Athens 23 Greece 24 Tel:+30 210 8203920 25 Email: karlis@aueb.gr 26 27

Transportation Research Institute 28 Hasselt University 29 Wetenschapspark 5, bus 6 30 BE-3590 Diepenbeek 31 Belgium 32 Fax.:+32(0)11 26 91 99 33 Tel:+32(0)11 26 91{31, 28, 58} 34

Email: {mario.cools, davy.janssens, geert.wets}@uhasselt.be 35 36 Number of words: 6470 37 Number of Tables: 1 38 Number of Figures: 3 39

Total number of words: 6470 + 4*250 = 7470 40


Revised paper submitted: November 12, 2010 42

43 44

* Corresponding author 45




The majority of Origin Destination (OD) matrix estimation methods focus on situations 3

where weak or partial information, derived from sample travel surveys, is available. 4

Information derived from travel census studies, in contrast, covers the entire population of a 5

specific study area of interest. In such cases where reliable historical data exist, statistical 6

methodology may serve as a flexible alternative to traditional travel demand models by 7

incorporating estimation of trip-generation, trip-attraction and trip-distribution in one model. 8

In this research, a statistical Bayesian approach on OD matrix estimation is presented, where 9

modeling of OD flows, derived from census data, is related only to a set of general 10

explanatory variables. The assumptions of a Poisson model and of a Negative-Binomial 11

model are investigated on a realistic application area concerning the region of Flanders on the 12

level of municipalities. Problems related to the absence of closed-form expressions are 13

bypassed with the use of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, known as the Metropolis-14

Hastings algorithm. Additionally, a strategy is proposed in order to obtain predictions from 15

the hierarchical, Poisson-Gamma structure of the Negative-Binomial model conditional on 16

the posterior expectations of the mixing parameters. In general, Bayesian methodology 17

reduces the overall uncertainty of the estimates by delivering posterior distributions for the 18

parameters of scientific interest as well as predictive distributions for future OD flows. 19

Predictive goodness-of-fit tests suggest a good fit to the data and overall results indicate that 20

the approach is applicable on large networks, with relatively low computational and 21

explanatory data-gathering costs. 22




The OD matrix estimation problem is a well known problem in transportation analysis and a 3

crucial part of transportation planning. The existence of different schools of thought has 4

resulted to a diverse range of approaches dealing with the matter and therefore, OD 5

estimation methods vary significantly with respect to the modeling assumptions adopted and 6

the methodological tools utilized. Nevertheless, the selection of a specific OD estimation 7

method does not only depend on the methodological or philosophical framework or the 8

overall scope of research but also relies significantly on the amount and type of information 9

which is available. 10

Information for OD flows usually originates from travel surveys but is rarely used for 11

inferential purposes directly. As illustrated in Cools et al. (1), sample estimates of OD 12

matrices derived from travel surveys are biased even for large sampling rates and therefore 13

insufficient in delivering reliable estimates. Travel demand models, such as the four-step 14

model (2), take into account trip productions and trip attractions derived from travel surveys 15

and deliver more reliable OD estimates through gravity or entropy-maximization models 16

during the trip distribution step. Activity-based models, which form another trend in 17

transportation modeling (3), also use information from travel surveys in the model training 18

phase. Finally, methods which rely on observed link traffic counts, use OD matrices derived 19

from travel surveys as “prior” information in order to impose constraints and cope with the 20

under-specification problem between link flows and OD pairs (4). The last category of 21

methods constitutes the main body of existing research in OD matrix estimation and the 22

relative literature is extensive. A recent classification and discussion is provided by Timms 23

(5). Notable contributions within the Bayesian framework include the studies of Maher (6), 24

Tebaldi and West (7), Li (8), Castillo et al. (9) and Hazelton (10). 25

In contrast to research focused in OD matrix estimation from link traffic counts 26

and/or sample OD estimates, little or no research has been conducted for cases in which 27

historical OD data from census studies exist. OD matrices derived from census studies refer 28

to the population of a specific study area and therefore statistical methodology may be safely 29

utilized without necessarily linking the estimation problem to traffic counts. In addition, in 30

such cases statistical methodology may serve as an effective alternative to the widely used 31

travel demand models by integrating the steps of trip generation, trip attraction and trip 32

distribution into statistical models which deliver reliable parameter estimates and accurate 33

predictions. 34

In this current study, a statistical approach is presented where modeling is focused 35

directly on OD pairs derived from census data. The approach challenges some of the 36

practical and also methodological issues involved in OD matrix estimation, issues mainly 37

related to costs, extent of applicability and evaluation of uncertainty. Regarding cost-38

efficiency, the approach is in general not cost demanding since OD flows are explained only 39

by means of general and easily obtainable explanatory variables. The extent of applicability 40

is tested on a realistic study area, concerning the municipality network of the Northern, 41

Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, namely the region of Flanders which consists of 308 zones. 42

Finally, the main aim of the approach is to reduce the overall uncertainty of estimation. To 43

this extend, two models are investigated, a Poisson model and a Negative Binomial model. In 44

addition, the estimation is purely Bayesian and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Markov 45

Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, is used in order to acquire samples from the joint posterior 46


distribution of all parameters. Moreover, a strategy is suggested in order to obtain accurate 1

predictions of OD flows from the corresponding hierarchical Poisson-Gamma structure of 2

the Negative Binomial model. 3

As illustrated in the study, the proposed approach is applicable for networks of large 4

dimensionality, while at the same time data-gathering and computational costs are low. In 5

addition, Bayesian methodology reduces uncertainty over the randomness of OD flows in 6

two key aspects; first information is provided for the entire posterior distributions of the 7

parameters that influence OD flows and second prediction of future OD flows is similarly 8

based on predictive distributions instead of predictive point estimates. The former is useful in 9

obtaining a wider perspective over the factors that may help explain the generation and 10

attraction of OD trips. The latter, in combination with the inherent hierarchical nature of OD 11

matrices, facilitates transportation policy-making by providing predictive scenarios for traffic 12

volumes over multiple levels of aggregation and for different types of trips. Evaluation of 13

such scenarios by policy-makers reduces the uncertainty involved in decisions related to 14 transport infrastructure. 15 16 2. DATA 17 18 2.1 OD Matrix 19 20

The OD matrix is derived from the 2001 Belgian census, which contains information 21

about the departure/arrival times and locations of work and school trips for the 10,296,350 22

Belgian residents. The work and school trips are one-directional, from zone of origin to zone 23

of destination. Thus, the OD matrix contains the number of daily going-to-work/school 24

related trips for a normal weekday and for all travel modes. The area of concern in this study 25

is not the entire country of Belgium but the region of Flanders with a population of 6,058,368 26

residents. Information is provided on a highly analytic level, that is, the municipality network 27

of Flanders which consists of 308 zones. The resulting OD matrix contains 94,864 cells. 28

An important feature of OD matrices is their inherent hierarchical structure. An OD 29

matrix may be aggregated on different levels according to different geographical and/or 30

municipal classifications. For the region of Flanders, there are several levels of aggregation 31

that may be of interest; from the analytic level of municipalities to the more general levels of 32

cantons, districts, arrondissements and finally provinces. The hierarchical structure of 33

Flanders is represented below; on the higher level of municipalities the OD matrix has 308 34

zones and 94864 OD pairs whereas on the lower level of provinces there are only 5 zones 35

and 25 possible OD pairs, in between we find the levels of cantons, districts and 36

arrondissements. The downward direction of the arrows implies that each lower level is the 37

result of an aggregation on the immediately higher level. Therefore, having an OD estimate 38

on a high level of analysis is immediately advantageous, since it leads to direct OD estimates 39

for all the lower levels, whereas the opposite is not true. 40

Another characteristic of OD matrices is that the flows are usually inflated across the 41

main diagonal. The cells in the main diagonal correspond to “internal” trips; these are the 42

trips that are made within the same zone where there is no distinction between origin and 43 destination. 44 45 46


Municipalities 308×308 (94,864 cells) 1 ↓ 2 Cantons 103×103 (10,609 cells) 3 ↓ 4 Districts 52×52 (2,704 cells) 5 ↓ 6 Arrondissements 22×22 (484 cells) 7 ↓ 8 Provinces 5×5 (25 cells) 9 10

As expected, given the size of the matrix on municipality-level, the OD flows are 11

sparsely distributed. Approximately, 63% of the cells in the matrix are zero-valued. In 12

addition the data are clearly over-dispersed, since the mean of the OD flows equals 36.23 13

while the standard deviation is much larger, equal to 949.47. Finally, the cells across the 14

main diagonal correspond to approximately 43% of the total OD flows of the matrix and the 15

maximum value which is equal to 222,149 is observed in the diagonal cell belonging to 16

Antwerp, the capital and largest municipality of Flanders. 17


2.2 Explanatory Variables 19


The selection of the explanatory variables is a combination of variables that can be derived 21

immediately from the hierarchical structure of the OD matrix and of continuous explanatory 22

variables. The second category consists of variables such as employment ratios, population 23

densities, relative length of road networks, perimeter lengths of municipalities and yearly 24

traffic in highways and provincial/municipal roads. The set of explanatory variables is listed 25

below. 26


[1] dum.prov: dummy variable for internal-province trips


[2] dum.arron: dummy variable for internal-arrondissement trips


[3] dum.dist: dummy variable for internal-district trips


[4] dum.cant: dummy variable for internal-canton trips


[5] dum.munic: dummy variable for internal-municipality trips


[6] munic.cant: number of municipalities between the cantons of origin and destination


[7] munic.dist: number of municipalities between the districts of origin and destination


[8] munic.arron: number of municipalities between the arrondissements of origin and destination


[9] munic.prov: number of municipalities between the provinces of origin and destination


[10] empl.o: employment ratio of origin-zone


[11] empl.d: employment ratio of destination-zone


[12] pop.dens.o: population density of origin-zone (thousand inhabitants per square km)


[13] pop.dens.d: population density of destination-zone (thousand inhabitants per square km)


[14] road.length.o: length of road network relative to surface of origin-zone (km per square km)


[15] road.length.d: length of road network relative to surface of destination-zone (km per square km)


[16] perim.o: perimeter of origin-zone (in km’s)


[17] perim.d: perimeter of destination-zone (in km’s)


[18] HWT.o: km’s driven per year in highway roads of origin-zone (in millions)


[19] HWT.d: km’s driven per year in highway roads of destination-zone (in millions)


[20] PMT.o: km’s driven per year in provincial and municipal roads of origin-zone (in millions)


[21] PMT.d: km’s driven per year in provincial and municipal roads of destination-zone (in millions)


The variables which are extracted directly from the hierarchical structure of the OD matrix 1

are [1]-[9]. In particular, variables [1]-[5] are dummy variables indicating whether a trip is 2

internal or not for each level of aggregation, respectively. These variables are multiplied by 3

100 so that they correspond to a difference of one hundred trips. Variables [6]-[9] correspond 4

to the total number of municipalities belonging to the specific cantons, districts, 5

arrondissements and provinces of each OD pair. The rest [10]-[21], are the external 6

explanatory variables, which come in pairs, since they relate to origin as well as destination. 7

Finally, variables [6]-[21] are transformed in logarithmic scale, so that the multiplicative 8

interpretation of the models presented next remains on natural scale. 9

The set of the explanatory variables is in general simple, costless and also easy to 10

obtain. As mentioned, part of the explanatory variables is immediately derived by the 11

structure of the OD matrix. Variables related to populations, surfaces and perimeters are 12

usually available in transportation research centers and institutes. Finally, variables related to 13

length of road networks were obtained by the Belgian governmental website for statistics 14 (11). 15 16 3. MODELS 17 18

In this section, a brief description of the Poisson and Poisson-Gamma likelihood assumptions 19

is presented along with the selection of the corresponding prior distributions. Expressions for 20

the posterior distributions are then derived from the application of Bayes’ theorem. For 21

computational and notational convenience the OD flows are represented as a vector. Let n 22

denote the data size and p the number of explanatory variables. In addition, let 23

1 2

( ,y y ,...,yn)T

y denote the vector of OD flows, ( 0, 1, 2,..., ) T p    β the vector of 24

unknown parameters and X the design matrix of dimensionality n(p1), containing the 25

intercept and the p explanatory variables, with ( 0, 1, 2,..., ) T ixi xi xi xip

x being the i-th row of


X related to OD flow y and i i1, 2,...n. 27


3.1 The Poisson Model 29


The likelihood assumption is that the OD flows are independently Poisson distributed, that is 31

| ~ ( )

i i

y β Pois for i1, 2,...n, where i is the Poisson mean for y , related to the i 32

explanatory variables through the log-link function log( ) T

i i

 x β . The log-link function 33

implies the assumption that the effects of the explanatory variables are linear to the log-mean 34

of y . Consequently, the effects are exponential on natural scale, since i exp


i i

x β . The 35

complete likelihood is given by 36



exp exp exp

( | ) ! i y T T n i i i i p y      

x β x β y β . (1) 38 39

Poisson regression is a common option when modeling count data and it is frequently used in 40

practice. Nevertheless, Poisson models usually do not perform well in cases of over-41

dispersed data, since a strong restriction of Poisson modeling is that the mean is equal to the 42


variance of the data, that is E y


Var y



x β . Properties and estimation Ti


procedures for Poisson regression can be found in Agresti (12) and McCullagh and Nelder 2

(13), Bayesian applications are presented in Ntzoufras (14). 3

A flat non-informative prior with mean located at 0 and close-to-infinite variance is 4

assigned for parameter vector β . Specifically, the multivariate normal prior β~Np+1( ,0 Σβ), 5

with Σβ  n


1103, which is one of the “benchmark” priors suggested in Fernández 6

et al. (15). This prior distribution has the form 7 8

1 1 2 ( 1) 2 1 1 ( ) exp 2 2 T p p      ββ β β Σ β Σ . (2) 9 10

By applying the Bayes’ theorem, the posterior distribution of β y is proportional to | 11

( | ) ( | ) ( )

p β yp y β p β . From expressions (1) and (2) the resulting posterior distribution is 12





( | ) exp exp exp exp .

2 i n y T T T i i i p               

β β y x β x β β Σ β (3) 14 15

Sampling directly from the posterior distribution is not feasible, since expression (3) does not 16

result in a known distributional form. 17


3.2 The Poisson-Gamma Model 19


The Poisson-Gamma model is a mixed Poisson regression model, where the mixing density 21

is assumed to be a Gamma distribution. Mixed Poisson models incorporate over-dispersion 22

and are frequently used as alternatives to the simple Poisson model (16). The likelihood 23

assumption is yi| ,β ui ~ Pois(iui), for i1, 2,...n , wherei is again the part of the Poisson 24

mean related to the explanatory variables through the log-link function log( ) T

i i  x β and 25 1 2 ( , ,..., )T n u u u

u is a vector of random deviations or random intercepts distributed as 26

| ~ ( , )


u Gamma  with   , so that 0 E u  . The Poisson likelihood is the

 

i 1 27

conditional likelihood of y given the vector u; the complete conditional likelihood is given by 28



exp exp exp

( | , ) ! i y T T n i i i i i i u u p y          

x β x β y β u . (4) 30 31

From a Bayesian perspective the Poisson-Gamma model is an hierarchical model, since the 32

mixing distribution is regarded as a 1st level prior distribution for u and parameter  is then 33

assigned a 2nd level prior distribution (14). 34

Alternatively, one may work with the marginal form of the model by integrating over 35

the mixing density; the integration p

y β| ,


y β u| ,

 

p u|

du results to a Negative-36


Binomial marginal likelihood, that is yi| , ~β NB( , ) i , with iexp

x β for Ti


1, 2,...

in. The complete marginal likelihood then, is 2 3

 

1 exp ( | , ) ! exp i i y T n i i y T i i i y p y        

x β y β x β . (5) 4 5

The mean of the data in this case is E y

i| ,β


x βTi

, while the variance is 6

2 1

| , exp T exp T

i i i

Var y βx β  x β  . Note that the variance now is a quadratic 7

function of the mean. Thus, Negative-Binomial regression incorporates over-dispersion, 8

since the assumed variance always exceeds the assumed mean. Information for the Negative-9

Binomial model can be found in Agresti (12) and McCullagh and Nelder (13). A general 10

Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for obtaining Maximum Likelihood (ML) 11

estimates for mixed Poisson models, with emphasis on the Poisson-Gamma case, is provided 12

by Karlis (16). Within the Bayesian framework, Ntzoufras (14) presents descriptions and 13

applications for both the hierarchical and the marginal formulations of the model. 14

By means of Bayesian methodology, one might choose to fit either the hierarchical or 15

the marginal form of the model. In both cases, the estimates for the parameters of main 16

scientific interest, β and  , will be the same due to the equivalence of the two models. The 17

hierarchical Poisson-Gamma model provides additional information over the posterior 18

distribution of u but it also requires estimation of the full set of parameters β u, and . The 19

marginal Negative-Binomial model on the other hand is simpler to fit, since estimation is 20

restricted to the reduced set of parameters and β . Due to the large size of the OD matrix, 21

fitting the hierarchical model in our case would prove to be a very difficult task which would 22

require estimating all of the 'su that correspond to the 94864 random intercepts. Instead, we i 23

choose to work with the simpler Negative-Binomial distribution. As we will see in section 24

5.2, information over the vector u is not completely lost and prediction from the hierarchical 25

structure is still feasible conditional on the posterior expectation of u. 26

Independent and non-informative priors are adopted for parameters β and . For 27

parameter vector β , the same multivariate normal distribution defined in expression (2) is 28

used. Regarding parameter , a Gamma a a distribution, with ( , ) 3 10


 , as presented in 29

Ntzoufras (14) is chosen. The prior of  is given by 30 31

1 ( ) exp ( ) a a a p a a    . (6) 32 33

Under the parameterization in expression (6) E( )a a/ and 2

( ) /

Var a a . Thus, for 34

3 10

a  the prior distribution of  is a flat, non-informative distribution with mean equal to 35

1 and variance equal to 1000. 36

The joint posterior distribution of β, | y is now proportional to 37

( , | ) ( | , ) ( ) ( )

p β yp y β p β p , which leads to expression 38


 

1 1 1 exp 1 ( , | ) exp exp . 2 exp i i y T n i i T a y T i i y p a                       

β x β β y β Σ β x β (7) 1 2

Inference from the posterior distribution is again not straightforward, since expression (7) 3

does not have a closed form solution. In the following section, we describe a Markov Chain 4

Monte Carlo method known as the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, which is utilized in order 5

to generate samples from the posterior distributions in expressions (3) and (7). 6




Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are frequently used within the Bayesian 10

framework and are mainly employed in situations where the posterior distribution is not of 11

known form. The basic idea of MCMC is to initiate a Markov process from a specific starting 12

point and then iterate the process over a sufficient period of time. Due to the properties of 13

Markov processes, the resulting chain eventually converges to a stationary distribution which 14

is also the “target” posterior distribution. Once this is accomplished, an initial part of the 15

chain is discarded as part of the so-called “burn-in” period of the chain, which is the period 16

that the Markov chain has not yet reached convergence. The final result of MCMC is a 17

dependent sample from the posterior distribution, from which one may acquire summaries 18

for any posterior quantity of interest. Analytic information over the theoretical background 19

and applications of various MCMC algorithms can be found in Gamerman and Lopes (17) 20

and Gilks et al. (18). 21

Among the different types of MCMC methods, the Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) 22

algorithm is the most general method. The M-H algorithm is an iterative method, which 23

requires initially, specification of proposal distributions and of starting values for all 24

parameters included in a given model. The iterative procedure follows; at each iteration 25

draws of parameters are generated first from the proposal distributions, the draws are then 26

accepted or rejected according to a certain transition or acceptance probability. An extensive 27

description of the M-H algorithm is provided by Chib and Greenberg (19). 28

In particular, an independence-chain M-H algorithm is utilized where the location and 29

scale parameters of the proposal distribution remain fixed. The large data size results to 30

considerable time-consuming calculations and independence-chain M-H simulation proves to 31

perform faster than random-walk-chain M-H or other types of Metropolis-within-Gibbs 32

algorithms. The choice for the proposal distribution of parameter β , common in both the 33

Poisson and the Negative-Binomial model, is a multivariate normal distribution, 34

 

( ) ~ ( , )

q β Np+1 β Vβ , where β is the ML estimate of β and V is the estimated covariance β


matrix of β . For parameter  of the Negative-Binomial model, the proposal distribution is 36

defined as q( )Gamma a b( , )  , where parameters a and b are set to satisfy a b/  and 37

 2

 


a b Var with  being the ML estimate of . Having specified the proposal 38

distributions, the M-H algorithm for each model proceeds as presented below. 39

40 41 42


To simulate a M-H sample of size N for the Poisson model: 1


1) Set initial value β0 3

2) For iterations t1, 2,...,N: 4

a. Generate *

β from the proposal ( )q β 5

b. Calculate the transition probability

* 1 1 * ( | ) ( ) min ,1 ( | ) ( ) t MH t p q a p q        β y β β y β 6

c. Generate a uniform random number u from U(0,1) 7 d. Set * 1 , if , if MH t t MH u a u a          β β β 8 9

To simulate a M-H sample of size N for the Negative-Binomial model: 10


1) Set initial values 0

β and 0 12

2) For iterations t1, 2,...,N: 13

a. Generate *

β from the proposal q β and ( ) *

from the proposal ( )q 14

b. Calculate the transition probability

* * 1 1 1 1 * * ( , | ) ( ) ( ) min ,1 ( , | ) ( ) ( ) t t MH t t p q q a p q q          β y β β y β 15

c. Generate a uniform random number u from U(0,1) 16 d. Set * * 1 1 ( , ) , if ( , ) ( , ) , if MH t t t t MH u a u a           β β β 17 18

After certain preliminary tests, 5000 iterations for the Poisson model and 21000 19

iterations for the Negative-Binomial model were used in the final M-H runs, with resulting 20

acceptance ratios of 95% and 57%, respectively. The first 1000 iterations were discarded as 21

the “burn-in” part for both models. Convergence checks were based on the methods of 22

Raftery and Lewis (20), Geweke (21) and Heidelberger and Welch (22). The sample of the 23

Poisson model passed all the diagnostics, but due to memory limitations in calculations every 24

4th iteration was kept, resulting to a final sample of size 1000. Regarding the Negative-25

Binomial model, the diagnostic of Raftery and Lewis (20) indicated autocorrelation 26

problems. In order to break the strong autocorrelations, every 40th draw of the sample was 27

kept. For the final sample of 500 draws, all lag 1 autocorrelations were below 0.05. 28




In this section, results from the Poisson and Negative-Binomial regressions are summarized. 32

Posterior summaries, model comparison and plots of the posterior distributions are presented 33

first. A strategy for the Negative-Binomial model is suggested next, which allows to obtain 34

predictions from the corresponding Poisson predictive distribution. Several goodness-of-fit 35

tests are applied on the predictions and finally examples of predictive inference are 36

presented. 37


5.1 Posterior Inference 1


The results presented in this section, apply to the exponential parameters,Bj exp(j) for 3

0,1, 2,...21

j  . The effect of these parameters on the mean OD flows is multiplicative on 4

natural scale and therefore interpretation is straightforward. For instance, posterior means 5

greater than 1 correspond to an increasing multiplicative effect, whereas posterior means less 6

than 1 have a decreasing multiplicative effect. 7

Posterior means, standard deviations and 95% probability intervals for parameters B j 8

and parameter  are summarized in Table 1. 9


TABLE 1 Posterior Means, Standard Deviations, 95% Probability Intervals and the Values of


DIC for the Poisson and Negative-Binomial Models


Poisson Negative-Binomial


Mean SD 95% P.I. Mean SD 95% P.I.

0  ; intercept 39.788 1.2305 (37.485-42.148) 0.1440 0.0949 (0.0307-0.3954) 1  ; dum.prov 1.0301 0.0001 (1.0300-1.0301) 1.0268 0.0003 (1.0263-1.0273) 2  ; dum.arron 1.0391 0.0001 (1.0391-1.0392) 1.0349 0.0004 (1.0342-1.0357) 3  ; dum.dist 1.0413 0.0001 (1.0412-1.0413) 1.0423 0.0007 (1.0411-1.0436) 4  ; dum.kant 1.0494 0.0001 (1.0494-1.0495) 1.0552 0.0008 (1.0537-1.0568) 5  ; dum.munic 1.0733 0.0001 (1.0733-1.0734) 1.0855 0.0014 (1.0832-1.0885) 6  ; munic.kant 0.8689 0.0015 (0.8657-0.8716) 0.7057 0.0210 (0.6627-0.7487) 7  ; munic.dist 1.2729 0.0023 (1.2687-1.2777) 1.0486 0.0421 (0.9655-1.1289) 8  ; munic.arron 0.6325 0.0008 (0.6308-0.6341) 1.0561 0.0329 (0.9935-1.1208) 9  ; munic.prov 0.1528 0.0009 (0.1511-0.1545) 0.3222 0.0355 (0.2585-0.3986) 10  ; empl.o 0.7191 0.0052 (0.7084-0.7294) 7.3389 0.7637 (5.9655-8.8454) 11  ; empl.d 2.2170 0.0142 (2.1906-2.2444) 6.3666 0.5890 (5.3556-7.5903) 12  ; pop.dens.o 1.3304 0.0022 (1.3261-1.3349) 2.2587 0.0472 (2.1761-2.3598) 13  ; pop.dens.d 2.5036 0.0051 (2.4938-2.5136) 3.2724 0.0631 (3.1517-3.3987) 14  ; road.length.o 0.7478 0.0019 (0.7441-0.7515) 0.9361 0.0294 (0.8800-0.9964) 15  ; road.length.d 0.9144 0.0029 (0.9090-0.9201) 1.2809 0.0423 (1.1980-1.3676) 16  ; perim.o 1.5712 0.0041 (1.5633-1.5789) 5.9521 0.2311 (5.5425-6.3852) 17  ; perim.d 3.0781 0.0098 (3.0588-3.0975) 4.1485 0.1451 (3.8740-4.4447) 18  ; HWT.o 1.0013 0.0002 (1.0009-1.0017) 0.9730 0.0025 (0.9683-0.9776) 19  ; HWT.d 1.0203 0.0002 (1.0198-1.0208) 1.0149 0.0026 (1.0093-1.0198) 20  ; PMT.o 1.0217 0.0012 (1.0195-1.0242) 0.9184 0.0145 (0.8905-0.9443) 21  ; PMT.d 2.0998 0.0036 (2.0928-2.1065) 1.5790 0.0225 (1.5323-1.6196)  ; theta – 0.2047 0.0015 (0.2016-0.2074) DIC 3,620,498 329,157.4


Statistical significance may be checked directly upon examination of the 95% 1

posterior probability intervals. Regarding parameters B of the Poisson model, none of the j 2

corresponding posterior intervals includes the value of 1, consequently all parameters have 3

significant effects. In the Negative-Binomial model parameters B and 7 B do not seem to 8 4

have a significant effect. The rest of the regression parameters are significant. For the case of 5

dispersion parameter  of the Negative-Binomial model, the posterior interval does not 6

support the value of zero, therefore parameter is also significant. Based on the posterior 7

means of regression parameters B , the parameters that seem to have a greater impact, j 8

especially in the Negative-Binomial model, are B , 10 B , 11 B , 12 B , 13 B and 16 B , which 17 9

correspond to the effects of employment ratio, of population density and of perimeter length 10

for the zones of origin and destination, respectively. Finally, parameter B corresponding to 21 11

the effect of yearly traffic in provincial/municipal roads of destination zones is also strongly 12

influential in both models. 13

In addition to posterior point estimates and intervals presented in Table 1, direct 14

examination of the posterior distribution often provides extra information and a more 15

comprehensive view regarding the random nature of parameters. Kernel smoothed estimates 16

of the 23 posterior distributions for the parameters of the Negative-Binomial model are 17

presented in Figure 1. 18


FIGURE 1 Kernel posterior distribution estimates for the parameters of the Negative-Binomial



21 22


Model comparison is based on the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), introduced 1

by Spiegelhalter et al. (23). The DIC is a model selection criterion, useful in determining the 2

best model within a specific group of models. Based on the DIC support is given to the 3

model with the lowest resulting value. The DIC values for the two models are also shown in 4

Table 1, indicating that the value of the Negative-Binomial model is much lower than the 5

corresponding value of the Poisson model. Consequently, according to the DIC, the 6

Negative-Binomial model clearly outperforms the simple Poisson model. Evidently, the latter 7

does not provide a good fit to the data due to the strong presence of over-dispersion. This is 8

in accordance with the finding that parameter , which accounts for the extra variability, is 9 statistically significant. 10 11 5.2 Prediction 12 13

According to a lemma provided by Sapatinas (24), if y| , ~ u Pois(u) and u has a 14

probability function G  , i.e. ( ) u~G u , then, posterior expectations of u can be derived ( ) 15

from the formula 16 17


( )! ( ) ! ( ) r G r G p y r y r E u y, y p y    , (8) 18 19

where p  is the probability function of the corresponding mixed Poisson distribution. G( ) 20

Expression (8) holds for all cases of mixed Poisson models. The formula is also utilized by 21

Karlis (16) in a general EM algorithm for mixed Poisson models. 22

In our context, the mixed Poisson distribution corresponds to the Negative-Binomial 23

distribution, denoted previously as ( | , )p y β and given in expression (5). It is then possible, 24

given formula (8), to obtain a sample of posterior expectations of u; let (l) be an indicator for 25

the 500 MCMC draws, then, by setting in (8) r 1 and by “plugging-in” the MCMC draws 26

( )l

β , ( )l , for l 1, 2,...500, we obtain posterior expectations of u as follows 27 28

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1)! ( 1 | , ) | , exp( ) ! ( | , ) l l l l l l l p E , p     EXP y y β u u y β y y β . (9) 29 30

Now, predictions of OD flows can be generated from the Poisson distribution conditional on 31

β and uEXP; for each ( )l

β and u( )EXPl , with l 1, 2,...500, we generate one predictive dataset

32 ( ) pred l y from 33 ( ) ( ) ( ) ~ ( ) pred l l l Pois EXP y β u . (10) 34 35

Each one of the 500 ypred 's, consists of one predictive OD matrix for Flanders. Predictions 36

from the Poisson distribution, unlike predictions from the Negative-Binomial distribution, 37

take into account the specific random intercept of each OD flow. The proximity of these 38

predictions with respect to the original dataset is investigated next. 39

40 41


5.3 Goodness-of-fit 1


In order to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the Negative-Binomial model, several measures of 3

fit are considered. A measure frequently used within the transportation field is initially 4

calculated. Bayesian methodology enhances the information provided by the measure, since 5

the outcome is once again a distribution estimate rather than a point estimate. Evaluation of 6

the fit is then supplemented by statistical tests based on Bayesian p-values. 7

The distance between the predictive datasets and the initial dataset is assessed by the 8

Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) measure, which corresponds to an average 9

percentage of deviation from the initial dataset. By definition, the calculation of MAPE 10

cannot include the zero-valued cells of the OD matrix. Nevertheless, in large OD matrices, 11

small or even medium deviations from zero-valued cells are usually not influential. If we 12

denote with m the total number of cells which are not zero and with k an indicator 13

1, 2,...

km for y  , then, we obtain 500 corresponding MAPE values from k 0 14 15 ( ) ( ) 1 pred l m l k k k k y y MAPE m y   

, 16 17

for l 1, 2,...,500. The resulting mean value of MAPE is 0.45, with a minimum of 0.445 and 18

a maximum of 0.459. The mean MAPE seems relatively high, corresponding to a 45% 19

deviation from the initial dataset. Nevertheless, this value is slightly misleading due to the 20

fact that MAPE is also highly influenced from small deviations in low-valued cells. 21

Excluding categories of low-valued cells in the calculation of MAPE, reveals that the mean 22

value decreases drastically; the value of the mean MAPE for OD flows greater than 10 is 23

decreased to 0.134 and for OD flows which are greater than 20 the corresponding value 24

becomes 0.1. Finally, for OD flows greater than 50 the mean is 0.067, with a minimum of 25

0.065 and a maximum of 0.07. These results are summarized in the plots of Figure 2; as we 26

observe in plot (c) the mean of MAPE is decreasing steadily and the deviations from the 27

initial dataset become almost negligible for medium and large valued cells. 28

According to MAPE the Negative-Binomial models performs well for prediction of 29

medium and large OD flows. The 6.7% deviation for OD flows greater than 50 is already 30

small. Yet, MAPE is not very informative concerning the fit of the model in low-valued cells, 31

since small deviations, which may not be significant in practical terms have a high influence 32

in the calculation of the measure. A direct way of evaluating the fit in low-valued cells is to 33

simply calculate the absolute differences between the initial and the predictive datasets. Plot 34

(d) in Figure 2 is a histogram with a summary of the average absolute differences for OD 35

flows equal to or less than 50. Note that the differences are not large; the mean equals 0.68, 36

50% are equal to or less than 0.18, 75% are equal to or less than 0.79 and the maximum 37

absolute difference is 19.28. 38



FIGURE 2 Histogram of MAPE (a), histogram of MAPE for OD flows greater than 50 (b), plot


of the mean values of MAPE resulting by excluding low-valued cells (c) and histogram of the


average absolute differences for OD flows equal or less than 50 (d).

4 . 5

In addition to the previous analysis, two extra measures of discrepancy between the 6

predictions of the model and the data are considered; the absolute distances and the squared 7

distances of the initial and the predictive data from the corresponding expected values of the 8

model. In Bayesian terms, the measures are identified as test quantities which are evaluated 9

by means of Bayesian p-values. A Bayesian p-value should ideally equal 0.5, extreme values 10

very close to 0 or 1 suggest failure of a model in the specific aspect that is investigated by the 11

test quantity (25). The Bayesian p-value was initially defined by Rubin (26), several 12

examples for the use of test quantities and interpretation of Bayesian p-values are presented 13

in Gelman et al. (25). Following the terminology used by Gelman et al. (25) we denote the 14

two test quantities as 15

1 1 2 2 1 Absolute-Distance: ( , , ) ( | , ) Squared-Distance: ( , , ) ( | , ) . n i i i n i i i T y E y T y E y      

y β β θ y β β θ 16 17

The resulting Bayesian p-value is 0 for the Absolute-Distance quantity, indicating a bad fit, 18

and 0.488 for the Squared-Distance quantity which actually suggests a very good fit. The 19

result at first glance seems contradictive, nevertheless it is in accordance with the previous 20

findings. The Absolute-Distance is a strict measure which assigns more penalty to small 21

deviations, while the Squared-Distance measure gives more weight to large deviations from 22


the data. Like MAPE, the Absolute-Distance measure is influenced by small deviations, 1

especially in low-valued cells. Given the size of the data, the cumulative effect of these 2

deviations appears to be statistically significant under certain strict measures, yet in practical 3

terms the overall effect is not significant. In our case, the Squared-Distance measure seems a 4

more suitable test quantity for evaluating goodness-of-fit. 5


5.4 Predictive Inference 7


The 500 datasets generated from the predictive distribution in expression (10) may now be 9

used in various types of predictions of traffic volumes. As mentioned in section 2.1, 10

modeling on the level of municipalities allows for prediction on other levels of aggregation 11

as well. For instance, predictions for OD flows between districts can be derived directly as 12

summations of the predictions for OD flows between municipalities. Thus, predictive 13

inference is not necessarily restricted on the level of municipalities; it can be applied on any 14

other hierarchical level, such as the levels of cantons, districts, arrondissements and 15

provinces. In addition, prediction may also be focused on specific types of traffic volumes 16

that might be of interest, e.g. strictly in-coming trips, strictly out-coming trips or just internal 17

trips. 18

In Figure 3, applications of prediction on different levels of aggregation and for 19

different types of trips are demonstrated. The applications correspond to predictions for the 20

total number of in-coming, going-to-work/school trips from all other municipalities to the 21

capital of Flanders, Antwerp, predictions for the total number of going-to-work/school trips 22

that occur daily in the whole region of Flanders and finally predictions for the daily internal 23

going-to-work/school trips that take place in each one of the five Flemish provinces. 24


FIGURE 3 Going-to-work/school trip predictive distributions for incoming trips to Antwerp


(a), for total number of trips in Flanders (b) and for internal trips within each of the five


Flemish provinces; Antwerp (c), Limburg (d), East Flanders (e), Flemish Brabant (f) and West


Flanders (g). The vertical black lines indicate the corresponding observed quantities.

29 30


Similar predictive distributions can be derived for any case of specific OD flows that 1

might be of particular interest. It is worth noting, that these predictions also serve as further 2

goodness-of-fit tests, since in every case there is a corresponding observed quantity to 3

compare with. In the applications above, the observed quantities are represented with vertical 4

black lines. As illustrated in Figure 3, all observed quantities are well within high-density 5

regions of the corresponding predictive distributions, an indication that the predictions are 6

not extreme with respect to the initial data. 7

In general, the predictive distributions provide all the necessary information 8

concerning the variability of future traffic flows. The predictive effects may be examined 9

under different assumptions; one might choose to infer based on conservative summaries 10

such as the predictive mean or median, or one might be interested in examining the effect of 11

more extreme summaries such as the 99th percentile or the maximum value. These alternative 12

options reduce overall uncertainty and may serve as predictive scenarios for transportation 13

policy-makers, e.g. in decisions concerning infrastructure expansion. 14




In this paper, OD matrix estimation from census data was investigated from a Bayesian 18

modeling perspective. Applications of a Poisson model and of a Negative-Binomial model 19

were presented for the municipality network of Flanders. All of the regression parameters of 20

the Poisson model and most of the parameters of the Negative-Binomial model including the 21

dispersion parameter proved to be statistically significant. Model comparison based on the 22

DIC indicated that Negative-Binomial regression is a more suitable choice than simple 23

Poisson regression due to the great degree of over-dispersion present in OD flows. Finally, 24

predictions were obtained from the corresponding hierarchical structure of the Negative-25

Binomial model, conditional on the posterior expectation of the mixing parameters. The 26

proximity of these predictions with respect to the initial data was evaluated according to 27

several measures of discrepancy. The overall fit was found to be satisfactory. 28

A novel application emerges as a direct extension of the proposed methodology. The 29

application entails using the predictive output of a certain model as input to a specific 30

assignment method. That would allow for predictions on the level of link flows and also 31

provide the opportunity to additionally compare observable link flows with respect to the 32

corresponding predictive distributions. 33

Future research may focus further on the selection of explanatory variables. The 34

choice of explanatory variables used, should be viewed as a first attempt and not as a 35

concluding proposition. Expanding the models, by including appropriate explanatory 36

variables that influence the generation and attraction of trips, is a matter of ongoing research. 37

For instance, variables related to distances and coordinates proved to be highly significant in 38

experiments of smaller scale and will be included in future results. 39

Uncertainty over model choice also provides space for further investigation. The class 40

of mixed Poisson distributions, results to several potential models that might be reasonable 41

candidates for OD matrix modeling. The widely used Poisson-Log Normal model, for 42

example, appearing more frequently in the relative literature as a Poisson model with 43

normally distributed random effects, is a possible alternative to the Poisson-Gamma model. 44

A less known alternative belonging to the same class, is the Poisson-Inverse Gaussian 45

regression model. 46


Finally, it is arguable that the proposed methodology may serve as an effective 1

alternative to the traditional four-step transportation model for cases in which historical OD 2

data exist. From this point of view the methodology may be seen as a joint trip generation, 3

trip attraction and trip distribution method which integrates the first two phases of a four-step 4

model in one statistical model with wider predictive capabilities. 5




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TABLE 1 Posterior Means, Standard Deviations, 95% Probability Intervals and the Values of 11
FIGURE 1 Kernel posterior distribution estimates for the parameters of the Negative-Binomial  20
FIGURE 2 Histogram of MAPE (a), histogram of MAPE for OD flows greater than 50 (b), plot  2
FIGURE  3  Going-to-work/school  trip  predictive  distributions  for  incoming  trips  to  Antwerp 26


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