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The effects of the Introduction of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in precarious health care settings: insights from an mHealth pilot experiment in rural Guatemala


Academic year: 2021

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Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics

between citizens, service providers and rulers in

precarious health care settings: insights from an

mHealth pilot experiment in rural Guatemala

José Tomás Prieto

To cite this version:

José Tomás Prieto. The effects of the Introduction of Information and Communication Technologies on

interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in precarious health care settings:

insights from an mHealth pilot experiment in rural Guatemala. Humanities and Social Sciences. Ecole

polytechnique, 2015. English. �tel-01182544�


PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu

École polytechnique

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation i


Centre de Recherche en Gestion

Thèse présentée pour l’obtention du titre de

Docteur de l’École polytechnique

Spécialité Économie et Gestion

José Tomás PRIETO

Soutenue le 25 mars 2015

Membres du jury:

Les effets de l'introduction de Technologies de l'Information et de la

Communication sur les interactions entre citoyens, fournisseurs de

services et gouvernants dans des contextes précaires de santé.

Un regard empirique à travers une expérience pilote de santé mobile

en milieu rural au Guatemala.





Pierre-Jean BENGHOZI

Professeur - École polytechnique, France

Co-directeur de thèse


Professeur - Université Paris-Dauphine, France

Co-directeur de thèse

Laurent GILLE

Professeur - Télécom ParisTech, France



Chargée de Recherche - IRD, France



Directrice - The SHM Foundation, Royaume-Uni


Patricia MECHAEL

Senior Advisor mHealth - UN Foundation, États-Unis



Professeur - École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, France


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PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu

The effects of the introduction of Information and Communication

Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service

providers and rulers in precarious health care settings.

Insights from an mHealth pilot experiment in rural Guatemala.

Les effets de l'introduction de Technologies de l'Information et de la

Communication sur les interactions entre citoyens, fournisseurs de

services et gouvernants dans des contextes précaires de santé.

Un regard empirique à travers une expérience pilote de santé mobile

en milieu rural au Guatemala.

José Tomás PRIETO

25 mars 2015


- CRG CNRS - UMR 9217

Bâtiment ENSTA – 828, Boulevard des Maréchaux

91762 Palaiseau Cedex, France.





PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu

L’Ecole Polytechnique n’entend donner aucune approbation ni improbation aux

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PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu

Cafés du 6ème,







PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu

Table of contents





Résumé (summary in French)






General introduction



Part 1: Formalizing the effects of ICTs in low-resource health settings



Chapter 1: The ubiquity of ICTs in health: self-care, tribal-care, e/m-health 35


1. Chapter introduction



2. A disruption in patient's behavior



2.1. Assiduous patients and the limits of self-care



2.2. Neotribes and group health



3. Electronic health as a public health strategy



3.1. E-health and high-income contexts



3.2. mHealth in developing world



4. Discussion



Chapter 2: Framing the empirical panorama with a literature review



1. Chapter introduction



2. Self-care and the production of good health



3. Embracing and maintaining health



4. Healthy collaborations and co-production of services



4.1. Co-production of health services and implications



4.2. Co-production cycles and adaptive governance



5. The tendency towards hybridity



5.1. ICTs and co-production of services



5.2. E-governance



6. Discussion


Chapter 3: A model for the analysis of the effects of mobile technology in


resource health settings






1. Chapter introduction



2. A conceptualization of medical services



3. The standard low-resource health setting



3.1. Citizens and service providers



3.2. Citizens and rulers



3.3. Service providers and rulers



3.4. Summary







PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu


4. Vertical top-down platforms



4.1. Auto-interpreters



4.2. Patient-maximizers and auto-interpretation effects



4.3. Quality-maximizers and auto-interpretation effects



4.4. Discussion



5. Horizontal platforms



5.1. Neotribal interpreters



5.2. The patient-maximizer with tribal interpretation effects



5.3. The quality-maximizer with tribal interpretation effects



5.4. Discussion



6. Hybrid platforms



6.1. Patient-maximizer and tribal synergy



6.2. Quality-maximizer and tribal synergy



6.3. Discussion



7. A discussion on the limits of the model



8. A glimpse of Part 2



Part 2: Testing theoretical insights in a low-resource health setting



Chapter 4: The pilot field experiment Patojitos in Guatemala



1. The Guatemalan context



2. Aims of the study



3. Details of the intervention



3.1. Study design and recruitment plan



3.2. Actual recruitment and participant demographics



3.3. Overview of the experiment's technology



3.4. Risk assessment



3.5. Discussion: design, recruitment and participants



4. Analysis plan



4.1. Data collection and analysis plan



4.2. Assessment details and expected outcomes



5. Results of Patojitos in the next chapters


Chapter 5: Exposure to information, co-production of health and the effects of the


introduction of ICTs: assessing the results of Patojitos



1. Chapter introduction



2. The nature of exchanges: results and discussion



2.1. Overview



2.2. Comparisons by group



2.3. Comparisons by neotribe



2.4. The intervention of health professionals in hybrid platforms



2.5. Discussion



3. Knowledge and behavior of participants: results and discussion



3.1. Health knowledge, self-reported health behavior






PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu


3.2. The time price of services and the demand for health



3.3. Discussion



4. Changes in infant's health: results and discussion



4.1. Representing stocks of health and gains in health



4.2. Health and the form of ICT platform



4.3. Health and consumption of medical services in informational forms



4.4. Discussion



5. Chapter's closing remarks


Chapter 6: Bargaining capital, spaces of negotiation and ICTs in health care


ronments: insights from Patojitos



1. Chapter introduction



2. ICTs and bargaining capital



3. Power and bargaining in vertical, horizontal and hybrid platforms



3.1. Top-down establishments and bargaining capital



3.2. Horizontal and bottom-up enablers of bargaining capital



3.3. Hybrid enablers of bargaining capital



4. Testing the effects of ICT platforms on bargaining dynamics in Guatemala 187


4.1. The political economy component of the experiment



4.2. Participants



4.3. Data



4.4. Results



5. Discussion



General conclusion






List of Figures



List of Tables



List of abbreviations and acronyms





Appendix A. Ethics approval letter for Patojitos

Appendix B. Technical and institutional arrangements during the pilot

Appendix C. Participant questionnaire for initial and final interviews

Appendix D. Letter addressed to the Mayor of San Juan Sacatepéquez, and answer

Appendix E. Discussion points in educational talk at the end of Patojitos

Appendix F. Informed consent form sample for participants of Patojitos

Appendix G. Sample text-messages from the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action

Appendix H. Signs of co-production of public security in San Juan Sacatepéquez

Appendix I. Additional figures and tables





PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu PRIETO, JT. 2014. The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on interaction dynamics between citizens, service providers and rulers in health settings. Doctoral thesis. Jose-tomas.prieto@polytechnique.edu





Figure  1 shows  a  visual guide  to the dissertation.  The  reader  will  find it  useful  while reading through the chapters.


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