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The role of elasto-inertial turbulence on channel flow drag


Academic year: 2021

Partager "The role of elasto-inertial turbulence on channel flow drag"


Texte intégral


Role of Elasto-Iner/al Turbulence

on channel flow drag

16th European Turbulence Conference 2017

S. Sid1, Y. Dubief2 & V.E. Terrapon1 1 University of Liege (Belgium)

2 University of Vermont

Figure 1 – Visualization of flow structures in three-dimensional flows. Contours of polymer elongation tr (C) /L2 in vertical planes, contours of streamwise shear fluctuations in a near-wall horizontal plane and turbulent structures identified by large positive (white) and negative (black) Q-criterion values. Left : Wi⌧ = 40, right : Wi⌧ = 100.


Elasto-Iner/al Turbulence • Non-laminar chaoLc state • Elas/c and iner/al instabiliLes EIT

Polymers and turbulence

2 Re Lam in ar Tu rb ul en t Elas/c turbulence Drag reduc/on • 2D • Small-scale cri/cal


! MDR Laminar Turbulent Newtonian ViscoelasLc 103 104 10-3 10-2 ReH f

Fric/on factor


3 Channel flow (FENE-P)

Dubief et al. (Phys. Fluids, 2013) Terrapon et al. (J. Turbul., 2014)

Departure from laminar state at subcriLcal Re


Fric/on factor



Pipe flow with 500 ppm PAAm solu/on

Samanta et al. (PNAS, 2013) 103 10-2 ReD f MDR Turbulent Perturbed Unperturbed 10-3 104 Laminar SimulaLons and experiments agree


Numerical methodology

5 Ub H=2h x y z Lx+ = 720 Lz+ = 255 • DNS with FENE-P model • Periodic channel flow (const. pressure gradient) • 2D (512×128) and 3D (256×128×128) • IniLal perturba/on (blowing and sucLon at walls) • 2 different codes with different numerics


FENE-P model

6 ConLnuity Momentum Polymer stress ConformaLon tensor T = 1 Wi C 1− trC L2 − I " # $ % & ' ∂C ∂t + (u ⋅ ∇)C = ∇u ⋅ C + C ⋅ ∇u T − T ∂u ∂t + (u ⋅ ∇)u = −∇p + β Re ∇ 2 u +1− β Re ∇ ⋅ T + dP dx ex ∇ ⋅ u = 0 RaLo of solvent viscosity to zero-shear viscosity β = 0.97 Maximum polymer extension L = 70.9 Reynolds number Re+ = 85 Weissenberg number Wi+ = 40, 100 Xi & Graham (JFM, 2010) Similar results at lower Re+


Advec/on and small scales




+ (u ⋅ ∇)C = ∇u ⋅ C + C ⋅ ∇u


− T

AdvecLon Nonlinear source term Local ar/ficial diffusion (LAD) • Only locally applied • Never needed at low Re B • No diffusion • Hyperbolic • Sub-Kolmogorov scales • Need stabilizaLon Global ar/ficial diffusion (GAD) • Used by many with Scnum ~ 1 • But Scpolymer ~ 106 A








Figure 1 – Visualization of flow structures in three-dimensional flows. Contours of polymer elongation tr (C) /L2 in vertical planes, contours of streamwise shear fluctuations in a near-wall horizontal plane and turbulent structures identified by large positive (white) and negative (black) Q-criterion values. Left : Wi = 40, right : Wi = 100. 1

3D simula/on at supercri/cal Re

8 Q-criterion Some spanwise homogeneity Wi+ = 40 Polymer extension 0 1 Streamwise shear -10 10


3D simula/on at supercri/cal Re

9 Streamwise shear Q-criterion Structures are more 2D due to lower relaLve contribuLon of inerLa Wi+ = 100 Polymer extension 0 1 Streamwise shear -10 10


2D simula/on at subcri/cal Re

10 Polymer extension Wi+ = 100 Wi+ = 40 C/L2 0 1


2D simula/on at subcri/cal Re

11 Streamwise velocity fluctua/ons ux′ / Ub 0.06 -0.06 Wi+ = 40


PIV measurements in viscoelas/c pipe flow

12 Streamwise velocity fluctua/ons at ReD = 3150 0 20 30 50 100 150 Co nc en tr aL on [p pm ]


2D simula/on at subcri/cal Re

13 Fric/on coefficient











Wi=100, L=100




b0.96 101 102 10-2 10-1 ReH Cf 103 Viscoelas/c (Wi+ = 100, L = 100)Cf ≈ 12.46 / ReH0.96 Newtonian Cf = 12 / ReH Departure from laminar flow similar to 3D


10 1 100 101 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 101 kx⌘K Ek 10 1 100 101 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 101 kx⌘K Ep

Figure 1 – Streamwise spectra of kinetic and elastic energies Ek and Ep averaged over the computa-tional and over time for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi = 40. Sc = 9, Sc = 16, Sc = 25, Sc = 100

and Sc =1. 0 10 20 30 40 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 U /u⌧ y/ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 tr C /L2 y/

Figure 2 – Left : Mean streamwise velocity profile, right : mean polymer elongation profile for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi⌧ = 40. Sc = 9, Sc = 16, Sc = 25, Sc = 100 and Sc = 1.


Schmidt number effect

14 Mean velocity Mean polymer extension y U+ C/L2 y Sc = ∞ Sc = 100 Sc = 25 Sc = 16 Sc = 9 2D, Wi+ = 40 • Sc ~< 9 lead to laminarizaLon! • Drag and polymer extension increase with Sc


Integrated streamwise spectrum of kine/c energy

15 10 2 10 1 100 101 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 101 ⌘K Ek 10 2 10 1 100 101 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 101 ⌘K Ep

Figure 1 – Streamwise spectra of kinetic and elastic energies Ek and Ep averaged over the

computa-tional and over time for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi = 40. Sc = 9, Sc = 16, Sc = 25, Sc = 100

and Sc = 1. 1 ⟨Φx(Ek+)⟩y,t κx ηK Sc = ∞ Sc = 100 Sc = 25 Sc = 16 Sc = 9 Energy content at all scales increases with Sc 2D, Wi+ = 40


Integrated streamwise spectrum of kine/c energy

16 10 2 10 1 100 101 10 8 10 6 10 4 10 2 100 102 ⌘K k,x

Figure 1 – Streamwise spectra of kinetic energy Ek for Re⌧ = 85. Gray dotted - 3D Newtonian, 3D Wi⌧ = 40, 3D Wi⌧ = 100 and 2D Wi⌧ = 40. 1 3D, Newtonian 3D, Wi+ = 40 3D, Wi+ = 100 2D, Wi+ = 40 ⟨Φx(Ek+)⟩yz,t κx ηK • 3D at lower Wi shows Newtonian features • 3D at larger Wi similar to 2D (less inerLal contribuLon) Re+ = 85, Sc = ∞



17 • EIT is mostly 2D • Small scales are criLcal • Need to respect physics (high Schmidt number) Open ques/ons • EIT = elasLc turbulence? • EIT = ulLmate MDR state? • Theory (predicLons, shape of spectra, …)








Schmidt number effect

21 Time-averaged streamwise spectra KineLc energy ElasLc energy 10 1 100 101 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 101 kx⌘K Ek 10 1 100 101 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 101 kx⌘K Ep

Figure 1 – Streamwise spectra of kinetic and elastic energies Ek and Ep averaged over the

computa-tional and over time for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi⌧ = 40. Sc = 9, Sc = 16, Sc = 25, Sc = 100

and Sc =1. 0 10 20 30 40 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 U /u⌧ y/ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 tr C /L2 y/

Figure 2 – Left : Mean streamwise velocity profile, right : mean polymer elongation profile for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi = 40. Sc = 9, Sc = 16, Sc = 25, Sc = 100 and Sc = 1.

1 Ek+ E p+ κx ηK κx ηK Sc = ∞ Sc = 100 Sc = 25 Sc = 16 Sc = 9 Wi+ = 40 Small scales are criLcal!


Schmidt number effect

22 Turbulent kine/c energy 0 10 20 30 40 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 tu⌧/ k 0 avg (t )

Figure 1 – Time series of the volume averaged instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy kavg0 (t) for di↵erent Schmidt numbers. Sc = 6, Sc = 25, Sc = 50, Sc = 100.

1 k+ t+ Sc=25 Sc=6 Sc=50 Sc=100 Sufficiently high Schmidt number is required to sustain EIT Laminariza/on Wi+ = 310, Re+ = 40, β = 0.97, L = 70.9, GAD


Schmidt number effect

23 Ra/o of Kolmogorov (ν3/ε)1/4 to viscous length scale (ν/u τ) Wi+ = 40, Re+ = 85, β = 0.97, L = 70.9, LAD Kolmogorov larger than viscous length scale 9 16 25 100 1 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Sc 1 ⌫ ⌘K

Figure 1 – Relative size of the Kolmogorov scale ⌘K = ⌫3/✏ 1/4 compared to the viscous scale ⌫ = ⌫/u⌧ for the Re⌧ = 85, Wi⌧ = 40 flow conditions.

1 ηK / δν



Influence of the mesh

24 256 ⇥104 512 ⇥192 1024 ⇥288 2048 ⇥384 4096 ⇥768 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 ·10 2 kavg 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 ⇤0avg

Figure 1 – Mesh convergence analysis for the Re⌧ = 40, Wi⌧ = 310, Sc = 100 flow conditions. Mean

turbulent kinetic energy kavg (dark gray bars, plain line, left y axis) and mean polymer elongation

root mean square fluctuations ⇤0avg (light gray bars, dashed line, right y axis) averaged over the

computational domain for di↵erent spatial resolutions.

1 256 × 104 512 × 192 1024 × 288 2048 × 384 4096 × 768 Tu rb ul en t k in eL c en er gy Po ly m er e xte ns io n flu ctu aL on s

Batchelor scale ηB = (Re+)-1 Sc-1/2 captured



Influence of the mesh

25 Wi+ = 310, Re+ = 40, β = 0.97, L = 70.9, GAD Time-averaged streamwise spectra KineLc energy ElasLc energy Ek+ E p+ 10 1 100 101 102 10 9 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 kx⌘K Ek 10 1 100 101 102 10 9 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 kx⌘K Ep

Figure 1 – Wall-normal and time-averaged stream-wise kinetic and elastic energies spectra Ek and Ep

for the Re⌧ = 40, Wi⌧ = 310, Sc = 100 flow conditions on 256⇥104, 512⇥192, 1024⇥288, 2048⇥384

and 4096⇥768 meshes. Wavenumbers are pre-multiplied by the computed Kolmogorov defined as ⌘K = ⌫3/h✏i 1/4. 1 κx ηK κx ηK 4096 × 768 2048 × 384 1024 × 288 512 × 192 256 × 104



26 Wi+ = 310, Re+ = 40, β = 0.97, L = 70.9, GAD / LAD Time-averaged streamwise spectra KineLc energy ElasLc energy 10 1 100 101 102 10 9 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 kx⌘K Ek 10 1 100 101 102 10 9 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 kx⌘K Ep

Figure 1 – Wall-normal and time-averaged stream-wise kinetic and elastic energies spectra Ek and

Ep for the Re⌧ = 40, Wi⌧ = 310, Sc = 1 flow conditions on 1024⇥288 and 2048⇥384 meshes. The

black curve is the one obtained for Sc = 100 on the 4096⇥768 mesh. Wavenumbers are pre-multiplied by the computed Kolmogorov defined as ⌘K = ⌫3/h✏i 1/4.

1 Ek+ E p+ κx ηK κx ηK Sc = ∞ 1024 × 288 Sc = ∞ 2048 × 384 Sc = 100 4096 × 768


Code comparison

27 Wi+ = 40, Re+ = 85, β = 0.97, L = 70.9, LAD Mean velocity Mean polymer extension 0 10 20 30 40 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 U /u⌧ y/ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 tr C /L2 y/

Figure 1 – Left : Mean streamwise velocity profile, right : mean polymer elongation profile. Code A, 1024⇥288 ; Code B, 512⇥128. 1 y U+ C/L2 Code A 1024 × 288 Code B 512 × 128 y


Transfer from kine/c to elas/c energy

28 y/ηK 0 25 Sc = 9 0 25 Sc = 16 0 25 Sc = 25 Sc = 100 0 25 Sc = ∞ κx ηK 10-1 1 0 25 Flow ⇒ Polymers Polymers ⇒ Flow 0 28 -28









Streamwise spectrum


2D simula/on at subcri/cal Re

29 Wi+ = 100 Wi+ = 40 Polymer extension C/L2


Figure 1 – Visualization of flow structures in three-dimensional flows. Contours of polymer elongation tr (C) /L 2 in vertical planes, contours of streamwise shear fluctuations in a near-wall horizontal plane and turbulent structures identified by large po
Figure 1 – Visualization of flow structures in three-dimensional flows. Contours of polymer elongation tr (C) /L 2 in vertical planes, contours of streamwise shear fluctuations in a near-wall horizontal plane and turbulent structures identified by large po
Figure 1 – Streamwise spectra of kinetic and elastic energies E k and E p averaged over the computa- computa-tional and over time for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi ⌧ = 40
Figure 1 – Streamwise spectra of kinetic and elastic energies E k and E p averaged over the computa- computa-tional and over time for di↵erent Schmidt numbers, Wi ⌧ = 40


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