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Downstream Competition, Foreclosure, and Vertical Integration


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Downstream Competition, Foreclosure, and Vertical Integration"


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ISSN 0265-8003




Gilles Chemla, University of British Columbia,


Discussion Paper No. 2647 December 2000

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This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre’s research programme in Industrial Organization. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Research disseminated by CEPR may include views on policy, but the Centre itself takes no institutional policy positions.

The Centre for Economic Policy Research was established in 1983 as a private educational charity, to promote independent analysis and public discussion of open economies and the relations among them. It is pluralist and non-partisan, bringing economic research to bear on the analysis of medium- and long-run policy questions. Institutional (core) finance for the Centre has been provided through major grants from the Economic and Social Research Council, under which an ESRC Resource Centre operates within CEPR; the Esmée Fairbairn Charitable Trust; and the Bank of England. These organizations do not give prior review to the Centre’s publications, nor do they necessarily endorse the views expressed therein.

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CEPR Discussion Paper No. 2647 December 2000


Downstream Competition, Foreclosure and Vertical Integration*

This Paper analyses the impact of competition among downstream firms on an upstream firm’s pay-off and on its incentive to vertically integrate when firms on both segments negotiate optimal contracts. We argue that tougher competition decreases the downstream industry profit, but improves the upstream firm’s negotiation position. In particular, the upstream firm is better off encouraging competition when the downstream firms have high bargaining power. We derive implications on the interplay between vertical integration and competition among the downstream firms. The mere possibility of vertical integration may constitute a barrier to entry and may trigger strategic horizontal spin-offs or mergers. We discuss the impact of upstream competition on our results.

JEL Classification: D40, L10, L42

Keywords: bargaining, competition, contracts, foreclosure, vertical integration Gilles Chemla

Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration University of British Columbia

2053 Main Hall Vancouver British Columbia, V6T 1Z2 CANADA Tel: (1 604) 822 8490 Fax: (1 604) 822 8521 Email: gilles.chemla@commerce.ubc.ca


* I would like to thank University of British Columbia, THEMA (CNRS), and CEPR. I am particularly indebted to Patrick Bolton, Antoine Faure-Grimaud, Denis Gromb, John Moore, Patrick Rey, Jean Tirole and two anonymous referees for long conversations and/or very thoughtful comments which have greatly improved the quality of this Paper. I am also grateful to Torkild Byg, Sorbas von Coester, Leonardo Felli, Jan Mahrt-Smith and seminar participants at the 11th World Congress of the International Economic Association, the 1996 North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, the Canadian Economic Association 2000 Meetings, CSIC – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Seminaire Fourgeaud (CERAS), HEC Graduate School of Management, London School of Economics, THEMA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the University of British Columbia and the University College of London for helpful discussions on early drafts. Financial support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council is gratefully acknowledged. All errors are mine.



In many competition policy cases, a dominant firm, say an upstream firm, is suspected to restrict access to an essential input to some downstream firms in order to extend its monopoly power to the downstream industry. In particular, the tendency by the upstream firm to engage in so-called market foreclosure would provide an important rationale for government intervention. This intervention can be as dramatic as the break-up of a large company, as advocated by many in the ongoing Microsoft case.

The present Paper aims to provide a caveat to the view that dominant firms necessarily want to extend their monopoly power to vertically related markets. An important intuition behind the market foreclosure argument is that the use of vertical restraints such as (price) discrimination, non-linear tariffs and/or vertical integration may allow the upstream firm to increase the downstream industry profit and appropriate it (Rey and Tirole, 1999). This effect is typically modelled through optimal take-it-or-leave-it contract offers made by a monopolistic upstream firm to downstream firms that compete for both input and output. In this Paper, we observe that a monopolistic upstream firm need not have all the bargaining power as, for instance, the mere threat of the appearance of an alternative source of supply would increase the downstream firms’ bargaining power. We thus allow the upstream firm and downstream firms to bargain over optimal tariffs. We argue that a monopolistic upstream firm that can use vertical restraints may then be willing to favour downstream competition.

When the tariffs are negotiated, the use of vertical restraints allows the upstream firm to appropriate only part of the downstream industry profit. When a downstream firm makes a contract offer, it sees itself as the incremental downstream firm. Then, when the cost to the upstream firm of servicing an additional downstream firm is convex, the contract offer made by each firm increases with the number of downstream firms. Thus, downstream competition improves the upstream firm’s negotiation position. Therefore, when downstream firms have high bargaining power, the upstream firm is better off with more downstream competition. Therefore, the foreclosure result relies heavily on the extreme assumption that the upstream firm has all the bargaining power.

This negotiation effect may actually be so strong that the upstream firm’s incentive to favour downstream competition is sometimes higher than that of a social planner. When the downstream firms make contract offers, the upstream firm ignores both the positive effect of an increase in competition (and production) to consumers and the negative effect to downstream firms. The additional cost of servicing one more firm is borne by the downstream firms and it benefits the upstream firm even though this cost is higher than the positive effect on consumers of increasing production.


This approach allows us to derive predictions on the interactions between vertical integration and the competitive environment. Vertical integration allows the upstream firm to increase her leverage on the downstream industry. When she appropriates (a share of) the downstream industry surplus and when the supplier’s bargaining power is low (or high), the benefit from vertical integration increases (or decreases) with downstream competition. Ex ante, the possibility of vertical integration has important consequences on market structure. Entry in the downstream industry may be restricted by the mere threat of vertical integration. Strategic horizontal mergers or spin-offs may be observed in order to prevent vertical integration. The case where two upstream firms compete to supply downstream firms is discussed.


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so| rqo| d olplwhg dprxqw wr wkh lqgxvwu| zrxog gr wkh wulfn1 Iru lqvwdqfh/ doorzlqj iru vhyhudo surgxfwlrq shulrgv pljkw lqgxfh wkh xsvwuhdp up wr nhhs frpshwlwlrq wr sod| wkh grzqvwuhdp upv djdlqvw rqh dqrwkhu lq d _rqfh rxw dozd|v rxw% vhwxs1


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Ai |4?} Lu |i }@4i t @t uL**LtG

 W? t|@}i c |i Tt|hi@4 €h4 ULLtit |i ?4Mih ?   Lu _L?t|hi@4 €h4t U ** Mi TL|i?|@**) @U|i ? uh|ih t|@}it At 4@) Mi _L?i M) tTiUu)?} |iU?U@* U@h@U|iht|Ut U @hi ?iUitt@h) uLh UL4 T@|M*|) hi@tL?t Lh M) UL44?U@|?} @ T@h|U*@h |iU?L*L}) `|L| !?L?} |iti U@h@U|iht|Ut Lh |t |iU?L*L})c @ _L?t|hi@4 €h4 t|@h|t _ii*LT4i?| |LL *@|i |L Mi @M*i |L ThL_Ui ? *@|ih t|@}it

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:Wkhuh duh d qxpehu ri uhdvrqv iru zklfk dq xsvwuhdp prqrsrolvw pd| qrw kdyh doo wkh

edujdlqlqj srzhu1 Iru h{dpsoh/ wkh xsvwuhdp up pd| eh pruh hdjhu wr uhdfk dq djuhhphqw li wkh ydoxh ri lwv lqsxw ghfuhdvhv ryhu wlph ru li wkhuh lv vrph suredelolw| wkdw d frpshwlqj xsvwuhdp up zloo hqwhu wkh pdunhw1 Wkh uhvxowv lq vhfwlrq 8 lqglfdwh wkdw rxu txdolwdwlyh uhvxowv zrxog rewdlq li zh dvvxphg wkdw wkh xsvwuhdp up kdg doo edujdlqlqj srzhu li lw uhpdlqhg dorqh lq wkh lqgxvwu| +zklfk zrxog rffxu zlwk suredelolw| ,/ exw wkdw d frpshwlqj xsvwuhdp up frxog hqwhu wkh lqgxvwu| zlwk suredelolw| 4  1

;Rxu uhvxowv zrxog qrw eh dhfwhg li upv edujdlqhg ryhu wkh sdlu itl> Wlj1


 W? t|@}i c |i _L?t|hi@4 €h4t |h@?tuLh4 |i ?T| ?|L @? L|T|c LMtihi L|iht< ThL_U|L? @?_ ULLti |ih ThUit @| U |i UL?t4iht M) |t L|T|

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<Jlyhq wkdw wudqvirupdwlrq frvwv duh orz uhodwlyh wr wkh xsvwuhdp up*v surgxfwlrq frvw/

lw lv zhoo0hvwdeolvkhg wkdw wkh grzqvwuhdp upv zloo wudqvirup doo wkh xqlwv ri lqsxw wkdw wkh| erxjkw dqg pdunhw doo wkh fruuhvsrqglqj xqlwv ri rxwsxw +vhh Wluroh +4<;;,/ fk1 8,1


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Ai W?Ui?|i |L 6@Lh #L?t|hi@4 L4


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43Iru pruh rq wklv/ vhh Pdwkhzvrq dqg Zlqwhu +4<;7,1


 Ai ,^*Mh4 "@?||it @?_ Ah@?tuiht

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44Vxssrvh wkdw doo grzqvwuhdp upv exw Gl kdg djuhhg wkdw Gm> m 9@ l zrxog ex| Tp@q1

Wkhq/ zkdwhyhu  +wkh uhdghu fdq uhihu wr wkh dsshqgl{ rq wklv,/ X dqg Gl zrxog djuhh rq

d txdqwlw| tl @ duj pd{^S +q4q Tp. t,  f`t @ UF+q4q Tp, A Tp@q/ zkhuh wkh Frxuqrw

uhdfwlrq ixqfwlrq vdwlvhv 4 ? +UF,3 ? 3 ++UF,3@ +S3. TS33,@5S3. tS335 +4> 3, vlqfh

S3 ? 3 dqg S33 ? 3,1 Wklv frpplwphqw sureohp lv dqdorjrxv wr wkh Frdvldq gxudeoh jrrg

sulflqj sureohp lq pdq| uhvshfwv/ zlwk wkh qxpehu ri upv sod|lqj wkh vdph uroh dv wkh qxpehu ri shulrgv lq wkh gxudeoh jrrg prqrsro| fdvh1


Mi|ii? Tt|hi@4 @?_ _L?t|hi@4 €h4t Aiti |L ui@|hit @**L t |L uLUt L? |i |h@_iLg Mi|ii? |i hi_t|hM|L? Lu hi?|t @?_ |i t3i Lu |i hi?|t

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 Ai i}L|@|L? ,giU|

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45Rxu dssurdfk lq wklv vhfwlrq frxog dovr eh vhhq dv d sulqflsdo0djhqw uhodwlrqvkls lq wkh

vw|oh ri Pdvnlq dqg Wluroh +4<<5, zkhuh wkh sulqflsdo shuirupv klgghq dfwlrqv +wkh vdoh wr rwkhu grzqvwuhdp upv,1 Jlyhq wkh ghjuhh ri frpshwlwlrq lq wkh grzqvwuhdp pdunhw/ wkh xsvwuhdp up*v klgghq dfwlrq hqwhuv wkh grzqvwuhdp upv* remhfwlyh ixqfwlrq1 Khuh/ dv vrrq dv q  5/ wkh xsvwuhdp up lv vwulfwo| zruvh r wkdq li wkh grzqvwuhdp upv frxog revhuyh lwv dfwlrq1


ULt| S^ n sE? |L |i tTT*ih |L ThL_Ui ^ ?|t Lu ?T| Oi?Uic i@U (<t Lgih @?_ |i ?4Mih Lu ?|t ML| ?Uhi@ti | ? Ai !i) ?}hi_i?| uLh |i uLh4ih hit*| t L<t ?Uhi@t?} ULt| Lu LTi??} @__|L?@* *?it Lu ThL_U|L? At 4@!it thi |@| |i T@)Lg |L |i Tt|hi@4 €h4c ZLE? ' S' n ?sE?  S' S?

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46Wklv uhvxow lv txdolwdwlyho| forvh wr wkdw lq Vwroh dqg ]zlheho +4<<9d/ 4<<9e,/ zkhuh

wkh dxwkruv ghyhors d qrq0frrshudwlyh pxowlodwhudo g|qdplf edujdlqlqj jdph dssolhg wr lqwudup edujdlqlqj1 Rxu dssurdfk lv yhu| glhuhqw/ wkrxjk/ ehfdxvh zh dqdo|}h edujdlqlqj ryhu rswlpdo frqwudfwv dqg frpshwlwlrq/ exw zlwk d pruh vw|ol}hg edujdlqlqj jdph1


Ai ?i}L|@|L? igiU| *i@_t _L?t|hi@4 €h4t |L 4@!i Lgiht |L L U ?Uhi@ti | |i _i}hii Lu UL4Ti||L? @t 4i@thi_ M) |i ?4Mih Lu _L? t|hi@4 €h4t `*i | t 4L_i*i_ |hL} @? ?Uhi@t?} ULt| Lu LTi??} *?it Lu ThL_U|L?c tU @? igiU| t hLMt| |L @ ?4Mih Lu @*|ih?@|i tTiU€U@|L?t Lu |i 4@h!i| i?hL?4i?| @?_ Lu |i M@h}@??} ThLUi_hie At igiU| t @Mti?| ? ` MiU@ti |i) @tt4i_ ?L ULt| uLh |i Tt|hi@4 €h4 W? OAc |i Lgiht @hi @*@)t 4@_i M) |i Tt|hi@4 €h4t @?_ |t igiU| t }?Lhi_

e Ai ULUi Mi|ii? uLhiU*Lthi @?_ _L?t|hi@4 UL4


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