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Utility Commands Involving ISIS-II

The Intel Systems Implementation Supervisor (ISIS-II) is the diskette operating system for the Intellec Microcomputer Development System. The ICE-86A emulator runs under ISIS-II control and can call upon ISIS-II for file management function.

The following commands are included in this section:



Purpose Load ICE-86A program from diskette.

Return control to ISIS-II.

Load user program into memory accessed by the ICE-86A emulator.

Copy user program from memory onto diskette.

Copy ICE-86A emulation output to printer or file.

ICE-86A commands can use ISIS-llpathnames to direct ISIS-II to a deSIred disk file or other output device.

For disk files, the format of pathname is as follows.


The entry :drive: stands for one of the references to ISIS disk drives, in the form:

:Fn: where n is the drive number from 0-9.

Refer to the ISIS-II User's Guide for the various configurations allowed for dif-ferent kinds of disk drives.

The entry filename must follow the second colon (after drive) without any interven-ing spaces. A filename has the followinterven-ing components.

identifier [.extension]

The entry identifier is a name assigned by the user, and is made up of one to six alphanumeric characters. The extension is an optional part of the filename, con-sisting of one to three alphanumeric characters preceded by a single period. The extension must be used if it is present in the directory listing of the file on the diskette. If used, the extension follows the identifier without any spaces. Some extensions (e.g., .BAK) are assigned by system processors; others can be assigned at the desire of the user. An extension provides a second level of file identification; it can be used to identify different versions of the same program, or to give sup-plemental information about the file (e.g., author, data, version).


Fully compiled or assembled programs ready to run (emulate) do not have system-assigned extensions, although they may have extensions system-assigned by the user.

For devices other than disk files, the format of pathname is as follows:


The following devices are commonly accessed in ICE-86A commands:

:Device: memory. The ICE-86A emulator begins operation as soon as it is loaded, initializing its hardware and program variables, and signaling readiness to accept ICE-86A commands by displaying an asterisk prompt.

The EXIT command ends the emulation session and returns control to ISIS-II. The command issues a hardware reset before exiting.

The LOAD command loads the object code from the named file and drive into the areas of memory specified by the memory map. Modules are loaded in the order of their appearance in the source file. The modules' names, symbols, and statement numbers are placed in reserved areas of Intellec memory. Symbols and statement numbers are grouped into tables by module in the order in which they appear. Both a base value and a displacement value are loaded for all symbols and statement numbers. Any symbol that has no type information is given no type specification in the symbol table. If no exclude modifiers are included in the command, module names are loaded into the ICE-86A module table in the order in which they appear following any module names already in the table, symbols and their types (if pre-sent) local to each module are loaded into that module's symbol table in the order in which they appear, and statement numbers local to each module are loaded into that module's statement table (for PL/M 86 programs) in the order in which they appear.

The command can include one or more modifiers to control what is to be loaded. No modifier may be named twice in the same load command. If NOCODE is included, the program code is omitted from the load, e.g., it is already in ROM. If NOLINE is included, the program statement number table is not loaded. If NOSYMBOL is included, the program symbol table is not loaded. Any combination of one, two, or three of these modifiers may be included, although the command with all three modifiers represents a "null" command.

NOCODE, NOSYMBOL, and NOLINE can be followed by the SELECTING modifier. The SELECTING modifier is intended to aid those users who are unable to fit their entire symbol table in memory. The user is allowed to specify which modules' symbols are to be loaded. The SELECTING keyword must be followed by a module-name, one or more module-ranges (module-name TO module-name), or one or more module-ranges followed by a module-name. When a module-name is given, the ICE-86A emulator begins loading symbol information (symbol names, addresses, and type specifications) when it reads from this module, and continues until end of file. When a module range is given, the ICE-86A emulator begins


Interrogation and Utility Commands

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loading symbol information when it reads from the first module in the range, and continues through the last module in the range. A warning is issued if the ICE-86A emulator reads an end -of file before encountering the end of a range. The SELECTING modifier does not affect the loading of object code.

The SAVE command copies the user program currently loaded from memory onto the specified file and drive. If the diskette installed on the given drive does not have the named file in its directory, ISIS-II creates the file and opens it for write. If the named file does exist on the diskette, the file is overwritten and the previous contents are lost. If no explicit drive number is given, drive 0 is assumed.

The command can include one or more modifiers to control what is to be saved. If NOSYMBOL is included, the symbol table is not copied from memory to diskette. If NOLINE is included, the statement number table (for PLlM-86 programs) is not saved. The modifiers NOCODE and partition are mutually exclusive: if one is used, the other may not be included. If NOCODE is included, the program object code is not copied to diskette. If partitions are included, only the code stored in the memory addresses in the partitions (ranges of addresses) are saved. If neither NOCODE nor Partition appears in the command, any code between the lower and highest addresses in each lK segment that has been previously loaded is saved. If no code has been loaded, no code is saved. When more than one modifier is used, separate them with spaces. No modifier may be used twice in the same SAVE command. The SA VE operation does not alter the program code, symbol table, or statement number table in memory.

The LIST command saves a record of the emulation session, including high-volume data such as trace data, on a hard-copy device or on a diskette file in addition to sending it to the console. Only one device or file other than the console can be specified (active) at a given time.

The initial device is :CO:, output to the console. Other devices that can be specified are a line printer (:LP:), high-speed paper tape punch (:HP:), and teletypewriter printer (:TO:).

Instead of a hard-copy device, a diskette file can be specified. If the output is to a diskette file, the file is opened when the LIST command is invoked, and output is stored from the beginning of the file, writing over any existing data. Specifying a new file or device in a later LIST command closes any existing open file and avoids over-writing any more data. Specifying the same file in a later LIST causes the delete of the file and starting over.

When LIST is in effect (with a device or file other than :CO:), all output from the ICE-86A emulator, including system prompts, commands, and error messages, is sent both to the named device or file and to the console display. To restore output to the console only (no other device), use the command LIST :CO:.