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The use and effectiveness of micropayments in peer-to-peer systems

Part III: Technical Topics

16.3 Micropayment schemes

16.3.4 The use and effectiveness of micropayments in peer-to-peer systems

So far, we have spent quite a bit of time describing various micropayment and digital cash schemes.

Our discussion is not meant as exhaustive, yet it provides some examples of various cryptographic primitives and technologies used for electronic cash: public key encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, certificates, blinding functions, proofs of knowledge, and different one-way and trap door problems based on complexity theory. The list reads like a cryptographic cookbook. Indeed, the theoretical foundations of digital cash - and the design of systems - have been actively researched and developed over the past two decades.

Only in the past few years, however, have we begun to see the real-world application of micropayments and digital cash, spurred by the growth of the Internet into a ubiquitous platform for connectivity, collaboration, and even commerce. Electronic cash surely has a place in future society.

But its place is not yet secured. We are not going to try to predict either how fast or how widespread its adoption will be; that depends on too many economic, social, and institutional factors.

Instead, we'll focus on how micropayments might be useful for peer-to-peer systems: what issues the developers of peer-to-peer systems need to consider, when certain digital cash technologies are better than others, how to tell whether the micropayments are working, and how to achieve stronger or weaker protections as needed. Identity-based payment policies

When designing a policy for accepting micropayments, a peer-to-peer system might wish to charge a varying amount to peers based on identity. For instance, a particular peer might charge less to local users, specified friends, users from academic or noncommercial subnets, or users within specified jurisdictional areas.

Such policies, of course, depend on being able to securely identify peers in the system. This can be hard to do both on the Internet as a whole (where domain names and IP addresses are routinely spoofed) and, in particular, on systems that allow anonymity or pseudonymity. Chapter 15 discusses this issue from several general angles, and Chapter 12 discusses how we try to solve the problem in one particular pseudonymous system, Free Haven. Many other systems, like ICQ and other instant messaging services, use their own naming schemes and ensure some security through passwords and central servers. Finally, systems with many far-flung peers need a reputation system to give some assurance that peers won't abuse their privileges. General considerations in an economic analysis of micropayment design

Designers choosing a micropayment scheme for a peer-to-peer system should not consider merely the technical and implementation issues of different micropayment schemes, but also the overall economic impact of the entire system. Different micropayment schemes have different economic implications.

A classic economic analysis of bridge tolls serves as a good analogy for a peer-to-peer system. In 1842, the French engineer Jules Dupuit reached a major breakthrough in economic theory by arguing the following: the economically efficient toll on an uncongested bridge is zero, because the extra cost from one more person crossing the bridge is zero. Although bridge building and maintenance is not free - it costs some money to the owner - it is socially inefficient to extract this money through a toll. Society as a whole is worse off because some people choose not to cross due to this toll, even though their crossing would cost the owner nothing, and they would not interfere with anyone else's crossing (because the bridge is uncongested). Therefore, everyone should be allowed to cross the bridge for free, and the society should compensate the bridge builder through a lump-sum payment.[21]

[21] Arsene Jules Etienne Dupuit (1842), "On Tolls and Transport Charges," Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, trans. 1962, IEP.

This bridge example serves as a good analogy to a peer-to-peer system with micropayments. Tolls should be extracted only in order to limit congestion and to regulate access to people who value crossing the most. Given the same economic argument, resource allocation to limit congestion is the only justifiable reason for micropayments in a peer-to-peer system. Indeed, excessive micropayments can dissuade users from using the system, with negative consequences (known as " social inefficiencies") for the whole society. Users might not access certain content, engage in e-commerce, or anonymously publish information that exposes nefarious corporate behavior.

This analysis highlights the ability of micropayments to prevent attacks and adds the implied ability to manage congestion. Congestion management is a large research area in networking. Micropayments can play a useful role in peer-to-peer systems by helping peers prioritize their use of network bandwidth or access to storage space. Users who really want access will pay accordingly. Of course, such a system favors wealthy users, so it should be balanced against the goal of providing a system with the broadest social benefits. Reputation can also play a role in prioritizing resource allocation.

Most economic research relevant for micropayments has focused on owner-side strategies for maximizing profit. AT&T researchers compared flat-fee versus pay-per-use fee methods where the owner is a monopolist and concluded that more revenues are generated with a flat-fee model.

Similar research at MIT and NYU independently concluded that content bundling and fixed fees can generate greater profits per good.[22]

[22] P. C. Fishburn and A. M. Odlyzko (1999), "Competitive Pricing of Information Goods: Subscription Pricing Versus Pay-Per-Use," Economic Theory, vol. 13, pp. 447-470,

http://www.research.att.com/~amo/doc/competitive.pricing.ps. Y. Bakos and E. Brynjolfsson (December 1999), "Bundling Information Goods: Pricing, Profits, and Efficiency," Management Science,


We try to take a broader view. We have to consider the well-being of all economic agents participating in and affected by the system. Three general groups come to mind in the case of a peer-to-peer system:

The owner of the system, the participants, and the rest of society.

How does a micropayment scheme impact these three agents? Participants face direct benefits and costs. The owner can collect fees or commissions to cover the fixed cost of designing the system and the variable costs of its operation. The rest of society can benefit indirectly by synergies made possible by the system, knowledge spillovers, alternative common resources that it frees up, and so on.

To simplify our discussion, we assume that whatever benefits participants also benefits society.

Furthermore, we can realistically assume a competitive market, so that the owner is probably best off serving the participants as well as possible. Therefore, we focus on the cost/benefit analysis for the participant.

We believe that a focus on costs and benefits to participants is more suited to the peer-to-peer market than the literature on information services, for several reasons. First, peer-to-peer system owners do not enjoy the luxury of dictating exchange terms, thanks to competition. Second, nonfungible micropayments do not generate revenues for the owner; it is not always worthwhile to even consider the benefit to the owner. Third, we expect that a large amount of resources in peer-to-peer systems will be donated by users: people donate otherwise unused CPU cycles to SETI@home calculations, unused bandwidth to forward Mixmaster anonymous email, and unused storage for Free Haven data shares. For these situations, the sole role of micropayments is to achieve optimal resource allocation among participants. In other words, micropayments in a peer-to-peer system should be used only to prevent congestion, where this concept covers both bandwidth and storage limitations. Moderating security levels: An accountability slider

Poor protection of resources can hinder the use of a peer-to-peer system on one side; attempts to guard resources by imposing prohibitive costs can harm it on the other. Providing a widely used, highly available, stable peer-to-peer system requires a balance.

If a peer-to-peer system wishes only to prevent query-flooding (bandwidth) attacks, the congestion management approach taken by client puzzles - and usable with any form of micropayment - answers the problem. Query-flooding attacks are transient; once the adversary stops actively attacking the system, the bandwidth is readily available to others.

As we have suggested, other forms of congestion are cumulative, such as those related to storage space. Free Haven seeks "document permanence," whereby peers promise to store data for a given time period (although the Free Haven trading protocol seeks to keep this system dynamic, as discussed in Chapter 12). If we wait until the system is already full before charging micropayments, we've already lost our chance to adequately protect against congestion.

This is the freeloading problem: we wish to prevent parasitic users from congesting the system without offering something of value in return. Furthermore, an adversary can attempt to flood the system early to fill up all available space. Therefore, for systems in which resource pressures accrue cumulatively, micropayments should always be required. Free Haven's answer is to require that peers offer storage space proportional to that which they take up. (Even though cash-based micropayments are not used, the idea of payment by equivalent resources is similar.)

The alternative to this design is the caching approach taken by systems such as Freenet. Old data is dropped as newer and more "popular" data arrives. This approach does not remove the resource allocation problem, however; it only changes the issue. First, flooding the system can flush desirable data from nearby caches as well. System designers simply try to ensure that flooding will not congest the resources of more distant peers. Second, freeloading is not as much of a concern, because peers are not responsible for offering best-effort availability to documents. However, if many peers rely on a few peers to store data, only the most popular data remains. Social inefficiencies develop if the system loses data that could be desired in the long run because short-term storage is insufficient to handle the requirements of freeloading peers. Furthermore, disk space is only one of several resources to consider. Massive freeloading can also affect scalability through network congestion.

Always charging for resources can prevent both freeloading and attacks. On the other hand, excessive charges are disadvantageous in their own right. So it would be useful to find a balance.

Consider an accountability slider: Peers negotiate how much payment is required for a resource within a general model specified by the overall peer-to-peer system. Using only a micropayment model, systems like Free Haven or Publius may not have much leeway. Others, like Freenet, Gnutella, or Jabber, have notably more. When we later add the concept of reputation, this accounting process becomes even more flexible.

Each of the micropayment schemes described earlier in this chapter can be adapted to provide a sliding scale:

Hash cash

Partial hashes can be made arbitrarily expensive to compute by choosing the desired number of bits of collision, denoted by k. No matter how big k gets, systems providing the resources can verify the requests almost instantly.

Client puzzles

The work factor of these puzzles is also based on the number of bit collisions. The number of subpuzzles can also be increased to limit the possibility of random guessing being successful;

this is especially important when k becomes smaller.

Time puzzles

The LCS35 time-lock includes a parameter t that sets the difficulty of the puzzle.


The "cost" of a coin is determined by its number of colliding hash values. The greater the k-way collision, the harder the coin is to generate.


In the simplest adaptation, a commitment within PayWord can be a promise of varying amount. However, PayWord is designed for iterative payments. To be able to use the same PayWord chain for successive transactions, we want to always pay with coins of the same value. Therefore, to handle variable costs, we can just send several paywords for one transaction. The very lightweight cost of creating and verifying paywords (a single hash per payword) also makes this multiple-coin approach suitable for macropayment schemes.

Anonymous digital cash

Coins can have different denominations. In Chaum's design, the bank uses a different public key to sign the coin for different denominations. In Brands's model, the denomination of the coin is encoded within the coin's attributes; the bank's public key is unique to currency, not denomination. Brands's digital cash system also allows negotiable attributes to be revealed or kept secret during payment. This additional information can play a role in setting the accountability slider.

By negotiating these various values, we can change the level of accountability and security offered by a peer-to-peer system. Based on overall system requirements, this process can be fixed by the system designers, changed by the administrators of individual peer machines, or even fluctuate between

While payment schemes can be used in a variety of peer-to-peer situations - ranging from systems in which peers are fully identified to systems in which peers are fully anonymous - they do involve some risk. Whenever Alice makes an electronic payment, she accepts some risk that Bob will not fulfill his bargain. When identities are known, we can rely on existing legal or social mechanisms. In fully anonymous systems, no such guarantee is made, so Alice attempts to minimize her risk at any given time by making small, incremental micropayments. However, there is another possibility for pseudonymous systems, or identified systems for which legal mechanisms should only be used as a last resort: reputation schemes. In this next section, we consider the problem of reputation in greater depth.

16.4 Reputations

While micropayments provide an excellent mechanism for anonymous exchange, a number of systems call for more long-term pseudonymous or even public relationships. For instance, in the case of transactions in which one party promises a service over a long period of time (such as storing a document for three years), a simple one-time payment generally makes one party in the transaction vulnerable to being cheated. A whistleblower or political dissident who publishes a document may not wish to monitor the availability of this document and make a number of incremental micropayments over the course of several years, since this requires periodic network access and since continued micropayments might compromise anonymity. (While third-party escrow monitoring services or third-party document sponsors might help to solve this issue, they introduce their own problems.) In addition, some systems might want to base decisions on the observed behavior of entities - how well they actually perform - rather than simply how many resources they can provide.

In the real world, we make use of information about users to help distribute resources and avoid poor results. Back before the days of ubiquitous communication and fast travel, doing business over long distances was a major problem. Massive amounts of risk were involved in, say, sending a ship from Europe to Asia for trade. Reputations helped make this risk bearable; large banks could issue letters of credit that could draw on the bank's good name both in Europe and Asia, and they could insure expeditions against loss. As the bank successfully helped expeditions finance their voyages, the bank's reputation grew, and its power along with it. Today's business relationships still follow the same path:

two parties make a decision to trust each other based on the reputations involved.

While the online world is different from the brick-and-mortar world, it too has benefited from reputations - and can continue to benefit.

The main difference between reputation-based trust systems and micropayment-based trust systems is that, in reputation-based trust systems, parties base their decisions in part on information provided by third parties. Peers are motivated to remain honest by fear that news of misdealings will reach yet other third parties.

Reputation systems are not useful in all situations. For instance, if there were thousands of buyers and one or two vendors, being able to track vendor performance and reliability would not help buyers pick a good vendor. On the other hand, tracking performance might provide feedback to the vendor itself on areas in which it might need improvement. This in turn could result in better performance down the road, but only if the vendor acted on this feedback.

Similarly, in fields in which a given buyer generally doesn't perform transactions frequently, the benefits of a reputation system are more subtle. A buyer might benefit from a real estate reputation system, since she expects to rent from different people over time. Even for a domain in which she expects to do just one transaction over her whole lifetime (such as laser eye surgery), she would probably contribute to a reputation site - first out of altruism, and second in order to give the surgeon an incentive to do well.

This is the tragedy of the commons in reverse: when the cost of contributing to a system is low enough, people will contribute to it for reasons not immediately beneficial to themselves.

Chapter 17, describes some of the practical uses for a reputation system and the difficulties of developing such a system. That chapter focuses on the solution found at Reputation Technologies, Inc.

In this chapter we'll give some background on reputation and issues to consider when developing a reputation system.