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We say that TS is transitive unforgeable under adaptive chosen- chosen-message attack if the function is negligible for any adversary F

Dans le document IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (Page 132-136)


Definition 2 We say that TS is transitive unforgeable under adaptive chosen- chosen-message attack if the function is negligible for any adversary F

whose running time is polynomial in the security parameter


New undirected transitive signature scheme

In this section we describe an new transitive signature scheme for working on undirected graphs. it is based on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem.

Standard signature scheme

Our new scheme use an underling standard digital signature scheme SDS=

(SKG, SSign, SVf), where SKG is polynomial time key generation, SSign is signing algorithm, and SVf is verification algorithm. We use the security definition proposed by Goldwasser, Micali and Rivest in [GoldMic].A forger B is given adaptive oracle access to the signing algorithm, and its advantage in breaking SDS is defined as the probability that it outputs a valid signature for a message that was not one of its previous oracle queries.

The scheme SDS is said to be secure against forgery under adaptive chosen message attack if is negligible for every forgery B with running time polynomial in the security parameter

Discrete logarithm problem

A modulus generator is a randomized, polynomial time algorithm that on input returns a triple where and q are large primes,

such that q divides and is a generator of order, the group generated by is denoted by We do not restrict the tpye of generator, but only assume that the associated discrete logarithm problem is hard. Formally, for any adverary A and any we let

We say that discrete logarithm problem is hard if function is negigible for every A whose running time is polynomial in New transitive signature scheme

Given a modulus generator and a standard signature scheme SDS=(SKG, SSign, SVf), we design a new transitive signature scheme DLPTS=(TKG, TSign, TVf, Comp) as follows.

Given input the key gerneration algorithm TKG first runs SKG on input to generate a key pair for the standard signature scheme SDS. It then runs the modulus generator MG on input to get a triple It outputs as the public key. Let Legit=true, NotOk=f alse.

The signing algorithm TSign maintains state where is the set of all queried nodes, the function assigns to each node a secret label while the function

assigns to each node a puvlic label and the function

assigns to each node a standard signature on under secret

New Transitive Signature Scheme based on Discreted Logarithm Problem 117 key When invoked on inputs meaning asked to produce a signature on edge it does the following:

If then Legit false

If then swap and

If then If then

If then NotOK true

We refer to as a certificate of node Return as the signature of

Return Legit NotOK

The verification algorithm TVf, on input nodes and a candidate signature proceeds as follows:

If then swap and

Let and and If or

then return 0

If then return 1 else return 0.

The composition algorithm Comp takes nodes a signature

of the edge and a signature of the

edge and processds as follows:

If or or are not all distinct,

thenLegit false

Let and

Let and

If then return

Let and

If then Return

If then Return

If then Return

If then Return

If then Return

If then Return


If or then NotOK true

Return Legit NotOK 3.


In this section, we will prove the correctness of this new scheme. We first have the following lemma.

Lemma 1: Suppose that G* = (V*,E*) is a transitively closed graph. We will make transitive signature on this graph with above DLPTS. Let S be the set of edges and corresponding signature in processing Tsign algorithm. For

we have the following equations.

Proof: In DLPTS transitive signature scheme, there are two algorithms gener-ating new element to be added to S, one is Tsign, other is Comp.

At the beginning ofDLPTs,

Firstly, we consider the Tsign oracle query with

If legit is set to false, and the stop Tsign, no new element is added toS, so the above claim is right.

Else, a new element is added to S, where is the output of

Therefor, the newly added element satisfies the above Equation (1). Because Tsign only adds new element to S, but never changes existing elements in S, after the Tsign oracle query, all elements of S still satisfie the above Equation (1). The above claim is right.

Second, we onsider the Comp oracle query with

If or or are not all distinct, then legit

is set to false, and the stop Comp, no new element is added to S, so the above claim holds true.

Else, the composition algorithm is run, and a new element is created, and is added to S, where

If If

where where

New Transitive Signature Scheme based on Discreted Logarithm Problem 119 Depending on the relations between and the variable inside the compostion algorithm gets diferent values as following.

If If If If If If

Therefor, the newly added element satisfies the above Equation (1). Because Comp only adds new element to S, but never changes existing elements in S, so all elements of S still satisfie the above Equation (1). The above claim is right. Lemma 1 has been proved.

In order to verfify the validity of any in the DLPTS transitive

signature scheme, where we must

verify the following two equations.

(1) (2)

and and

For SSign is one section of a standard signature scheme SDS, SVf is the signature verifing sectin in the same SDS, so

the is true.

On the other hand, from the Lemma 1, we have the equation

Lemma 2: At any time in DLPTS transitive signature scheme,

Dans le document IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (Page 132-136)