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8. State Transitions

8.1. Standard Connection State Diagrams

8.1.2. State Transition Descriptions for

- initiator: Transport connect request was made (e.g., TCP SYN sent).

- target: Illegal.


- initiator: Transport connection request timed out, a transport reset was received, or an internal event of

receiving a Logout Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session" Logout Request was received.

- target: Illegal.


- initiator: Illegal.

- target: Received a valid transport connection request that establishes the transport connection.


- initiator: Transport connection established, thus prompting the initiator to start the iSCSI Login.

- target: Initial iSCSI Login Request was received.


- initiator: The final iSCSI Login Response with a Status-Class of zero was received.

- target: The final iSCSI Login Request to conclude the

Login Phase was received, thus prompting the target to send the final iSCSI Login Response with a Status-Class of zero.


- initiator: Illegal.

- target: Timed out waiting for an iSCSI Login, transport disconnect indication was received, transport reset was received, or an internal event indicating a transport

timeout was received. In all these cases, the connection is to be closed.


- initiator: One of the following events caused the transition:

a) The final iSCSI Login Response was received with a non-zero Status-Class.

b) Login timed out.

c) A transport disconnect indication was received.

d) A transport reset was received.

e) An internal event indicating a transport timeout was received.

f) An internal event of receiving a Logout Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session" Logout Request was received.

In all these cases, the transport connection is closed.

- target: One of the following events caused the transition:

a) The final iSCSI Login Request to conclude the Login Phase was received, prompting the target to send the final iSCSI Login Response with a non-zero Status-Class.

b) Login timed out.

c) A transport disconnect indication was received.

d) A transport reset was received.

e) An internal event indicating a transport timeout was received.

f) On another connection, a "close the session" Logout Request was received.

In all these cases, the connection is to be closed.


- initiator: An internal event of receiving a Logout

Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session" Logout Request was received, thus closing this connection and requiring no further cleanup.

- target: An internal event of sending a Logout Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session"

Logout Request was received, or an internal event of a successful connection/session reinstatement was received, thus prompting the target to close this connection cleanly.

T9, T10:

- initiator: An internal event that indicates the readiness to start the Logout process was received, thus prompting an iSCSI Logout to be sent by the initiator.

- target: An iSCSI Logout Request was received.

T11, T12:

- initiator: An Async PDU with AsyncEvent "Request Logout"

was received.

- target: An internal event that requires the decommissioning of the connection was received, thus causing an Async PDU with an AsyncEvent "Request Logout" to be sent.


- initiator: An iSCSI Logout Response (success) was received, or an internal event of receiving a Logout Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session" Logout Request was received.

- target: An internal event was received that indicates

successful processing of the Logout, which prompts an iSCSI Logout Response (success) to be sent; an internal event of sending a Logout Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session" Logout Request was received; or

an internal event of a successful connection/session reinstatement was received. In all these cases, the transport connection is closed.


- initiator: An Async PDU with AsyncEvent "Request Logout"

was received again.

- target: Illegal.

T15, T16:

- initiator: One or more of the following events caused this transition:

a) An internal event that indicates a transport connection timeout was received, thus prompting a transport reset or transport connection closure.

b) A transport reset was received.

c) A transport disconnect indication was received.

d) An Async PDU with AsyncEvent "Drop connection" (for this CID) was received.

e) An Async PDU with AsyncEvent "Drop all connections" was received.

- target: One or more of the following events caused this transition:

a) Internal event that indicates that a transport connection timeout was received, thus prompting a transport reset or transport connection closure.

b) An internal event of a failed connection/session reinstatement was received.

c) A transport reset was received.

d) A transport disconnect indication was received.

e) An internal emergency cleanup event was received, which prompts an Async PDU with AsyncEvent "Drop connection" (for this CID), or event "Drop all connections".


- initiator: One or more of the following events caused this transition:

a) A Logout Response (failure, i.e., a non-zero status) was received, or Logout timed out.

b) Any of the events specified for T15 and T16 occurred.

- target: One or more of the following events caused this transition:

a) An internal event that indicates a failure of the Logout processing was received, which prompts a Logout Response (failure, i.e., a non-zero status) to be sent.

b) Any of the events specified for T15 and T16 occurred.


- initiator: An internal event of receiving a Logout

Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session" Logout Request was received.

- target: An internal event of sending a Logout Response (success) on another connection for a "close the session"

Logout Request was received, or an internal event of a successful connection/session reinstatement was received.

In both these cases, the connection is closed.

The CLEANUP_WAIT state (S8) implies that there are possible iSCSI tasks that have not reached conclusion and are still considered busy.

8.1.3. Standard Connection State Diagram for an Initiator