• Aucun résultat trouvé

By using the prove variant of our compiler described in Section 8.1, we obtain commit-and-prove variants of our zkSNARKs in Table 4. Below we discuss their efficiency.

Let us consider proving R1CS or R1CS-lite relations in which a portion of the witness vector w is committed. Assume there are l commitments, (ˆcj)j∈[l], such that each ˆci commits to a vector of dimensionv encoded in a low-degree extensionui(X)of degreev−1. Also, we recall that according to our compiler, each CP-SNARK variant works the same as the corresponding zkSNARK except that it additionally runs theCP(2)link proof system.

In the case of the PHPs for R1CS, adding the CP(2)link proof requires in addition: n+v(3l+ 2) +l exponentiations in G1 for the prover, (4l+ 2) elements of G1 and one element of F in the proof, and

l+ 3pairings to the verifier.

In the case of the PHPs for R1CS-lite, adding the CP(2)link proof (with the modification to deal with the two polynomials) requires in addition: 4n+v(3l+ 1) +lexponentiations inG1for the prover,(4l+ 4) elements ofG1 and two elements of Fin the proof, and l+ 3pairings to the verifier.


Research leading to these results has been partially supported by the Spanish Government under projects SCUM (ref. RTI2018-102043-B-I00), CRYPTOEPIC (ref. EUR2019-103816), and SECURITAS (ref.

RED2018-102321-T), by the Madrid Regional Government under project BLOQUES (ref. S2018/TCS-4339), and by a research gift from Protocol Labs. The second author was partially supported by the before mentioned projects when he was a postdoctoral fellow at IMDEA Software Institute where he performed part of the research leading to this paper. Additionally, the project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/ES18/11670018.


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A Constraint Systems

Below we define a less compact version of R1CS-lite (Definition 4.5) in which satisfiability is expressed via three vectors and three checks. This form is sometimes more convenient work with.

Definition A.1(LongR1CS-lite). LetFbe a finite field andn, m∈Nbe positive integers. The universal relation RLongR1CS-lite is the set of triples

(R,x,w) := (F, n, m,{L,R}, `),x,(a0,b0,c0)

where L,R ∈ Fn×n, max{||L||,||R||} ≤ m, x ∈ F`−1, a0,b0,c0 ∈ Fn−`, and for a := (1,x,a0), b:= (1,b0), c:= (1,x,c0) it holds

a◦b−c= 0 ∧ a+L·c= 0 ∧ b+R·c= 0

Lemma A.1. Let R (resp. R) be a LongR1CS-lite (resp. R1CS-lite) relation with matricesˆ {L,R}.

Then for anyx∈F`−1, it holds x∈ L(R) if and only ifx∈ L(ˆR).

Proof. Case I: x ∈ L(R) ⇒ x ∈ L(ˆR). Let (a0,b0,c0) be a witness for x ∈ L(R). Then cˆ0 :=

a0 ◦b0 is a witness for x ∈ L(ˆR). To see this, note that by LongR1CS-lite definition, we have that L·(a◦b)◦R·(a◦b) =a◦b, fora:= (1,x,a0) andb:= (1,b0). Finally, noticing that(1,x,cˆ0) =a◦b concludes this part of the proof.

Case II: x∈ L(R) ⇐ x∈ L(ˆR). Let cˆ0 be a witness for x∈ L(ˆR), namely for cˆ:= (1,x,cˆ0) it holds ˆ


Leta˜ :=−L·c,ˆ ˜b:=−R·c, andˆ c0:=cˆ0, and leta0,b0 be the lastn−`rows ofa˜ andb˜respectively.

By the satisfiability of R1CS-lite we have that

 1 x c0

=cˆ=L·ˆc◦R·ˆc= ˜a◦˜b= a00


◦ b00


which implies that c0 = a0 ◦ b0, and thus for a := (1,x,a0), b := (1,b0), and c := (1,x,c0), the Hadamard constraint of R1CS-lite must hold.

Finally, note that from the definition of the first ` rows of R it holds ˜b = (1,b0), and thus a˜ = (1,x,a0). Therefore, for a,bas above the linear constraints of R1CS-lite are also satisfied.

This concludes the proof that (a0,b0,c0) is a satisfying witness forx∈ L(R).

A.1 Proof of Lemma 4.5

Proof. We do the proof by showing equivalence with the LongR1CS-lite relation of definition A.1; by lemma A.1 one can then obtain the proof.

First, we claim that equation (1) is equivalent to

∀η∈H:a(η) +X


Lη,η0·a(η0)·b(η0) = 0 (17)

∀η ∈H:b(η) + X


Rη,η0·a(η0)·b(η0) = 0 (18)

To see this, we observe that we can group the checks inside equations (17) (resp. (18)) by doing a linear combination with linearly independent polynomials {LHη(X)}η∈H; then, these two equations can be merged into a single one by introducing a new random variable Z.


In one direction, given a satisfying witness (a0,b0,c0) for R1CS-lite, we can build polynomials a0(X), b0(X)that satisfy equations (17)–(18) by defining: a:= (1,x,a0),a(X) =P

In the other direction, let a0(X), b0(X) be polynomials such that their extensions with the public input satisfy equations (17)–(18). Then, we build a witness (a0,b0,c0) for R1CS-lite by defining: b0 :=

Proof. Similarly to the proof above, we claim that equation (11) is equivalent to

∀η ∈H:a(η) + X To see this, we observe that we can group the checks inside equations (19)–(21) by doing a linear combination with linearly independent polynomials {LHη(X)}η∈H; then, these three equations can be merged into a single one by introducing new random variables ZL, ZR, ZO.


In one direction, given a satisfying witnesswfor R1CS, we can build polynomialsa(X), b(X), w(X) that satisfy equations (19)–(21): first, let a = −L·z and b = −R·z with z = (1,x,w), second,

In the other direction, let a(X), b(X), w(X) be such that they satisfy equations (19)–(21), for z(X) := P