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Maintenant, relève pour chacun des paragraphes les mots importants, en rapport avec le

Dans le document Anglais 5 (Page 55-64)

le coin des curieux

Séquence 4 Maintenant, relève pour chacun des paragraphes les mots importants, en rapport avec le

thème qui y est traité.

Surligne-les avec un surligneur de différente couleur à chaque fois : – Paragraphe 1 : surligneur vert

– Paragraphe 2 : surligneur bleu – Paragraphe 3 : surligneur jaune – Paragraphe 4 : surligneur rose

Every afternoon when her father was at work and her mother away, Matilda

was alone. She loved to read, even difficult books! Her dad always made her watch television, but she preferred reading!

When Matilda was 6, she started school. Her teacher Miss Honey found out that Matilda was incredibly clever , that she could read and do maths as well. Miss Honey wanted to move Matilda up in the school system and went to see the headmistress, Miss Trunchbull. Miss Trunchbull was very nasty and mean and said no.

But Matilda had another gift She could move things by only using her eyes. Miss Honey and Matilda became very good friends and one day Miss Honey decided to show Matilda her house. Miss Honey lived in a little cottage and had almost no furniture at all. And she had an amazing story to tell Matilda. Miss Trunchbull was Miss Honey’s aunt and when Miss Honey’s dad died Miss Trunchbull got the house, money and Miss Honey had to be her servant. When Matilda heard this story she made up a plan. With just a little help by her eyes she was going to help Miss Honey to get her house back.

One day at school when Matilda’s class had Miss Trunchbull, Matilda put her plan into action. She used her eyes to make a chalk write on the blackboard she had to give Miss Honey back her money. And surprisingly enough she did! And Miss Honey got to live in the house she grew up in.

Matilda suddenly had to move to Spain because his father did something wrong.

But Matilda got to stay with Miss Honey in her house. And they lived happily ever after.

Commençons l’enquête.

Nous savons que ce paragraphe traite de Matilda, à l’âge de 6 ans. (When Matilda was 6.) Il y est question de l’école (she started school).

On dit qu’elle sait lire et faire des mathématiques (she could read and do maths) Matilda est qualifiée par l’auteur : Matilda was… clever. Sujet + BE + adj.

L’explication en est donnée : because she could read and do maths Résumons nos indices :

- 6 ans (donc très jeune)

- Commence l’école (donc école primaire)

c c

Séquence 4Conclusion ? Matilda est vraiment très douée !

Quelle est la nature du mot : incredibly? Incredibly est un adverbe. (Revois la séquence 3) Mais tu as compris l’essentiel : le mot ‘incredibly’ permet de dire

-  à quel point Matilda est intelligente

Traduis “incredibly clever” : Elle est incroyablement intelligente.

Mène la même enquête avec : 1- Headmistress

Head : la tête

Mistress : la maîtresse d’école

 à la tête des maîtresses d’école : la directrice ; la directrice de «tête » !

2- Move Matilda up in the school system Move: bouger

Move up: bouger avec un mouvement vers le haut/ascendant The school system: le système scolaire

 « faire monter » Matilda dans le système scolaire  faire sauter une classe

Séance 5

Exercise 9

Matilda’s hobby - reading

Matilda’s talents - incredibly clever - could read

- could do maths (at 6) - could move things

Matilda’s family - father made her watch television - mother away every afternoon Matilda’s teachers - Miss Honey

- Miss Trunchbull (Headmistress)

c c

Séquence 4

Exercise 10

Every afternoon when my father was at work and my mother away, I was alone. I loved to read, even difficult books! My dad always made me watch television, but I preferred reading!

So Matilda was not very happy:

Why wasn’t she happy? Because her dad made her watch television.

What was wrong with watching television? Didn’t she like it?

She preferred reading!

Dis quelles sont tes préférences :

1- History/geography: I prefer History to Geography./ I prefer Geography to History.

2- Meat/fish: I prefer meat to fish/ I prefer fish to meat.

3- Apples/oranges: I prefer apples to oranges/ oranges to apples.


Playing basketball/watching basketball on TV: I prefer playing basketball to watching basket- ball on TV.

Her dad always made her watch television, but she preferred reading!

D’après toi, aime-t-elle regarder la télévision ?  non Deux mots l’indiquent : lesquels ? but et preferred.

Que préfère-t-elle faire ? Lire.

Déduis le sens de l’expression Her dad made her watch television:

Son père la forçait/l’obligeait à regarder la télévision.

Productions possibles:

1- Her dad made Matilda watch stupid cartoons on TV.

2- He made her watch TV all day long!

3- He made her sit all afternoon on the sofa.

Les talents exceptionnels de Matilda:

1- Elle savait lire à l’âge de 6 ans

2- Elle savait faire des mathématiques : compter/calculer

3- Elle pouvait faire bouger les objets en les regardant simplement 4- COULD :

Passé de CAN (modal) Exercise 11

- When he was young, Superman could carry bikes with one finger and he could fly in the air.

- He could go to Japan in one hour.

c c Step 7

1- Séquence 4Quelques indices (mots soulignés)

Séance 6

…was something else altogether. She was a gigantic holy terror, a fierce tyrannical monster who frightened the life out of pupils and teachers alike. There was an aura of menace about her even at a distance, and when she came up close you could almost feel the dangerous heat radiating from her as from a red-hot rod of metal.

She was above all a most formidable female. She had once been a famous athlete, and even now the muscles were still clearly in evidence. You could see them in the bull-neck, in the big shoulders, in the thick arms, in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs. […] She had an obstinate chin, a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes. […] She looked, in short, more like a rather eccentric and bloodthirsty follower of the stag-hounds than the headmistress of a nice school for children.

2- I wouldn’t like to meet this character because she seems horrible, dangerous and cruel.

I am afraid of her.

Je n’aimerais pas rencontrer ce personnage car elle me semble horrible, cruelle et dangereuse. J’ai peur d’elle. Elle me fait peur.

3- La première impression que j’ai eue en lisant cette description : Quelques pistes possibles :

C’est un personnage immense (sa taille, ses muscles) et effrayant (elle fait peur) Si j’étais élève dans cette école, je n’aimerais pas l’avoir comme directrice !

Elle ne semble pas à sa place dans cette école ; elle ne ressemble pas à une directrice d’école.

Il s’agit d’une femme.

4- Le pronom personnel qui le prouve : SHE 5- Les adjectifs qui la caractérisent :

- Fierce - Tyrannical - Dangerous - Formidable - Big

- Thick - Cruel - Arrogant - Eccentric - Bloodthirsty

6- Ce sont tous des adjectifs plutôt négatifs/péjoratifs.

c c

Séquence 4

7- a) powerful  power (pouvoir en français)

b) Bloodthirsty  blood : sang ; thirsty : assoiffé  assoiffé de sang 8- Mots inconnus :

Fierce: tyrannical est l’autre adjectif qui qualifie le monstre.

 fierce veut dire féroce.

9- Thick : se rapporte à ses bras. Juste avant, l’auteur avait qualifié ses épaules de ‘big’ c’est-à-dire qu’elle avait des épaules massives, énormes.

10- a)Donc la femme a de fortes épaules et des bras costauds/de gros bras.

b) Sinewy se rapporte à ‘wrists’ c’est-à-dire ses poignets. Seul l’adjectif « noueux » convient, parmi les adjectifs proposés, compte tenu du contexte.

11- Mots transparents :

Gigantic : gigantesque Tyrannical : tyrannique Dangerous : dangereux(se) Formidable

Cruel : cruel(le) Arrogant : arrogant(e) Eccentric : excentrique Obstinate : obstiné(e)

12- Si tu as traduit ‘formidable’ par « formidable », tu dois être surpris(e) !

Car c’est le seul adjectif positif. Il ne cadre pas avec le portrait brossé par l’auteur.

Formidable veut dire : redoutable, impressionnant, effrayant.

Séquence 4

c c

Exercise 12

Séance 7

Words related to the body:

athlete - muscles - neck - shoulders - arms - wrists - legs - chin - mouth - eyes.

Exercise 13


Knee - thigh - fingers - head - toes - nose - hand - neck - eyes - hair - mouth - leg - foot - ears - arm

head tête eyes yeux

hair cheveux nose nez

mouth bouche ears oreilles

neck cou arm bras

hand main fingers doigts

leg jambe foot pied

toes doigts de pied thigh cuisse

knee genou

Exercise 14

smock breeches silver buckle green

stockings brogues belt

Exercise 15 odd

extraordinary brown green wide bottle-green enormous massive

clothes breeches cotton smock stockings belt breeches silver buckle thighs

c c

Séquence 4

Exercise 16 - Blouse : smock

- Ceinture de cuir : leather belt - Boucle d’argent : silver buckle - Culotte : breeches

- Vert bouteille : bottle-green - Bas : stockings

- A revers : turn-ups - Mocassins : brogues - Talons plats : flat heels

“She looked, in short, more like a rather eccentric and bloodthirsty follower of the stag-hounds than the headmistress of a nice school for children.”

On a aussi l’impression que l’auteur brosse le portrait de Miss Trunchbull avec humour.

Il la compare à une chasseuse sanguinaire, à la tête d’une meute de chiens ! Il la verrait plutôt dans une chasse à courre !

Séance 8

Exercise 1

Rudyard Kipling was an English writer, who was born in India in 1865 and who died in 1936 at the age of 71. He wrote many books such as The Jungle Book (in 1894) and Kim.

Exercise 2

1- He was born in 1865.

2- He died in 1936.

3- No, he wasn’t. He was Welsh.

4- No, they weren’t. They were brothers.

5- No, he didn’t. Perrault wrote Cinderella.

6- Roald Dahl wrote Matilda.

7- Yes, he was.

8- No, he didn’t. He came from India.

Exercise 3

1- What is your favourite smell?

2- What is your favourite colour?

3- Who are your favourite heroes in real life?

4- Where would you like to live?

5- What is your idea of happiness?

Séquence 4

c c

Exercise 4Voir modèles donnés séance 2.

Exercise 5

Exemple de texte possible :

Her name is Linda Anne Chapman. She is an English writer, who was born in 1969 in Liverpool.

She lives in a village in Leicesterchire and has three children: a son called Spike, aged 1 and two daughters, Iola and Amany, who are 8 and 5 years old.

She also has two mountain dogs, called Pepper (a funny name for a dog!) and Teasel.

As for her physical appearance, she is blond-haired (she has blond hair/She is blonde) and she has blue-green eyes (her eyes are blue-green). She wrote many books such as My Secret Unicorn or Stardust.

As for her favourite food, she likes chocolate very much.

The poem she likes best is ‘If’ by R. Kipling and her favourite smell is that of fresh cut grass.

The colour she prefers is aquamarine (blue).

If she hadn’t been a successful writer, she would have liked to be a Shetland sheep dog breeder.

Her favourite hobby is riding horses and playing with her two dogs.

Exercise 6

2- Corps humain - The human body a) knee

b) wrist c) arm d) thighs e) toes

3- Vêtements - Clothes a) stockings

b) brogues c) leather belt d) silver buckle e) smock

c c

Séquence 4

Exercise 7

One day I heard the young lady cry for help. I entered the tower, took a big sword and killed the monster.

I rescued the princess from the tower and gently put her on my strong back and flew high in the sky. I (and

the princess) eventually arrived at the castle. The king and queen were so happy that they gave me a bag full of diamonds. I was rich now! The princess gave me a kiss to thank me and suddenly I became a handsome prince! We got married and lived happily ever after.

Exercise 8

Matilda: brilliant, intelligent, exceptional, keen on reading, surprising, nice and friendly.

Miss Trunchbull: cruel as a ferocious dog, formidable, frightening, gigantic, mean, nasty,

strong as an athlete.

Dans le document Anglais 5 (Page 55-64)

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