• Aucun résultat trouvé

All information collected as part of the SLIC project is strictly confidential. In all dissemination confidentiality will be protected. The aim of this questionnaire is to allow us to study the links between your previous language learning experiences and the learning completed in this training course.

This questionnaire has been created by Aurélie Bayle who leads the SLIC project at the

Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage (LRL) in Blaise Pascal University, Clermont- Ferrand, France as part of her research.

If you need further information, please contact aurelie.bayle@univ-bpclermont.fr PERSONAL INFORMATION

* 1.

Surname First name Year of birth

* 2. Sex



* 3. What subject do you currently study? What year?


* 4. What language is your mother tongue?

* 5. What foreign languages do you use on a regular basis? Can you tell us about your level, the context in which you use these languages...

* 6. When did you start learning French?

*7. Do you often practice this language, while being in a french-speaking country or by being in contact with people who have French as their mother tongue?



If no, since when have you stopped practicing it?

*8. For each of the following words, please write 5 words that come to your mind:

United States France Americans French

English language French language


* 9. Do you feel at ease using information technology?




more or less

not at all

* 10. What distance communication tools do you use and how often do you use them?


Discussion forums Text chat

Audio conferencing or video conferencing Social Networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter...) Virtual Worlds (Active Worlds, Second Life...) Multiuser games (World of Warcraft, Battlefield) / Serious games

Other distance communication tools (learning platforms e.g. Moodle, blog or other)

* 11. Do you have any experience of distance learning?



If yes, please describe

* 12. How often do you communicate in a foreign language online (written or oral communication)?


Please describe the type of situation in which this communication takes place USE OF SECOND LIFE

* 13. Have you ever heard of Second Life?


No 14. If yes,

what do you know about Second Life?

what do you think about Second Life?

15. Please write down the first three or four words that you associate with Virtual world

Avatar Identity Culture Learning

* 16. Have you ever used Second Life?

(If your answer is no, go directly to the next page)



17. Why do you use Second Life?pour jouer

to play


to meet people

to learn

other (please state)

18. How long have you been using Second Life?

less than two weeks

less than a month

less than six months

less than a year

less than two years

about three years

for more than three years 19. How often do you use Second Life?


2-3 times a week

a few times a month

less than once a month

I only used it once

20. What is the name of your avatar?

21. Please write a short description of your avatar. Does it resemble you in any way?

22. Please tell us what your level of mastery is for the following Second Life activities

Excellent Average Poor I don't know Walk, run, fly

Use public chat to speak to people nearby Use public audio to speak to people nearby Send a text message to someone

Invite someone to be friends Accept an invitation to be friends Teleport

Teleport someone to where you are Change the sound settings

Add a landmark to my inventory Go to a landmark in my inventory Add an object to my inventory

Read a note card which is in my inventory Use the map to guide me

Change the appearance of my avatar Search for a place, resident or event Access a website from Second Life Rez an object

Take a photo in Second Life Build a simple object from prims Build a complex object from prims Use the camera

Use linden dollars


For the SLIC project, you will be in contact with a small group of people (3 or 4) who will not be from your country, some having French as their first language. We would like to have an idea of what such an exchange


means to you, in terms of meetings and discussions with the other participants as well as what previous experience you may have had.

* 23. For work or formal studies, have you ever participated in activities that mixed



24. If you replied yes, please tell if this experience was for any of the following reasons:

oui non

two people face to face?

two people by internet?

for group work?

for formal professional training?

for the purpose of language study in an educational setting?

other (please state)

25. Did you have any particular problems during these activities with people of different languages and/or countries?


No Please describe


First evaluate your intercultural competence by indicating how you feel about each statement. Using the scale on the right, evaluate the statement by checking the column under the number 0, 1, 2, or 3, where 0 means « I’m not at all capable. » to 3 « I’m completely capable. »

26. If I am communicating with one or several people from a country other than my own …

0 1 2 3 I can put myself in his/her place and imagine his/her point of view.

I am aware of my own identity, my own values and my own cultural views.

I am aware of the fact that my view of my self influences the view that I have of others.

I am tolerant when encountering another culture, no matter my own moral and ethical convictions.

I can identify conventions belonging to someone else’s culture.

I know how to work out misunderstandings due a poor understanding between people of different cultures.

* 27. When in a learning situation with others, I feel more willing and comfortable participating in the discussion if:

0 1 2 3 I talk about topics important to me.

I talk about topics that are outside of my field of experience.

* 28. When learning foreign language with others, I feel more willing and comfortable participating in the discussion if:

0 1 2 3 I talk about topics important to me.

I talk about topics that are outside of my field of experience.

* 29. When in a learning situation with others, I feel more willing and comfortable participating in the discussion if I know the others’:

0 1 2 3 nationality.

something about his or her life.

his/her opinion on the topic being discussed.