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Plotting Functions of a Single Variable

Dans le document Second Edition (Page 106-126)

Two-Dimensional Graphics

4.1 Plotting Functions of a Single Variable

Anyone who has ever tried to plot a graph using one of the standard programming languages will appre-ciate the ease with which graphs can be produced in Mathematica. In many instances, only one simple instruction is all that is needed to produce a pictorial representation of a function or a more general rela-tionship between two variables.

Although Mathematica’s defaults work well in most instances, there are many options available to con-trol subtleties. We shall describe the more common ones in this section and present a variety of examples that illustrate the ease with which graphs may be constructed.

The basic command for drawing the graph of a function is Plot. Although x is used as the independent variable in the following description, any symbol may be used in its place.

Plot[f[x], {x, xmin, xmax} plots a two-dimensional graph of the function f(x) on the interval xmin ≤ x ≤ xmax.

EXAMPLE 1 Plot the parabola f(x) = x2 from –3 to 3.

Plot[x2, {x, –3, 3}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

2 4 6 8

Two functions can be plotted on the same set of axes. Mathematica draws each in a different color.

Plot[{f[x], g[x]}, {x, xmin, xmax}] plots the graphs of f(x) and g(x) from xmin to xmax on the same set of axes. This command can be generalized in a natural way to plot three or more functions.

EXAMPLE 2 Plot f(x) = x2 and g(x) = 9 − x2 from −3 to 3.

Plot[{x2, 9 – x2}, {x, –3, 3}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

2 4 6 8

When plotting points over a specified interval, Mathematica makes a decision on the range of points to plot in order to produce a pleasing graph. PlotRange is an option that allows the user to override Mathematica’s default.

PlotRange ã Automatic is Mathematica’s default. Any points whose vertical coordinates appear to be too large (e.g., outliers) are omitted from the graph.

PlotRange ã All forces Mathematica to plot all points.

PlotRange ã {ymin, ymax} plots only those points whose vertical coordinates fall between ymin and ymax.

PlotRange ã {{xmin, xmax},{ymin, ymax}} plots those points whose horizontal coordinates fall between xmin and xmax and whose vertical coordinates fall between ymin and ymax.

EXAMPLE 3 f[x_] 1

(x – 3)2 /; x < 2.9 || x > 3.1 f[x_]  100 /; 2.9 Ä x Ä 3.1

Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 6}] Plot[f[x],{x,0,6},PlotRange ã All]

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 4 6 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

20 40 60 80 100

The Show command is useful for plotting several graphs simultaneously, particularly when their domains are different intervals.

Show[g1, g2, . . .] plots several graphs on a common set of axes.

EXAMPLE 4 Suppose we wish to plot the graph of y = x2 – 9 on the interval [– 4, 4] and the graph of y = sin x on the interval [0, 2 π], but wish to plot them on one set of axes. We define two graphics objects, g1 and g2.

g1 = Plot[x2– 9, {x, –4, 4}]

–4 –2 2 4

–5 5

g2 = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 o}]

1 2 3 4 5 6

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

Now we apply the Show command. Note how the axes are adjusted to exhibit both graphs:

Show[g1, g2,PlotRange ã All]

–6 –4 –2 2 4 6

–5 5

You will notice that in defining g1 and g2, each curve was drawn individually on its own axis. To suppress this output, a semicolon (;) can be placed at the right side of each plot command.


g1 = Plot[x2– 9];

g2 = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 o}];

Show[g1, g2, PlotRange ã All]

–6 –4 –2 2 4 6

–5 5

A useful command for drawing multiple graphs is GraphicsArray.

GraphicsArray[{g1, g2, ...}] plots a row of graphics objects.

Only the combined graph is drawn, not g1 and g2.

Only the combined graph is drawn, not g1 and g2.

Note the use of the semicolon (;) to suppress intermediate graphics from being plotted.

Note the use of the semicolon (;) to suppress intermediate graphics from being plotted.

GraphicsArray[{g1, g2},{ g3, g4}]

–2 –1 1 2

–2 –1 1 2

–2 –1 1 2

–2 –1 1 2

–2 –1 0 1 2

1 2 3

4 –2 –1 1 2

–4 –3 –2 –1

Plot has a variety of options that can be viewed by typing ?? Plot or Options[Plot]. These options may be used individually or in conjunction with one another. Some of the more common options are described in the remainder of this section.

Since Mathematica obviously cannot plot an infinite number of points, it selects a finite number of equally spaced points as “sample” points and uses an adaptive algorithm to construct a smooth-looking curve. The initial number of points it will use, PlotPoints, is set to 50 by default. If the curve “wiggles” excessively, a larger number might be necessary to obtain a smooth-looking curve.

PlotPoints ã n specifies that an initial number of n sample points should be used in the con-struction of the graph.

MaxRecursion ã n specifies that up to n levels of recursion should be made in the adaptive algorithm. Recursive subdivision is done only in those places where more samples seem to be needed in order to achieve results with a certain level of quality.

When you plot a graph, you will notice that the horizontal and vertical axes are usually not the same length. By default, the ratio of vertical axis length to horizontal axis length is 1/GoldenRatio, where GoldenRatio = 1


+ 5 2


/ . The designers of Mathematica felt that this ratio was the most comfort-able and pleasing to the eye. It can be changed with the option AspectRatio, which determines the height-to-width ratio of the graph.

AspectRatio ã Automatic computes the aspect ratio from the actual coordinate values of the plot.

AspectRatio ã ratio sets the ratio of height to width to the value ratio.


Plot[x2, {x, –5, 5}] Plot[x2, {x, –5, 5}, AspectRatio ã Automatic]

–4 –2 2 4

5 10 15 20 25

–4 –2 2 4

5 10 15 20 25

EXAMPLE 8 The following command should produce a circle of radius 3 centered at the origin. However, because of unequal axis scaling, the graph appears as an ellipse.

Plot[{–Sqrt[9 – x2], Sqrt[9 – x2]}, {x, –3, 3}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

Both axes are scaled identically.

Both axes are scaled identically.

We can make the circle appear round by setting AspectRatio ã Automatic.

Plot[{–Sqrt[9 – x2], Sqrt[9 – x2]}, {x, –3, 3}, AspectRatio ã Automatic]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

When graphing a function, Mathematica makes a calculated decision where to place the origin. If (0, 0) is within the plotting region, the axes will cross at that location. If not, an algorithm decides where the axes should cross. This can sometimes lead to a confusing (and misleading) rendering of the function. The option AxesOrigin gives control over the placement of the intersection point.

AxesOrigin ã Automatic is the default. If the point (0, 0) is within, or close to, the plotting region, then it is usually chosen as the axis origin.

AxesOrigin ã {x, y} forces the intersection of the axes to be the point (x, y).


Plot[5 + x4, {x, 1, 2}]

1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

8 10 12 14 16 18 20

The axes intersect at (1, 6). The graph is drawn completely, how-ever, from x = 1 to x = 2.

The axes intersect at (1, 6). The graph is drawn completely, how-ever, from x = 1 to x = 2.

Plot[5 + x4, {x, 1, 2}, AxesOrigin ã {0, 0}]

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

5 10 15 20

When multiple graphs are drawn on the same set of axes, Mathematica distinguishes them by color.

PlotStyle allows the user to alter the appearance of a graph in other ways using style options.

PlotStyle ã style if only one style option is used.

PlotStyle ã {style1, style2, . . .} if several style options are desired. If more than one graph is to be modified, the styles are applied cyclically.

Some of the more common style options are listed in the following:

GrayLevel[x] for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 allows lightening of the image. The closer x is to 1, the lighter the image will appear.


Plot[{Sin[x], Sin[2x], Sin[3x]}, {x, –o, o},

PlotStyle ã {GrayLevel[0.0], GrayLevel[0.5], GrayLevel[0.8]}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

Dashing[{r1, r2, . . . , rm}] specifies that the curves are to be drawn dashed with successive segments and spaces of lengths r1, r2, … , rm repeated cyclically. Each r value is given as a fraction of the total width of the graph. Dashing[r] is equivalent to Dashing[{r,r}] and gives equal size dashes and spaces. For convenience, r can be replaced with one of the following: Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large.

AbsoluteDashing[{d1, d2, . . . , dm}] specifies that the curve is to be drawn dashed, with suc-cessive segments having absolute lengths d1, d2, … , dm repeated cyclically. AbsoluteDashing[d]

is equivalent to AbsoluteDashing[{d,d}] and gives equal size dashes and spaces. The absolute lengths are measured in units of printer’s points, equal to 1

72 of an inch. For convenience, d can be replaced with one of the following: Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large.


Plot[{x2, 2x2, 3x2}, {x, –3, 3},

PlotStyle ã {Dashing[.01], Dashing[.03], Dashing[{.03, .1}]}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

5 10 15 20 25

Thickness[r] specifies that the graph is to be drawn with a thickness r. The thickness r is given as a fraction of the total width of the graph. The default value for two-dimensional graphs is 0.004.

For convenience, r can be replaced with one of the following: Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large.

These yield thicknesses independent of the width of the graph.

AbsoluteThickness[d] specifies that the graph is to be drawn with absolute thickness d. The absolute thickness is measured in units of printer’s points, equal to 1

72 of an inch.


Plot[{x2, 2 x2, 3 x2}, {x, –3, 3},

PlotStyle ã {Thickness[.005], Thickness[.01], Thickness[.02]}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

5 10 15 20 25

There are several style options that control color.

Hue[hue] is a color specification. As hue varies from 0 to 1, the corresponding color runs through red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, and back to red again.

Hue[hue, saturation, brightness]specifies colors in terms of hue, saturation, and brightness levels.

The values of saturation and brightness must be between 0 and 1.

Hue[hue, saturation, brightness, opacity]specifies colors in terms of hue, saturation, brightness, and opacity levels. The values of saturation, brightness, and opacity must be between 0 and 1. (An opacity of 0 represents perfect transparency.)

RGBColor[red,green,blue] specifies the mixture of red, green, and blue to produce a certain color. The values of red, green, and blue must be between 0 and 1. RGBColor[1, 0, 0] produces a pure red display, RGBColor[0, 1, 0] produces green, and RGBColor[0, 0, 1] produces blue.

RGBColor[red, green, blue, opacity] is similar to RGBColor [red, green, blue]. The values of red, green, blue, and opacity must be between 0 and 1. (An opacity of 0 represents perfect transparency.)

CMYKColor[cyan, magenta, yellow, black]specifies the mixture of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black to produce a certain color. The values of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black must be between 0 and 1. CMYKColor is useful when printing colored graphs on paper.

CMYKColor[cyan, magenta, yellow, black, opacity] is similar to CMYKColor[cyan, magenta, yellow, black]. The values of cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and opacity must be between 0 and 1. (An opacity of 0 represents perfect transparency.)

Certain colors can be mentioned by name. Available choices are:

Red Green Blue Black

White Gray Cyan Magenta

Yellow Brown Orange Pink

Purple LightRed LightGreen LightBlue

LightGray LightCyan LightMagenta LightYellow LightBrown LightOrange LightPink LightPurple


Plot[{x2, 2 x2, 3 x2}, {x, –3, 3}, PlotStyle ã {Red, Green, Blue}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

5 10 15 20 25

Mathematica makes it easy to compute the RGB “formula” for custom colors. Simply click on Insert ⇒Color and select the color of your choice. The exact RGB combination for the color selected will be placed into your Mathematica notebook at the cursor position.

When plotted, x2, 2 x2, and 3 x2 appear red, green, and blue, respectively.

When plotted, x2, 2 x2, and 3 x2 appear red, green, and blue, respectively.

Color selector on a PC.

Color selector on a Macintosh.

The function ColorData contains a list of predefined colors. Type ColorData["Legacy",

"Names"] to see an extensive list of named colors. To see the RGB formula, replace "Names" with the name of the color within quotes.


ColorData["Legacy", "AliceBlue"]

RGBColor[0.941206, 0.972503, 1.]

There are two graphics options that can be used to label graphs.

PlotLabel specifies an overall label for the graph.

PlotLabel ã "description" labels the graph with a title.

AxesLabel allows one or both axes to be labeled with an appropriate description.

AxesLabel ã None specifies that neither axis should be labeled. This is Mathematica’s default.

AxesLabel ã "label" specifies a label for the y-axis only.

AxesLabel ã {"label"} specifies a label for the x-axis only.

AxesLabel ã {"x–label","y–label"} specifies labels for both the x- and y-axes.

AxesLabel ã Automatic specifies that the independent variable used in the Plot command should be printed along the horizontal axis.


Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2o}, PlotLabel ã "GRAPH OF Y = SIN X", AxesLabel ã {"Values of x","Values of sin x"}]

1 2 3 4 5 6 Values of x

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 Values of sin x


PlotLegend is a useful option that can be used to label the graphs in a legend box. It is contained within the package PlotLegends`, which must be loaded prior to its use.

PlotLegend[{"text1","text2", . . .}] attaches text1, text2, . . . to each description specified in PlotStyle.

LegendPosition ã {a,b} specifies the position for the lower-left corner of the legend box.

The center of the graphic is position (0, 0) and the longest side of the graphic runs from –1 to 1.

LegendSize determines the size of the legend box.

LegendSizeãscale scales the size by a factor of scale.

LegendSizeã {a,b} uses a and b to determine the size of the legend box. The value 1 corresponds to half the length of the longest side of the graphic.

LegendOrientationdetermines the orientation of the legend box.

LegendOrientationã Vertical (default) prints the descriptions top to bottom.

LegendOrientationã Horizontal prints the descriptions left to right.

LegendShadowdetermines the positioning of the shadow of the legend box.

LegendShadowã Automatic is the default.

LegendShadowã None produces no shadow. The legend box is transparent.

LegendShadowã {x_offset, y_offset} moves the shadow to the right or up for positive values and to the left or down for negative values.



Plot[{x2, 2 x2, 3 x2}, {x, –3, 3}, PlotStyle ã{Dashing[{.01}],

Dashing[{.03}], Dashing[{.03, .08}]}, PlotLegend ã{"x2", "2 x2", "3 x2"}]

–1 1 2 3

5 10 15 20 25

3x2 2x2 x2



Plot[{x2, 2 x2, 3 x2}, {x, –3, 3},

PlotStyle ã {Dashing[{.01}], Dashing[{.03}], Dashing[{.03, .08}]}, PlotLegend ã {"x2", "2 x2", "3 x2"}, LegendPosition ã {.2, .4},

LegendSize ã .5, LegendOrientation ã Horizontal, LegendShadow ã {–.05,.05}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

5 10 15 20

25 x2 2x2 3x2

If desired, graphs can be enclosed within a rectangular frame. Additionally, one or both axes of a graph can be suppressed. Frame specifies whether a frame should be drawn around the graph.

Frame ã True specifies that a rectangular frame is to be drawn around the graph.

Frame ã False specifies that no frame is to be drawn (default).

Axes specifies whether the axes should be drawn.

Axes ã True specifies that both axes will be drawn (default).

Axes ã False draws no axes.

Axesã {False, True} draws a y-axis but no x-axis.

Axes ã {True, False} draws an x-axis but no y-axis.

EXAMPLE 18 Plot 1

x + 12 , {x, – 3, 3}, Frame →→ True, Axes →→→→ False

⎡⎣⎢ ⎤


–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Gridlines specifies that a rectangular grid should be drawn in the graph.

GridLines ã None specifies that no grid lines are to be drawn (default).

GridLines ã Automatic specifies that the gridline positions are to be chosen by Mathematica.

GridLines ã {xlist, ylist} specifies that gridline positions are to be drawn at the specified loca-tions. xlist and ylist are lists of numbers enclosed within {} or may (individually) be specified as Automatic, in which case Mathematica will choose their location.

EXAMPLE 19 When plotting trigonometric graphs, it is convenient to have vertical grid lines placed at multiples of π / 2.

Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 o}, GridLines ã{{0, o/2, o, 3 o/2, 2 o}, Automatic}]

1 2 3 4 5 6

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

Tick marks and corresponding labeling along the axes can be controlled with the option Ticks.

FrameTicks offers similar options along the edges of a frame when Frame ã True is set.

Ticks ã None specifies that no tick marks are to be drawn. The numerical labeling of the axes is suppressed.

Ticks ã Automatic specifies that tick marks will be drawn (default).

Ticks ã {xlist, ylist} specifies that tick marks will be drawn at the specified locations. xlist and ylist are lists of numbers enclosed within {} or may be specified as Automatic.

EXAMPLE 20 Here are three ways to plot the graph y x

=x +

2 2 1. Plot x

x + 1, {x, – 3, 3}



⎣⎢ ⎤


–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Plot x

x + 1, {x, – 3, 3}, Ticks None


2 →→

⎡⎣⎢ ⎤


Plot x

x + 1, {x, – 3, 3}, Ticks {{–3, 3}, A


2 →→ uutomatic}

⎡⎣⎢ ⎤


–3 3

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

The option Filling will plot a shaded graph.

FillingãAxis fills from the curve to the x-axis.

FillingãTop fills from the curve to the top of the plot.

FillingãBottom fills from the curve to the bottom of the plot.

Fillingãy fills from the curve to value y in the vertical direction.

Fillingã{m} fills to the mth curve.

Fillingã{m ã {n}} fills from the mth curve to the nth curve.

Fillingã{m ã {y, g}} fills from the mth curve to the value y using style option g.

Filling ã {m ã {{n}, g}} fills from the mth curve to the nth curve using style option g.


Plot[1 – x2, {x, –1, 1}, Filling ã Axis]

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Plot[{1 – x2, 2 – 2 x2},{x, –1, 1}, Filling ã {1 ã {2}}]

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Plot[{1 – x2, 2 – 2 x2, 3 – 3 x2}, {x, –1, 1}, Filling ã {1 ã {2}, 2 ã {3}}]

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0


Plot[{1 – x2, 2 – 2 x2, 3 – 3 x2}, {x, – 1, 1},

Filling ã {1 ã {0, Orange}, 1ã {{2}, Green}, 2 ã {{3}, Yellow}}]

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0


4.1 Plot the graph of y=xex from x = 0 to x = 5.


Plot[x Exp[– x], {x, 0, 5}]

1 2 3 4 5

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

4.2 Plot f x( )= −|1 | | |x on the interval [–3, 3].


Plot[Abs[1 – Abs[x]], {x, –3, 3}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

4.3 The standard normal curve used in probability and statistics is defined by the function f x( )= 1 e x



2 2

π Sketch the graph for –3 ≤ x ≤ 3.

SOLUTION f[x_]= 1

2 Exp –1 2x2 ;

⎡⎣ ⎤

Plot[f[x], {x, –3, 3}]

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

4.4 Plot the graphs y=sin , x y=2 sin , and x y=3 sin from –2 x π to 2 π on the same set of axes.


Plot[{Sin[x], 2 Sin[x], 3 Sin[x]}, {x, –2o, 2o}]

–6 –4 –2 2 4 6

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3

4.5 The graphs of inverse functions are symmetric with respect to the line y = x. Plot the inverse functions f x( )=x2, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, and f1( )x = x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 4, as solid curves and the line y = x as a dotted line and observe the symmetry.


g1 = Plot[ x2, {x, 0, 2}];

g2 = Plot[ x , {x, 0, 4}];

g3 = Plot[x, {x, 0, 4}, PlotStyle ã Dashing[{0, 0, .01}]];

Show[g1, g2, g3, AspectRatio ã Automatic, PlotRange ã{{0, 4}, Automatic}]

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

4.6 Sketch the graphs of y=x2,y= −x2, and y=x2sin10x, –2 π ≤x ≤ 2 π, on a single set of axes enclosed by a frame.


Plot[{x2, –x2, x2 Sin[10x]}, {x, –2o, 2o}, Frame ã True]

–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6

–40 –20 0 20 40

4.7 The family of Chebyshev polynomials is used in approximation theory and numerical analysis. Mathe-matica represents these polynomials as ChebyshevT[n,x]. On a single set of axes, using some device to distinguish the curves, plot a labeled graph showing the Chebyshev polynomials of degrees 2, 3, and 4.



Plot[{ChebyshevT[2, x], ChebyshevT[3, x], ChebyshevT[4, x]}, {x, –2, 2}, PlotStyle ã {GrayLevel[0], GrayLevel[.4], GrayLevel[.7]},

PlotLegend ã {"T2", "T3", "T4"}, LegendPosition ã {1,0}]

–2 –1 1 2

–10 –5 5 10 15 20

T3 T2 T1



Plot[{ChebyshevT[2, x], ChebyshevT[3, x], ChebyshevT[4, x]}, {x, –2, 2}, PlotStyle ã {Red, Green, Blue},

PlotLegend ã {"T2", "T3", "T4"}, LegendPosition ã {1, 0}]

4.8 Sketch the graphs of y= +1 sin , 0 x ≤ x ≤ 2 π, y= +2 sin , 2 x π≤ x ≤ 4π, and y= +3 sin, 4 π≤ x ≤ 6 π on one set of axes.


g1 = Plot[1 + Sin[x], {x, 0, 2o}];

g2 = Plot[2 + Sin[x], {x, 2o, 4o}];

g3 = Plot[3 + Sin[x], {x, 4o, 6o}];

Show[g1, g2, g3, PlotRange ã Automatic]

5 10 15

1 2 3 4

Color graph not shown.

Dans le document Second Edition (Page 106-126)