• Aucun résultat trouvé

Here we would like to look at a different way of exploring our framework of Sec-tion19.1. This will enable us to find an alternative proof of Conjecture2for dimension 3. This proof will have the advantage to partially generalize to dimension 4. This approach is based on the following observation.

Since we are only interested in reaching marginals ˜pthat are thermal at inverse temperatureβ0 < βR, what we really are interested in is to reach marginals of the following form One way to transformpinto ˜pis to transform eachri into its correspondingbi. However, since doubly stochastic transformations conserve the norm and since in generalkrik 6= kbik, wherek·kdenotes the one norm, i.e.,


d1 i


|vi|, (19.65)

one cannot perform this transformation directly withMi. What one can do with Mi instead is to transform the normalizedri into the normalizedbi, as indeed the following holds.

Lemma 26. For any dimension d and Hamiltonian ri

krik bi

kbik, ∀i=0, . . .k. (19.66) Proof. The proof is quite simple. We have

(ri)j = pj(j+i)= e

Chapter 19. Symmetric Mixed State Framework 105 What Lemma26tells us is that we are able to transform theri’s into thebi’s, just not in the right amount. Whenkrik>kbik, we will end up with too muchbiif one fully transformsri intobi as prescribed by Lemma26. And so, one can instead use the excessiverito try and create somebjfor which Lemma26does not allow to create enough of. One succeeds if the norm can adequately be passed across the different subspaces as such.

Onerithat always has excessive norm isr0as indeed

Lemma 27. For all Hamiltonians, inverse temperatureβand dimension d

kr0k ≥ kb0k, ∀β0β. (19.71) Proof idea. The proof consists in verifying thatβkr0k ≥0. See Appendix VII of [112]

for more details.

In dimension 3, this excessive norm can also adequately be passed to the otherbi as the following holds.

Lemma 28. For d=3, any Hamiltonian and inverse background temperatureβ.


kr0k (1+Π)b1

2kb1k ,β0 < β. (19.72) Proof idea. The proof consists of two steps. First, one proves that


kr0k (1+Π)r1

2kr1k . (19.73)

One then proceeds to prove that


2kr1k (1+Π)b1

2kb1k . (19.74)

Using the transitivity of majorization, we get the desired result. The detailed proof of each inequality is found in Appendix IX of [112]. Note in particular that 19.74does not merely follow from


kr1k b1

kb1k. (19.75)

Lemma26, Lemma27and Lemma28together prove Conjecture2for dimension 3.

Indeed, according to Lemma26and Lemma28, there exist doubly stochastic matrices Mr0b0,Mr1b1, andMr0b1 such that

Mr0b0r0 = kr0k

kb0kb0, (19.76)

Mr1b1r1 = kr1k

kb1kb1, (19.77)

Mr0b1r0 = kr0k

2kb1k(1+Π)b1. (19.78)

Chapter 19. Symmetric Mixed State Framework 106

as desired. We have therefore proven the following.

Theorem 20. For dimension 3 the “passing on the norm” approach allows to reach any marginalp˜ thermal atβ0 <βRand therefore proves Conjecture2for d=3.

There are various ways that this approach can unfold to higher dimensions. The fact that Lemma26as well as Lemma27hold for any dimension already gives a good basis to start from. However, the result of Lemma28proves more difficult to generalize. To this end, note that we choose to shift the excessive norm ofr0 to (1+Π)b1and not tob1andΠb1separately. This is simply because shifting the norm separately is not always possible to do. Indeed, already in dimension 3


kr0k b1

kb1k (19.85)

does not always hold. For example forE2,E0= E1 =0, the greatest component ofr0/kr0kis 12 while that of b1/kb1kis 1. This tells us that shifting the norm to a group of terms is advantageous. The fact that for any dimension


holds, see the proof below, suggests that a fruitful generalization of Lemma28for higher dimension might be to group as many terms as possible together, namely all theri 6=r0. However, shifting the norm fromr0to all the otherriuniformly oversees the fact that differentbineed to have their norm compensated by a different amount.

With this given, there are 3 potential avenues we see to generalize the approach to higher dimensions.

1. Investigate the possibility of shifting some norm between the differentri,i6=0 as well as from someri,i6=0 tor0such that a subsequent uniform shift from r0to all theri’s delivers the desired state. In doing so, one has to keep in mind that(1+Πi)mixesri before its norm can be shifted, which limits the shifting possibilities.

Chapter 19. Symmetric Mixed State Framework 107 2. Shift norm fromr0to all theribut not uniformly, such that the shifting results

in the desired state. This amounts to checking whether r0 b0+

k i=1


1− krik kbik

(1+Πi)bi, (19.87) holds.

3. Shift norm fromr0to the simplest non-trivial grouping ofri, namely

(1+Πi)ri. (19.88)

We found option 3 the most tractable alternative and therefore opted for that avenue. Doing so, we were able to prove the following.

Lemma 29. In dimension 4, for any Hamiltonian H = 3i=0Ei|ii hi|such thatδi+1δi, whereδi =Ei1−Ei, the following holds for i=1, 2.


kr0k (1+Πi)bi

2kbik , (19.89)

krik ≤ kbik. (19.90) Proof idea. The idea of the proof is the same as that of Lemma28and Lemma27. We prove the majorization relation in two steps, namely


kr0k (1+Πi)ri

2krik (19.91)



2krik (1+Πi)ri

2krik . (19.92)

The inequality is proven by showing thatβkrik ≤0. For the details of the proof we refer to Appendix IX of [112].

Lemma 29fails to be true in the regime δi+1 < δi as one may find a counter example to the relation


kr0k (1+Π)r1

2kr1k (19.93)

in that regime. See Appendix IX of [112] for more details. With the result of Lemma29 we are able to prove the following for dimension 4.

Theorem 21. For dimension 4 and Hamiltonians H =3i=0Ei|ii hi|such thatδi+1δi, the “passing on the norm” approach allows to reach any marginalp˜ thermal atβ0 <βRand therefore proves Conjecture2in the restricted case ofδi+1δi for d=4.

Chapter 19. Symmetric Mixed State Framework 108 Proof. The results of Lemma26and Lemma29ensure the existence of doubly stochas-tic matricesMr0b0,M1, M2,Mr0b1 andMr0b2 such that

Mr0b0r0= kr0k

kb0kb0, (19.94)

M1r1= kr1k

kb1kb1, (19.95)

M2r2= kr2k

kb2kb2, (19.96)

Mr0b1r0= kr0k

2kb1k(1+Π)b1, (19.97) Mr0b2r0= kr0k

2kb2k(1+Π2)b2. (19.98) Now let

M0 =α1Mr0b0+α2Mr0b1+α3Mr0b2, (19.99) with

α1= kb0k

kr0k, (19.100)

α2=2kb1k − kr1k

kr0k , (19.101)

α3= kb2k − kr2k

kr0k . (19.102)

Lemma29ensures thatα2≥0 andα3 ≥0. Furthermore, using thatkb0k+2kb1k+ kb2k=kr0k+2kr1k+kr2k=1 we have

α1+α2+α3=1. (19.103)

SoM0is doubly stochastic as required and


p= M0r0+ (1+Π)M1r1+1

2(1+Π2)M2r2 (19.104)

=b0+ α2kr0k+2kr1k

2kb1k (1+Π)b1+α3kr0k+kr2k kb2k


2 b2 (19.105)

=b0+ (1+Π)b1+1+Π2

2 b2, (19.106)

as desired.

For completeness, as well as for the sake of potential future investigations, before moving on to the next approach we prove the result claimed in Eq.19.86, namely that Lemma 30.


kr0k s

ksk, where s=



ri, (19.107)

Chapter 19. Symmetric Mixed State Framework 109

The equality condition is ensured since bothxandyare normalised. Alternatively, it is also easily directly verifiable. To verify the inequality conditions, note that since the pi’s form a probability distribution, i.e. 0 ≤ pi ≤ 1 and∑di=01pi = 1, and that

Chapter 19. Symmetric Mixed State Framework 110

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