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Dans le document Reference Manual (Page 83-90)

COpy or ADD



<copy request>

~ , - - - ,



<copy fi


<copy from group>--'-...,---r---l


, --<copy



<copy file>


<universal file name>

AS --<universal file name

<file name>'-r---r---~

ONTO --<file name

<d i rectory name>-...---.---'

AS~<directory name ONTO ~


L-<FTAM transform attribute list>=]

L-<FTP transform attribute list~

<universal file name>

~<file name>

L-<interchange name~

COpy Command (cant.)

< interchange name>


/250\-r-<nonsingle quote EBCDIC character>


< FTAM transform attribute list>

- (

~---/1\- BLOCKSTRUCTURE -'= - EXTERNAL ---.----'--/1\- CREATE PASSWORD -


-<log-on password>





= 1




< FTP transform attribute list>









<copy from group>

--L<COpy fi


FROM -<source vol ume>>---l


<source volume>

-<family name>

~<source volume attribute list>~

<destination volume>

-<f ami 1 y name> [

<destination volume attribute list>~

8600 1500-010

COPY Command (cont.)


-<Boolean expression /1\- USERCODE - = -<log-on info:>---..J

< destination volume attribute list>

- ( ~--- t /1\- FAMILYINDEX -


-<integer expression>---i /1\- DENSITY - .

= 1

BPI800 BPI200

= -<Boolean expression /1\- USERCODE - = -<log-on i n f o > - - - I /1\- FAMILYOWNER ~ = 1111 - - - . - - - 1


/1\- LOCKEDFI LE - - . - - - . - - - 1


-<Boolean expression

/1\- SAVEFACTOR - = .-:...<number>'---;

/1\- SINGLEUN IT --.---'---.---1


-<Boolean expression>




-<Boolean expression>



-<file mnemonic primary>



--<file mnemonic primary>

COpy Command (cont.)


<log-on usercode>

< log-on password>

< log-on account>






The COPY command copies files between disks and tapes. The ADD command is similar to the COpy command. The ADD command has the following effects based on whether a disk or tape destination is specified:

• For a disk destination, the ADD command only copies those files that are not already resident on the specified disk destination.

• For a tape destination, the ADD command has the same effect as a COpy command that specifies a tape destination.

The ADD command is particularly useful for adding a directory of files to a disk where some of the files already reside and are to be preserved.

For all the following cases, unless otherwise mentioned, explanations about the COpy command also apply to the ADD command.

A COPY or ADD command running under a nonprivileged usercode cannot copy a directory of files that resides under another usercode.

The COpy and ADD commands are processed by the Work Flow Language (WFL), not CANDE. The command (and any text appearing on the same line) is passed unedited to WFL. Additional WFL statements may follow on the same line, but additional CANDE commands may not. WFL uses the normal task message facilities to report the result.

As a result, messages related


the success or failure of the request are not seen unless they are requested (through the ?MSG comniand) or the MESSAGE option is SET.

(Refer to the SO command for more information.)

Note: Because CANDE can run with different release versions of the MCP and other software, it is possible that a feature of software might not work as described in this manual. For example, if the Mark 4.0 version of CAN DE is run with the Mark 3.9 version of the MCP and WFL software, then an attempt to use a Mark 4.0 COpy command option that is passed to WFL, as documented in the Mark 4.0 version of this manual, might cause an error or unexpected result.


The COMP ARE option compares the copied file and the original file bit for bit,

immediately after the file is copied. The CaMP ARE option is not available for quarter inch cartridge (QIC) tape. Refer to the VERIFY option to check the integrity of the copied file on a QIC tape. When certain I/O errors occur or when CaMP ARE errors are

8600 1500-010

COpy Command (cont.)

detected, then a "RECOPY REQUIRED" response request (RSVP message) is issued.

The RECOPY condition does not occur when QIC tape is used.


The VERIFY option causes output files to be read and tested for accuracy with a checksum algorithm. The verification of files for a disk destination takes place immediately for each file after the file is written to disk. When an I/O error or a

checkswn mismatch occurs during a disk file verification, the following message is issued:


The verification of files for a tape destination takes place after the entire output tape volume is written. When an I/O error or checksum mismatch occurs for a tape destination, the following RSVP message is issued:


You can then decide to either terminate the copy and purge the tape, or ignore the error and continue with the copy.

Source files that are copied from tape can also be verified. If the source tape was created with the VERIFY option, the checksums of the file from the source tape can be compared with the checksums of the copied file. If the source tape was created without the VERIFY option, that is, without checksums, then the source checksum testing is bypassed and the following message is issued:



The BACKUP and CATALOG options apply only to a cataloged system. The BACKUP option causes backup copies of the cataloged files to be created. The CATALOG option causes the copied files to be entered in the cataloged system. The destination volume must be added to the volume library by the WFL VOLUME ADD statement before the files can be cataloged.

FROMSTART and <transfer service> Options

The FROMSTART option takes effect when you are reissuing a previously aborted file transfer. With this option, you can specify whether to have all files named in the COpy command transferred again.

The. < transfer service> construct is used to specifY one of four file transfer services to use between hosts:

• A Series Native File Transfer (NFT)

• Host Services File Transfer (HOSTSERVICES or HS)

• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

COpy Command (cant.)


• File Transfer, Access, and Management (FTAM)

The transfer service used is dependent on the hosts and the type of file that is to be transferred. More information about file transfer services and the FROMSTART option is given later in this description of the COpy command.

<copy request> and <copy file>

You can specify the name of a file or directory to be copied. Use the < copy file> option of the < copy request> construct to specify the file or directory name.

If you use. the AS option of the < copy file> construct and specify a universal file name, the new copy of the file is given the specified file name. If you copy files locally (through library maintenance), the interchange file name option of the universal file name is not valid; the file name must refer to a file resident on an A Series system.

If you use the AS option and specify a directory name, the new copy of each file is renamed with the new directory name and the portion of the file name that follows the old directory name is retained.

If you use the AS option and specify a file or directory name, but do not include a usercode or asterisk (*) with the new file or directory name, then the new file name is prefixed with the usercode under which the copy process is running.

The ONTO option is intended for use only with Installation Allocated Disk (IAD).

For details, refer to the discussion of IADMAPPER in the A Series System Software Utilities Operations Reference ManuaL This option is valid only for data files whose integer value of the FILEKIND mnemonic file attribute is greater than or equal to 64 (ALGOLSYMBOL). The ONTO option is not allowed for code files, compilers, or system files. If the CLASS option of the SECOPT (SECurity OPTions) system command is set to the value S2, then the ONTO option is not allowed for any file.

The SECOPT command is available only through InfoGuard software: the Unisys security-enhancement software.

You can also specify FTAM transform attributes in the < copy file> construct to assign certain attributes to files that are transferred to a remote host. The FT AM transform attributes are assigned to the transferred file only. The A Series source file need not reflect nor is it affected by the FTAM transform attributes assigned to the copied file. If an FTAM transform attribute is specified in a COpy statement from a remote host, the following warning is displayed and the FT AM transform attribute is ignored:


The FTAM file attributes are BLOCKSTRUCTURE, CREATEPASSWORD, DOCUMENTTYPE, and EXTMODE. These attributes are described later under

"Specifying File Attributes" for the COpy command.

You can also assign FTP transform attributes to files that are transferred to or from a remote 1;1ost through the < copy file> construct. The FTP transform attributes . FTPSTRUCTURE and FTPTYPE are described later in this section under "Specifying File Attributes."

8600 1500-010

COpy Command (cont.)

<copy from group>

In the < copy from group> construct, the FROM clause applies to the list of file names and directory names in that < copy from group>. It is best to group files to be copied from the same tape volume into one < copy from group>, because if the same tape volume is specified more than once, the tape is rewound for each < copy from group> . If the source or destination volume is not specified, DISK is assumed. A source or destination volume is required unless all the < copy file> constructs in the command contain an AS name. If more than one destination volume is specified, all files are copied, at the same time and in the same order, to all destination volumes.

If the source or destination is the family named DISK or the family named PACK, the default of KIND is DISK; otherwise, the default of KIND is TAPE.

<source volume> and <destination volume>

The < source volume> construct includes the family name and the source volume attribute list. The source volume attributes can be specified to identify those files being copied from the source host.

The < destination volume> construct includes the family name and the destination volume attribute list. The destination volume attributes assign file characteristics such as location, ownership, security, and so on to the files that are transferred to a remote host.

Refer to "Specifying File Attributes," later in this section, for more information about the source volume and destination volume file attributes.

For the definition of the < Boolean expression>, < file mnemonic primary>, < integer expression>, < serial number list>, or < task attribute assignment> constructs, refer to the WFL Reference Manual. Other constructs are defined there or in Section 2,

"Basic Constructs," of this manual.

<FTAM transform attribute list> and <FTP transform attribute list>

The FT AM transform attributes are used to assign file characteristics to files that are transferred to a remote host through the FTAM file transfer service. The FTP transform attributes are similarly used for files that are transferred to a remote host through the FTP file transfer service.

Refer to "Specifying File Attributes," later in this section, for more information about the FTAM and FTP transform file attributes.

< log-on info>

Use the < log-on info> construct to provide information for the source volume attribute or destination volume attribute U8ERCODE. The log-on information is made up of three optional pieces of information: the log-on usercode, the log-on password, and the log-on account information. Each piece of information is separated by a slash (f).

COpy Command (cont.)

Each part of the log-on information can contain the following:

• Two quotation marks ( II II ) that indicate no item is being sent.

• Two apostrophes ( I I ) that indicate that a string with a length of 0 (zero) is being sent.

• An identifier that is from 1 to 249 characters long and contains any combination of EBCDIC characters other than an apostrophe or a character that has a hexadecimal code less than 4"40". To send an apostrophe to the remote host, the identifier must be enclosed in apostrophes and a single apostrophe must be represented by two apostrophes in a row. To send lowercased characters, the identifier must be enclosed in apostrophes. The enclosing apostrophes are removed before the characters are sent to the remote host.

Dans le document Reference Manual (Page 83-90)