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Dans le document Macro Instructions (Page 101-177)


Uart 2: r.acro Instructions ~7

DD~F -- Define a Dat9 S21-J2l

The ODE} maC70 instruction lefines a ~ata set ani ~escrib2s its characteristics to the system. Every ~ata set that is rGferre~ ~o by a&

object program ~uring execution must be deiine~ by a UDEF gacrc instruc-tion or co~~an~. Each ~DEF macro instruction lS vali! only l~ring the session i::l which it is 1.ssued; thus ,'lata sets rlefir.ed tor OI:C~ !.essic,n must be relefined aL every session that irvolves refe~eDce to t~em.

:-lote: '1'h8 tolloW'ino j~scription anplie;; to th~ DDEF :ll3.cro i'1fc.tructio;;

usel to leLine a VA~ ~ata fat on public storage. 10 ~efinp nonstan2ar~

public data sets or any nrivat2 data Sf:,t, refer to the ,h;tail~i h~c.crip­

tiOD of the DDEP macro instruction give~ ir Appendix ~_

Staniard form (S0e "Opacand Strincr~" in fart II, Section 1)

r t - , - -,

I~allie f0perationiOuerand f

1--- I I

f[symbol]IDDEF I {a&lress of operand strinol

----l I


f , 'data c'3finition aame[,{VIIVP,'lS},DS:Hlf'?=!latle)'I

I I ?CSOu'):} I

L - _ _ _ _ - L - ____ i -__________________________________________________________ ~

L-form (3e", "ODBran] Strings" in Part II, :::ectlon 1):

I - - . - --~.---'---_,

I~a,",e IOperationIOpi'ran" I

I - . - - - t - - - + - - - . - - - / I symbol J'}JEF I {'d'1ta C.ef nall,e[,{VIIVfIV;;},l)S~AMe:='l.sname]·.1':F·=LI I

I , , PC:SOU'I} ,

_ _ _ _ - - l

A sy~bol is reouire~ in the na~e field.


!Name !OoerationlOperand


I - - - j


J- I I

l(sy~bol)IDDEF IMF=(E,list)

L--________ - L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - i _ _ _ _

address of operand string

specifies the aidress of ~he first operan3 of the operani string.

22ecified as: neaister notation (Lthroucrh 12) or a r~locatable

expression. ~ote that the operand string can also be specifie~ as a character string enclos~~ in apostrophes, as shown.

data deiir.ition name

specifies the SYKbolic ~ata definition name associated with this data set definition. It provides the link between the data contro~

block in the program srd the data set definition.

Specified as: A svmhol ~ne to eight aluhameric characters, the first of-;hich must be alphabetic). ~he user is not alloW'ed to use a data definition name that begins with SYS, since syste~-reserved

data definition names are pr~fixed with those characters.



specifies that the proqra~ control system is being used and a lata set is being defined for dumps. ~ °CSOUT type of DDEF command or

Page of GC28-2004-6 Revised 9 May 1979 By TNL GN20-3941 macro instruction is reouirel in a task if the DU~P co~~anl is to be '--~laDloyGd ..


specifies ~ie org3nization of the ~ata set.

su·.)cifieo. as:

VI - v~rtudl i~lex ~~q~e!.tial

VP - virt~a~ partitioned

VS - vi~tnal sanuential

QQf~.l!l.!:: neitLc,r VI nor VI' nor


iO' specifie'i, ttE data set organization assignei ~uriDg syst~m generation is assumeG.


speciries the name of the lata se+ beina defined; that is, the name

unle~ ~hich the lata set may be ca~aloge~ or te~Dorarily referred to.

1:2~~i;..i~L2§: 'fhe fully (I';1a1i£ie1 na"~e of: a Dartitior;",?, or non-partitionpd data set, a ~esbe~ of a partitioned data set, or a

par-titiore~ or nOfloartitionel generation of a aenerati0~ data group

(identitie~ ty an ab~olute aeneration name or relative generation


Inltializa~ion: If thi~ macro i~struction is to be executec in a D~ivi­

Ieg~~~odal~~-the most ~ecentlv issued DCL~SS macro in~truction in the

aSFe~tl, ffiust have Epecifie~ PRIVILEGED (see Appen~ix M). Also, the address of a save area must be placed in reaister 13 lefore this macro

ins~ruction is execut~i.

Progralf,fuiIlg_:lot,g~: S'~fore the user can 0[:010'1 the DUMP command in his task, he mu~t is~ue 3 PCSOUI type of D~EV macro instruction or coamand.

Such a D~EF macro instruction or command reuuires PCSOUT as the first operand, iollo~e~ by the dscame operan~.

At least the ~efinition name anI DS~A~E operands are recuired for a previously cataloged data set. Only the data definition name is needed Lor a ne~ VA~ data set. In either case, the lata set conforms to the current installation standards.

The DDEF macro instruction or co~maL~ causes a system entry to be es-tablished for the DDEF information so that allocation routines ani access methods can refer to i t . The link between this information an~

the problem program-s reference to the ,iata set (that is, the (lata con-trol bloc~ is the data definition name. The entry containinq the DDEF information is maintained until the task is concluded or until, through toe 1ELEAS~ ~acro instruction or comnanfr, the data set is released.



macro instruction or cornman} may be used in conversational and nonconversational tasks.

If the user I s protle:!. program is being (>xecuted in conversa tiona!.

mode and an undefined data definition name is referred to, prompting messages for DDEP operands are issued to the user regardless of confir-mation option.

The user may change the data de~inition name assigned in a previous DDEP macro instruction or command by using a DDEF macro instruction with a new data definition name. Tne only operan1s use1 in this case are data definition name, DSNAI"E, and disposition (OLD). (See Appendix G.l

Part 2: Macro Instructions 89

The new data definition name is then assigned and the old data defini-tion name eliminated.

Return Data: At completion of execution of a DDEF macro instruction, the low-order byte of register 15 contains one of the followina hexade-cimal codes:

fade 00 04 08


10 14 18 lC 20 40



Successful co~pletion

Data set name undefined Data set name not uniaue Attention interruption

DSORG in DDEl parameter l i s t is not the same as DSORG in the catalog

Non-existent generation name specified DSNAME not fully qualifieJ

Volume could not be mounted Space not available

Data definition name not unique Other

l'he DEL Dacro instruction deletes one or more catalog entries for a data set or qroup of iata sets. ~hen a aeneration data group Da&e is supplied, the macro instruction deletes the catalog entries for all generations in that group. Similarly, a partially Qualified data set name results in catalog entries beinQ deleted for all data sets with the same initial name component.

Standard forl'l (see "Operan'1 strings" in Part:. II, Section 1):

r- -'I~---'i---'

IName IOperationlOpe':"anl I

I , , --i

I(symbol)IDEL I {addres", of ,lata set nam~,'data set nam~'} I

- 1

L-for~ (See "Operand St:.rings" in Part II, Section 1)

, ,

- - - ,

I Name I Opera tion, Ooeranc





Isymbol ID:':L ,'lat.a set name',MF=L I

- 1

liot_e: A symbol is required in the nallle field of the L-form.


r - i ,


l!aDe IOperationlOperan~

r---+---+---I[sya.bol )IDJ':L '~l= (F',list)



address of data set name

specifies the address of a location containing the data set na~e

(see below) •

Specified as: Register notation (2 through 12) or a relocatable expre5sion. Note that the data set name can also be specified in the macro operand as a character string enclosed in apostrophes, as shown.

data set name

specifies the name of the data set whose catalog entry is to be deleted.

~ecified ~~: A c~aracter string enclosed in apostrophes. The

ua~a set name can be:

• fhe fully qualifiel name of: a partitioned or nonpartitioned data set, or a oartitioned or nonoartitioned generation of a generation data group (identifiea by absolute generation narne or relative aeneration number) •

• The partially gualified name of any type of data set, including a generation data aroup.

If the lata set is not s~arqd, i t must reside on a private volume;

t.helata set. name uay be the shacer's name for a data set oyne,: by another user:.

If this macro instruction is to be executed in a privi-leged module, ~he fuost recently issu81 LCLA5S macro in~tructiop. in the asseably ~ust have s?ecifie~ PRIVILEGED (see ~poendix r). llso, the ad1ress of a save area ~ust be place~ in register 13 before thi~ macro instruction is executed.

£AU;lO~S: lniF macro in~truction leletes the catalog entries for data sets on vrivate volumes on~y. ~ macro instruction that attenpts to uncataloa lata sets resi1ing in public storage is ignore~ and a iiaa-nostie message is produced i f i t is issu~d in conversational ~o&e. Only the ~PA~E coruman~ can be used to cernove such 1ata sets irom the system.

do ... ever, t.he DEL macro instruction Cdn be use' to 'ielete a shari!!g

~eseript0~ from the sharer's ca.aloq.

If a user iss~es a ~:~ nacro instruction against a share~ data set for ~hich a ilULKIO recu~st is pendina, the ielete recuest is pot honored.

?,-oqra:n.l.ir,q_jo~~.E: '"hen a catalogel entry for a private VL'1 I!ata !Oet is deletei, L~at lata set can only be reca~aloge~ by issuance of the EVV cOIDllland (see Comlf.anc._~terr, Us~r 's Guil1~, GC28-200 1). Data set!" on pul-lic volu~eF iliust be eraFei if they are to be cncataloge~_ T~e u~er

must, ther8~ore, use t~e ~RASE command to remove those data spts froE the systefu, exce~t w~en he is ~ sharer.

R<>turn 1Jali: At cOIDnletion of execution of the LFl n;aero instcuction.

the :ow-or~er byte ot register 15 contains one of these hexalecimal colies:

s;,f'~g 00


Success~~l cornnletion

Inv21i~ ~eturD from ~EXT?~f

Invalil lata S?t na~e (inuut ?recedel by left

Darenthe-?a rt 'Z: !acro Instructions 91

sis) - 'l::;XTPTlR


~o data Fat name suppliel ait?r verb

14 Retur~ code from CHFC~DS was not divisible by four 24 Data .set not cataloged

28 ~ata Fet on a nublic volu~2

2C Data set name is a ~ember ot a oartit~oned data set 34 Sharer ~oes rot have unli~itel access to ~ata S~~

DELETE - - Lelete a Loaded "'98. ule .in

T~e DELETE macro instruction indicates that a co~y of a spocified moaule, whicn had been DlaceJ i9 virtual storaae, is no lonqer recuired.

This speciiiea module must have been ~~eviously aC0uireJ by the issuance of a LOaD aacro instruction or an explicit CbLL illacro instruction. Uoon

exec~tion of this macro ins+ruction, the soecifif;d module, an-l ?uy a.sso-ciated wo~ules, are ~eleted from the issuing task's virtual Etor~ae.

, - - - , - - - , - - - ,

l~la;ae IOl.>erationIODeraI'~ I

I , I -l

I [symbol] I D":::"Ei'S I (c:!P=syr.boll EPLOC=a1cor. group a,idress} 1


- - l

specifies the ~x~ernal name of the ffio~ule to be ieletef. This ex-ternal naille must b? th'.e narrl3 of a control section. t;h0 na;I;.<2 in the oDeran1 field of an asse~bler lanauage E~T~Y sta~ement, or a module name.

Specified as: 1 symbol ~ne to eiaht alohameric characters, the

firs~ of which ~ust be alp~abetic) . E?LOC=

specifies the a!dress of the felete adcon group reoresentina the

ffio~ule to be deletei.

This delete aacon grouD is generated by:

ADCO}f ::>ELT~'l'E , ~P=extern al nan!"

Specified as: Register notation (1 throliah 12), or the RJ address of the aaco!: grou~.

Examples: 1) If the module associated ~ith the external name ~ARL is to be delete<l, and U.e following ADCO~ macro instruction is supplif>(l:


~hen the macro inst£uction MAX DELETE E?LOC=DAVE causes the flolule asso-ciated ~ith EARL to be ieleted.

2) The module associated with the external symbol ALPB~ is de12ted.


3) Before this DELETE macro instruction is executed, the address of the

~elete adcon group must be loa~e1 into register 1; for example. LA 1, EARL. The effect of this macro instruction i~ then the same as in Exam-ple 1.



'lhe DELREC macro instruction (for VISAM) deletes a specified record from a virtual index sequential data set. The record may be specified by its key or its retrieval address.

, - - - , - 1 '

-18ame IOoerationlOperand

I I ,

t[symbol]IDELREC !dcb address, {KIR},limit dCL address



specifies the address of t~e data control block opened for the data set being processed.

~cified~: Register notation (1 through 12), or an ax address.

specifies whether the record will be deleted by key or retrieval address.

~Q.g cit i ~1~§.:

K - record key

R - retrieval address as obtained by the user from DCBLPA in the data control block

specltles the address of a field containing either the record key or the retrieval address. The retrieval address must be in a four-byte field, beginning on a doubleword boundary.

~£gcified~§.: Register notation (0 or 2 through 12), or an RX address.

±nitia1ization: If this macro instruction is to be executed in a privi-leged module, the most recently issued DCLASS macro instruction in the assembly must have specified PRIVILEGED (see Appendix ~). Also, the address of a save area must be placed in register 13 before this macro instruction is executed.

£hUTIO~: Exceptional conditions, includinQ "invalid retrieval address"

and "key not found", resulting from the execution of a DELPEC macro in-struction, cause control to be passed to the user"s synChronous error exit (SYNA~) routine. In this case, the general registers and the ex-ceptional condition fields of the data control block are set as shown in Appendixes 0 and F. DELREC by retrieval address may not be used with a shared data set.

kroggmminG_Note: 'ihis macr 0 instruction releases any page-level inter-locks establisheQ by other macro instructions referring to the same DCB.

rlules tor sharing VISA~ data sets are given in A~pendix K.

l'he DELSEG macro instruction deletes a cisconnected segment group.

lhe name and length are forgotten by the system. Space allocated on auxiliary storage will be returned to the system.

Part 2: Macro Instructions 93

.---~ - - ,

!Name IOperationlOperand


I I f I

I [symbol ]1 DELSEG L ________ ~ __________ - L I DNAM E=di sconnected segment group name ________ _ ____________________________________ - - - J



Specifies the eight character EBCDIC name of an existing discon-nected segment group.

2~cifi~Q-A§: Disconnectgd segment group name enclosed within apo-strophies, the address of DJAME expressed as relocatable expres-sion, RX address or register notation. If register notation is used, the register s?ecified must be the first of a set of paired registers containing the disconnected segment group name.

Beturn Data: On return from DELSEG, register 15 will contain a return code describing the success of the operation.

00 Successful 0& DNAI1E Invalia

12 Segment group not available to user class 40 System error

£AUTIOR: Any user specified D~AI1E beginning with SYS will be rejected by the system.




3. uL 3 DELSEG DNALH= (3)

Execution of example 3 assumes that the disconnected segment group name is contained in registers 3 and 4.

Q!1L -- Deaueue Resource Access Request (R)

The DEQ macro instruction is used to release a resource access re-auest for a resource, or to delete all resource access requests for a particular task.

r---.---~---IName IOperationlOperand I

--+-- 1-'

--I symbol --I DEQ I NAME=nam e of resource

f I I[ ,VMADDR={YfN}]

, , '[,ECB=address of EeB)

I I I [ , ALL= {Y IN} ) [ ,'1' ASKID=taskici ) N.n..1E

specifies the name of the resource.


Specified as:

tield is used NAME contains four- bytes in

Page of GC28-2004-6 Added 27 Nov. 1979 By TNL GN20-7000 an RZ address of an eioht byte field; the full by the system as a name. If VMADDE=! is specified, the address of the r-esource and is assumed to be only lengt h.





speclfies whether or not NAME is a virtual memory address of a shared r-esource.

Y - NAME is the address of a four byte field N - NAME is the address of an eight byte field

specifies the address of the event control block to be posted with the successful or unsuccessful completion of the ENQ request.

~p~cifi~g~2: an RX address of a 16 byte field aligned on a fullwor-d boundar-yo

Qefau11: the ECE addr-ess is zero.

specifies that all ENQ requests for the specified task, or for this task if taskid is not specified, are to be posted as rellioved.


identifies the task whose resource access requests are to be reru ovel.

2p~cifi~Q~£: the PX address of a halfword containing the taskid.

Defau11: the task issuing the DEQ is assumed.

Erog~IDm~llQte~: the taskid ooerand is only allowed for privileged modules. A privileged module may purge any ENQ request, but a nonprivi-leged module may purge only ENQs issued by a nonprivinonprivi-leged routine(s) within the task.

£etu£Q-E0de§: the following codes are returned in register 15:


4 8

successful DEQ request

no ENQ requ~st found to lJurge parameter error on request

Note: for code 8 above, an error message prompt id will be in regIster 1.

The DIR macro instruction deletes control references to a previously specified interrupt control block. The interruption routine specified

Part 2: Macro Instructions 94.1

in the ICB cannot service interruptions unless the ICB is res~ecified by a SIR macro instruction.


Page of GC28-2004-6 Revised 27 Nov. 1979 By TNL GN20-7000


IName IOperationlOperand

, I ,

I[sy;nbol]IDIR I (icb address, ••• )[,MF={LI (S,list)))

L - - - ,

liote: A symbo: in the name field is required with r.F=1. If the ~F

operand is omitted, the standard form is assumed.

icb address

speclrles the address of an interrupt control block established by a SPEC, SAEC, SIEC, SSEC, STEC, or SP.EC macro instruction. This can lie the symbol in the name field of these macro instructions.

In the E-form of the macro instruction, this operand IT.ay refpr to the same ICB list that is used by the SIR macro instruction.

~cified~2: In the standard and L-form, as a relocatable expres-sion; in the standard and E-form, as register notation (2 through

12) ; in the E-for:n only, as an RX address.

Initialization: If this macro instruction is to be executed in a privi-leged module-,-the most recently issued DCLASS macro instruction in the assembly must have specified PRIVILEGED (see Appendix ~:). Also, the address of a save area must be placed in register 13 before this macro instruction is executed.

Rrogramm~liQtes: A DIR macro instruction deletes an active routine (one currently processing or interrupted) or prevents a routine fro~ re-ceiving subsequent interruptions through use of an E-form SPEC or SAEC macro instruction, using the NULL code for the INTTYP operand.

Feturn Data: On execution of DIR, the following conditions cause a re-turn, with a return code in register 15 and the address of the invalid IC3 in register 1.




£ondi tion

ICB contains invalid DCB (for input/output and asynchronous ICBs only) or an invalid time interval or clock number was specified (for timer) •

No routine specified.

The interruption servicing routine is active (no further interruptions will be presented to the interruption routine until i t has completed its current s ervi cing action) •

Invalid parameter (an invalid length was speci-fied or a non privileged user has attefupted to DI~

a privileged routine).

~he DISCSEG macro instruction disconnects from an address space, a virtual storage segment group and assigns a unique eight character EBCD-IC name ~o the disconnected segment group. The address space oreviously occupied by the disconnected segment group is marked unassigned.

Note: this macro instruction has one or more operands that can be


only by a systems proarammer; these operand(s) are defined and specified in the ~stem Prolin~r's_buide manual.

Part 2: Macro Instructions 95

I - - -




r - - - ' - - - , - - - , - - - ,

I Name I Operation I Operand I

I , ,


I [ sy mbol }f DI SCSEG I [ DNA ME=, LENGTH=, BOUND= ,RN AM E= ,ADDRE 55=, ) I

, I I M F = ( E , LI S T) ,

- J

r - , - - i

IName IOperationlOperand

t ,-;



l _________ - 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1!ote: all operands are keyword.


Specifies the eight character EbCDIC name to be assigned to the disconnected segment group.

SpecifigQ~§: Name enclosed within apostrophies; in E or standard for-ill only, as the address of DNAME expressed as a relocatable ex-pression,


address or register notation. If register notation is used, the register specified must be the first of a set of paired registers containing the disconnected segment group name.

Def ault: If this opera nd is om itted, the system will assign a unique eight character EBCDIC name to the disconnected segment group in the forlli of


where zero is less than or equal to XXXXX less than or equal to 99999.

£AUT1Q~: Any user specified DNAME beginning with T$$ or SYS will be rejected by the system.



specifies the number of contiguous virtual storage segments to te disconnected.

~gcified~§: An absolute expression; in the E or standard form only, the address of a halfword expressed as a relocatable expres-sion, RX address or reg ister notation. It register notation is used, the value must be given as a binary number placed in the low order two bytes of the register, right adjusted. If a relocatable expression or hX address is used, the address pointed to must be

two bytes long, with the length right adjusted in the field.

two bytes long, with the length right adjusted in the field.

Dans le document Macro Instructions (Page 101-177)

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