• Aucun résultat trouvé

I IDCB address for library where name was located ,

Dans le document Macro Instructions (Page 177-183)

macro instruction descriptions.) If a loa(:ed module has been '~eleLEd

and the user wants to load i t aqain, tte sa~e explicit a~con group may be reuse~, provi~ed i t is rearm~d.

~etu.!:lLQata: If operan,] EF= is specified, register 15 contain::, the address of the specifiel e&try point in the loaded module. If ooer~~d

EPLOC= is specified, thE conte~ts of register 15 are not alLerea-by the execution of toe LOAf macro.

Exg!!!!Dl§:.§: 1) If a module whose entry Doint name is 'CO;;EF, is to he loaded, the following ADC01 macro instruction is specified:

'I'EPI A;)CON LOAD, ~?=f.Ol;El>

Upon ex~cution, LOAD EPLOC=TEPI causes tle ffio)ule associatei with the entry-point name ROGEF to be olaced into virtual storaqe.

2) Upon eXEc'ltion of this LOAD macro instruction, a copy of the reodule associated ~itb the entry-peint name ALPHA is placed into vi~tual

storage auf register 15 contains the a~Jress of ALPHA

3) Defore issuing t_his I.OAD macro instruction, the us~r loads the

address ot TERI into regi~ter 1. The effect of this instruction is then the sa~e a~ in Example 1.

LOU; E?LOC= (1)

The LPCEDlf nacro instruction is use~ by a language processor con-troller to invoke editing facilities for lipe Jata sets, or to prompt with an underscore for region data sets.


IName IOperationlOperand

I- I I

I[symbolJILPCEDll ,



L -________ ~ __________ ~ ________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ J I

!otg: There are no operands. See Initialization.

Initialization: If this macro instruction is executed in a orivileged module, the most recently issu~d DCLASS macro instruction m~t have specified PPIVILEGED (see ~ppen~ix M). Also, the address of a save area must be placed in Register 13 before this macro instruction is execute,'L

It is the user's reSponsibility to set UP register 0 before this macro instruction is executed, to indicate (by a zero value in the re-gister) that the LPC is willing to be implicitly enled by the invocation of another LPC (a nonzero value indicates that the LPC should not be implicitly ended) •

Programming ~otes: The L?CEDI~ macro instruction is issued followinq the LPCINIT macro instrllction. As described more fully under n"i'ext Editing" in Command System User's Guide, i f the key l~ngth of the source data set is seven, a line data set is a~sumel and the system prompts with the last ~ine number olus 100; editinq facilities such as REVISE and INSERT may then be used. If the key length is greater than seven, LPCEDIT assumes the user wants to create a reqion data set and prompts him with an underscore to enter a command.

LPCI~IT -- Initialize Edit Controller for LPC l~

The LPCINIT macro instruction identifies the module in which i t is issued as a language processor controller; i t initializes the text edi-tor, allowing the use of system text-editing facilities.


Page of GC28-2004-6

Ina$8,Jc~ aiJress,[transipnt entry point}, I[preproc entry point],[nostproc entry point], I[early end entry point],[scan address],[trantab),

I(enableJ,[baseJ,[incre~ent][,i~plicit end]

l[symbol],LP\:INIT I[naIDeJ,~dcb adcr8ss},[ transient entry point), I I I[ preproc entry point


postproc entry point.], I I I[earlv2nQ entry point],[:o.can adcress],(trantab], I I I[enable],[base],[increment],[implicit end],

I I f[1l"= {LI ("',list)} tran-sient command string. (The transient command statement prefix

charac~er see the 7RP operand of the MCAST macro instruction

same or another LPC is activateCl: by an LPCINIT n.acro instruction, an END command is assumed and the Dreproc entry point is taken

(this is called an imElicit END) •

~ecitied~§.: Same as the ,'lcb address operand.

Default: No preprocessor is invoked.

postproc entry point

specifies the address of a two-word field containing the v-type and P-type address constants of the entry point in the user's program to which control is returnej after the LPC marks the current lan-guage processor complete and makes the text editor facilities no longer available.

Q~fauli: No postprocessor is invoked.

early end entry point

specifies the address of a two-worJ field containing the V-tYPe anc R-type address constants of the entrY point in the user's program to which control is pass~ when the language processor controller is terminated other than by an END co~mand.

Q§fault: The preprocessor entry point is used if there is one; if not, the current LDC is ended and the postprocessor entry point i£

used (ii there is none, an error aessage is returned) • scan ad Jress

specifies the address of a tWO-word field containina the v-tvp~ anJ R-tYDe address constants of the entry point of the routine that the languaqa proce~sor controller will use to scan new lines as they are entered.

2~g£ified_£§: In ~he stan~ard ~nd L-iorm, as a relocatable exores-sion; in the standard and E-forfu, in register notation (2 tLrouqh 12); in the E;-fOTIl only, also as an RX a1dress.

A zero is placed in the parameter list.


specifies whether a transaction table is to be kePt.

Speci~;ed as: Y or ~

Qefault: N (a zero i~ place] in the paralLeter list).




specifies whether the language orocessor controller is to run enabled or disabled.



(a zero is placed in t~~ oarameter list).

specifies the initial val~e for ~he current line pointe~.

Default: A zero is place~ in the oarameter list.


Page of GC28-2004-6 Revised 9 May 1979 By TNL GN20-3941 specifies the 1ine number increment to be used when none is speci-fied in a command.

Specified as: A num.ber.

Default: A zero is placed in the parameter list.

implicit end

specifies whether the language processor controller will allow itself to be subject to an implicit enl (the LPC is ended because another LPCINIT macro instruction initiates the same or another LPC) •

~eiEult: Y (if this operand is omitted, a zero is placed in the parameter list).

f!UTIOli= Specifying any value other than Y or N for the trantab, ena-ble, and iaplicit 0perauds causes an error mes~aae to be generated.

Initializa~ion: If this macro instruction is issued in a privi~eged

m~~;18~tne most recently issu~d DCLASS macro instruction in the assem-bly ausr have specified ~PIVILEGBD (see ~opendix M). Also, the address of a save area wust have b~en placel in register 13 before this macro instruction is executed.

t~}:.Qrn2ata: 'Ihe follo\olinc:r hexadecinal return codes are placed in re-gister lS when control is returned to the user:


Successful co~oletion of LP(INIT.

A previous L~C is outstandinG ani has indicatel i t is not to be implicitly ended, and the us~r, ~hen prompted, chose not to overciie tha~ choice.


specifiel iata control tlock i~ not open.

Specifies reaiJ-in a'Cea for transient comr.1anas is not

read-~rite acces~ for the user.

Ii~ R~RTh!!. __ - - Indicate Ret Ilrnt rom Called Pro(Jra~


~he ~Ah3~TRJ macro instruction turns on the 10\01 order bit in the for-war! pointer (~r~ word) of the caller's save area. ~his iL~icates ro t.he G",::'linq ?rogralIl that tr.e calle:l uroaram has returned.

r I


INa~e IOperationlOperanl I

~---I~---4I--- - l I l~ARKRTRN I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -..1 I




11 (13) ,:{tOl' indicate return was done

Ini!lali.'far:,iQ!!': P.egister l ' tlUst be iI'itia::'ized with the a·Bress of your save araa before using tnis sacro. ~ARKRTP~ nor~ally follovE imme-diately after a call-tyue ffi~cro.

Part 2: Macro Instructions 145

MCAST -- l'lc.dify CharacV~r end Switch ';'able~

T~e KCAST macro instruction temporarily rCDlaces the Character Trans-lation Table (in a user's session ?rofile) with a user-specified

Character lranslation ~able (CTT) and te~porarily overlays the control function characters, such as continuation ..::haracters or enJ-of-l:locl~

characters (also in the sessio~ nrotile), with new functional control

c~aracters. T~e ell ana the ?rofile Character and Switch lable in the session prcfile are both overlaid ~or the juration of the user's termi-nal session. If desirej, tte changes can be permanently rec0rJej in the user's profile by issuance of the PR0FILB co~manj.

All forms:

r---~I---TI---·---IYams IOperationlOperanJ

t I


l[symbol]II"CAST I[CTT=address][ ,~OB=adjress][,C01T=addrdssl ,[,CLP=adi~essK,TRP=aadress)( ,FCC=address]

t[ ,SSI"i=a:lc.r~ss:[ ,US:1=address


I i


, ,

I[ ,PL=aaaress,CP=addrpssK,KC=ad~re~sK ,RS=address]

I[ ,OC'l'1'=a'idress)[ ,MI'= {LI (~,list)}



L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~____________________________________________________________J

~lote: l\. symbol is !:eguired in The name field of the L-form. An ooeran."

~ay only be specified in the E-form if i t is also soecified in the L-form. If the rF operand is omitted, th~ staniard form is assuseJ. See also "L- ani E-Form Use" below.



specifies the aderess of a pointer to the 512-byte Character

Trans-lat~oD Table (CTT) ~ha~ is te~Dorarily to replace the one in the user's session profile, (see Co~manj ~yst~~~~~~~ Gui~e for a dis-clIssion of the Cl'T) •

22~£ifi~Q_~~: In the staniar1 form, as a relocatable expression;

in the standard anl S-form, in register notation (2 through 12); in the E-form only, as an RX address.

Default: The current val~e is retained.

specifies the address of the source list enl-of-block character that is to replace the one currently existing in the user's session profile. This character defines the end of an input block iL the

so~rce l i s t to the Command Analyzer. The value must be specified as


Specified ac ' Same as th~ first operand.

Qef~u11: The current value is retainea.




specifies the address of the contiLuation character that is to replac8 the one in the user's session nrofile. If the last

character before a carriage return is a control lanquage continua-tion character, the line of input is continued past the carriage return to include the next line entered at the terminal. The ini-tial CONT character is a hyphen, X'OO'.

Specified as: Same as th~ first operand.

Q~fault: The current value is retained.

specifies the address of the control language prefix character that is to replace the one in the user's session profile. Entry of U.is


Page of GC28-2004-6 Added 9 May 1979 By TNL GN20-3941 charact&r at ~he t~~miral recruests the system to execute the com-mand follow ina th~ character iihme5iately. :::nitially, thi~ charact-er is defined as an unJcharact-erscore, X'6Dt.

ggi~ul~: The cu~r~nt val~e is retained.

specities the ad~ress of the transient command Stateillent orefix character that is to reolace the one in the user's session profile.

~hen t~e user codes this as the first character of a command in a

Dans le document Macro Instructions (Page 177-183)

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