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Multiuser Wo rkload Development

The overall process of workload development is shown in Figure 2. Our goa l was to represent typ­

ica l timesharing environments for the d i fferenr ta rget markets . The entire strategy consisted of

Identifying typical real s i tes

Col lecting data on resource u t i l i zat ion and i mage usage patterns

Deriving a packaged workload ro represent the real s i te environ ment

Va lida t i ng the workl oads by comparing the resource u t i l i zation of the workload aga inst the resource u t i l i zation at various cusromer sires and modifyi ng the workloads as req u i red


--- Performance Evaluatio n of the VA X 6200 .�)'stems









Figure 2 Interactive Multiuser Workload Development

In the fol l owing sections, we describe how we used this strategy to develop two mul t i user workloads: the engineeri n g workload , which rep·

resents an Electronic Computer-Aided Engineer­

i ng environment (ECAE) ; and the Software Deve l ­ opment Environment Workload (SDEW) .

Data Collection

Two Digital sires were chosen to represen t the ECAE and SDEW environments . I n ternal sites were chosen i n i t i a l l y to faci l itate the data col lec­

tion process. Both s i res had c lustered environ­

ments that consisted of a variety of VAX systems along with some workstations.

We collected i n formation on these c lustered systems to capture thei r behavior u nder the l oad generated by the environment over a period of one week . VAX SPM software was used to col lect resource util ization data (CPU, 1/0. and memory uti l i zation) on a l l the systems at both user level and system leve l . VMS I mage Accou n t i ng was used to obtai n resource u t i l i za tion data on a n i mage basis. Usi n g t h e SET HOST/LOG Digital Command Language ( DCL) command , we col ­ lected log files of user sessions to study user habi ts . Other user characteristics, such as think t i me and type rates, were obtai ned through inter­

views and observa tions .

Data A nalysis

The performance team studied t he c luster-wide resource util ization profil es in order ro select the t i me when the i n teractive activities were pre­

dom i nant. We compared resource u t i li zation profi l es of i nd ividual systems agai nst r he c l


w ide average over a week's accumu lation of data . Based on t h is comparison , we selected a typical day and a typical syste m . O ne hour was c hosen from the typical system on a typical day d u ri ng the period of peak i nteractive use to c haracterize t he system at fu l l load .

Further, based on the user profiles, we classified users accordi n g to computer usage, that is, heavy or l ight computing (for ECAE workload) and heavy, med iu m , or l ight comput·

ing (for SDEW workload) . We then used the i mage accoun t i ng data and user log files to c l as­

sify users according to the type of activity t hey performed .

Once several user c lasses were identified, the number of users in each class, or user m i x , was determi ned. We defined the user m i x by l ooki ng at ( 1 ) t he n u m ber of users i n each c lass at the

Table 3 ECAE and SDEW User Mix

Type of User Eng ineer: H eavy Eng ineer: Light

Type of User

ECAE User Mix

SDEW User Mix

Heavy software development Light software development Secretary

Technical writer

No. of Users 3


No. of Users 1


Digital Technical journal No. 7 A u/lust 1 988

one-hour pea k , and ( 2 ) the organization struc­

ture at t he rea l sites. Tab l e 3 shows the user m i x for ECAE a n d SDEW workloads . I n addition to interactive users, t hese workloads a lso have batch jobs runn i ng in the background.

Developing the Workload

Having identified the user c lasses and activities, we then deve l oped an imermediate workload using DCL command p rocedures. This i nter­

mediate step a l l owed easier translation to the final workload , which was based on VAXRTE (VAXfVMS Remote Terminal E mu lator) scripts.

I ndividual user scripts were developed and val i ­ dated . We then packaged t h e entire workload by i ntegrat i ng a l l of the user scripts and the batch jobs. Once development was complete, the workload was val idated at both system a nd user levels against the rea l i nternal site. Further val i ­ dation was done at the user l evel agai nst Digita l 's customer sites.

Workload Validation

This section describes the workload val idation process using the ECAE work load as an example resource uti l i zation of the real system during the typical hour. System - and process-level resource u t i l izat ion data of severa l different resources which was considered tO be wel l within accept­

able l i m i ts. Val idation of the 010 rare was made

Table 4 User Resource Utilization for Real Internal System and ECAE Workload

System-level validation - For system - l evel val ­ idation , we compared t h e system-level usage of during the develop ment of the workload t he CPU and d isk 1/0 u t i li za t ion of subprocesses was added tO the resource u t i l ization of t he parent process. Although the workload represents the work done by t hose subprocesses and the load p laced on CPU and disk 1/0 resources, the workload does not represent the additional mem­

ory requ i red by those subprocesses . As w i l l be described in subsequent sections, the lower memory u t i l i zation of the workload d id not con­

stitute a problem.


1 00%

Figure 3 CPU Utilization for Real Internal System and ECAE Workload for 1 Hour

"' :::

Figure 4 DIO Utilization for Real Internal System and ECAE Workload for 1 Hour

1 00%

Memory Utilizatio n for Real Internal System and ECAE Workload for 1 Hour

A summary of the comparisons of t he average was to determ ine i f the workload was representa­

tive of the l oad placed on systems by Digita l 's customers .

Two semiconductor manufacturers i n Cal i for­

n i a were used as va l idation sites for t he ECAE workl oad . I n i ti a l ly, it was determ ined that t here were sign i ficant d i fferences between t he work performed at these customer sites and the work performed at the i n ternal Digital site. The Digital internal VAX systems were used for l ogic design of gate arrays , c i rcu i t boards, and systems; software used by external sem iconductor deve l opers. DECSIM simulations requ i re very basis in the workload a nd at customer sites.

The ECAE workload fal ls withi n the range of u t i l i zat ions observed at these customer sites for both disk and memory u t i l i zations . The workload is sl ightly (approxi mately I 0 percent) more CPU i ntensive on a per-user basis than was observed at

Digital Technical Journal No. 7 A ugust 1 <)88

Table 5 System-Level Resource Utilization for Real Interna l System and ECAE Workload

Table 6 Comparison of Resource Utilization on Customer System and

in ECAE Workload

Resource Utilization Customer ECAE

per Hour Sites Workload

formance numbers sl ightly conservative for the computer-aided e lectrical engineering market.

Performance Measurement and

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