• Aucun résultat trouvé

by M~jor Countries, 1960/61-1964/65

Dans le document Foreign trade newsletter: no. 13 (Page 63-73)

(1000 ffiotric tons)

1960/61 1961/62 1962/63 1963/64 (Estiffi~te)


World 1,195 1,149 1,180 1,233 1,514

Africo. 869 833 854 901 1,185

Gh~nQ. 439 . 417 429 428 581

Nigerb. 198 194 179 220 300

Ivory Co~st


84 103 98 137

Cam-e:t'ooL1 Rcpub Li,o


71 76 77 87 91

Guine:l (Sp:mish) 25 26 33 34 36

Togo 14 11 10 12 16

lDtin Amcr-ica 307 294 299 303 298

BJ';::.zil 122 121 101 123 110

Eeu;::.dor 42 38 38 33 41

Dominic2n Republic 38 36 41 41 39

R-.;st of thu ]iorld 19 22 27 29 31

EncLud.oe producticn in Ilcst Cameroon (forffiorly British Cc.moroon) from 19 61/62•

(Fin-.nci;::.l 'I'drncs , London, 28/10/65; tnJCTAD Pross R"lo~so, Gcnovn , 4/10/65; Gill and Duffs, COCOCl M.,rkut Ruport, London, n/8/65) Coffoo

During its rucent meoting in London, tho Intorn~tion~l Coffoc Council

;::.groud th;::.t for the YGC1r 1965/66 tho export ~uot~s should rem~in ;::.t

43,700,000 b;::.gs. Thuro is ;::.n option to incro~se this figure to 45,200,000

b~gs if the Intorn;::.tion~l Coffoe Org~niz~tion's d~ily price indox oxcoods 42.5 United St~tes.ccnt.s per lb. o:ver 15 consocutive m.u-kct dews during t h., first ~uC1rter of 1965/6g.

A working p-rr t y h.is boon :CPPOi:ltod to c.-cI'ry out ,l roviow of br.si c quo t.t s "nd production gor.Ls , .md to rocommond " policy for co f'f'cc stocks.

E/CN.14/STC/FTN/13 Page 55

Pricos h:cvc Lmprovc.d mod..r-atcLy in recent months. Rectos for ,::,rclbicccs

hivo bo.,n maintained .md most of the incr~'Cse he,s bo en coneentrc:ted on r-obust..s , World production of the 1965/66 crop is estimJtod ~t 30 pvr cent ~bovo the

oxeoption,lly low lovel of the previous seccson,nd only c. little short of the roeord figure for 1959/60. Erc,zil's crop is cstinDted "t botwccn 37.8 .md,

39.3 million cwt., which represents "bout 48 per cent of world production.

In Eccst Afric", no signifier,nt inerese in output in 1965/66 is ~ntieip~ted.

World 'Cnd African Production of Coffoo 1960/61-1965/66

('000 ewt)

1960/61 1961/62 1962/63 1963/64 1964/65 (Pcr-occ.at ) 1965/66

Ugtindn 1,819 2,370 3,,,98 3,106 3,600 3,600

Tccnzr,nic, 655 408 550 638 721 725

Kenya c 661 547 716 869 800 850

India 1,339 906 1,106 1,362 1,171 1,240

Other ~

Commonvcr.I th a 258 281 359 564

. Eruil


35,252 42,352 33,856 27,350 20,339 39,300

Colombia 8,858 9,490 8,858 9,212 9,450 9,450

1~0xico 2,4n 2,641 2,549 3,372 3,200 3,425

El Sc'lv~dor 1,828 2,415 1,~01 2,399 2,250 2,450

Gu"tern:cl:l 1,943 1,979 2,122 2,096 1,770 2,05 0 Other Lcti,n



6,257 6,949 6,508 6,700 6,800 7,000

Ivory Coast 3,650 1,905 3,835' 5,141 4,130 4,725

Angol" 3,160 3,318 3,644 3,313 3,780 3,650

Other AfricJ.


4,451 c 4,840 5,498 5,300 5,400 5,500

Other Asia


2,441 3,148 3,230 3,000 3,370 3,150


M~inly cxpcz-t.s , c.i Lcnd.ir- yv:r, svcond of two st'ctcd.


Registrations, except 1965/66 (crop estimate).


Costa Ricu, Venezuola, Haiti, Cub::, Dominican Republic, Eeuudor, Peru,

Ni.ccz-ugu... end Hondur-aa ,


Cameroon Mc:lc:g~sy, Congo(Loopoldville), Rwanda, Burundi "nd Gthiopiu.


Indonesia "nd Philippin<cs.

(The N~tionQl and Grindlays Er,nk, London, October 1965)

E/CN.14/STC/FTN/13 P'cge 56

'I'ho InternCltion:11 Sug:u Conferenee wes held from 20 September to 15 October in Geneva under United N:ctions .iu spi cc s , with Lnv.i tct i ons for

p~rticipJtionsunt to 124 governments members of UNCTAD.

The purposu of the Conforunce wC'.s to negoti",te :: new comprehensive Entoz-nrrti on.cl Sug·J.r Agreement. This would z-op.l..cc the Intornc.tionc.l ::>ug:cr Agroument negoti~ted in 1958 ",nd rcviowod ~t the 1961 Cortforoncc. As it WClS not possiblo thon to.:ro:.ch agreement on export queyls, the r-oLcv.cnt oLaueos La.pscd ,ct tho end cf 1961. The r6m'Cirtdor of the 1958 Agroement, oxtended in 1963 by C1 Protocol, expires ..t the end of this yc.c.r.

The Conferenc0.w~sto revi~w the cper,"tion of thu,current Sug~r Agroumont, ,:.. "disouss irrtcrn",ti.on.il. illc,:osures dc s i.gnod to mc ot the ·spuciC\·l difti=l·ties

:1rising in inturnc.tionc,l tr.:de in sug"r, .ind prop::\ro.: now intornc.tionzel agr-c omont , A drc.ftfor .. now Intorn::tion:ol Sug:cr Abreemont, to sorvo .s :1 working b.. sis for tho Conferonco, wc:s eubmrt tcd by tho Lntcrn.rt LonuI Sug"r Council, ,·Iith tho following obj c cti,ve s ,

(ec) to m.i irrtcan arid gr:du'.:lly to Lncr-c.oo tho LcvoL of Lntc rnati.onc I tr'.:do in sugar, pc:rticuL:rly in or-der- to oontribute to tho foroign

cxch~ngL o~rnings of thoso producing countries whose cconornic~

ar-c epcoi a lLy dupcndont on thc oxport of sugr.r ;

(b) to I:li.int·:in ~ a tr.bL c pri cc for sug':r::t .' L c v oL which will su e tr-in produotion to moot world d.cmand , which will be re':son,c,bly romuncr:.:tive tc producors, but which will not encour~gc further oxp~nsion of

production in importing countries,

(0) to pr-ova.dc :.:d..;quc.te supplies of sugccr to moot tho requirements cf importing countrios .rt L1ir .ind xc.•.sonc.b.lo pricos;

(d), ..to, bring worl.cLpI'oduction...::nd consumption of sug::r iPc.. Q.l0.scrkLnce

(0) to fGcilitnto the co-ordin~tiortof sug~r production "nd mC1rkottng policios ::cnd, gonorc.lly, tho or-grin.iz a tion of tho m.u-kot ,

(f) to further intornc:tionCll co-operetion in sugc.r questions.

E/CN.14/STC/FTN/13 P.ge 57

The dro.ft cont r.i.nod cort;].in fec,tures in f"vour of tho oxporting countrios, including production controls, guo.ro.nteod minimum imports within 0. fixod

price r".nge, o.nd ".110co.tien of 50 pur cent of consumption incroo.ses to foreign supplies.

The Gonferonco e.greod to 0. Protocol extc,nding the 1958 interno.tiono.l Sugo.r Agrecmc.nt until 31 December 1966, unless 0. new Agreement should enter into force b~fore thntdnte. A second session of the Conferenco is to be convened in the spring of 1966.

World Production of Sugo.r ('000 short tons) Avoro.gc


63/ 64

Continont 1955/56- 1962/63 1964/65


North luneric," 14,488 14,608 15,609 18,045

South lunerio:l 5,859 6,865 7,117 7, 809

Europe 11,529 12,441 14,100 ' 16,033

USSR 5,632 6,600 6,475 10,600

Afric" 2,694 3,362 ),M8 3,816

Asb 7,778 8,7 01 9,991 11,303

oco.ma., . 1,638 2,279 2,213 2,462

Tot;]. 1 49,618 54,856 59,353 70,068

J . • •

DUG to exp~nsion of ~roduStion inmo.nY countries following tho high lovel of pricosiri tho world free mccrket in 1963, incrvccsed cccrco.gc anc;

f'nvouz-abLo clirno.tic conditions, price: support and :othoz- moc.suz-ca , world production of sug".r in 1964/65 h".s risen to 0. high record figure of 70.1 million short tons, which is o.n in~rQo.se of 18 £01' cont from tho previous Se: son. In the African continent, production showed no signifioo.nt eho.ngc

2.S typhoons r-educed thu Me.uritius crop,thdehy.:offsatting g.:ins in other countr a o a ,

(Fineoncid Times, London, 20/10/65; Foreign A€,rieulture Circulc.r,.

US DCpOlrtmcnt of Agricu1ture, llc:shington, JUly 1965; UNCTAD, Press Roleccse, GOiiOVCl., 15/<:/65)

J!;/(;i,:.-;e4/ .."r'v/>'1'N/J.:'




Economic Co-oporation

Further to tho August 1964 meeting of the Huads of St2te of Guinua, Ivory Coast, Liberi<1 "nd SierrJ, Leone, c.nd tho Fobruary 1965 moeting of tho ~linistQriJ,lWorking Commission (soe FTNL No. 11, p.


the Working Commission met ng~in ~t tho end of MJ,y in Froetown, with the resulting signature of ~n Agrcemont to sot up ~n Intorim Orgnniz~tion with a view to tho ostnblishmunt of a Purm~nunt OrganiZ2tion for Wost African Economic Co-oporc.tion.

With tho conclusion of this Agroemont, tho lfdn~storial Working Com-mission came to ;:m,ond,. and c. M;i,n,:istori::.l C9mCom-mission was crcctod wllich bocnme tho governing body of the Intorim Orgc.nizntion. Alsc, G.

Secre-t,~riat WG.S sot up to co-ordinate thu ~ctivitios of tho Orgnniza.tion during tho into rim poriod.

The Intorim Organiz~tion is charged with thc responsibility of planning the establishmunt of .; multilCLteral system of economic co-operation of G.

regional chG.racter with a view to removing tr~de b~rriers ~nd oncouraging the h~rmonious development of the rospuctivo co-opcr~ting St~tos in evary field.

' ..- -Four spocialize'd 'and'tccbnica,l commi t'tccs hCLVe-been'crc:1ted t'o'under-take cort'lin p:!,eliminc:.ry studios" . .necess~ry for :end prior

.. to

, the sotting up of the pcr-manorrt organiz,':tion, namoLy on trado:nd customs; agricultural and

industrial devolopment; trunspor-t and communa c-rtLonsj and mono tuz-y and fiSC'll

mat t.cz-e , ,

'(Government of Liberia Press ReleG.so, Monrovia,


West African I:!'on ~nd Stoel Conference

The ECA-sponsored West African Conference on Iron and Steel, held in Monrovia from 2 to


August, r~yiewed activities ~nd progress in the develop-ment of iron and steel in West Afrion, tho Hest African co--operntion in the

i \ -:..

E/CN.14/STC/~/13 Pc.ge 59

~st,~blisbmGntand developmont of an intepcctediron and stooL pLarrt in Liberi,., :'end possible futuro uct i on in the d.cvcLopmont of iron ccnd ,steol in W~st Africc:.

Tho Conference noted the intention of tho Libori~n Govornment to ostc.blish.,n iron and stool co.rs tuL plant cct Bucb;;mm,tho intention of tho M",li Government to c s t.r.b li ah 'm iron .ind steol LnLand p Inrrt ctt GouinQ.' ..nd tho intvntion of othor countries in Wc;st Afrioo, such Q.S Gho.nc.,. Guino::, Mc,urit'~nin. and Ihgori:: with r0g:crd to iron arid steel devolopmont. It .,.lso not0d tho dc;sirllbility of consider:ing the development c.nd co-ordinc,tion of other b .si c industries such "s cncm.icuLs ,. petro-chemic.cls, :1.1uminC1, aIumi.nj.um products, fertilizors, etc., tcgethor with the developmont cf the ircn and stool industry in West Africa.

"1. "

Tho Conferenoe agz-ccd in principlo to set up an iron and steel c,uthorito"

to co-ordin::te the dcvoLopmcnt of the iron and steolindustry in W0St· Africo..

It resolved to set up n.n int0rim committee of experts ~ppointod by .~ember

Stutes of the sub-region to, inter :11ia, evolove general princip~es

gov0rning th0 development and cc--or-dinnti on of r-cgi onaLl.y-ebascd industries, to make r-ocommcndctt one en an iron;nd steel .iuthority, and to report

Within six months to em ",ppropri:oto inLr-govornmuntc.l body, such .i.s the proposod Wcet Africc.n Conferenc0 cn Industrial Co-opor~tion.

(Dr:lft Prec0edings of the ConsuLt.cti.vc Meeting on Iron end Stoel, Monrovia ,2-6/8/65)

Contr:11 Africu

C~ntrC11 Afric:ln Economic :lnd Customs Union

'I'hc Tre:lty est.;blishing ,:J. Central Af'z-Lcan Economic ,end Customs Union (UDEAC), will unter into force on 1 J~.nu"ry 1966. The forerunner of UDEAC w~s the Equ~tori:ll Customs Unien (UDF: which wus originally formcdbc.twc.en the Ccrrt rcL Afric·-:n Republic, Chr.d , Congo (Bruzz:-.,villc.) .:end Cr.bon in 1959.

The Tre:lty w~a signed on 8 December 1964 by the momber St"tes of the E'lu:1tori::;,lCustoms Unicn "nd by Cameroon, fo11owud in 1965 by ce series of expert meutings from the signutory status, discussing fficxmoniz:1tion of present customs duties and excmptions, th~ common uY+'''rn,,1 t"riff, the Single t"x, con in-dustz-La.L development bc.nkjLnvoetmcnt codes .md the org"niz"tion of the Union.

(Fost Af'r-Lc.i , London, 6/2/65 :1nd 13/11/65)

E!CN.14!STC!FTN!13 Pcogo 60

E,st Africce East ·Afric"n COTI.mon Market

The E:lst Africcen summit t.clks ended in lLcirobi on 20 August, with the Hcr.d.s of StntQ - President Jomo Keny"tta of Keny,c., President Julius llyerer0 of TQnzania ~ndDr. Milton ObotQ, Prime Minister of Uganda - reitQr~ting their desire for the continu::1tion ;end strGngthoning of tho common services 'Cnd th~

E~.st Afric;,:.n common maz-kct , The Loc.ders mot '1g1in in Mombn.sa on 31 August, for t::lks Lxst i.ng two d.iys , but insuffioient time W::1S Clv,,-iL1ble to settle :111 thu problems involved ~lthough itwces decidod to sut up a nino~mumber Commis-sion undcz- em'indupundont ch,,:irme-n from outside E::st Afric" to study the full re-nge of probloms fcecing the E:cst Afric,-n common ID~rkot :1nd tho East Africcon

Common Survices Org:·,nizc.tion. The Commission, whose members will inolude t.hr-co officials or Wdnisters from eaoh country, will report to the throo Govornments :With CLgxeed pr-opos.i Ls .md not recommend"ti onc ,

As ::1 result of the mccting of Ministers held in D.:r-es-Sn.lC1c-m on 8 Sept'"' ember, the following terms of rufcruncc werc· .agr-eed for the nine-member Commission 'Cnd rr1VG since been "pproved by thG three Governments:

To study tho whole rc,nge of co-opur'ction C11re::dy in cxi s tonco between Kcnya ,

T~.nzmi.1 cond Ug.mda .md to m.ko r-ccommcnd.rt Lona on the following points,

(':) Hot tho KLSt Africc1n common mur-kct c..n be rmint,c.in~d ,cnd strengthoned 'Cnd the principlos on which and tho mannor- in which the oommon mc:rkc·t ccn in futuro bo cont r-olLcd .irid r cguIr.tcd ,

(b) 'I'ho crr::ngements nucess:cry for vff'ccti VG ope.rc:tion of thw common Illc,r-kut corrscquc nt upon tho vst,;1:ilishment of sup",r'.Ltc cuz-r-c.ncd.oe ,

(c) The. extent to whi ch survices, .': t pr-oscrrt maarrtvi.nc d in common be tween the three oountries, cun b., continued .ind thc form which such services should tc:ke.

(d) Tho oxtent to which (if ::t .:11) new sGrvices c~.n be provided in common between the throe countrios ,-.nd t.h., form which such s0rvioes should t .k., , (G) The m,:nneer in which the common scr-vi cos should be f'Lnmccd ,

(f) 'I'ho extont· to which thu mC'.n-:gement of different acr-vt ccs can be locc;tud in difforunt p',rts of E".st Africa.

E!CN.14!srC!FTN!13 Peg" 61

(,,) 'I'h.; l"g"l; edministrcetiveoud consti tutionccl corre:ngcmcnts most likoly to promotcuffocti vCoo-opGr.tion bctwcc n the JLst Afric"n countri cs in the light. of the r-coommondi t.Lons mido u.idcr- the first six p:1r.cgrc,phs.

ThG Commission's report is not c~lled for until 1 MGY 1966.

(N?ti<ln.:l and Grindl:,-ys RGviow, Octobc r 1965)

~conomio Co-oper~tionin EGst AfricC1

Thc ECA-sponsored sub-c-ogd oria L Moeting on Economic Co-opor,:tion in R:st Afric"., hold in Ius'.:k::: from 26 Octobur to 6 November , recommended to 'the· Oovc rnmcrrt s of };,storn Afric,: the, t thuy f'oz-mi lLy Gst,-::blish tho

Bconomic Community of Ec.stern AfrioC1, under Ct troc. ty to be set up.

It WClS fur-t.hor- r-ccomracndcd th"t the Gcvc rnmcnts sct up en Interim Council of Ministers to dr"w up th0 treC1ty cmd to c,"'orry out cogreed

mci sur c s of c conoma,c cc--opor-r.t Lon , pending the r,:tific'etion of the troc.ty.

The tr,,~ty Should commit the member governmunts to 0nter into joint oonsul t'.:tions und ncgot Lations, wi th ::: view to the integr:.ted dcvc Lopmcrrt of the sub-rogion" espGci,lly in. thq fiu1ds of industry, ctgriculturc, ,tr-cnsportc.nd communictions, tre:d" .md paym.mt.s , mcnpou.rr .md na.tuz-ul,


(~CA, E!CN.14!LW!~COP,November 1965)

E!CN.14!srC!FTN!13 Pr.g c 62

.:i:xch::.~ngo R~~tQS

N~tion~l Currency pvr US D~ll~r

Country Unit CDuntry Unit Re.te

Cameroon CFA frQnc

Centr.-,1 Africccn Rep. CFA f r-anc Algerie: 87.50 Meurite'lli::. CFA fr:,nc 246.85 M:.:urit.iu-", __.:@PQO

246.85 Morocco Dirh[1m 246.85 Mozambique Escudo 246.85 Nigor CFA frc.nc


Nigeri;: k

180.00£/ Rhodcsi..; k

246.85 Rw~n~ RB fr~nc

2.50 SGneg~l "CFA franc 214.39 Siorr2 Leone Leone 246.85 Somctlh Sh , BornaLo

.3571 Sud::n k

.3571 T~nz·.,ni" E.A

.Sh;-246.85 Tcgo CFA frene

246.85 TunisL Din"r 7.143 Ugc.ndr. B.A. Sh.

l.00 UAR k E

.3571 Upper Volta CFA f'r-r.no 246.85 Zembic. ..

Source: United Nc.tions Monthly Bulletin of St~tistics, 8cptcmb~r 1965


Offici'll buying r::te


OfficL:l selling r.etc

Dans le document Foreign trade newsletter: no. 13 (Page 63-73)

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