• Aucun résultat trouvé

Limitations of the Present Study and Future Research

Well-Formedness Results

VIII. Final Conclusions

8.4. Limitations of the Present Study and Future Research

The main limitations of this study were clear from the beginning: a small size sample (few participants, short samples for testing) and limited time and funding. On the one hand, it was difficult to find voluntary participants responding to the profile.

While reducing the requirements for participations might have improved the odds of finding willing participants (recruiting students, for example) this would have affected the results negatively: students might have graded the translations in a way teachers grade theirs, not from the point of view of experience as an institutional translator. On the other hand, since participants were volunteers, asking them to grade larger samples would have probably resulted in a high dropout rate. The size of the Association’s corpus is not considered a limitation of the research because it was a characteristic of the case study scenario. However, despite these limitations, the findings of this study let us generate two hypotheses that can be tested in future studies: (1) in terms of translation quality, customizable systems are more appropriate for institutional translation (see sections 7.1.1. Functionality and 8.2.1 Evaluation Results […]); (2) in terms of operability, open source systems are more compatible with institutional settings than commercial systems (see sections 7.2. Operational Evaluation and 8.2.1).

It is worth stressing that, since both candidates were SMT engines, no assumptions can be made of whether these type of engines are more suitable for international organisations than other types of engines, such as RBMT or hybrid systems.

In conclusion, it could be interesting to test; on the one hand, the replicability of the results by carrying out the same study (evaluation of MT systems in institutional settings) with a larger scope (more participants, larger samples, more candidate systems, etc.); and on the other hand, the transferability of the findings by undertaking a similar project in different international organizations, multilingual national institutions, or even multinational companies.

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Annex 1-FEMTI Report: Declarative Evaluation