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Dans le document 1977 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (Page 44-48)


James S. White 1202 Riverview Lane Watertown WI 53094

The following is an introduction to computing and presumes no prior technical knowledge. The purpose of this discussion is to provide the novice enough basic knowledge so he or she can learn from, and enjoy, other Faire activities. This presentation

includes some very basic, non-technical ideas about computers, especially home microcomputers, their characteristics and construction, and how you can choose and use your own home computer. Fi na II y, some of the types of computers exhibited at this Faire are discussed.


Welcome to home computing! The great interest in this Faire dramatically demonstrates that the time has arrived for a computer in the house of identified by its size, appearance, construction, or use. None of these features are characteristics of computers in general. Computers are electronic devices built according to certain technical rules, which we won't discuss here.

However, al I types of computers do have some common characteristics that make them different and much more powerfu I and he I pfu I than many other things we use. We wi I I discuss some common charac-teristics of today's popular types of home computer0 characteristics that are important to computer users and that make computers especially helpful to us. enjoyment. Because our mental activities are much

less I imited in potential benefits than our physical activities, the helping potential of computers is much greater than the potential of other tools.


Computers follow people's instructions and do nothing unless instructed to do so. Computers are

1. Perform mathematical calculations

2. Store a large amount of information, and

However, the instructions a computer recognizes are so powerful and so varied that a person can combine devices which control electricity, and thereby can control the most powerful of machines,the generation and use of power, and many natural events.

So, although computers function intellectually, their direct benefits extend far beyond the

computer's versatility results from two other char-acteristics. The first is a computer's previously

The wide range of possible computer character-istics also results from the fact that a computer, as a control device, is often combined with other devices. A large variety of devices may be combine4 so the resulting system can have a wide variety of characteristics. A computer generally remains the key part of the resulting combination, so al I these types of systems a re often ca I I ed computers.

Computers are so versati I e that a computer Can do, or control, any rational or mechanical process,


Most "computer mistakes" occur because computers do exactly as they are instructed. Many people find it difficult to give exactly correct instructions to handle complex problems. The computer that follows incorrect instructions wi I I produce an incorrect beyond comprehension, so let's consider an example.

The great pyrami d of Egypt is genera II y accepted with numbers or calculations.

The first common home computers were delivered machine. Computers are constructed, and instructed, by man, as tools. A computer is and does only what

Having reviewed outstanding characteristics of

computers as they appear to users, we are now ready start towards understanding computers techn ically.

We'l I consider the significant meaning of each word, except "programmable and "system", which are

discussed elsewhere. bodies work with. However, as previously mentioned, a computer can control almost any physical activity.

The data a computer works with must be objective a~d precisely expressed. Computers can't work with feel ings or subjective ideas unless they are expressed objectively. Neither computer data nor computer results are ambiguous, despite the fact without consciously learning any codes.

A computer processes data. Processing means, changing, generally into a more useful form. A that precisely distinguishes microcomputers from other types of computers, just as there is no commonly accepted rule that distinguishes a micro-skirt from a micro-skirt. This paper discusses computers in general and emphasizes the characteristics of home microcomputers.


In addition to having certain characteristics in common, most home computers have certain types of typewriter. Some lower cost computers have keyboards that are much I ike the keyboard of an electric cal-culator. All computer keys are electrical switches.

Other types of switches used for computer input are similar to the on-off light switches in your home. Computers with many switches of this type are best suited for the user who wants to know much

FIRST COMPUTER FAIRE PROCEEDINGS BOX 1579, PALO ALTO CA 94302 PAGE 28 operations comprising a program. A processor per-forms the same functions for a computer that a brain processor. Microprocessors are widely used as control devices, in many kinds of machines besides relatively expensive and powerful device called a floppy disc drive. This is a recording and playback

less commonly today, by "speaking" words.


Many computers have several groups of electronic components, ca II ed interfaces, to a II ow the computer to communicate with devices not normally compatible wi th the computer. An interface is 'II ke a trans I ator; buyer should consider. A computer. uses electrical power, but of a low voltage, simi lar to that used by computer because it doesn't exist physically, just as an idea doesn't. Programs are often ca I I ed soft-ware, whi Ie the physically existant computer and accessories are called hardware. Software is essential to the use of a computer, and some types translator. This program translates between your Engl ish language and the computer's machine language so your computer can understand the programs of

instructions you communicate to it. This translator program may be ca I I ed an interpreter, an assemb I er, or a compiler.

The most common Eng Ii sh-I ike I anguage used to program home computers is called BASIC. This is one of several languages, called high level languages, that are easy for casu~1 programmers to use. BASIC interpreters are avai lable for many computers. For some computers, more than one BASIC interpreter is available. Different BASIC interpreters vary in the number and the power of the instruction words they recognize and in the accessories and capabi I ities they require of the computers on which they operate.

Lower cost computers have no language translator programs, so you must communicate with them in machine language~ Although such communication is educational for the user who wishes to understand 4. Friends and computer club acquaintances 5. Your own ideas--this is the type of program

you can write yourself.

Although some programs wi I I be easy for you to write, others could take several months of hard wor~

A discussion of the many factors affecting program procurement decisions and the decisions of which programs you should write yourself is beyond the

Having now covered the tec~nical characteristics of computers, we are ready to consider some of the things they can do for us. Even though many people understand the immense potenti a I computers have for he I ping in our homes, they st i I I ask: What are home

FIRST COMPUTER FAIRE PROCEEDINGS BOX 1579, PALO ALTO CA 94302 PAGE 29 or woodworker whose enjoyment comes from creating, rather than using or possessing.

Computers are the world's most pliable media--you can make more things of a computer than media--you can make of clay, paint,or wood. Creating with computers can be extremely Challenging, and success extremely rewarding, because the potential for creativity, mental and physical, is almost infinite.

Other people enjoy using computers for playing games. When used for games, computers are often somewhat I ike TV games, today's hottest comsumer

item. Unlike today's common games, which are very I imited and rather quickly become boring,the variety of computer games can be almost infinite.

Home businessmen use computers in many occupations.

Computers control heat and other environmental factors so an entire bui Iding, such as a home, is more comfortable and so erergy is used more effi-ciently. Home security is another service, meeting an unfortunately increasing need, that computers are being developed to help supply.

,Education is another of today's uses of home computers. As educational tools, computers are helping to teach subjects ranging from first grade addition to financial and engineering math, and a wide range of other subjects. Also, many people are using computers to teach themselves about computing, a field with considerable employment potential. In addition to vocational benefits, learning about computers is both enjoyable and practical because of can include considerable work savings.

Returning to fun appl ications, computers are used to catalog and control the playing of musical recordings. Computers are also used to make music.

There is even a magazine devoted to the topic of computer music.

Electronic hobbies are another home computer application. When electric train layouts are so getting involved in computing,the preceding examples of computer uses should further support the idea will be relatively inexpensive, costing between $100 and $250, generally less power supply. It won't follow their general instructions. Such people aren't especially interested in knowing the details of how a computer work~ They would rather learn how connectors mounted on the computer frame. Computer capabi I ities are changed by plugging new boards into appropriate spaces, as long as there is room avai 1-able. For some computers of this type, especially

"Altair bus compatible" or "5-100 bus" computers, many accessories are avaiable that can be added.

For other types of computers, only a few accesso-ries are avai lable. Consider what you may need and want.

Prices of computers in this category generally

FIRST COMPUTER FAIRE PROCEEDINGS BOX 1579, PALO ALTO CA 94302 PAGE 30 traditional model airplane, requires your work and time to put it together. A computer kit often takes from 50 to 200 ho~rs to assemble; accessory kits generally require less time. Time requirements vary depend i ng on your sk ill, the ease of assemb I y of the con-siderable problem in assembling a working computer.

Most computing kits require ski I I and knowledge in electronics work, sometimes a considerable amount The decision whether to build a computer kit is not factors to consider when selecting your computer.


Although good instructions and the avai labi I ity of expert help are essential to the novi~e kit bui Ider, these aids are important to every computer user. Computers today are too complex to be under-stood completely by most people. Because computers have so much potential, appropriate understanding is very important for using a computer well. Because Computer, an introduction to personar-Gomputing.

As an active member of 3 amateur computing organizations, he has worked with a variety of newcomers to microcomputing. He is also Data and Systems Manager for Durant Digital I~~truments, a manufacturer of counting and control systems and components. me,lnt attending club meetings,visiting shops, finding and reading the right library books, subscribing to magazines, writing for cOlrunercial brochures, and asking questions of anyone wno would stand still long enough to give answers.

Former assistant protessor of engineeriny, U 5 Mil i tary Academy

Former instructor in public speaking, International Speakers Bureau, Santa Clara

Member of Mensa

Member ot Speakers Bureau, San Jose Bicentennial Commission

Occasional I"cturer on mathematical games and recreations: "Fun With Math"

Dans le document 1977 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (Page 44-48)