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instance creation new

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Return a new instance of the receiver.


Since all external data classes either do or do not contain pointers, the ExternalData hierarchy splits at this level into ExternalBlnaryData and

ExternalPolnterData. ExternalBlnaryData is an abstract class which implements protocol common to all of its concrete subclasses which, by definition, do not contain pointers. Inherited protocol designated as subclass responsjbility is implemented in this class. All subclasses of the ExternalBlnaryData branch of the external data hierarchy have a class instance variable, sizelnBytes, defined here as the number of bytes in the data area of all instances of a subclass.


Naming Conventions for Subclasses' Class Variables

Most of the time (exceptions are explained below). there is one class variable for each named field in the external data structure represented by a Smalltalk class.

Each external data structure class variable holds the offset of a single field in the structure. The name of a class variable is constructed from a field name, stripped of its prefix. with the string 'Datalndex' appended. The bytes of a named field in an external structure reside in the byte array starting at the offset indicated by the class variable for the field. For example, in the following figure, the bytes of a field called

External BinaryData OS-Parameters

Phoney object representing the structure with "faa" in it. See Figure 1 for a simple example.

data in the "foo" field is accessed by the message foo data in the "bar" field is accessed by the message bar 3393-5

Figure 1

An example will help to illustrate the class variables miming convention. The following is the definition of the C structure which the Rusage class represents.

struct rusage { 1* integral unshared stack size *1 1* page reclaims *1

1* voluntary context switches *1 1* involuntary *1

ExternalBinaryData OS-Parameters

The first two fields of struct rusage are of type struct timeval, defined as follows.

struct timeval {

long tv_sec; 1* seconds *1 long tv_usee; 1* microseconds *1

There are fourteen class variables for the Rusage fields with simple data types (all the fields of type long). In addition to the fourteen class variables for the simple fields of struct rusage, Rusage has class variables for the fields whose data type is a structure - rusage fields ru_utime and ru_stime are of type struct timeval. The additional variables are named StimeSecDatalndex, StimeUsecDatalndex, UtimeSecDatalndex, and UtimeUsecDatalndex. These names are derived from the field name in struct rusage and the name of the field in struct timeval. Field names are stripped of their prefix, as usual, to arrive at the "structure within a structure" class variable names.

-If an external data structure has fields which are not presently used, usually indicated by "reserved" in the field comment, the Smalltalk class for the structure does not have class variables for the "reserved" fields.

Naming Conventions for Subclasses' Protocol

Each concrete subclass of ExternalBlnaryData has protocol for accessing the data of the structure. Message selectors are the field name, stripped of its prefix. For example, sending the message Inblock to an instance of Rusage will return the value of the ru_inblock field. The message sec:, sent to an instance of Timeval, will set the value of the tv_sec field to the specified argument. Depending upon whether the structure is exclusively filled in by the operating system, Or whether Smalltalk will send data to the operating system in the structure, accessing methods are provided to access or to access

and set

the values of fields. In the case of Rusage, protocol is provided to only access the field data, not to set the fields, since the purpose of the structure is to obtain data from the operating system. Since a Timeval is used to send and receive data, protocol is provided to access and set the values of fields.

When the value of a field is dependent upon the value of another field, no separate method is provided to set the value of the dependent field. The method which sets the value of the field it depends upon sets the value of the dependent also. This pattern of accessing protocol for field values which are dependent upon other fields has been followed in the concrete subclasses of FixedSlzeExternalPointerData and ExternalBinaryData.

ExternalBinaryData OS-Parameters

When a structure field is another structure, separate accessing messages are provided for the fields in the imbedded structure. For example, the Rusage method stimeSec returns the value of the tv_sec field of the timeval structure addressed by the struct rusage ru_stime field.

Protocol to set the value of a field which is an imbedded structure takes an instance of the class representing the imbedded structure as an argument. For example, the ltimerval method Interval: takes an instance of Timeval as an argument and sets the value of the it_interval field, which is of type struct timeval.

ExternalBinaryData Class Protocol


methods implement inherited protocol to return the numberOfPolnters (0 for all subclasses) and the size Of all instances of a subclass, the sizelnBytes class instance variable. The pointersSize method exists to parallel the

ExternalPointerData method of that name; it returns 0 since no subclasses contain pointers.

Instance creation

defines the method new to return an instance with the correct number of indexable variables. As an abstract class, you would not send the message new to ExternalBinaryData to create an instance of this class. The method is implemented here for use in subclasses.

InStance creation

methods in concrete subclasses return an instance of the class with the fields filled, either with data obtained via a system call or data supplied as arguments to the instance creation message. There is no pattern for subclasses'

instance creation

protocol - it varies according to the common uses of individual structures.

ExternalBinaryData Instance Protocol


has one method, dataArea, which returns the receiver, since all instances of subclasses are strictly data (no pointers). Subclasses of the other branch of external data, ExternalPointerData, have an instance variable, dataArea, which is returned when the message dataArea is sent to an instance of a subclass. The inherited method replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: is reimplemented; it invokes a primitive to perform a memory to memory data copy.


has one method which converts a specified range of the receiver from bytes to a String and returns the String. The purpose of this method is to convert a string as represented in an external language (for example, an array of chars in C) to a Smalltalk String.

ExternalBinaryData OS-Parameters

Adding Classes to this Hierarchy

If you are adding a subclass of ExternalBinaryData and the conventions just described are unclear to you, the best idea is to find a structure class similar to the structure you are adding and model your class on the similar one. Your new class' protocol must include a class initialization method which initializes the class

variables and size In Bytes. Remember to execute the Initialize method for the new class.

Related Classes


DlsplayState lnaddr

Integer Pointer ltimerval Ltchars Rlimlt Rusage Sgttyb Sockaddrln SockaddrUn Stat

Tchars Timeval Timezone Utsname Walt

You might also want to look at ExternalData, the superclass. If you are adding a class for a structure with imbedded pointers, read about ExternalPointerData -your new class should be a subclass of that class or its subclass,


Dans le document TEKTRONIX SMALLTALK (Page 48-53)