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AD HOC PROJECTS OF HIGH PRIORITY 12-05 West Afrioan Transport Conference

Dans le document SOCIAL COUNCIL (Page 129-164)

02-l)1 Problems and develo~m~nts in int~rnational tra~eand payments 11

GROOP 2. AD HOC PROJECTS OF HIGH PRIORITY 12-05 West Afrioan Transport Conference

ii/eN.14/109 Pngo 120


11-05 Feasibility Studies of Industries for Sslectsd African Countries


Origin. Terms of referenoeof the Commissionl Commission resolution 18 (II).


(a)Toooll~otdata for feasibility studies for the

establishment of c;IOlO.,1::.C .ndustries in selsoted African countries, inoluding information on the size of national markets :for their produots, and the availability of suoh

faotors as raw materials, powor, industrial labour foroe, eto.

(b)' To prepare a preliminary appraisal of the feasibility of , speoifio inihlstries taking into a.ocount the size of domestic markets and to examine, on the basis of this appraisal, the desirability of 'joint projeots bstwssn oountries and/or

the partioipation in existing or newly formed eoonomio groupings.

2. Transport


12-01 Transport

2! ,,'

Origin: Report of the First Session, paragraph 62 (d) and Resolution 18 (II).


(a) Studies of transport prdblems in Afrioa, with emphasis on , the role of the transport industry in promoting eoonomio

development partioularly with regard to thirgeneral oo-ordination of the various transpor~ teohniques. To be undertaken in

oonjunotion with projeots 02-01 (a) and


(b) Provision of advisory services to Governments at their req,uest.

GROOP 2. AD HOC PROJECTS OF HIGH PRIORITY 12-05 West Afrioan Transport Conference

Origin' Commission resolution 32 (III).


In co-ordination with projeotS 02-01 (,,) andCg).

~ Suggestions for a more detailed work programme are presented in information paper E/CN.14/94.


-_ ..


De scriptic?n:

E!3·;5 2 .


CN •li./109

P,-,g~ 121


, ,t •

Meeting of JUnisters of Transport and/or Works and/or interested inter~governmentalagencies to disouss general lines for the. development of a sub-regional ,transport network and the possibility of the standardization of

vehicls legislation and signalization. for traffio using the sub-~egional transport network.

3. Natural Resources


Orig1O: Report on the ,first session, paragraph



Assistance to Governments at the~r request in oonneotion with the preparation of hydrological; geological, geodetio and other scientific surveys of resourges.

Development of EnergY Resouces

Origin: Commission resolution 33 (III) Description:

Preparation of a detailed inventory of the energy

resouroes of Afrioa and a thorough survey oi the systematio development of such resources.


.' , ' ,."

13-05 Groundwater development

Origin: Terms of reference of the Commission Description:

Studies and seminar's economio and administrative aspeots of groundwater development in 'seleoted African countries and terri tories,; to be oarriedout in co-operation with the Department of Economic and SooiaL Affairs at Hea.dquarters • . Thecc>-operation of FAa a.nd. WHO, Will be sought. This projeot

.to be oompleted by tho €nd of 1962 •



E/345 2



Pago 122 .

III. AGRICUL'lURE (Refer~ed to FAO for oomment) 1. Agricultura.l Progress and Developments


21-01 food

Origin: Report of the first session, paragra.ph 63 Desoriptionl

Supply of information on food and agrioultural.matters and contributions of ECA/FAO Joint Agriculture Division to documentation for :

a) ECA studies and surveys involving food ~!g1'ioulture,

including documentation for ECA seesions ~~ other meetings!

b) . FAO regional office and headquarters and FA.G regional conferences and meetings, including second FAO Regional Conferenoe for Africa and sixth Regional Conferenoe' for the Near East.

21-02 AgricuJ.turaJ. Development programmes and planning (In oo-ordination

with projeot 01-01, FAO projeots and the Department of Economio , and Sooial Affairs at Headquarters)

Origin: Report of the first, session, paragraphs 61 and 63!

First FAO Regional Conference for Africa, resolutions 1, 3, 6! General Assembly resolution 1426 (XIV), FAG-ECA oentre on Land Polioies for East and Central Africa.


Examination of plans and of measures to'promote agrioultural developments and inorease produotivity

in agrioul ture.

a) Colleotion and analysis of information on

agricul tural development programmes for documentation outlined under project 21-01 above and for technical assistance programming and "aotivities!

b) The examination and classification of agricultural development projects, inoluding assistanoe to governments!




£/CN .14/109 Page 123

0) A.na~eie of particular problems of agricul't\ll'al 'development,

in<lluding:-(i) The di",e~l1lifioation of agriculturel

(ii) Faotors in the transition from subsistenoe, to oOlDDleroiaLagrioUlture, inoluding land

polioies agriotiltural oredit and oo-operatives." , GROUP 2. AD HOC PROJECTS OF HIGH PRIORITY

21-<>3 Forestry Development

Origin: Report ,of theeeoond session, paragraph 118.


, Survey, of timber resouroes and requirements to commenoe in 1961 (former~ 21-«5) (d) , " , "

2. Distribution and Consumption of AgrioUltural ProdUots GROUP,1. "CONTINUING PEOJE,CTS AND ACTIVITIES OF HIGH PRIORITY



Trade and Marketing of Agricultural ProdUots (In oo-ordination wi th projeots 01-<l4, 02-01 and. with FAO projeots). '

Origin: Reporto! F~rst Session, para 62 (f), Commission resolution 18 (I-Ih First FAO Regional Conferenoe for Afrioa,

resolution 10.


Examination of trade in major agricultural produots in sub-regions, and measu-:-es to improve marketing.


of 'redent trends in the level and direotion of exports of agricultural produoe, on a regional and sub-regional, ,basis. (Formerly projeot 21-<>3 (a) )

b) The marketing of agrioultural produots: oontinuation, with FAO Heaquarters and Near East Regional Offioe of meat andlivestookmarketing projeots and e~eJ:1s:j.on

to other marketing problems inoluding price relationships.

(Formerly p~Qjeot 21'-<>3 (b) ).

Food Consumption Leve,ls Origin: Resolution 18 (II) Desoription:

Studies of demand and Clonswnption levels for food and other agrioultural prodUots. (Formerly projeot 21-<l3(0), in ooordination with projects 01-15 and 04-«3)

m/CN.14/109 Page 124

J . ' Assistanoe and Advisory. SerYiQes in the Field of Agrioul ture CONTINUING PROJECTS'






23-<>1 '


. : : 'i'" , .": ,. . . , . : , . .

.Tech!?:ical Assist!mce .togovernments (Formerly 21-04) brigin;Report 'of First Session, para. 54 •

FAO Conference resolutions.' .

• ." '.' j:" ..



D e s c r i p t i o n ; , :.


-Collaboration with Governments and with agencies providing . technical and eoonomic assistancslto collabora.te with

FAO teohnical assistance experts in Afric!l1ooun:tries in the fields cf agricultural economics,. agrioul tura.l pla.n¢ng/l-ndmarketing; .tc' assist .Go~rw,nellts in the

formulation of tllquellts for'"teohnical'assistance under the Expanded Programme and other fol'll)s flf ,a.id within the

.fr~~1«l;r:kof :interllati,!mal


to assist

"Go~rnmerits dlrectly in national and regional projects· .... :':..

(a. continu.,ing-aativity which should expand With increasing aid to Africa).


2. .

.AD HOC PROJECT:r"OF'RIGHPRIOi.U:Ti···· :.... ,~,

, Specifio Projects of '.imvorta.nceto the Region.

. . " ?:. " ; " - -, .

. . '

Origin; Miscellaneous requests by governments ,to UN" Special Fund, Expanded Tec~nioal Assistance Programme, eto.

".'", '. ~ .

, ,


31-01 Assistanoe to go.vernments in the planning;'



. . . " " : " _'~, < . . ! .1 11. ! • • : .. ":

'" administration of national community development· programmes


: ,':,'

Origin; Terms of reference of the Colllllliss1on'. , _"t;.

;..--.. :.'.

, .,~':




.8/3452 . E/CN.14/109 P$.ge 125 Description:

(a) Assistance in the organization of national seminars on planning "and administration of community development by providing staff to assist national personnel in the organization and conduct of brief national seminars.

(b) Organization of teams to evaluate community development programmes in selected African countries, on request of the country concerned and financed from its own share of technical assistance funds (country allocation).

31-02 General survey cf community development in Africa Origin:



Report of the Workshop on Community Development, recommendation No.5 (c) "


A survey to be carried out periodically, utilizing information provided by member Governments to various United Nations bodies and supplemented by material

collected directly by the EGA Secretariat. Appraisals of indi'ddual country community development programmes will be continued; such individual case studies will form part of the general survey.

LProject 3t-:-03 has been included under Section V as project 41-o4J Establishment of an ECA Clearing Rouse on community development

Report 6f" the Workshop on"Community Development, recommendations Ivo.


(b) &.nd (c);


The activities to include: collection and distribution of material on principles, methods and techniques of community development; assistance in arr~1ging exchanges of personnel between African countries; provision of information on training facilities, including fellowships available from international agencies and national

Governments; organization of study tours; briefing of experts; organization of lending servfoes of films and other audio-visual aids for member countries, etc.

31-05 A workshop on Low-coot Housing and community facilities 'within community development pr08rammGs in Afrioa

Origin: Terms of rcfarence of the Commission; ~conomic and Social Council resolution 731 B (XXVIII)


A workshop to be o;rganized jointly by ~CA and the Dopartment of':i;;conomic and SocJ:<il Affairs <.nd held i\'l 1961. Participants to, include housing experts and community development administ-rators. The programme of the,workshop'toinclude study of problems 'of pla~~ing and replanning of villages and small communities, inol uding sel:t'-befP housing programmes an9<' ..the roview of experience in building schools, 'markets,

co-operative stores, community centros and other community facilities.

31-06 A florksho on Plannin. Or anizatioll Pond Administrati~n of Social

~elfare with particular rG~erence'to Family and Child Welfare Origin: Report of, th,., 1960 ~iorkshop on ";;xtension of Family

and, "Ghil d ' eli:cre Services vi thin Community Development

Programmes n


Action ar~s~ng :crom a 110rkshop organized jointly...by ECA and the .;conomic and Social' Affairs Department lit:, Readquartero in Accra in November 1960.

~l~i Stu~y of the applicability of community development techniques

",to ,urban arxao in A f r i o a "

Origin: Rep~rt on the first session, paragraph 62 (b): :::conomic and Social Council resolution 731 j (XXviII).

Description: ' , "

'A'study to be carri~d out:


by initiating two community development pilot projects in urban areas of Africa to gain practical experience, and (b) by undertaking simultaneously a study, in co-opei'a ticn with ref?earch inst;i.tutions in

Africa, of steps necessary to minimize the social disruption 'due to u:rban development. Special attel)tion ,lill be given to housing and social services which are nocessary to cope witb urban developmont problems. It is expected that this project will be c~rri€d on until the end of 1962 (in conjunction with projects 01-10 and 01-15 (b) )


This project replaced the fOrmer project 31-06 - Training Courses for Women.



E!3452 E!CN.14!109 Page 127


31-08 Study of the present state and progress of the co-op&rative

movement in Africa . .

Origin: Commission resolution 9 (n)' Description:

A study to be carried out in co-operation with FAO, 110 and UNLSCO on the present state of the co-operative movement in Africa: the· types of co-operatives, their scope and programme, national legislation and other means for promoting

co-operative activi tie!f, educational methods and teohniques, training facilities for personnel and voluntary leaders, and the contribution of the co-cperative movement to the economio development of African oountries. The report, to be submitted to the fourth. session of the Commission in 1962, should oontain suggestions conoerning the possibility of sstablishing a

oo-operative centre or centres in .Africa for the training of Africans in the field of co-operation and for the publication and dissemination of educational materialonco-operative methods and techniques.

Study Tour on Community Development methods and techniques Origin: Rapc.rt of the Workshop on Community Development,

recommendation No. 5 (e) Description:

Study tour for senior officers of requesting governments to visit community development projects in selected Asian countries in 1962

Standing committee on social welfare and community development Origi~: COI;qisoicn Resolution 36 (nI)

D~scr1pticn:£cetingof standing oommittee of experts to study sooial wQlfar~ sorvicee! cotlmunity development programmes (including , occn~o1c aspc?t~), SOCial aspects of urbanization (including

hous1ng), tra1n1ng of peroocnel and the interdependenoe of the servioes in the establishment of national sooial

.. dovelopment programmes in the·~frioancountries.



GRoup 1. CONTINUINGPROJ::lCTS llJD ACTIVITL'::S CF HIGH PRIORITY 41-01 Trainin~ facilitioe in Africa.

Origin: COEoiosion rosolution 17 (II).

DesoriptionlConsultationswith universities, research instituticns and other .appropriate organizations in Africa regarding

arrangements for the training of African staff in the field of economic development.



P~.gc 128



Training in economio and sooial planning Origin: Commission resolution 16 (II).


An intensive programme of study and training designed to meet the .need for an increasing number of economists, statistioians,

publ~c administrators, and managers of industry who are able to handle the problems and techniques of developnent programm-ing. Programme to be carried out on a permanent basis at ECA Headquarters.

Training aotivities in statistics

Origin, Report on the first session, paragraph 51; report of the first Conference of African Statisticians, paragraphs 56, 62 and 63.


(a) Formulation of a comprehensive programme for inoreasing facilities for the training of statistioians on. the basis' ';'of the uNllSCO survsy,requirements expressed by c.ountries

and oonsultations with universities. Report to De submitted to the second Conference of African Stati'stioians, and to be followed by arrangements for training.

(b) Assistance to and organization of Bub-regional ~d regional training centres for middle-grade statisticians.

Participation in regional in-service training ocuraes for senior eoonomists and statistioians.

(c) Bstabliehment at the'Headquarters of the,Lconomic Commission for Afrioa of·


sma~l Meohanioal Prooessing Unit for research and .demonstration on methods of prooessing~d

analyzing data. ThllsUnit"woUldalso servioe oountries w~1ich do not possess adequate equiPment, Or where the volume of . work does not justify themstallati.ori· of suoh equipment.

41-04 Training oourses in cou"-nity development metlhods and teOhniguy . for' national supervisory and administrative personnel .

Origin' !,eport of the lrorksho~ on CommunityJ)eveloPment, reooinInend.ation No.5 ta) ' . ' ." . . Descriptionl . " ·_c :..:· ._ _; .

Refresher training courses to'be:organized for nat;Lenal personnel. such as provincial oommuni ty development officers, principals of training centres, etc. Curricula to inolude the economic, social and educational aspects cf community

development. ' ..

41-05 In-8ervice training for African economists and statisticians Origin' Commission resolution 16 (11).


E/345 2

.~/CI;.14/ 109 Pr.go 129


In-service training at the Headquarters of the ~conomic

Commission for LUrope and the ~conomic Commission for Asia and the Far :hst.

Summer courses for African university students of boonomios Origin: Commission resolution 16 (II)


Summer courses for students entering their final year at the university.


£/3452 E/C1!.l4/109


List . f representativEs and observers at the Third session of the Commission


Amba~3ador de Bolgique on Ethiopie Mr. Charles Walhin

Mr. Alex Xhrouet

Mr. Charles Derbecourt Mr. Jan Hendrik Frans

Premier Socretairo


l'Ambassade de Belgique


Addis Abena

Hr.• Alfred Ngando Black

Dircctour de la Division Amerique, Azio, Organisations Internationales

Minist~rG des Affairos etrangeres Mr. Laurent Ntanac

Dirocteur Adjoint Ministcre du Pla~

M. Albert Payo.o

Ministre des FinanceD de llEconomie ct du Cornr.lcrcc

M. Armand Gand.on Mr. J.P. Tour~ Cuba

~linistro QGS Affaires etrangeres Mr. J •. Charlot

Conseillcr Econooiqu& 3t Social

l~r. P. Kayo.

Dirccteur dos Affaires aconomiqucs Mr. J.N. Chatanay

Commissaire au Plan do la Rcpubliquc du Congo

Mr. J.G. Bag-ana

Ministor& ·::'e8 Affa.iree etrangeres


Sooretaixe General du Ministare des Affaireo etrang~re6

Mr. Pierre Tona-Masesa

Ministre du Plan de la Province do LGopoldville

Mr. Joseph Tshomba

Ministre provin~ial des Affaires

Economi~ues (Kivu) Mr. Louis ::::mba",

Miniatre dos Finances

Mr. Sebastien Ikolo ..

Ministro dos finances lu Gouvernement

provinci~l de l'Dquatcur Mr. Louis Tshimwanga

Chof de Cabinet au Ministers dea

,~faires economi~ues


Luluabourg Mr. Paul de Roover

Conseiller tGca~ique

Minist8re des Affaires economiques Mr. Sourou-Migan Apithy

Vice-President do In. Republique du Dahomey

Charge du doveloppoment at du Plan Mr. Christic.n ViGyra

Directeur du Cabinet du President de ' la Republiquo

, Mr., Oration L. Pognon

Diplo~ate attache


la Delegation du Dahomey



Mr. Charles do Rego

Conseiller techni~ue au Ministare de 1)3conomic, du Commerce at

du Tourisme

Mr. Claude Jof~roy

Conseiller tochnique - Vice-Presidence de la Republiqua du Dahomey

Ato Manassa Lemma

Chief of Economic, Finance and Planning in His Imperial Majesty1s Cabinet

Auditor General, Acting Minister of Commerce, Industry and Planning and Acting Governor of State Bank


ETEIOPIA (oontd..)




Ilapresentati.va ,


Deputy Heau of Delegation Vice-Minister"of Agriculture Ato Worku Habto Wold.

Director General in the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty

Ato Rabtu Eshotu

Director General, Contral Statistical Office, Ministry·of Commeroe and Industry

Ato Tokle Hayma.'1ot Gabro Mariam Direetor General

Ministry of Commorce and Industr,v Ato Bulcha Domeksa

Seoretcory of r:conomioB and. Statistics in tho Ministry of Finance

Ato Yohannes JU.da.ne-Il4a.r Director General

Ministry of Finance Ato l~owork Zellaka

Assistant of Economics in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ato Kine Wodajo

Assistant of Economios in the blinistry of Foreign Affairs

.Mr~ Je=e5 Dupraz Chefio·la Delegation

Mission pormanonto de 10. France aupros des Nations Unies

Mr. Louis Dallier

Conseillor des Affaires etrangersll Mr. Yvos Boullet

E/'3452 E/CN.14/109 page 4

FRANCE (contd. ) Advisors: Mr. Jacquos "Eldin

Attaohe oommeroial

Conseiller dos Affaires etrangeros

J~cquos Leprette

Consoiller des Aff~ires etranglres Jean Robin

Administrateur civil Aime Teyssior d'Orfouil Conseiller finanoior

Representative! .R.E. Mr. Andre Gustave Anguile Ministre dos Affaires etrangeres at de l'Eoonomio Nationala,

Mr. Gaston Josoph Bouchard

Directeur adjoint do l'Economie Nationale Mr. Michel Elias

Direc~~ur de l'Economie Rationale RepresentativeI The Hon. P.K.K. Quaidoo, M.P.,

Ministor ~. $ocial Welfare Alternate: . Mr. K. Amoa A"lUah, M.P.

Ministerial Seoretary Economic Secretariat Advisers: Mr. G.K. de Graft Johnson

General Manager

Ghana Railway and Harbour Administration

Mr. J.C. Amauh

Director Social Welfare and Community DOVGlopment

Mr. J. Owusu-AnSah

Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. F. Jiagge

Assistant Secretary Davelopmont Secrotariat

Ambaseadour do Guinea au Caire Mr. Mohamed Kassory Bancoura

Chef, Section Eoonomiquo au

Ministere des Affairas Etrang~ras

Mr. Mody Sory Barry Directeur du Plan Mr. Cheik Omar MIBaye

Chef dc la Divisicn Africaine du Ministare des Affaires Etrang~res

Mr._ Kore Rene Sery Depute

Mr. M.T. Liawara

Conseiller Technique du Ministare dee Finances The Hon. James M. Weeks Director

Bureau, of Econcmic Researoh and -Statistics

Mr. A.M. Massaquoi

Assistant Director of National Rosourcos

Mr. A. Romeo Horton

Assistant Economic Adviser to the President

Mr. David F. Neal

Chief, Division of Public Finance Bureau of Eoonomic Research

Mr. T. Siafa Sherman Second Secretary Embassy of Liberia Addis Ababa






Ministry of National Economy Dr. Ali Ahmed Attiga

Head of Research Department National Bank of Libya.

Mr. Hamed El-Jawhari

Deputy Director of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Mad A. Azzabi

Assistant Direotor of Trade Ministry of National Economy

S.E. Mr. Rone Rasidy Ministro de llAgriculture Mr. Honri Razafindratovo

Chef de Service

Minist~re des Affaires Etrang~ras Mr. Armand Razafindrabe

Attache Economique et Commercial




Paris Mr. Almamy Sylla

Conseiller eoonomique du President Chef, Section Economique du Ministera des Affaires, etrangeres

Mr. Mamdou Samake Mr.' Birama Traoro

S.E. Mr. Driss Slaoui

Ministre du Commerce at de l'Industrie Mr. Ali Skalli

Direoteur de la Division O.N.U. et Organismes Internationau.~

Ministere des Affaires etrang~res Mr. Abes Benani

Consoillcr economiquc


l'Ambasssde <

du Maroc on Franoo •

Mr. Abdelwhab Laraki

Directeur aU Minist~re du Commerce et ic l'Industrio

Mr. ~bdol Hamil Khales

Directeur-Adjoint, Chef de Is Division du Traser et Finances

Exterieure au Ministaro doe Finanoes

Directour do l'Office cherifien do Controlle et d'Exportation Mr. Abdelkader El Jai

Chef do la Mission Culturelle au Moyen-Orient

Mr. Ahmed noukkali Ingenieur statisticien

Cabinet du Ministoro de l'Agrioulture S.E. Mr. Adamou Mayaki

Ministre do l'Industrio at du Commerce Mr. Roger LOUZG

Directeur Adjoint daB Affairee Economiques

Alhaji the Hon. Shehu Shagari, M.P.

Federal Minister of Eetablishmen~s

Chiof the Hon. Orno-Oeagie, M.P.

Minister of State in the Federal Ministry of Finance

Mr. A.A. Atta

De~uty Permanent Secretary

Federal Minis·try of Economic Development Dr. L.A. Fabunmi

Assistant Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations

Mr. A.A. Ayida

Assistant Secretary, Fedoral Ministry of Finance

Mr. N.O. Farinde

Senior Commorcial Offico, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Senior Commorcial Offico, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Dans le document SOCIAL COUNCIL (Page 129-164)

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