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CONTINUING PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES OF HIGH PRIORITY 01-01 Development policies and programming 1/

Dans le document SOCIAL COUNCIL (Page 120-124)

.m/3452 ::/C11.14/109

P".l:P 111

B. Annotated List of projects for 1961-1962 I. ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND STATISTICAL PROJECTS

1. Economic and Social Development

GROUP 1. CONTINUING PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES OF HIGH PRIORITY 01-01 Development policies and programming


Origin: Terms of reference of the Commission; report on the first seSSion, paragraph 61; report of the first Conference. of Afrioan Statisticians, paragraph 53 (b); Commission resolution IB (II).


(a) Analysis of the major economic, social and technical problems encountered by selected Afrioan eo.onomies in their

development policies and programming and of the methods whioh have been suooessfully used to solve these probl.ems. To be followed by separate studies of suoh topios as teohniques of

of development programming, methods to promote oapital formation, demographio aspects of economic development and the various cri t.eria which might be applied for relating activities in the fields of education, health, housing, etc., to economic development.

(b) Aotion arising out of a meeting of experts to disouss the use of national aooounts for the formulation of eoonomio polioy and development programming held in January 1961 in conjunction with the International Association for Researoh into Inoome and Wealth.

(0) Provision of advisory servioes to governments on the teohniques and problems of development programming, inoluding its organizational aspects.

~rojeot (d), training, has been inoluded under projeot 04-02, seotion


(e) Working Party to be held in 1961 to disouss preliminary results of work undertaken in the field of development policies and programming and to advise on directions of future workI to be followed in subsequent years· by working parties on speoifio topios.


In coordination with projeots 11-01, 12-01 and 21-02.

;;/ CN.14/109 Fage 112

01-02 Legal and legislative aspects of econcmic and social development.

Origin: Terms of reference of the Commission.


Studies of law and legislation in Afrioan oountries and territories bearing on aspects of economic 'and social' development and assistance to Governments at their requeet in adjusting such legislation to the needs of anexpandthg economy.

01-15 Social Aspects of Economic Development.



of reference of the Commission; report on the first session, paragraph 61; Commission resolution 18 (II).


Studies of social barriers to aeonomic change and ofsooial problems oonsequent upon rapid industrialization and


(a) Studies of urban sooial structure and sooial oonditions in relation to such fields of governmental activity as Oity ,and regional planning, housing and social services.

(b) Analysis of migrations, espeoially the movement from rural to urban, areas, in relation to 'cl:angtngoccupations and changing attitudes towards eoonomic activity. (in coordination with projects Ol-~O and 31-07).

(c) Examination of sooial behavicur and processes in rural and urban African communities in relation to economic development (in conjunction With projec~ 01-07).

(d) Advisory servioes to govornments on the organization of social research and the 'nalysis of social problems.

GROUP 2. AD HOC PROJ:lCTS OF HIGH PRIORITY 01-03 Development Banks

Origin: Terms of referenoe of the Comminsionl Commission resolution 27(11I)J Description:

A study of the contributions which national and regional develop- -ment banks could &ake towards the promotion of eoonomic

development in African couJ\tries and territories, inoluding assessment ef requirements for advice and teohnioal assistance in this field. Report to be presented to the fourth sossion.

:Projeot te bo undbr',"':c~D i': ~b-(1",():-"ticnwith IERD.

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01-04 Stabilization of commodity prices


Origin: Report on the first session, paragTaph 62 (j);Oommission resolutions 18 (II), and 25 (III).


(a) Comparative analysis and evaluation of methods used for the stabilization of internal commodity prioes. Report to be completed in 1961.

(b) Meeting of Africanpxjmaryproduc~ngcountries to consider the position of-~gTiculturaloommodities of main interest to them with a view'toobtaining greater world price stabilization.

01-05 Budget Workshop

Origin: Terms of reference of the Commission.


Workshop on problems of budget reolas~;Lfioationand management, to be oonducted in 1961 in ,oo-operation with

the Department of Economic and, Sooial A.f;fairs at Headquarters.

01-06 Eduoationalr&quirements of development programmes

Or~gin: Terms'bf reference of the Commission.


Studiee in selected Afrioan countries on the number of persons posse~singvarious types of skill required for the achievement of development objeotives and on the facilities for, training such personnel. Initial report to be co~pleted in 1961; report on additional oountries to be submitted in 1962. Projeot to be carried out in co-operati6n,with UNESCO.

01-07 Community development and economic de~elopment

, '

Origin: Report on the first seSSion.

; .

- Desoription,

Analysis of- the contribution of oommunity development and other methods of mobilizing human resources to eoonomio development in African oountries (in conjunotion with project 01-15, (0) ). '


In ooordination with projeot 22-01.

E/CN.14/109 Page 114

['"Projeot 01-08, training facilities, has be.en ,transferrod to section V, as project 41-01-7.

01-09 Seminar on population problems in Africa

Originl Terms of reference of the Commission and rec~mmendations

of the First Conference of African Statisticians.


A seminar of African statisticians and demographers on the oollection, evaluation and utilization of demographio .data. To be held in 1962. Joint proJeot between the

Department of 3conomic and Sooial Affairs at Headquarters and the Economic Commission for Afrioa.

01-10 Workshop on problems of urbanization

Origins Terms of reference of the.Commission; CommissioJI•.:.

resolution 18


ECOSOC resolution 792 II (xxX).


In line with the global programme of the··UN to assist goYljrnments in improving .the levsl of living in urban

de·ntres and to reduoe the ill-effeots of rapid urbanization, ECA, in co-operati~nwith the Department of Eoono~io and·-' Sooial Affairs at Headquarters and the speoialized agenoies oonoerned, in. addition to the aotivitiee oontemplated under projeots 01-15 and 31-07 proposes to: .

(a) organise a workshop on these problems.j~ornational . and munioipalofficials in 1962; "

(b) investigate iil the light of the workshop (see (a) abdve) the needs


seleoted Afr,ican oountries for iassistanoein relating sooial.progr~esfor ooping

with rapid urban growth to planntp~ap4looation of induetry and to physioal planning tin oonjunotion with projeots 11-01 and 11-05)

01-11 Administrative Problems of African Governments

Originl Terms of Referenoe of the Commission


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A seminar to be organised in 1962byEcA and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at Headquarters to study some of the more urgent 'administrative problems of Afrioan governments.

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E!CN.14!109 Page 115

Economic and Social Consequences of Racial Discriminatory Practices 'Urigin: Commission resolution. .


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llescription: " ,

Sub-regional studies of the economic and social consequences of racial discriminatory practices en the mobilization'~f

all available resources for the balanced economic development of. African countries and terri toriee. Report to be presented . to the fQurth sell·sian.

2. International Trade, Foreign Aid and Investmetitll"


Dans le document SOCIAL COUNCIL (Page 120-124)

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