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CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, United Kingdom Abstract

The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory currently operates a pulsed 200 µA, 800 MeV rapid cycling proton synchrotron accelerator. The laboratory is actively engaged in research and development of accelerator systems for high power pulsed and CW machines. In particular, the Laboratory is involved in the design of accelerators and compressor rings for the European Spallation Source (ESS). This is a pulsed (50 Hz) source of neutrons for material science research with an average power of 5 MW at an energy of 1.33 GeV. The R&D for this project includes the design and production of a prototype of the low energy acceleration section. This prototype consists of (sequentially) a high intensity negative ion source (H-), a low energy beam transport system (LEBT), a 280 MHz radio frequency quadrupole accelerator (RFQ) and a drift tube linear accelerator (DTL). The prototype will produce a chopped beam of 60 mA at an energy of 20 MeV. With the completion of a second (identical) system, the technologies of funneling - where beams from the two systems can be combined in an RF structure - will be studied and prototyping undertaken. To accomplish this scheme, the technology of beam chopping is also being studied and will be part of the R&D prototype system. Although the project is at an early stage, a pre-prototype RFQ accelerator is being constricted, primarily as an upgrade to ISIS, but also to test design ideas appropriate to the design of the higher power RFQ, for which engineering and thermal studies are currently underway.

Considerable expertise has been gained in the study and tracking of particles in high intensity beams. In particular, the loss mechanisms, which are of great importance in high power machines are being studied.

Currently studies are beginning to take place for designs of the driver of the neutrino factory being considered for Europe.


The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory operates a pulsed 160 kW proton beam at 800 MeV for the production of spallation neutrons for condensed matter research (the ISIS facility [1]).

High power accelerators are becoming important in a number of diverse fields. Of particular interest to ISIS is the planned European Spallation Source accelerator [2] to which the laboratory is an active contributor both in accelerator design, and to the R&D programme.

The ESS accelerator, outlined in Fig. 1, is a pulsed machine with an average power of 5 MW, and consists of a pulsed linear accelerator system feeding a pair of accumulator rings.

Machines like the ESS accelerator are likely to become the next practical step in high power accelerator construction. They are however, still of low power compared to the machines being considered today for transmutation and energy production, but the ESS and its like are important milestones along the path to these higher power machines. Table 1 illustrates the present state of proven technology.

There are particular features that must be addressed in all high power machines (including ISIS) connected with safety, reliability and low beam loss in absolute terms. These points are pertinent to the ESS and to ADS, and are discussed below.



2 Low Energy Beam Transport (LBET) system

3 280 MHz Radio Frequency Quadrupole Accelerator 2.5 MeV 60 mA 4 Fast Chopper

5 280 MHz Drift Tube Linac (DTL) 20 MeV 60 mA

6 Funnel 20×60 mA

7 560 MHz Coupled Cavity DTL 100 MeV

8 560 MHz Coupled Cavity Linac 1334 MeV 107 mA

FIG. 1. Schematic of the present ESS accelerator design.


An R&D programme to tackle important design issues for the front end of the ESS (E<20 MeV) is currently underway at the laboratory. The goal of the R&D programme is the eventual construction of a low energy high intensity accelerator (elements 1-6 as shown in Fig. 1).

The accelerator design shown has evolved from the original reference design [2]. Detailed studies of the implementation of the original design showed problems in the funnel and with the chopping of the beams, indicating that not all design choices and aspects of high power machines are clear cut, since they are largely out of the experience of accelerator builders and only in the codes of the designers.

The programme involves the design of a negative hydrogen ion source with a sufficiently high current (~70 mA) beam quality and lifetime. A low energy beam transport system to couple the source to the first stage of acceleration is required. This latter is a critical piece since the neutralization of the beam in magnetic solenoid systems is not well studied at high power.

The initial acceleration of the beam is made in a 280 MHz RFQ to accelerate the beam to 2.5 MeV. This device is designed for intense pulsed operation for the ESS, however, the development of this device to long pulse duty cycles is seen as advantageous to ADS systems.

The pulsed nature of the machine and the injection of the beam into compressor rings (a characteristic of pulsed neutron sources) demands that no beam should be present while the system is not able to properly accumulate it. Such current must be removed as soon as possible and a beam chopper is introduced after the RFQ structure and before the drift tube linac. Finally, a drift tube linac structure could be built to provide a 20 MeV, 60 mA beam (1.2 MW) for the eventual testing of a beam funnel. The funnel is a complex radio-frequency device in itself. However, its presence is useful from the point of view of easing the initial stages of acceleration (space charge effects) and from. a redundancy point of view - since two ion sources are available.

The current R&D scheme for a pulsed system could be extended to longer duty cycles. Such a machine would represent a 140 MW accelerator if operated in a CW mode.

This programme is collaborative, involving collaborations in R&D and Beam Physics Research between many European Laboratories. The present planning — which is subject to available funds — expects to complete the R&D phase in three years. The construction of the ESS would be complete some 7 years later.


Initial studies have been made of a comparison of mull-MW machines designed around various modes of operation:

ņ Room Temperature (RT) Continuous Wave (CW) operation;

ņ Room Temperature Pulsed operation;

ņ Superconducting Continuous wave operation;

ņ Superconducting Pulsed operation.

In high intensity machines the power extracted from the cavity to accelerate the beam is significant compared to the power in the cavity itself. For a room temperature cavity the power losses are essentially due to resistive effects and to the power removed by the beam. In a pulsed system where the accelerating cavities are only driven while the beam is being

accelerated, the average resistive power losses are clearly duty cycle dependent. For a constant beam power, an increasing amount of power is removed from the cavity per pulse as the duty cycle of the beam is decreased. But since the resistive losses vary linearly with time the average power consumed is also decreased. Clearly there is a balance between the cavity power and the power extracted by the beam and the argument is strongest at lower power levels where the cavity losses dominate over the demands of the beam power.

Superconducting accelerators provide a case where only the beam power is important, and in principle high fields can be achieved. (However, in principle, high fields could also be induced in a pulsed normal conducting cavity). In the case of superconducting accelerators at moderate powers one needs to compare the power required to the case of the pulsed RT scenario, and the demand to be reliable at the 99% level. Additionally, the technology used to drive the RF Cavities is also a point of discussion as new technology emerges in the for of inductive output tubes (IOT) which have efficiency advantages and lend themselves to be more readily pulsed compared to the conventional klystron.


The ISIS accelerator system accelerates particles to 800 MeV in a rapid cycling synchrotron.

The process of injection - from a 70 MeV linac, capture and acceleration takes place in a period of some 20 ms. Losses during the injection and capture process account for almost all of the beam losses experienced during operation. Theoretical studies and modelling of this process — which is space charge dominated — has allowed the beam losses to be minimized to low levels in absolute terms. This is a critically important maintenance issue, since ISIS relies on "hands on" maintenance of the machine during shutdown periods. Such studies have also indicated the possibility of an intensity upgrade for ISIS that is now in progress by introducing second harmonic cavities to redistribute the space charge density of the beam allowing higher beam currents to be accelerated [5].

Analytical and numerical tracking tools have been developed for 2d transverse and ld-longitudinal space charge taking into effect the image charges on the beam tubes of the accelerator. These codes have been applied to the study of the beam dynamics of the ESS accelerator in the important topics of beam loss and halo formation.

A new RFQ code has been written to include more sophisticated geometries, realistic 3D space charge calculations and the effects of neighbouring bunches [6].

Development of 3d space charge tracking codes has also been progressed based on the ld-longitudinal and 2d-transverse codes. These have recently been used to track particles through the entire linac with promising results, indicating that the loss levels are extremely low. The eventual aim is to study the space charge dominated beam in the ESS accelerator with sufficient numbers of particles to generate a confidence in the low level predictions of beam loss and to allow a "hands on" approach to maintenance of the machine. The codes developed at Rutherford Laboratory have become benchmark codes. The importance of code comparison in this fields must be stressed.


Existing high power accelerators fall far short of the characteristics required for ADS solutions by at least one order of magnitude. The critical areas of future high power machines are being addressed in studies and in building demonstration machines. It is likely that pulsed accelerators designed for spallation sources will form the next generation of high power machines to be built.

The analytical tools for studying the physics of space charge forces in high power linear accelerators (and storage rings) are available and work towards testing the designs of high power accelerators against these codes is well underway. Beam losses under normal operation of existing machines have been studies in detail to achieve extremely low loss levels in absolute terms in the case of ISIS. The aim of current studies is to preserve the losses in high current machines at the same absolute level. This represents a computational resolution of a part in 107.

Beam Physics studies of the ESS accelerator for intense pulses are equivalent to studies of a 140 MW, 1.3 GeV CW machine.

Arguments have been presented which show that pulsed high power accelerators have power saving advantages over their CW counterparts, offering simpler and potentially more reliable technology than superconducting alternatives.

Hardware development at ISIS is aimed at pulsed machines in the 5 MW band but would be suitable for developments to higher powers by extending the operating duty cycle.

REFERENCES [1] FINNEY, J.L., Europhys. News 20 (1989).

[2] ESS – A Next Generation Neutron Source for Europe - Volume III – The ESS Technical Study, ESS-96-53-M-3.

[3] SCHNEIDER, J.D., A Review of High Beam Current RFQ Accelerators and Funnels, Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC98), 22–26 June 1998, Stockholm, Sweden, Institute of Physics Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, ISBN 07503 0580 (CD-ROM)(1998).

[4] LAGNEIL, J.M., A Review of Linacs and Beam Transport Systems for Transmutation, Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC98), 22–26 June 1998, Stockholm, Sweden, Institute of Physics Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, ISBN 07503 0580 (CD-ROM)(1998).

[5] PRIOR, C.R., Simulation with Space Charge, Workshop on Space Charge Physics in High Intensity Hadron Rings, AIP Conf. Proc. No. 448, AIP, New York, (1998) 73.

[6] LETCHFORD, A.P., Code RFQSIM, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, unpublished.