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Food taste


Définition en anglais et extraits de discussion avec les aînés sur les sensations et


Définitions et mots associés – dictionnaires et ouvrages de référence

Auksungnik That taste like blood. I think all the blood taste is different, even the human blood taste is different and the seal blood is different taste too. It’s the seal blood taste [that] is good.

Mots associés :

Auk = sang

-sungnik= quelque chose avec la senteur ou le goût de (Farley, 2012).

Mamaituq Which has a bad taste.

Opposite of mamaqtuq. Mots semblables: Mamaqtuq

Tiparlutuq: which has a bad taste (Schneider, 1985). Siirtuq Sweet-sour taste, like

cranberry or cloudberry taste.

Définition de dictionnaires:

Siirtuq: To taste bitterness (need of saliva, of water) ou 2) to salivate (Schneider, 1985).

Siiqtuq: to taste bitterness (need of saliva, of water: imaqarusuttuq qaniq); wild sorrel: qungulit produces this, also biliousness, (see: uunniatuq, (stronger) heartburn, stomach acid) (Gouvernement du Nunavut, 2000).

Mots semblables:

Siirutilik: which has something that cause salivation, makes water come to the mouth: acidity (Schneider, 1985).

Siirnatuq: what is of a kind that produces an acid taste in the mouth, drying it (Gouvernement du Nunavut, 2000).

Satiety and other sensations related to food

Mots/concepts discussion avec les aînés sur les sensations Définition en anglais et extraits de et significations

Définitions et mots associés – dictionnaires et ouvrages de référence

Aukkanirpuq/ Aukkaningajuq

Sweating and feeling warm after eating, especially after eating seal or walrus. When (we) go out hunting, when it’s really really cold, when (we) are eating country food with a warm tea, even when (we) are really cold, it keeps (us) warm. It makes you warm up. Only with country food.

The walrus make you much warmer (than seal).

Even arctic char fishes, they keep you warm too.

Définition dictionnaire:

Aukkanirpuq: to sweat (Northern Quebec) or to warm oneself (Labrador, West Hudson’s Bay) (Schneider, 1985).

Mots semblables:

Aukkaniq: 1)Stretch of unfrozen water (in automn) or melted ice (in spring) at sea, on a lake or sea 2) sweat (Northern Quebec) (Schneider, 1985)

Uunnijuq: one who feels hot after eating; also, after sleep, also feels heavy, drowsy (Schneider, 1985).

Iisirngusuni8 (?) Becomes lazy, relax after eating, especially

caribou or fish.

We become lazy after eating fish. Sometimes we need a nap.

When you become lazy when you finally eat, you become lazy. Alacie heard a story about a caribou. The caribou that sits around, eating, sleeping, and lazing around. So when you eat caribou, you become lazy, become tired because of eating caribou. Because the Caribou does that. They seat around and does nothing but eat. And the word, the feeling, it’s call iisirngu.

Défininition dictionnaire:

Iisirngujuq: who is satisfied, feels well having eaten (Schneider, 1985).

Nukkituq Feeling stronger, healed (when you finally eat country food after a long time without eating it).

When she finally eat (country food), her body is different and stronger. It looks like the body is healed. When you eat and your stomach feel better. (…) When you’re finally eating the country food.

Définition du dictionnaire:

Nukkituq: he gets back his strength (after an illness) (Schneider, 1985)


Mots/concepts discussion avec les aînés sur les sensations Définition en anglais et extraits de et significations

Définitions et mots associés – dictionnaires et ouvrages de référence

Kaaktuq He/she is hungry.

Even when you’re eating a lot of caribou meat, you get hungry easily, when you don’t eat it with the seal fat.

Définition dictionnaire :

Kaappuq or kaakpuq: he is hungry (Schneider, 1985)

Mots semblables :

Kaak: hunger (Schneider, 1985) Kaattutuq: he devours, eats with appetite, from hunger or because the food is good (Schneider, 1985) Kaagjuaq: la grande faim (Czonka, 1992).

Pirlituq Hunger, starving.

We say pirlituq when we don’t eat for many days.

He (an elder) was lost before, three days and three nights by walking. And in his first night of out of somewhere, he thought he won’t survive because he was hungry. But the second day, he was better… (LL: Even if he didn’t eat?) Yes, no food at all. Only the first night he thought he would not survive. Without food. But then he was back to normal in his second day.

Définition dictionnaire:

Pirlituq: dies of exhaustion caused by hunger (Schneider, 1985).


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