• Aucun résultat trouvé

We previously associate each kind of neutrinos to one of the threeσj

terms. But theCl3algebra contains four independent terms with square

−1 : σ12, σ23, σ31, and i = σ123 Then there must be a fourth wave equation on the model of (1.7) :

0 =∇φib +me−iβφ; ρe= det(φ). (7.1) Usual plane waves with a phaseϕand a reduced speedv read here

φ=φ0e ; ϕ=mvµxµ ; v=vµσµ (7.2) whereφ0 is a fixed term. We get

∇φb=σµµ(bφ0e−iϕ) =−ime−iϕvφb0. (7.3) We get also, withdet(φ0) =ρ0e0

φφ=ρe0eφ0e0φ0e2iϕ0ei(β0+2ϕ) (7.4) and we get

ρ=ρ0 ; β =β0+ 2ϕ. (7.5) Then (7.1) is equivalent to

0 =−imve−iϕφb0i+me−i(β0+2ϕ)eφ0 (7.6)

vφb0=−e−iβ0φ0 (7.7)

bvφ0=−e0φb0. (7.8)

With both (7.7) and (7.8) we get

(v·v)φ0=vvφb 0=−v(−vφb 0) =−ve0φb0=−e0vφb0

=−e0(−e−iβ0φ0) =φ0 (7.9) v·v= 1 if det(φ0)6= 0. (7.10)

and we get usual relations (2.13) between reduced speed and velocity.

This wave equation is very different from the three ones with a σij

term, there is no linear approximation, the Yvon-Takabayasi angle being used and not small. The invariant form of this wave equation is

0 =φ(∇φ)ib +mρ. (7.11)

With (1.10), (1.13) andm=rm0 this equation is invariant. Therefore it is relativistic invariant. We can add a gauge termφqBφ, we getb

0 =φ(∇φ)ib +φqBφb+mρ. (7.12) But this equation is very different from (1.8) : for instance the second order equation contains a (−m2)φ term instead of the (+m2)φ term in the second order equation issued from the Dirac equation. More, the fourDµcurrents are conservative, not only theD0andD3current : With (6.4), (7.12) is equivalent to

0 = (v1+iv2)i+φqBφb+mρ (7.13) or to the vectorial system

v1= 0 (7.14)

v2=φqBφb+mρ (7.15)

>From equations (6.6) and (6.11), (7.14) is equivalent to

∇ ·Dµ= 0 ; µ= 0, 1, 2, 3. (7.16) AsD0 is conservative this wave has no radioactive decline, is stable.

The generatoriof the gauge is the generator of the Lochak’s theory of the monopole [7] . So a charged lepton corresponding to the neutral wave following (7.1) should be very different from an electron, a muon or a tauon, and perhaps similar to the Lochak’s magnetic monopole ifB is a Cabibbo-Ferrari potential.

As the β angle is the angle of the U(1) group which is the kernel of the homomorphism from Cl3 into theD group of Lorentz dilations [2][3] we get only the identity of D, no moving center of dilation, no moving particle [8].

The coupling between a charged lepton and its neutrino may not exist here or may be very different and with (7.1) we may have no electro-weak interaction. A fourth neutrino interacting only by gravitation is expected today.


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(Manuscrit reçu le 21 juin 2012)

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