• Aucun résultat trouvé

B.2. The applied multi-criteria model (Munda, 2005)

6.4. Some final words

As mentioned before, this dissertation presented the results and learned lessons from two of the various case studies I carried out during the last three years. During this time, I have acquired knowledge and experience that allow me to identify some areas of interest for further research.

First, even though some researcher have developed some frameworks aimed at managing uncertainty in environmental assessment (See for instance, the RIVM/MNP Guidance on Uncertainty Assessment and Communication60 or the NUSAP system61), there is the need of developing a specific framework in the field of multi-criteria analysis. As I argue in Gamboa (2006), whether a criterion is evaluated in qualitative or quantitative terms should be defined in accordance with the degree of uncertainty in the available information.

Second, the issue of weights is another significant subject in multi-criteria methods that deserves attention. There are several studies combining MCA and public participation that run surveys in order to define the criterion weights for different social actors. I think that weights are fuzzy in nature, so to put excessive effort in obtaining an accurate number reflecting the priorities of social groups and individuals could be a waste of time. In addition, there are at least two general interpretations of weights: as importance

coefficients and as trade-off, and one should do the right question for deriving weights so as to be coherent with the meaning of these parameters in the model (See for instance, Choo et al., 1999). My preliminary proposition is to work with ordinal weights, which I think are more appropriated for public decisions. In order to do so, we need to develop participatory methodologies aimed at defining rankings of weights for different social groups or coalitions instead of obtaining crisp numbers.

Third, it is the issue of the adequacy of multi-criteria methods for public decisions. As above mentioned, the desired characteristics of multi-criteria methods in the public policy domain are: simplicity (and hence transparency), non-compensatory, the use of weights as

importance coefficients and the consideration of intensity of preference. But, due to the difficulties of fulfilling all these features at the same time, I think that the combination of different models is advisable: one using ordinal evaluations and weights as important coefficient, and the other one considering intensity of preference and managing compensation. In this way we can run sensitivity and trade-off analysis.

I think that the multi-criteria model used in the windfarms case study is a step forward in the search of an appropriate multi-criteria model in a SMCE. The use of ordinal weights instead of cardinal ones could be another improvement in this regard.

60 http://www.nusap.net/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=17 61 http://www.nusap.net/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=14

Fourth, even though participatory approaches should be defined according to the socio-cultural context in which they are applied, we have to explore and develop

consensus/compromise oriented techniques for public involvement. As well, we could investigate in which step of the process (when and how) we should prioritize one of the approaches instead of the other.

The field of participation is plenty of opportunities to develop and carry out experiences with creativity and enthusiasm. But, I think that a basic pre-requisite for doing so is that participants should be wishful of taking part in public decisions, with compromise and responsibility. If people are eager to participate in defining their future, SMCE is also an adequate framework to develop and implement action-research, a practical way of democratizing science and politics.


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