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Evaluation of women’s knowledge about contraception in abortion process

By Marie Quélin supervised by Doctor Vanessa Belloeil

Introduction :

In France, despite contraceptive coverage more important, the number of abortions did not decrease. Two thirds of these abortions are owed to the contraceptive errors. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of women contraception during their abortion process.

Method :

This prospective descriptive study examined contraceptive knowledge of women starting an abortion process in the family planning clinic Flora Tristan of the university hospital of An-gers between 16 October 2013 and 16 January 2014. It was based on two questionnaires asking knowledge of different contraceptive methods. The first was given before the consultation of abortion request and 230 women responded. The second was distributed to these women before control post –abortion consultation and 160 women responded.

Results :

The study was able to show that at the beginning of their abortions processes, women didn’t know the various contraception means and their use. The information provided by health professionals helped to significantly improve this knowledge. But despite this, at the end of their abortions processes, few women knew their contraception and appropriate conduct in case of failure to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Conclusion :

There is a lack of knowledge means of contraception especially the ‘news’ contraceptions as the patch and the ring. They are few used because they are unreimbursed. That reinforces the problem of French contraceptive standard. To remedy it we should: promote access to ception by making the means of contraception free for all, strengthen sex education and contra-ceptive’s education through the application of the law of 4 July 2001 and increase prevention of pregnancies unwanted insisting on what women should do in case of failure of contraception.

Tags :

abortion, contraception, knowledge


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Formulaire de consentement, questionnaire 1