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4 Reports for Implementation Phase-B

4.4 Estonia

UTE conducted and coordinated the implementation activities in Estonia that are listed in the following table. Four activities for science classrooms were organized, with 208 participant students, where the Splash and Guppies labs were introduced and practiced along with their accompanying ILSs which are translated in Estonian. The subject domains of these activities and labs focused on physics and biology.

Date(s) Activity type

Participants (Schools)

Labs Subject(s)

26/03/2015 15/04/2015

Activity with students

82 (1) Splash, Guppies Physics, Biology

31/03/2015 15/04/2015

Activity with students

76 (1) Splash, Guppies Physics, Biology

08/04/2015 Activity with students

26 (1) Guppies Biology

14/04/2015 Activity with students

24 (1) Splash Physics

Go-Lab D7.5 Report on Implementation Activities Phase-B

43G O - L A B

Report Code EEUTE-260315 Title Activity with students Country

City/Region Estonia / Valga Working language Estonian

Start/End Date 1st intervention on 26/03/2015 (90 minutes) 2nd intervention on 15/04/2015 (90 minutes) Partners Involved UTE

Coordinator name

and email Mario Mäeots, mario.maeots@ut.ee

School Profile Valga Põhikool (Valga Basic School) http://www.valgapk.edu.ee is a public basic school in Valga, Estonia.

Number and age of students

43 students in the first intervention and 39 students in the second intervention, age 14-15 years old

Activity Description

As part of science class lessons (physics and biology), basic school students went to the computer classroom to learn about science via the Go-Lab inquiry learning environment.

1st intervention: Together with an instructor students were introduced to the Go-Lab Inquiry Learning Space Kas on hea olla ilus? - Selgitame evolutsiooni läbi loodusliku ja sugulise valiku (Is it Good to be Beautiful? – Understanding evolution through natural and sexual selection). In this example Inquiry Learning Space students became familiar with how various Go-Lab Apps work (e.g. Hypothesis scratchpad) and learnt the five-phase structure (Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion and Discussion) of inquiry.

2nd intervention: Students independently worked through a Go-Lab Inquiry Learning Space Plärts! (Splash). In this Inquiry Learning Space students had to formulate research questions, hypotheses, an experimental plan and make conclusions based on evidence collected from a virtual lab.

Implemented online labs

Kas on hea olla ilus? - Selgitame evolutsiooni läbi loodusliku ja sugulise valiku (Is it Good to be Beautiful? – Understanding evolution through natural and sexual selection) http://graasp.eu/ils/555c388658351538d11ecec0?lang=et Plärts! (Splash!) http://graasp.eu/ils/552cc1c3680bfb937acf42c0?lang=et

Photos or other relevant material

Go-Lab D7.5 Report on Implementation Activities Phase-B

G O - L A B

Report Code EEUTE-310315 Title Activity with students Country

City/Region Estonia / Tartu Working language Estonian

Start/End Date 1st intervention on 31/03/2015 (90 minutes) 2nd intervention on 15/04/2015 (90 minutes) Partners Involved UTE

Coordinator name

and email Mario Mäeots, mario.maeots@ut.ee

School Profile Tartu Variku Kool (Tartu Variku Basic School) http://www.variku.tartu.ee is a public basic school in Tartu, Estonia.

Number and age of students

39 students in the first intervention and 37 students in the second intervention, age 14-15 years old

Activity Description

As part of science class lessons (physics and biology), basic school students went to the computer classroom to learn about science via the Go-Lab inquiry learning environment.

1st intervention: Together with an instructor students were introduced to the Go-Lab Inquiry Learning Space Kas on hea olla ilus? - Selgitame evolutsiooni läbi loodusliku ja sugulise valiku (Is it Good to be Beautiful? – Understanding evolution through natural and sexual selection). In this example Inquiry Learning Space students became familiar with how various Go-Lab Apps work (e.g. Hypothesis scratchpad) and learnt the five-phase structure (Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion and Discussion) of inquiry.

2nd intervention: Students independently worked through a Go-Lab Inquiry Learning Space Plärts! (Splash). In this Inquiry Learning Space students had to formulate research questions, hypotheses, an experimental plan and make conclusions based on evidence collected from a virtual lab.

Implemented online labs

Kas on hea olla ilus? - Selgitame evolutsiooni läbi loodusliku ja sugulise valiku (Is it Good to be Beautiful? – Understanding evolution through natural and sexual selection) http://graasp.eu/ils/555c388658351538d11ecec0?lang=et Plärts! (Splash!) http://graasp.eu/ils/552cc1c3680bfb937acf42c0?lang=et

Photos or other relevant material

Go-Lab D7.5 Report on Implementation Activities Phase-B

G O - L A B

Report Code EEUTE-080415 Title Activity with students Country

City/Region Estonia / Tartu Working language Estonian

Start/End Date 08/04/2015 (75 minutes)

Partners Involved UTE Coordinator name

and email Mario Mäeots, mario.maeots@ut.ee

School Profile Tartu Jaan Poska Gümnaasium (Tartu Jaan Poska Secondary School) www.jpg.tartu.ee is a public secondary school in Tartu, Estonia.

Number and age

of students 26 students, age 18-19 years old

Activity Description

As part of a biology class lesson, secondary school students went to the computer lab and learnt about evolution by using the Go-Lab inquiry learning environment. Students were asked to independently complete the Inquiry Learning Space Kas on hea olla ilus? - Selgitame evolutsiooni läbi loodusliku ja sugulise valiku (Is it Good to be Beautiful? – Understanding evolution through natural and sexual selection). In this Inquiry Learning Space students had to formulate research questions, hypotheses, an experimental plan and make conclusions based on evidence collected from the virtual lab Sexual Selection in Guppies. Two researchers from the University of Tartu were involved in implementing this activity at the school.

Implemented online labs

Kas on hea olla ilus? - Selgitame evolutsiooni läbi loodusliku ja sugulise valiku (Is it Good to be Beautiful? – Understanding evolution through natural and sexual selection) http://graasp.eu/ils/555c388658351538d11ecec0?lang=et

Learning outcomes

Students were expected to develop key inquiry skills such as identifying variables and formulating hypotheses. These skills were later tested using the TIPS (Test for Integrated Process Skills) inquiry assessment test.

Photos or other relevant material

Go-Lab D7.5 Report on Implementation Activities Phase-B

G O - L A B

Report Code EEUTE-140415 Title Activity with students Country

City/Region Estonia / Tartu Working language Estonian

Start/End Date 14/04/2015 (45 minutes)

Partners Involved UTE Coordinator name

and email Mario Mäeots, mario.maeots@ut.ee

School Profile Tartu Kivilinna Kool (Tartu Kivilinna Basic School) https://www.kivilinn.tartu.ee is a public basic school in Tartu, Estonia.

Number and age

of students 24 students, age 13-14 years old

Activity Description

As part of a science class lesson, basic school students went to the computer lab and learnt about relative density by using the Go-Lab inquiry learning environment. Students were asked to independently complete the Inquiry Learning Space Plärts! (Splash!). In this Inquiry Learning Space students had to formulate research questions, hypotheses, an experimental plan and make conclusions based on evidence collected from a virtual lab. Two researchers from the University of Tartu were involved in implementing this activity.


online labs Plärts! (Splash!) http://graasp.eu/ils/552cc1c3680bfb937acf42c0?lang=et

Learning outcomes

Students were expected to develop key inquiry skills such as identifying variables and formulating hypotheses. These skills were later tested using the TIPS (Test for Integrated Process Skills) inquiry assessment test.

Photos or other relevant material

Go-Lab D7.5 Report on Implementation Activities Phase-B

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